Converting SVG paths with holes to extruded shapes in three.js - svg

I have a shape that consists of 4 polygons: 2 non-holes and 2 holes. This is only an example. In reality there can be a shape that consists of 50 polygons, of which 20 are non-holes and 30 are holes. In SVG path this like polygon can be represented easily by combining moveto:s and lineto:s. Every sub-polygon (hole or non-hole) in path string starts with moveto-command and ends with z (end) command and non-holes have winding order CW and holes CCW. Very easy and intuitive.
The shape in SVG is represented this way (
<path d="M305.08,241.97 L306,251.51 L308.18,256.39 L311.72,259.09 L317.31,260.01 L324.71,259.01 L332.45,255.86 L335.57,257.53 L337.6,260.44 L336.94,262.33 L328.27,268.74 L317.89,273.41 L307.94,275.49 L296.26,275.23 L286.64,272.99 L279.78,269.31 L274.14,263.55 L271.65,260.21 L269.2,261.06 L254.83,268.51 L242.11,272.97 L227.59,275.23 L209.91,275.48 L197.47,273.63 L187.91,270.13 L180.48,265.09 L175.32,258.88 L172.2,251.44 L171.1,242.23 L172.24,233.63 L175.49,226.24 L181,219.54 L189.42,213.3 L201.36,207.73 L217.23,203.25 L238.28,200.1 L265.24,198.78 L269.37,198.47 L269.98,182.93 L268.74,171.32 L266.05,163.7 L261.58,157.72 L255.24,153.24 L247.06,150.32 L235.44,149.13 L224.71,150.05 L215.91,153 L210.23,156.86 L207.64,160.85 L207.19,165.28 L209.34,169.86 L212.01,174.15 L212.14,177.99 L209.8,181.78 L204.22,185.79 L197.62,187.68 L188.65,187.43 L182.41,185.39 L178.45,181.77 L176.2,176.9 L176.03,170.64 L178.2,164.13 L183.09,157.69 L191.04,151.36 L202.01,145.82 L216.09,141.57 L232.08,139.24 L250.07,139.18 L266.13,141.23 L279.05,145.06 L289.15,150.3 L295.91,156.19 L300.73,163.41 L303.85,172.47 L305.07,183.78 L305.07,241.97 L305.08,241.97Z
M243.99,64.95 L255.92,66.06 L266.21,69.28 L274.98,74.44 L280.64,80.19 L284.02,86.85 L285.26,94.52 L284.27,102.84 L281.24,109.66 L276.03,115.43 L267.89,120.46 L257.68,123.93 L245.79,125.33 L232.93,124.53 L222.21,121.74 L213.14,117.11 L207.36,111.92 L203.7,105.75 L201.94,98.18 L202.34,90.12 L204.86,83.4 L210.01,76.81 L217.49,71.33 L227.17,67.31 L238.35,65.2 L243.75,64.95 L243.99,64.95Z
M269.99,212.88 L269.48,208.76 L266.59,208.36 L245.76,210.86 L230.95,214.67 L220.9,219.34 L213.82,224.85 L209.69,230.71 L207.92,237.03 L208.4,244.49 L210.86,250.57 L215.2,255.08 L221.69,258.13 L230.57,259.43 L242.52,258.58 L255.27,255.23 L266.07,250.04 L269.34,247.02 L269.99,244.81 L269.99,212.88 L269.99,212.88Z
M243.63,73.34 L235.93,74.4 L230.07,77.36 L225.65,82.21 L223.05,88.57 L222.41,96.92 L223.94,104.53 L227.23,110.22 L231.99,114.29 L238.44,116.65 L246.81,116.94 L253.73,115.1 L258.87,111.5 L262.63,106.12 L264.64,98.93 L264.59,90.25 L262.47,83.41 L258.65,78.43 L253.37,75.08 L246.08,73.43 L243.68,73.34 L243.63,73.34Z"/>
When I try to follow the same logic in three.js, I run into problems. Below is an image of this:
The three.js doesn't seem to understand what moveto means. It should make "pen up" and draw nothing between previous point and point of moveto command. But the "pen doesnt go up" and the shape breaks.
The code portion is this (don't confuse of variable names, they are from other example):
// Create glyph shape (sorry the confusing name):
var starPoints2 = new THREE.Shape();
// Add first polygon
// .....
// Add second polygon
// .....
// Create path for holes
var smileyEye1Path = new THREE.Path();
// First hole
// .....
// Second hole
// .....
// Add holes to shape
var starShape = starPoints2;
starShape.holes.push( smileyEye1Path );
// Extrude after that. See the full code here:
What I'm doing wrong in my code or is there bug in three.js?

You can't have a moveTo in the middle of a shape definition. You have to have two separate shapes. You can do something like this:
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
var shape1 = new THREE.Shape();
var shape2 = new THREE.Shape();
var hole1 = new THREE.Path();
var hole2 = new THREE.Path();
shape1.holes.push( hole1 );
shape2.holes.push( hole2 );
. . .
object.add( mesh1 );
object.add( mesh2 );
scene.add( object );
three.js r.58
P.S. Friendly tip: In the future, it would be a good idea to make it easy for people to help you -- edit your variable names and remove unrelated code from your example.


three.js color of object, not texture

So to explain the weird title first, I am trying to make a 3D avatar for a little project I am working on, however when I try to change the color of the arm on the avatar, it doesn't actually change the color with the texture on it, it changes the color of the white part (not transparent) of the texture, but where it is transparent on the texture it shows white with, as it seems, no lighting.
Before coloring:
After coloring:
The actual texture I am using can be found here:
This is how I am rendering the texture:
var AvatarTexture = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('./images/Shirt/vest.png'), shininess: 80, shading: THREE.SmoothShading, alphaMap: 0x000000} );
and the coloring:
the object itself is a UV mapped .obj exported from blender. This happens even if the texture does not have transparency.
First, in three.js, the final color is the product of material.color and, component-wise.
So if you change material.color, the final texture color will be tinted.
Second, if two meshes share the same material, and you change the material color, then both meshes will change color.
To prevent that, you need to have a separate material instance for each mesh.
material2 = material1.clone();
three.js r.77
If you want to change color of part, it is not important an object, but a material var reference.
//your solution as i understand question
var material1 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh1.material = material1;
var mesh2.material = material1;
material1.color= red; // both meshes change color.
var mesh1.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh2.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var material1 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var material2 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( .. );
var mesh1.material = material1;
var mesh2.material = material2;

d3 create SVG path from array

Following this example
I was able to render the points coordinates stored in one array using D3 as follow
var vis ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", 30)
.attr("height", 30);
var regioni = [{regione:'Abruzzo',polygon:{points:'25.171,18.844 25.094,18.582 24.567,17.714 24.015,17.714 23.226,16.899 22.805,16.268 21.911,14.558 21.043,14.427 20.753,15.163 20.043,15.084 19.938,15.741 19.386,16.268 19.386,17.056 18.439,16.899 18.202,17.345 18.334,17.924 18.281,18.582 19.57,19.423 18.939,20.055 18.176,19.581 17.756,20.16 17.808,20.844 18.703,21.08 19.517,21.396 19.491,22.079 20.517,22.185 20.596,22.605 21.122,22.133 21.832,22.658 22.568,22.737 23.094,23.473 23.646,22.553 23.751,21.738 24.646,21.212 25.094,21.738 25.409,22.29 26.25,21.238 26.409,20.475 26.776,19.923 26.303,19.634 26.145,19.292'}},{regione:'Basilicata',polygon:{points:'24.607,15.268 23.476,14.716 23.818,14.4 23.161,13.848 22.556,14.111 22.135,14.005 21.529,14.452 20.53,14.716 19.294,14.111 18.952,13.742 18.426,14.242 18.479,14.926 17.637,14.321 17.295,14.531 17.479,15.426 16.611,16.083 17.216,16.451 17.637,17.556 18.321,18.214 18.453,18.792 19.189,18.871 19.61,18.424 20.662,19.186 20.662,19.581 20.109,19.844 19.978,20.344 20.662,20.081 21.188,20.318 21.372,20.002 21.951,19.713 22.424,19.713 22.949,20.265 23.423,20.896 23.555,21.448 23.187,22.053 23.213,22.658 23.844,23.027 24.475,23.105 25.159,23.605 25.08,23.894 25.58,24.157 26.158,24.157 26.5,23.552 27.105,23.552 27.631,22.816 27.92,22.238 27.579,21.291 26.658,20.475 26.132,19.844 26.053,19.239 25.238,18.45 25.238,17.766 26.001,17.74 26.264,17.398 26.21,16.609 25.764,16.32 24.712,16.136'}}];
.data(regioni) .enter().append("polygon")
.attr("points",function(d) {return d.polygon.points})
Now I was trying to do the same with the same svg shape, this time stored as d coordinates
var regionico =[{Regione:'Abruzzo',polygon:{points:'m 127.945,84.9805 -0.781,2.6172 -5.273,8.6835 -5.508,0 -7.891,8.1528 -4.219,6.308 -8.9292,17.09 -8.6836,1.32 -2.8985,-7.363 -7.1015,0.789 -1.0547,-6.57 -5.5157,-5.266 0,-7.89 -9.4648,1.582 -2.3711,-4.4731 1.3164,-5.7812 -0.5273,-6.582 12.8906,-8.4063 -6.3086,-6.3203 -7.6367,4.7383 -4.1992,-5.793 0.5273,-6.8359 8.9453,-2.3633 8.1445,-3.1641 -0.2617,-6.8242 10.2617,-1.0664 0.7813,-4.1992 5.2656,4.7265 7.0977,-5.2539 7.3632,-0.7812 5.25,-7.3633 5.527,9.1992 1.055,8.1446 8.945,5.2656 4.473,-5.2656 3.164,-5.5157 8.399,10.5157 1.601,7.6367 3.652,5.5195 -4.726,2.8906 -1.582,3.418 -9.727,4.4805'}},{Regione:'Basilicata',polygon:{points:'m 123.746,104.57 -7.637,-4.7458 -9.453,3.4178 -3.961,8.692 -12.3512,2.089 2.1093,9.739 -7.6289,4.734 -5,-5.516 -6.0547,3.418 -7.3633,-7.109 0.5274,-7.891 -2.6172,-3.41 -7.6367,-0.527 0,-6.57 8.1445,-7.9027 0.8008,-6.0352 5.2539,-6.3281 9.4727,-8.1445 3.4101,-9.4727 -3.1562,-6.0547 -5,-7.0898 5.2617,-5.2617 2.1094,-5.2539 2.8906,6.8242 8.9375,0.8008 3.4375,-7.625 16.8128,4.207 3.945,14.9805 12.109,-1.0547 9.981,23.4101 -9.727,5.7891 0,14.4723 -7.617,3.418'}}
but if I use the same code with d as attr.
.attr("d",function(d) { return d.polygon.points})
it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?
The problem is simply that your SVG isn't big enough to make the path visible -- note in particular how you're first moving more than 100 pixels to the right before starting the path. It works fine if you make the SVG bigger, e.g. 300x300 here.

Snap SVG translate element that has rotation

I am trying to move (translate) an object that has been rotated, when I move (translate) the rotated object it loses it's rotation and does move correctly. If the use the same code on an object that is not rotated then the move correctly. What I am doing wrong here?
Here is a fiddle
This code loses the rotation.
var part ="#part_2");
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
I'm not sure what order you want the transforms to apply. If you want the squares to move such that down is applied after transforming i.e. down for the rotated matrix is at an angle you'd do this...
var t = part.transform().localMatrix;
t.translate(0, 18);
If, however you want down to always be down then you'd do something like this...
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
t.translate(0, 18);
The trick is to get the existing matrix for the shape and append/prepend the transform you want to it.

Extruding multiple polygons with multiple holes and texturing the combined shape

This question is related to this question. The answer shows very nice way to extrude polygons that have holes (see the excellent live example). The main learning of the answer was that paths in three.js (r58) cannot have more than one moveTo command and it have to be in the start of the path, which means that path have to be broken by moveTos, so that moveTo start always a new path.
Extruding in three.js means that 2D paths are converted to 3D shapes using possible beveling. It is suitable for extruding texts to make 3D letters and words, but can be used also to extrude custom paths.
Now there arises two questions:
how is it possible to handle polygons that have multiple hole-polygons and multiple non-hole-polygons?
how is it possible to add a texture to generated shape as a whole?
I made an example of this as SVG in
The image is produced using this path:
<path d="
M57.11,271.77 L57.11,218.33 L41.99,218.63 L105.49,165.77 L138.41,193.18 L138.41,172.2 L152.53,172.2 L152.53,204.93 L168.99,218.63 L153.21,218.63 L153.21,271.77Z
M74.14,264.13 L105.49,264.13 L105.49,232.8 L74.14,232.8Z
M115.35,250.7 L135.96,250.7 L135.96,232.61 L115.35,232.61Z
M56.11,145.77 L56.11,92.33 L40.99,92.63 L104.49,39.77 L137.41,67.18 L137.41,46.2 L151.53,46.2 L151.53,78.93 L152.53,79.76 L155.55,77.23 L159.5,74.52 L168.65,69.81 L176.46,66.93 L188.04,64.16 L200.63,62.7 L213.65,62.7 L226.05,64.09 L234.83,66.06 L245.65,69.73 L252.87,73.27 L259.12,77.34 L262.63,80.33 L265.6,83.47 L268.01,86.76 L269.83,90.17 L271.08,93.68 L271.76,99.08 L271.04,104.64 L269.75,108.2 L267.87,111.63 L265.42,114.91 L262.44,118.01 L258.95,120.92 L255.02,123.63 L245.86,128.34 L238.06,131.22 L226.48,133.99 L213.88,135.44 L200.63,135.44 L188.04,133.99 L176.46,131.22 L168.65,128.34 L159.5,123.63 L155.55,120.92 L152.21,118.12 L152.21,145.77Z
M73.14,138.13 L104.49,138.13 L104.49,106.8 L73.14,106.8Z
M114.35,124.7 L134.96,124.7 L134.96,106.61 L114.35,106.61Z
M207.26,117.33 L210.57,117.26 L216.87,116.53 L222.66,115.15 L227.8,113.18 L233.11,110 L236.34,106.99 L238.51,103.64 L239.42,100.48 L239.42,97.67 L238.51,94.51 L236.34,91.16 L233.11,88.15 L227.8,84.97 L222.66,83 L216.87,81.62 L210.57,80.89 L203.94,80.89 L197.65,81.62 L191.86,83 L186.71,84.97 L181.41,88.15 L178.18,91.16 L176.01,94.51 L175.1,97.67 L175.1,100.48 L176.01,103.64 L178.18,106.99 L181.41,110 L186.71,113.18 L191.86,115.15 L197.65,116.53 L203.94,117.26Z
and this path converted to individual arrays of vertices:
var lower_house_material = [{x:57.11,y:271.77},{x:57.11,y:218.33},{x:41.99,y:218.63},{x:105.49,y:165.77},{x:138.42,y:193.18},{x:138.42,y:172.2},{x:152.53,y:172.2},{x:152.53,y:204.93},{x:168.99,y:218.63},{x:153.21,y:218.63},{x:153.21,y:271.77}];
var lower_house_hole_1 = [{x:74.14,y:264.13},{x:105.49,y:264.13},{x:105.49,y:232.8},{x:74.14,y:232.8}];
var lower_house_hole_2 = [{x:115.35,y:250.7},{x:135.96,y:250.7},{x:135.96,y:232.61},{x:115.35,y:232.61}];
var upper_house_material = [{x:56.11,y:145.77},{x:56.11,y:92.33},{x:40.99,y:92.63},{x:104.49,y:39.77},{x:137.42,y:67.18},{x:137.42,y:46.2},{x:151.53,y:46.2},{x:151.53,y:78.93},{x:152.53,y:79.76},{x:155.55,y:77.23},{x:159.5,y:74.52},{x:168.65,y:69.81},{x:176.46,y:66.93},{x:188.04,y:64.16},{x:200.63,y:62.7},{x:213.65,y:62.7},{x:226.05,y:64.1},{x:234.83,y:66.06},{x:245.65,y:69.73},{x:252.87,y:73.27},{x:259.12,y:77.35},{x:262.63,y:80.33},{x:265.6,y:83.47},{x:268.01,y:86.76},{x:269.84,y:90.17},{x:271.08,y:93.68},{x:271.76,y:99.08},{x:271.04,y:104.64},{x:269.75,y:108.2},{x:267.87,y:111.63},{x:265.42,y:114.91},{x:262.44,y:118.01},{x:258.96,y:120.92},{x:255.02,y:123.63},{x:245.86,y:128.34},{x:238.06,y:131.22},{x:226.48,y:133.99},{x:213.88,y:135.45},{x:200.63,y:135.45},{x:188.04,y:133.99},{x:176.46,y:131.22},{x:168.65,y:128.34},{x:159.5,y:123.63},{x:155.55,y:120.92},{x:152.21,y:118.12},{x:152.21,y:145.77}];
var upper_house_hole_1 = [{x:73.14,y:138.13},{x:104.49,y:138.13},{x:104.49,y:106.8},{x:73.14,y:106.8}];
var upper_house_hole_2 = [{x:114.35,y:124.7},{x:134.96,y:124.7},{x:134.96,y:106.61},{x:114.35,y:106.61}];
var upper_house_hole_3 = [{x:207.26,y:117.33},{x:210.57,y:117.26},{x:216.87,y:116.53},{x:222.66,y:115.15},{x:227.8,y:113.18},{x:233.11,y:110},{x:236.34,y:106.99},{x:238.51,y:103.64},{x:239.42,y:100.48},{x:239.42,y:97.67},{x:238.51,y:94.51},{x:236.34,y:91.16},{x:233.11,y:88.15},{x:227.8,y:84.97},{x:222.66,y:83},{x:216.87,y:81.62},{x:210.57,y:80.89},{x:203.94,y:80.89},{x:197.65,y:81.62},{x:191.86,y:83},{x:186.71,y:84.97},{x:181.41,y:88.15},{x:178.18,y:91.16},{x:176.01,y:94.51},{x:175.1,y:97.67},{x:175.1,y:100.48},{x:176.01,y:103.64},{x:178.18,y:106.99},{x:181.41,y:110},{x:186.71,y:113.18},{x:191.86,y:115.15},{x:197.65,y:116.53},{x:203.94,y:117.26}];
The question is, how this like structure can be converted to 3D object in three.js so that it can be extruded using THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape, extrusionSettings ) and after that textured as a whole?
I can examine the path data to know what hole belongs to what polygon and handle all as separate shapes, but because I want to use one texture image across all the shapes, I think the preferred way is to handle all material-polygons as one shape, and hole-polygons as other shape and use something like:
var shape = [lower_house_material, upper_house_material];
shape.holes = [lower_house_hole_1, lower_house_hole_2, upper_house_hole_1, upper_house_hole_2, upper_house_hole_3];
var 3d_geometry = THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape, extrusionSettings );
So the 3d_geometry should be at the end one mesh to which I can append a texture this way:
var textureFront = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'textureFront.png');
var textureSide = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'textureSide.png');
var materialFront = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: textureFront } );
var materialSide = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: textureSide } );
var materialArray = [ materialFront, materialSide ];
var faceMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materialArray);
var final_mesh = new THREE.Mesh(3d_geometry, faceMaterial );
And one of the textures could be something like this (256x256px):
And texture applied:
And because the mesh is extruded, there is also 3D thickness on the above, but you got the idea of texturing.
I know that y-coordinates have to be flipped but it is a trivial task and not the point of my question, but if three.js has ready-made function for clipping y, it would be helpful.
I have spent hours to examine the three.js source code, examples and documentation, but because the most frequent word there is "todo", it cannot help much. And I'm very newbie to three.js, I would think that this may be trivial task for some experienced three.js user.
UPDATE: And just to make sure, the hole polygons are always well-behaved, which means that hole polygons are always fully inside material-polygons and there are no duplicate vertices or self-intersections either in material-polygons or hole-polygons and all material-polygons have CW winding order and holes CCW.
UPDATE: Merging geometries was not a solution for texturing the whole extruded polygon set by one texture: The texture is repeated on all individual shapes, so merging geometries in this case has no real meaning. The solution could be possibly found on merging shapes before they are extruded, but not found solution for this yet.
You can merge geometries as in the following snippet, resulting in just a single mesh. From your prior questions, you already know how to texture a single geometry.
var geometry1 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape1, extrusionSettings );
var geometry2 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape2, extrusionSettings );
geometry1.merge( geometry2 );
. . .
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry1, material );
scene.add( mesh );
Fiddle: (with texture)
EDIT: As an alternative to creating separate geometries and using the merge utility, you can create a single geometry using the following pattern, instead:
var geometry1 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( [ shape1, shape2 ], extrusionSettings );
EDIT: updated to three.js r.70

d3.js selectAll().each on svg path.. undefined?

I'm importing a svg (served as static content from the server) in this way
d3.xml("http://localhost:3000/mysvg.svg", "image/svg+xml", function(xml) {
var importedNode = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);
var mySvg ="#somediv").node().appendChild(importedNode);
then I'm trying to iterate through all svg paths and do something with them
d3.selectAll("#somediv svg path").each(function(d, i) {
console.log(this, d, i);
what I'm getting is this problem
i is from 1 to number of path, which is correct.
d is undefined instead of being the right svg path element.
this is the svg path element, like this one
<path id="m021" fill="#00AAFF" d="M225.438,312.609c-0.665-1.084-1.062-1.691-2.368-1.963c-0.582-0.121-1.686-0.271-2.265-0.069 c-0.507,0.174-0.637,0.649-1.431,0.368c-0.934-0.33-0.665-1.272-0.71-2.104c-0.597-0.021-1.18,0-1.733,0.262 ...etc" ></path>
I expected d to be the real svg path, why is it not?
A little insight on what I want to do could maybe help.
I have a svg with one path for each district of my town. I want to make some piecharts in the center of each path. I don't have the data now, it will be used for the piecharts. I want to make a mouseover function on the path, and add a little red circle (that in a future step will become the pie chart) on each path.
What is the best way to do this?
Simplifying your original request, let's suppose you want to add a circle in the center of each district. Let's assume that the districts are relatively square. Note that this would be much more simpler if you have geographical data instead of paths.
var svg ="#somediv svg");
var districts = svg.selectAll("path");
var district_centers = districts[0].map(function(d, i) {
var bbox = this.getBBox();
return [bbox.left + bbox.width/2, + bbox.height/2];
.attr("class", "district_circle")
.attr("cx", function(d){ return d[0]})
.attr("cy", function(d){ return d[1]})
.attr("r", 10)
.attr("fill", "red");
According to the API doc for selection.each, d should be the datum, which you will not have if you have not previously called .data() to bind data to the nodes. All you have is pure SVG with no data bound to it.
I notice that your paths do have IDs, so if you have a dataset matching those ID's you can probably bind to it using the keys parameter of the .data function
