I have created a master shape which is a small rectangle. I used the code to extract the coordinates from a *.CSV file, made the master shape to be dropped on the page and apply those coordinated to it. As it turns out that the final shape is much larger than the initial master shape I created. My problem is the alignment box that surrounds the shape, for resize and rotation, is still the same small size as it was in the original shape. Is it possible to make the alignment box reset to the new shape?
Here is an image. The gray area is the new shape. The wire like rectangle is the alignment box of master shape. The top image shows the gray area as the new shape and the tiny wire like alignment box in the lower left corner of the shape. This is how it comes out.
What I want is shown in the second image. The alignment box should cover the entire shape and not just the tiny lower left corner.
How do I make the alignment box to cover the entire shape?
How do I get this to work? Any thoughts?
As always, any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Ok, I found the solution to this question via Visioguy forum and I am posting the answer here so that incase someone might end up here trying to find the same thing.
In Visio, there is a function called, "Update Alignment Box". I used that function and added a line to my code to do it programmatically.
Here is the line:
Is it possible to have the vtkAxesActor small in a corner of the window?
Here is a image of what I currently got and what I would like to have. The colorful axes are the standard axesActor. But I would like the axes in a corner of the window and only there (bottom left in black). They shouldn't move around the window when the view is rotated. Only around their origin.
Is this possible? And if yes, how?
A possible solution is to put the vtkAxesActor into an orientation widget:
widget = vtk.vtkOrientationMarkerWidget()
widget.SetViewport(0, 0, size, size)
The vtkAxesActor location is functional and it's location has a purpose. The anchor point of the AxesActor is the anchor point of the model. This provides context of where any transformations or translations would be calculated from.
Unfortunately the example of the axisActor in the corner you have proposed would only provide context of the orientation of the model and so not part of the standard options.
I have an image of size 480x800 pixels and there is a icon on one corner which I need to place. What I want is that to ignore all touches on the transparent areas and detect only the area where the icon is.
I found a solution in SO to this problem but it just tells the code to be used. I need to know exactly where to put that code since I am a beginner and don't know much about cocos2d so I expect a step by step solution.
Cocos2d 2.0 - Ignoring touches to transparent areas of layers/sprites
Do not use glReadPixels because it affected by bugs in android drivers. You can translate CCTouch to CCPoint in image coordinates using convertTouchToNodeSpace, and read image pixel at given point.
Create CCImage from file that contains semi-transparent picture, and read one pixel at tap point; it should be {0,0,0,0} for transparent area.
Don't forget to check that tap is not outside picture, and create pixel index in CCImage::getData() array with formulae unsigned index = x * imageWidth + y.
I have done zooming in SVG chart. Please refer below screenshot.
above screenshot series is zoomed state.i used clipping concept to hide the outside lines from chart area after zooming.
i need to do panning here ? how can i implement like google maps. when i start pan to move the series and see the zoomed chart of another area.
how can i perform "translate" operation for path element in SVG. element in the screenshot is called series (i.e. data points /line).
i need to move the element zoomed area based on mouse movec(i.e. like scrolling the hidden content).
Is "translate" attribute is used to view the other zoomed area ? how can i perform "translate" in path element that will make the panning.
Normal chart screenshot.
Zoomed Screenshot.
Please refer below link.
First be sure:
Download svgpan.js file in your project location
is must be the right place in your code
You must add this: xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
I'm using Raphael to draw rectangles. Whoo-hoo!
Is there a way to right align contents of an SVG file?
Not just text, but shapes as well?
I can do the math and get the computed x value, but I'm looking for the lazy-simple solution.
Thank you.
There isn't. Unlike normal web pages where the window is resized and the content flows into it, when a Raphael paper is resized, there is no sort of flow, so aligning is irrelevant. Instead of setting align=right, you just set the right edge to be the same position you set the width of the paper to be. If you enlarge the paper, you can scale the contents with a single operation. Once you've set the position of the right edge, you've essentially set the align position. You don't need to re-set all edge values when the paper changes size, you just scale everything with one command. Hope that helps
I have a multiviewport OpenGL modeler application. It has three different viewports : perspective, front and top. Now I want to paint a label for each viewport and not succeeding in doing it.
What is the best way to print a label for each different perspective?
EDITED : The result
Here is the result of my attempt:
I don't understand why the perspective viewport label got scrambled like that. And, Actually I want to draw it in the upper left corner. How do I accomplished this, because I think it want 3D coordinate... is that right? Here is my code of drawing the label
glPushAttrib(GL_LIST_BIT); // Pushes The Display List Bits
glListBase(base - 32); // Sets The Base Character to 32
glCallLists(strlen("Perspective"), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "Perspective"); // Draws The Display List Textstrlen(label)
I use the code from here http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=13
For each viewport switch into a projection that allows you to supply "viewport space" coordinates, disable depth testing (glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)) and depth writes (glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)) and draw the text using one of the methods used to draw text in OpenGL (texture mapped fonts, rendering the full text into a texture drawing that one, draw glyphs as actual geometry).
Along with #datenwolf's excellent answer, I'd add just one bit of advice: rather than drawing the label in the viewport, it's usually easier (and often looks better) to draw the label just outside the viewport. This avoids the label covering anything in the viewport, and makes it easy to get nice, cleanly anti-aliased text (which you can normally do in OpenGL as well, but it's more difficult).
If you decide you need to draw the text inside the viewport anyway, I'll add just one minor detail to what #datenwolf said: since you generally do want your text anti-aliased (even if the rest of the picture isn't) you generally want to draw the label after all the other geometry of the picture itself. If you haven't turned on anti-aliasing otherwise, you generally will want to turn it on for drawing the text.