I try to develop a Web Test script in Visual Studio ultimate for an application that uses JQuery, but those components are not recognized for VS. Is there a way to do this type of test??
I use VS to created Web Test and then add those web tests to create a load test scenario.
But, We have a web application that use JQuery, when I record my test steps using the web test recorded, its not recording the browser operations. Visual studio fails to capture the browser operations performed on a JQuery web application.
I created a firebase project. This communicates with a mobile application (node.js). As part of this project I want to use pupeeteer.
I have no problem launching functions using pupeeteer in firebase.
The problem is that I want to make the user perform actions. So I have to display the web page (pupeeteer) in the application via a browser generated by the server (with a firebase function?)?
However I have no idea how to launch a browser instance in the background and close it at the end of processing?
Can you help me ? Is this the right solution?
I want to use this :
This library does 2 things:
Download the chromium binaries and launch a Chromium process.
Connect to this process with Websocket and send json commands to control the browser.
Due to limitations on mobile platforms (iOS and Android), it is not possible to launch an external Chromium process on iOS and Android. So, step 1) does not work on mobile.
You can still use puppeteer-dart on Flutter either with:
Flutter on Desktop (macOS, windows, Linux)
Flutter on mobile BUT with the actual Chrome instance running on a server and accessed from the mobile app using puppeteer.connect
The pub.dev website reports that this library works with Android and iOS. The supported platform list is detected automatically and can't be manually modified to express the current limitations
When you create new .NET 5 Blazor WebAssembly project from Visual Studio 2019 and then run it, Windows Firewall asks for permission for Nodejs.
Why do I need Nodejs? What is its role in .net 5 blazor webassembly project and why does it want to connect to internet?? What happens if I don't allow Nodejs in my firewall?
NodeJS is required to allow debugging client side code from Visual Studio. It plays the role of a debug proxy.
In case of a Blazor code runing in a browser, the real debugger is the Mono debugger which is part of Blazor runtime. To communicate with the debugger, VS uses Node which plays the role of a mapper between the code seen in VS and the one loaded in the browser and communicates with the browser using Chrome DevTools Protocol.
For more details see: Blazor documentation and this CaptainSafia's blog post.
I have a aspnetcore webapi application,i want run it in iis(not vs iis),and dont publish the app,just in use the develop file like:
app develop file
because i dont want publish my app into iis every time I change code
I don't want to see the swagger page only I start vs
I set the iis site path to app develop folder but I get the error code:403.14
error page
Check this article
There should be very few reasons for you to run IIS during
development. Yes, in the past there were very good reasons to run full
IIS because there were always a number of things that behaved very
differently in full IIS compared to IIS Express.
However, with ASP.NET
Core there's little to no reason to be running full IIS during
You could use dotnet-cli to run your api
You cannot fight the fight that is doomed to fail,
Visual Studio uses a trick, which I documented with full detail in the blog post, to run ASP.NET Core apps on IIS/IIS Express. So you only options are,
Use Visual Studio.
Publish the app and then run it on IIS.
There is no obvious third option.
Currently, I had used WinJS to developed UWP app.
I saw the tutorial of Azure Web Performance Test and App Insight.
I confuse each of them, what are the different of both?
When you create a C# UWP application, Visual Studio has an option to integrate Application Insights for your project.
Unfortunately, you don’t have that same option when using UWP in HTML/JavaScript. In that case, you will have to do all plumbing manually. Microsoft provide a SDK for using Application Insight in JavaScript.
We wrote small a wrapper for JavaScript sdk that adds those metadata and everything starts working fine for HTML/JavaScript UWP apps.
Scope : Customize the Coded UI Test Project
Requirement : Coded UI Test project is directly open my ASP.net application.
Open the CodedUITestBuilder recording toolbar when i click on button in my application.
I want to open CodedUITestBuilder from my application via Coded UI Test project.
I tried but not found feasible solution.I am expecting your positive reply.
Thanks in Advance
The Coded UI Test Builder is a tool that is only available within VS 2010 + Premium or Ultimate. The only way to access it would be to do so within a fully licensed Visual Studio instance, so including the technology within your application isn't possible.
This might help you accomplish your end-goal: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/63e71f9e-f318-45bc-9d92-261312d90467/is-there-an-api-or-sdk-for-codedui-test-builder?forum=vsautotest