NodeJS installation error on Oracle Linux - linux

I'm trying to solve a problem with the Node js installation on an Oracle Linux server, where after decompress a .tar file and trying to install it, I got a syntax error; so i would like to know if some had similar problem and if can tell me how can i fix it.
here is the syntax error:
$ ./configure
File "./configure", line 511
o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Thank you in advantage.

I haven't had a problem building Node.js from source on Oracle Linux.
However I mostly use the pre-built binaries from
I also use the Oracle Linux Software Collections Library version of Node.js, see:


RethinkDB 2.4.1 windows build

I'm trying to build the rethinkdb in windows using cygwin. Config runs ok, but making the v8 depedency fails. Anybody more lucky?
Error: open /cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/cipd_client_version: The system cannot find the path specified..
Bootstrap from scratch failed, something is seriously broken. Run the following commands to diagnose if this is repeating:
export CIPD_HTTP_USER_AGENT_PREFIX=depot_tools/364205c70ed16c00802b1c264e88d8e03a0b37ae/manual
/cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/.cipd_client selfupdate -version-file /cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/cipd_client_version
/cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/bootstrap_python3: line 32: bootstrap-3.8.0.chromium.8_bin/python3/bin/python3: No such file or directory
'ygdrive' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

audioread in Matlab 2015b on Ubuntu server 14.04

I'm trying to read an audio file into Matlab 2015b and when I run the command
[data, p.fs] = audioread(filename);
I get the following error:
Error using audioread (line 88)
No plugins available for audio file I/O. Ensure that LIBSNDFILE and platform specific libraries are installed correctly.
How to fix it?
I solved this error by checking that the ldd directory loaded (on Ubuntu 16.04)
cd /etc/
Check if the following paths are present in the files:
If you change anything don't forget to reload the configuration with
sudo ldconfig
I had the same problem. It happened that my Debian environment did not have GStreamer installed. audioread documentation mentioned about it. Please check the link
After GStreamer installation audioread function worked as expected.

How can I install siege using cgywin?

I am studying nodejs and mysql connection and I got an error in runnning the make command.
Here's my reference for my tutorial:
I already installed cgywin and here's what i did
I go to the extracted latest siege file
I run this command ./configure
Then make
But when I try to run the make I got this error:
JLC-Mark#JLC-Mark-PC /cygdrive/c/wamp/www/siege-3.1.2
$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
What can I do with this error?
Thats all I hope you can help me.
And one more thing can you suggest a good reference for real time updates using node and mysql?
You have to install the actual siege utility, which is a C program that is not on npm. Depending on your platform, the program may already be available via your package manager.

Error installing Net::LDAP on Oracle Enterprise Linux

I am trying to install the Net::LDAP module on an OEL box using CPAN, but I get the following error:
[root ~]# cpan -i Net::LDAP
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
Could not pipe[ --decompress --stdout /root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz |]: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ line 5726.
Can someone please guide me on how to troubleshoot this?
CPAN needs to be configured before you can use it to install stuff.
There should be a whole bunch of stuff under
Generally cpan gets this stuff automatically, but for some reason it's
not there on your machine. In particular it needs this file.
If that file is there, then cpan man be missing the gzip binary needed to uncompress that file.

how to install node.js in linux server using putty

-bash-3.2$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
File "./configure", line 287
o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax.
How do I fix this error?
The error you're receiving is the result of using an older version of Python. To build Node.js, you must use version 2.6 or 2.7 of Python.
To fix your problem, update Python to a supported version. Also make sure that your PATH variable points to the correct Python you want to use, as installing a package might not change where the variable points to.
To check your version of Python, use this command:
python -V
do not enter -bash-3.2$ at the beginning. Just do
./configure --prefix=$HOME File "./configure", line 287
o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'
