(THREE.js) Material isn't working on my custom THREE.Geometry shape - colors

I created a triangle and I am trying to make it red. However it remains black. The problem doesn't seem to be the material as it works on other Geometries I've made.
Here is my triangle:
var triangle = new THREE.Geometry();
new THREE.Vector3(-10,10,0),
new THREE.Vector3(-10,-10,0),
new THREE.Vector3(10,-10,0)
triangle.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0,1,2));
this.redtriangle = new THREE.Mesh(triangle, this.redMat)
I tried some suggestions online to color it using:
triangle.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0,1,2));
triangle.faces[0].vertexColors[0] = new THREE.Color(0xFF0000);
triangle.faces[0].vertexColors[1] = new THREE.Color(0xFF0000);
triangle.faces[0].vertexColors[2] = new THREE.Color(0xFF0000);
My material
this.redMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({
color: 0xFF0000,
// I added this line for the suggestion above
// vertexColors:THREE.VertexColors,
I've also tried to insert
triangle.colorsNeedUpdate = true;
geometry.colorsNeedsUpdate = true;
but no matter what variations/where I put it, it doesn't want to work. The triangle stays black.

Your vertices definition is in clockwise order when it should have been counter-clockwise. So if you change your new THREE.Face3(0,1,2) to new THREE.Face3(0,2,1) you should see something.


How to add text below/above in the middle of the polyline in osmdroid

How to add text below/above in the middle of the polyline in osmdroid? setTitle() does not work neither is setSubDescription().
And also how to add button overlays.
There is a way to do it and it's an opt in feature of the Marker class. The easiest way to find an example is with the LatLonGridOverlay. I'll reduce the logic to something simple to understand below. The key is the order of code, see the title, then set the icon to null, then add to the map. You'll have to figure out where you want the Marker to be based on the coordinates of the polyline but it does work.
Polyline p = new Polyline();
List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>();
//add your points here
//add to map
Marker m = new Marker(mapView);
m.setTitle("Some text here");
//must set the icon last
m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(marker location here));
//add to map
Setting icon to null alone doesn't worked for me, I need to use setTextIcon:
distanceMarker = new Marker(mapView);
GeoPoint p3 = new GeoPoint((loc.getLatitude()+poi.getLat())/2,(loc.getLongitude()+poi.getLon())/2);

three.js color of object, not texture

So to explain the weird title first, I am trying to make a 3D avatar for a little project I am working on, however when I try to change the color of the arm on the avatar, it doesn't actually change the color with the texture on it, it changes the color of the white part (not transparent) of the texture, but where it is transparent on the texture it shows white with, as it seems, no lighting.
Before coloring:
After coloring:
The actual texture I am using can be found here: http://imgur.com/SlnOxEw
This is how I am rendering the texture:
var AvatarTexture = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('./images/Shirt/vest.png'), shininess: 80, shading: THREE.SmoothShading, alphaMap: 0x000000} );
and the coloring:
the object itself is a UV mapped .obj exported from blender. This happens even if the texture does not have transparency.
First, in three.js, the final color is the product of material.color and material.map, component-wise.
So if you change material.color, the final texture color will be tinted.
Second, if two meshes share the same material, and you change the material color, then both meshes will change color.
To prevent that, you need to have a separate material instance for each mesh.
material2 = material1.clone();
three.js r.77
If you want to change color of part, it is not important an object, but a material var reference.
//your solution as i understand question
var material1 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh1.material = material1;
var mesh2.material = material1;
material1.color= red; // both meshes change color.
var mesh1.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh2.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var material1 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var material2 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh1.material = material1;
var mesh2.material = material2;

Dragging a circle

I am beginning to use snap.svg, and stuck in a probably simple question. I draw a circle, and want to let the user drag it around, and when the user stops dragging, I want to know the alert the final position of the circle.
I started with this:
var s = Snap("#svg");
var d = s.circle(20,20,5);
Then I created the following functions as drag event-handlers; I only need the drag-end event so I made the two other event-handlers null:
var endFnc = function(e) {
alert("end: "+e.layerX+","+e.layerY);
var startFnc = null;
var moveFnc = null;
Then I installed the drag event handlers:
Whenever I tried to drag a circle, the end event fired, but, the circle did not move.
So I figured maybe I have to also create the drag move event (although I don't need it):
var moveFnc = function(dx, dy, x, y) {
this.transform('t' + x + ',' + y);
Now the circle did move, but, not exactly at the mouse, but approximately 20 pixels at its bottom right.
I read the documentation here: http://snapsvg.io/docs and there seems to be no explanation about how to create working drag events.
How does anyone get this knowledge?!
After struggling for some hours to do this with snap.js, I finally discovered svg.js and its draggable plugin, with which it is so much easier:
var draw = SVG('svg');
var circle = draw.circle(10).attr({cx:30,cy:30,fill:'#f06'});
circle.dragend = function(delta, event) {
So, I switched to svg.js ...

Converting SVG paths with holes to extruded shapes in three.js

I have a shape that consists of 4 polygons: 2 non-holes and 2 holes. This is only an example. In reality there can be a shape that consists of 50 polygons, of which 20 are non-holes and 30 are holes. In SVG path this like polygon can be represented easily by combining moveto:s and lineto:s. Every sub-polygon (hole or non-hole) in path string starts with moveto-command and ends with z (end) command and non-holes have winding order CW and holes CCW. Very easy and intuitive.
The shape in SVG is represented this way (http://jsbin.com/osoxev/1/edit):
<path d="M305.08,241.97 L306,251.51 L308.18,256.39 L311.72,259.09 L317.31,260.01 L324.71,259.01 L332.45,255.86 L335.57,257.53 L337.6,260.44 L336.94,262.33 L328.27,268.74 L317.89,273.41 L307.94,275.49 L296.26,275.23 L286.64,272.99 L279.78,269.31 L274.14,263.55 L271.65,260.21 L269.2,261.06 L254.83,268.51 L242.11,272.97 L227.59,275.23 L209.91,275.48 L197.47,273.63 L187.91,270.13 L180.48,265.09 L175.32,258.88 L172.2,251.44 L171.1,242.23 L172.24,233.63 L175.49,226.24 L181,219.54 L189.42,213.3 L201.36,207.73 L217.23,203.25 L238.28,200.1 L265.24,198.78 L269.37,198.47 L269.98,182.93 L268.74,171.32 L266.05,163.7 L261.58,157.72 L255.24,153.24 L247.06,150.32 L235.44,149.13 L224.71,150.05 L215.91,153 L210.23,156.86 L207.64,160.85 L207.19,165.28 L209.34,169.86 L212.01,174.15 L212.14,177.99 L209.8,181.78 L204.22,185.79 L197.62,187.68 L188.65,187.43 L182.41,185.39 L178.45,181.77 L176.2,176.9 L176.03,170.64 L178.2,164.13 L183.09,157.69 L191.04,151.36 L202.01,145.82 L216.09,141.57 L232.08,139.24 L250.07,139.18 L266.13,141.23 L279.05,145.06 L289.15,150.3 L295.91,156.19 L300.73,163.41 L303.85,172.47 L305.07,183.78 L305.07,241.97 L305.08,241.97Z
M243.99,64.95 L255.92,66.06 L266.21,69.28 L274.98,74.44 L280.64,80.19 L284.02,86.85 L285.26,94.52 L284.27,102.84 L281.24,109.66 L276.03,115.43 L267.89,120.46 L257.68,123.93 L245.79,125.33 L232.93,124.53 L222.21,121.74 L213.14,117.11 L207.36,111.92 L203.7,105.75 L201.94,98.18 L202.34,90.12 L204.86,83.4 L210.01,76.81 L217.49,71.33 L227.17,67.31 L238.35,65.2 L243.75,64.95 L243.99,64.95Z
M269.99,212.88 L269.48,208.76 L266.59,208.36 L245.76,210.86 L230.95,214.67 L220.9,219.34 L213.82,224.85 L209.69,230.71 L207.92,237.03 L208.4,244.49 L210.86,250.57 L215.2,255.08 L221.69,258.13 L230.57,259.43 L242.52,258.58 L255.27,255.23 L266.07,250.04 L269.34,247.02 L269.99,244.81 L269.99,212.88 L269.99,212.88Z
M243.63,73.34 L235.93,74.4 L230.07,77.36 L225.65,82.21 L223.05,88.57 L222.41,96.92 L223.94,104.53 L227.23,110.22 L231.99,114.29 L238.44,116.65 L246.81,116.94 L253.73,115.1 L258.87,111.5 L262.63,106.12 L264.64,98.93 L264.59,90.25 L262.47,83.41 L258.65,78.43 L253.37,75.08 L246.08,73.43 L243.68,73.34 L243.63,73.34Z"/>
When I try to follow the same logic in three.js, I run into problems. Below is an image of this:
The three.js doesn't seem to understand what moveto means. It should make "pen up" and draw nothing between previous point and point of moveto command. But the "pen doesnt go up" and the shape breaks.
The code portion is this (don't confuse of variable names, they are from other example):
// Create glyph shape (sorry the confusing name):
var starPoints2 = new THREE.Shape();
// Add first polygon
// .....
// Add second polygon
// .....
// Create path for holes
var smileyEye1Path = new THREE.Path();
// First hole
// .....
// Second hole
// .....
// Add holes to shape
var starShape = starPoints2;
starShape.holes.push( smileyEye1Path );
// Extrude after that. See the full code here:
// http://jsfiddle.net/pHn2B/33/
What I'm doing wrong in my code or is there bug in three.js?
You can't have a moveTo in the middle of a shape definition. You have to have two separate shapes. You can do something like this:
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
var shape1 = new THREE.Shape();
var shape2 = new THREE.Shape();
var hole1 = new THREE.Path();
var hole2 = new THREE.Path();
shape1.holes.push( hole1 );
shape2.holes.push( hole2 );
. . .
object.add( mesh1 );
object.add( mesh2 );
scene.add( object );
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pHn2B/34/
three.js r.58
P.S. Friendly tip: In the future, it would be a good idea to make it easy for people to help you -- edit your variable names and remove unrelated code from your example.

XNA 4.0 weird color error

I am having problems drawing a terrain with XNA, specifically with colors (It happens with VertexPositionColorNormal and with VertexPositionTextureNormal). My code is following:
public BasicEffect GetEffectForColoredTerrain()
this.coloredTerrainEffect.SpecularPower = 0.01f; //Power of the light
this.coloredTerrainEffect.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); //Color of the light when it reflects on a surface
this.coloredTerrainEffect.EmissiveColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.Enabled = true; //Enable directional light
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.DiffuseColor = (new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); //Diffuse color
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.SpecularColor = (new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); //Specular color
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(1, -1f, 1)); //Direction where the light comes from.
this.coloredTerrainEffect.View = Camera.GetInstance().GetViewMatrix();
this.coloredTerrainEffect.Projection = Camera.GetInstance().GetProjectionMatrix();
this.coloredTerrainEffect.Alpha = (float)((float)Configuration.GetInstance().TerrainOpacity / (float)100);
this.coloredTerrainEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
return this.coloredTerrainEffect;
And this code for drawing terrain:
RasterizerState rs = new RasterizerState();
rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rs;
//Restore things that SpriteBatch can have overriden
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerState.LinearClamp;
BasicEffect shader = ShadersHandler.GetInstance().GetEffectForColoredTerrain();
foreach (EffectPass pass in shader.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.Indices = indexBufferVertices;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, vertexPositionColorNormalList.Length, 0, indicesVertices.Length / 3);
However, the result is really weird, as you can see in the following images:
Terrain laterally
Terrain bottom
Color is a gradient from Yellow to white (yellow up, white down). However, if I use the effects file from Riemers tutorial (effects.fx from 3D Series 1), everything is correct, as you can see here:
Terrain good laterally
Terrain good bottom
If you wish, you can see the effect code here: Effects file
So QUESTION: Does anyone knows what is happening here with BasicEffect? I would like to use the Riemers file (everything seems correct with it), but I need to use transparency and the BasicEffect object provides me alpha property, which is perfect for what I am looking for.
PD: The same problem happens with textured terrain, using VertexPositionNormalTexture
Looking at the images, the discoloration appears to be a very nice circle, as from a directional light. I would try removing the DirectionalLight0 property settings you are using in the BasicEffect example and see if that corrects the discoloration.
