CVS commit - sending changes to old repository - linux

We are running CVS to manage some shell scripts in the department. The cvs repository previously ran on our server lynx in the directory /export/data/cvs/ . I have rsynced this data to a second server jaguar in the directory /export/data/cvs/. I have updated the environmental variable CVSROOT=jaguar:/export/data/cvs. When I do a cvs checkout on a machine the data comes from jaguar:/export/data/cvs/. However when I cvs commit and changes these are commited to lynx:/export/data/cvs. Are there other configuration files to change the destination of cvs commit
We are running cluster of rhel5 machines which are currently being upgraded to CentOS6

CVS records the root information in the Root file in every checked out directory (within the CVS directory). You need to change it all of those files.
find . -name Root from the top of the checkout working directory should find them all.


Where can I find for the location of the repos managed by Gitosis in Linux

We are using Gitosis in our Linux OS server to manage our projects. One time, I mistakenly pushed the config file which contains errors and then I wasn't able to push changes or clone copies of other projects from the server anymore, including gitosis-admin itself. Now, I need to login to the server using the root user and edit the config file there.
So, when I logged on to the server I saw these files:
Then I cd into gitosis-admin:
Then I cd again into gitosis-admin:
Then I vim the config file. This is what I see:
The content is obviously not what I am expecting, because I should have other repos listed in this config file.
I also double checked with git reflog to see the commit history:
Then I thought there might be another gitosis-admin located somewhere else so I search using the command: find / -type d -name 'gitosis-admin'
This is what I got:
The two directories are the ones that I checked. And they do not match the one I have in my local computer.
I tried searching for one of our projects but still I got no result at all.
Then I thought that the root might not have access to the repo files so I switched to the git user by executing the following command:
sudo git
But still, I can't find the directory of the repos.
So now, I need to know where are the repos located so that I might find the "real" gitosis-admin there.
You might be wondering am I checking on the wrong server here. So to prove that I am not mistaken, this is a screenshot of the host address that I am connected to:
This is the remote address of the gitosis-admin git repo shown in source tree:
A typical directory would be the repositories sub-directory of the git user's $HOME directory, that is
It is possible to change this location using the repositories key of the gitosis section in the configuration file, which typically is a file named .gitosis.conf in the git user's home directory.
To answer the implied question (namely which file to fix to restore gitosis access), that would be ~git/.gitosis.conf as well.
(This is all documented in the gitosis repository's readme file.)

Copying file from desktop to remote repository on SVN

I am extremely new to SVN, I am using SVN on Mac OS terminal. I have a file on my laptop that I want to transfer to my repository on my remote server.
This is what I have done:
I have checked out the repository. It says "checked out revision *".
I have used cd until the folder that I want to insert the file. So at this point I have a path like: (...../src/soln$) so I want to insert the file in the 'soln' folder.
When I try:
svn add ('...../') (the path to my file on my computer) it says:
('....../src/soln/') is not a working copy
svn import ...../ it brought something weird to the screen
Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong or not doing.
The error indicates that the parent is not yet in svn. Try to svn add each folder above
As an example if the repo root is at /path/to/my/repo and your file is in /path/to/my/repo/src/soln/ then you'll not only want to svn add from inside the soln directory, but you'll also want to svn add /path/to/my/repo/src and then svn add /path/to/my/repo/src/soln before you can perform the svn add

Set SVNs working copy to public_html on cPanel server with external repos

When I do php programming, I tend to edit in-place on the (development) server (cpanel VPS, not local) via a text editor that has built in sFTP. I like this because there isn't 100 thinkgs you have to do to "publish" the changes, you save (via FTP) and reload the page.
I want to get the source into SVN mostly so I can track other people's edits.
I currently use tortoiseSVN on my windows machine to access hosted SVN repos (csvdude/codison) for non web projects so I'm familiar with that. Linux SVN, not so much.
My thought here (open to other ideas) is that I want the public_html folder on the server to be the working copy (Is there a problem with this?). People can make edits as they would via sFTP and then the working copy would be committed to the external SVN repo, possibly on a late night cron..hoping I can set it up to auto-add and commit.
So aside from thoughts on the idea, I'm curious how to set up the linux svn client to commit to external repos a la tortoiseSVN. It seems all the tutorials I see set up a local repo.
Additionally I'm worried when I check out with public_html dir as the working copy that it will overwrite everything. (yes I have backups...)
Any input or suggestions would be awesome.. Thanks.
I created a new repo on my hosted SVN service.
I manually created a public_html folder using the repo browser.
On the cPanel server:
cd /home/[account]/
svn checkout
I set up an ignore list for directories in public_html I didn't want in the repo.
Then you can add files and directories to the repo
cd public_html
svn add [directory] // adds directory for commit
svn add --force . // adds all new files without ignoring the ignore list
In hindsight, I think the import command would have done something similar, I just didn't quite understand it enough.
This is a useful command as well:
svn status | grep '^\!' | sed 's/! *//' | xargs -I% svn rm % // removes files from repo that no longer exist in the working copy
EDIT: One thing I should mention is to make sure your .htaccess blocks access to .svn directories or it could expose source code.

How to copy files in an svn repo to another folder on the server

Running a centos 6 server with svn repos stored on it. To deploy updates, I'd like to copy from the relevant directory within the svn repo to the appropriate /var/www website directory. Is there a simple way to do this?
Use the svn export command to do that. The subversion red book explains in detail how to do that.
When the relevant svn repo is stored under /export/svn/repo, and the part of the repository you want to copy from is /trunk/my_project/news, the whole command will be:
svn export file:///export/svn/repo/trunk/my_project/news /var/www/news

CVS Repository Migration to new CVS Server

i have a CVS Repository in Solaris machine, now i want to move this repository to anathor CVS server in anathor machine, can anyone please tell me the steps to migrate the CVS repository to the new CVS server. existing server is running in extssh protocol and i want to move it to Pserver protocol.
CVS is a very simple environment. To move the repository over, just copy the files that are in the repository. If you like, tar it up, copy the tar to the new machine, and untar it. Most of the per-directory configuration will be stored along with the rest of the files in the tarball.
The parts of the configuration that are not included within the repository will need to be set up according to the instructions for setting up CVS on your target platform, whatever that is.
