How do deploy a public Github project that contains secret API keys to Azure? - azure

I have a project which I plan to open-source at some point. Currently I keep all of my API keys in a class which is not checked in - I have just linked the project to Azure but the API key class not being present causes the deployment to fail.
How can I hide secret API keys in a public project and still have it deploy to Azure?
I have read quite a few posts (this one for instance) but cannot find a solution that allows me to do what I want - does anyone know what I should do here? Is it possible?

For an Azure Web App, you can specify config values on the Configure tab in the portal (under "app settings"). These will override values specified in your Web.config file.
This means you can leave these settings out of your public repository.
For developing locally, you can put the settings in a separate XML file. To do this, update the appSettings in your Web.config like this:
<appSettings file="mysettings.xml" />
Then create mysettings.xml and put your actual settings in a new <appSettings> element there.
You can then add mysettings.xml to your .gitignore file so it won't be checked in to your public repository.
Azure doesn't mind that your mysettings.xml file doesn't exist, and will pick up the settings you specify in the portal instead.


How to configure appsettings on a auto-generated preview environment

How can I change the appsettings on the preview environemnts that are generated by the Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD Github Action for each pull request?
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings. Doing this manually for each new pull request is error prone and will become tedious really fast.
I couldn't find any reference to this in the Build Configuration For Azure Static Webapps docs so I'm assuming it can't be configured that way.
I also couldn't find any reference to SWA environments in the CLI docs.
I looked into deployment environments but it looks like this is some other kind of deployment environment as it keeps mentioning devcenter.
In Azure Portal, While Creating Static Web App, after providing the GitHub Repo and Branch details, we will get an option to preview the Workflow file.
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings
Yes, In Configuration Section we have an option to add the App settings. But it is a manual work, which is not advised to follow.
Once we click on Review + create and create the Static Web App, a new folder with name .github/workflows will be created in the GitHub Repository.
It contains the same workflow file (preview file), which we saw while creating the Static WebApp in Azure Portal.
We can edit the Workflow manually.
To update the appsettings/configurations in the workflow, we can specify the steps in the existing workflow file.
We can use either Powershell/Azure CLI commands to update the Appsettings.
az staticwebapp appsettings set --name YourStaticWebAppname --setting-names "message=HelloEveryOne"
***Sample code for Updating App settings: ***
Before Build and deploystep in Workflow, add the below steps.
- name: Build And Deploy
- run : Your Update appsettings Script
To edit the Workflow file, click on the .github/workflow => .yml file
References taken from MSDoc 1 and 2.
As per the discussion in GitHub, adding appsettings to the preview environment is not currently supported in the default Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD.
Setting appsettings on a specific environment is not currently supported in the Azure Static Web apps CI/CD nor by the Azure CLI.
There is a discussion in GitHub about it.

How can I view the final appSettings values on an Azure App Service web app?

I have an ASP.NET MVC app deployed to Microsoft Azure App Service and am having some trouble with the appSettings and connectionStrings values.
I have some values set in the web.config and some values overriding them in the Application Settings tab of the App Service. I want to quickly and easily view the final values to check that the settings are being picked up correctly.
How can I do this?
Note: I've tried using az webapp config appsettings list but this only seems to bring back what is configured in the Application Settings of the App Service and not the merged results of combining with web.config.
No Azure API will return values that include settings that come from your web.config file.
The only way to get this is to ask the config system within your own runtime. e.g. Use code along these lines:
foreach (string name in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings)
string val = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name];
foreach (ConnectionStringSettings settings in ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings)
string connStr = settings.ConnectionString;
string provider = settings.ProviderName;
This will give you the effective values that are applied to your app.
You may also use the following blades in Azure Portal (under Development Tools section):
In order to see the file, you may use type command, e.g.:
type web.config
Advanced Tools
This points to the Kudu service.
You may see files deployed when navigating to Debug Console > Choose either CMD or PowerShell. Then navigate to your config directory (e.g. site/wwwroot) and choose to either download or edit file.
App Service Editor
App Service Editor is a relatively new tool in Azure toolset. Default view is a list of files, so you can browse all hosted files, including configuration ones.
You can view all of your runtime appSettings, connection strings and environment variables (and more..) using azure KUDU SCM. if your application address is "" you can access it in the address "" or from azure portal
With kudo REST API, you can get the settings, delete or post them in this address
kudo wiki

Azure Application Settings not overriding my appsettings.json file values

I have tried adding DefaultConnection from my appsettings.json file to Azure's Application Settings but Azure will not override the connection string.
Any article or blog I can find states that all I should need to do is add the connection string name as it states in the appsettings.json file and Azure should do the rest (e.g. however when the application is published it is using my local connection string.
My Startup.cs file looks like the following:
NOTE: I am publishing using VSTS continuous delivery with "Deploy Azure App Service" release task.
I just had a similar problem (the problem was with PostgreSQL connection string type, I had to change it to custom) and now it works for me, so these are the pieces:
This is my appsettings.json file. I have a value for 'Psql' set in my appsettings.Development.json, but in the appsettings.json it is left empty.
These are the settings which are set in the Azure portal. Please note, that there are two ways to override the connection string.
This is the part of my Startup.cs file. Pay attention to the order of how the settings are applied in the Startup constructor and the way I get the connection string in the ConfigureServices method (GetConnectionString is a standard extension method).
Additional info from my comments below:
Azure GUI (Connection strings, Application settings) uses environment variables internally, so the appsettings.json will stay the same.
If there is a need for an appsettings.json's value to be overwritten during VSTS release activity (before it will be published to Azure), Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools can be used. Here are the links to Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools and tutorial.
Thanks #pasul, your help was much appreciated and helped me find an alternative solution. In order to deploy using VSTS task and replace application settings, you will need to add variables to the release task and pass into the task the json file in question for variable substitution.
When in "Deploy Azure App Service" release task you should see a "File Transforms and Variable Substitution" section. In here you will supply the path to the json file you want to swap variable values.
Then you will need to click on the options button on the release environment. You will see an option to configure variables in the pop out menu.
From here you can add the json property you want to modify as a variable. In my case the connection string. Which will look like the following:
Then just put in your connection string value. VSTS will then swap out these values for you when deploying.

Deploy Azure web app with private credentials via Git

I would like to deploy my Node.js app via GitHub to Azure.
I intend to make the app open source, thus no private info would be published in the repo; however, I still need to push the necessary credentials, API keys, etc. for the app to connect to other services.
How can I deploy the app without resorting to the private Git endpoint, and then awkward copy-pasting between the repos?
Typically you'll want to utilize an npm module like nconf to load environment variables from either a file or environment variables.
config.json is just a JSON document listing your key:value pairs. You'll want to add config.json to your .gitignore file to ensure you don't share your credentials publically.
Within the Azure Portal, you'll want to add your credentials as key:value pairs under Application Settings.
Note: You may be wondering what will happen if config.json is not found. nconf will simply move on to the next chained option. You could continue to chain config options together as in the following code snippet:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Create nconf environtment
.file({ file: 'config.json' }) // Committed to repo; public settings
.file({file: 'local_config.json'}) // Not committed to repo; private or dev environment settings
Persistent data can be stored under d:\home, so I would recommend placing your private customizations there. If they need to be applied to the site in some way, you should do this by writing a deployment hook.
Set configuration as environment variables found in the "App Settings" section under Settings->Application Settings. Rationale here.
Your issue seems to be continuous deployment for Web App via Git from GitHub repo.
So I think #Dark Falcon 's answer is correct.
Azure continuous deployment support GitHub just need to do OAuth authentication in Azure Portal.
Find out the link "set up deployment from source control" at Azure WebApp Dashboard page and do it step by step, as the pictures below.
There is some blogs and vedio tutorials for details of helping you.
The blog explains how to use continuous deployment support for repo hosted on GitHub
You also can follow these vedio tutorials to try to do it, as the references below.
Best Regards.

Access Azure Storage Configuration Setting from class library

I have a Azure project which uses the Azure Storage. The connection string for the Azure Storage is saved in the Configuration Settings for the Azure Project.
Now I have created a class library. I want to be able to load the connection string in the class library. What is the best way of doing this?
For example, do I put the connection string in the app.config for the class library? If so, will the Azure project override this automatically when I run the solution?
You may be looking for Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudConfigurationManager. The GetSetting method attempts to pull the setting from the Cloud configuration, but if the role isn't available (for instance because you're in a unit test), it reads from the <AppSettings> element inside your app.config or web.config file.
Here's the basic syntax:
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure;
var settingValue = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("SettingKey");
MSDN[1] says the syntax is deprecated with the release of Storage 3.0, but the class and method aren't attributed as such, so the documentation may just have a bit of copy pasta in it.
RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("") is what I was looking for.
