p:remoteCommand and p:messages with autoUpdate="true" clears messages [duplicate] - jsf

I'm using PrimeFaces poll component to refresh some content.
<h:form id="formBsvtt">
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" showDetail="false" />
<p:outputPanel id="panelOut" layout="block">
... content to refresh
<p:panelGrid id="panelIn" layout="block">
... various input components with validation
<p:poll widgetVar="poll1" autoStart="true" global="false" interval="15"
partialSubmit="true" process="#this" update="panelOut"
As you can see I'm using messages with autoUpdate=true. My Problem is: In case of validation errors FacesMessages will be shown, but disappear not later than 15 seconds.
Is it possible to prevent poll from clearing FacesMessages without setting messages autoUpdate=false?
My web application is much bigger as code snippet specified above and my intention is not updating messages manually in each possible case!

PrimeFaces 2.x/3.x
This is not natively possible, so a trick is needed. In the rendered attribute of <p:messages>, check if <p:poll> was been triggered and if so, then return false. This way JSF thinks there's no auto-updatable messages component in the component tree during rendering and will therefore ignore it.
If the <p:poll> is triggered, then its client ID appears as javax.faces.source request parameter. So, this should do:
<p:messages ... rendered="#{param['javax.faces.source'] ne poll.clientId}" />
<p:poll binding="#{poll}" ... />
(note: no additional bean properties needed)
PrimeFaces 4.x+
All PrimeFaces command components got a new ignoreAutoUpdate attribute which you could set to false to ignore all autoUpdate="true" components in the ajax update.
<p:poll ... ignoreAutoUpdate="true" />

For folks using Primefaces 4.0 and above, the Primefaces team have added an attribute to their ajax aware components to skip triggering components with autoUpdate set to true. So your poll would be
<p:poll ignoreAutoUpdate="true" .../>
See also their blog post about it: http://blog.primefaces.org/?p=2836


p:poll stopped but still fires network call

I have to stop and start a p:poll in JSF using some conditions... I am able to do that by putting the poll in a panelgrid and making the panelGrid rendered... I thought its working since the pollOperationStatus is not called after I made the panelGrid rendered false... When I show it , it restarts as well..
But there is a network call still firing ; which messes up many things ;How to deal it?
My main form
<h:form id="mypollform">
<p:outputLabel id="currentTime" value="#{myBean.counter}" />
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.startPoll}" id="counter11" />
<p:panelGrid rendered="#{myBean.startPoll}">
<p:poll interval="8" widgetVar="poller" autoStart="true"
update=":#{p:component('newServerID')},:#{p:component('mypollform')}" />
Primefaces 7 Documentation says:
Poll can be started and stopped using client side api; Or bind a
boolean variable to the stop attribute and set it to false at any
arbitrary time.
In your case this would be in javaScript:
PF('poller').stop(); or PF('poller').start();
Or bind a boolean bean property the the stop attribute of the p:poll:
<p:poll stop="#{myBean.stopPoller}" interval="8" widgetVar="poller" autoStart="true"
update=":#{p:component('newServerID')} :#{p:component('mypollform')}" />
Also beware that component IDs in update attribute are separated by space, not comma.

Multiple values for the update attribute on p:commandButton

I am new in Primefaces, i would like to know if i can use two values for the attribute update on primefaces commandButton component:
My code
<p:messages id="messages" ...../><!-- not always updated -->
<p:commandButton ....action="search" update="#all :messages"/>
<p:panel header="Number of element in the the table:#{bean.number}">
<!--not always updated -->
<!-- always updated -->
When i did this, the header of the panel component is not updated.
When i put only update="#all", the messages component (p:messages) is not updated even with autoUpdate="true"
Can you help me please !
Don't use #all, is bad practice (http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6956#p36841).
If you want to update a specific component or form you can use jQuery Selectors: PFS (PrimeFaces Selectors) - Showcase
So, you can put an id on the second form and specify it in the update attribute.

JSF rendered method is not invoked in the second time

I have next a4j:jsFunction
<a4j:jsFunction name="renderOnBusinessErrorEvent" execute="#none" bypassUpdates="true" immediate="true"
and JSF form with some dialog inside
<h:form id="securityForm">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{someCondition}">
In my business logic it has to be executed twice consequently. In the first time all is fine. Rendered method is invoked and the expected dialog is present on the page. In the second time rendered method is not invoked, but model has been changed and I expect that dialog will not be present on the page. I supposed that it's some richfaces issue and I tried to use f:ajax
<a4j:jsFunction name="renderOnBusinessErrorEvent" execute="#none" bypassUpdates="true" immediate="true">
<f:ajax event="begin" render=":securityForm"/>
but unsuccessfully. Rendered method still not invoked in the second time. What is it? Some JSF optimization or bug? What's the workaround?
JSF version 2.1.19
The problem was in <h:panelGroup rendered="#{someOtherCondition}">
over h:form which equals false after the first rendering (ON THE SERVER SIDE).
However, this panelGroup is not part of rendering. So, my code:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{someOtherCondition}">
<h:form id="securityForm">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{someCondition}">
<a4j:jsFunction name="renderOnBusinessErrorEvent" execute="#none" bypassUpdates="true" immediate="true"
Before calling renderOnBusinessErrorEvent() I'm changing the value of someOtherCondition from true to false, but I don't rerender this element. Actually, on the server side this element is already missing. Looks like it's JSF feature, but is it specificated somewhere?

primefaces panelgrid update from datatable

I am getting "Cannot find component with identifier "contentForm:tabView:form:addressDialogPanel" referenced from "contentForm:tabView:form:addressBookTable" " error. How can I update my panelGrid inside the widget?
<h:form id="form">
<p:dataTable id="addressBookTable">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{addressBookController.onRowSelect}"
update="contentForm:tabView:form:addressDialogPanel" oncomplete="addressDialog.show()" />
<p:dialog id="addressDialogId" widgetVar="addressDialog">
<h:panelGrid id="addressDialogPanel" columns="2" cellpadding="4">
The main problem is that you are giving the wrong client ID of component's. Also p:tabView is a component it is not a form. When you define a h:form, it generates a standart HTML form element. And when you submit the page JSF uses POST to submit your data into backing bean. So nesting them is going to occur lot's of issues that you don't expect. You should seperate forms into sections like sideForm or searchForm or etc.
You should detect the correct client ID of your component when you try to update it. You can do this with your browser's developer settings(press f12 for chrome). Then select component with the magnifier button and give that ID into update property. Just like here:
You should read to learn basics of JSF for example from here

Losing inputs submitted in composite component

I have a problem with submitting composite components.
Most of my composite components contain both the input components and the "submit" button.
When I tried to put the button still in the same h:form but not in the same composite component, the submitted value seemed to be "lost" somewhere. And, for instance, my validators got called on original values.
Example :
<composite:attribute name="titreContext" required="true"/>
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanel" styleClass="selectionTitreDetails">
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanelInner" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.titreContext.selected}">
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="panelId">
<h:outputText id="idLabel" value="Id :"/>
<h:outputText id="id" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titeluid}"/>
<p:tooltip for="id" value="Identifiant unique"/>
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="titelePanel">
<p:outputLabel for="selectTitele" value="Titre :"/>
<p:selectOneMenu id="selectTitele" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele}" effect="fold" styleClass="fullWidth">
<f:selectItems value="#{constants.getTitelesForTypman(cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele.typman)}" var="titele" itemLabel="#{titele.titelelil}" itemValue="#{titele}" styleClass="fullWidth"/>
<p:column styleClass="fullWidth">#{titele.titelelil}</p:column>
<p:commandButton id="confirmerModifications" icon="small_edit" type="submit" value="Confirmer les modifications"
action="#{elutersEditionContext.confirmeModifsSelection}" process="mandatsTerritorial"
update="mandatsTerritorial #{cc.attrs.notifUpdates}"/>
But putting the p:commandButton out of the composite :
<mylib:mycomponent /*parameters *//>
<p:commandButton /*parameters*/ />
does not work. When I debug my validators, I can see that the modified values where not even submitted. Neither getLocalValue, getSubmittedValue nor getValue is changed.
Is there a syntax in composite component declaration to use to correct this situation ?
By the way : when I was writing my components as composite components rather than custom components, retrieving #{asen} in the backing bean just worked.
Thanks in advance.
I am using :
PrimeFaces 3.4.1
CODI 1.0.5
OpenWebBeans 1.1.6
MyFaces 2.1.9
Tomcat 7.0.32
(update) This very strange problem was caused by h:form nesting.
Very strange because h:form nesting did not perturbate the processing of the first level of composite components, but caused this strange "input lost" in nested composite.
Nesting looked like this :
<p:tabView ...>
<my:composite ....>
You're using a relative client ID in the process attribute of the <p:commandButton>:
<p:commandButton ... process="mandatsTerritorial" />
A relative client ID is relative to the parent NamingContainer component. It will be searched as direct child of the NamingContainer component. If the child is by itself a NamingContainer, then its children would not be searched.
Composite components are by itself in fact also NamingContainer components. If the button is placed in the composite, then this will be searched as direct child of the <cc:implementation>. In your particular case, only the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" will be processed on form submit, including all of its children (note that this component is nowhere visible in the code posted so far, but I'd imagine that you omitted it for brevity).
If the button is placed in <h:form>, then this will be searched as direct child of the <h:form>. However as this is apparently been placed inside the composite (which is, as said, another NamingContainer component), it wouldn't be found and hence basically nothing would be processed. You'd need to fix the process to point to the right client ID. E.g.
<mylib:mycomponent id="mycomponent" />
<p:commandButton ... process="#this mycomponent:mandatsTerritorial" />
This way it will process itself (mandatory to invoke the action!) and the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" inside the <cc:implementation> of the composite with id="mycomponent".
As a completely different alternative, which would work just fine in this particular construct, is to remove the process attribute altogether. It defaults to #form already which will thus process the entire form.
Update as per your question update: nesting forms is invalid in HTML. Using the JSF <h:form> representation doesn't change that; you'd still end up with nested forms in HTML. The browser behaviour is unspecified as to which data would be submitted to the server. Make sure that you don't nest <h:form> in JSF as well.
