Pusher Account over quota - pusher

We use Puhser in our application in order to have real-time updates.
Something very stange happens - while google analytics says that we have around 200 simultaneous connections, Pusher says that we have 1500.
I would like to monitor Pusher connections in real-time but could not find any method to do so. Somebody can help??

Currently there's no way to get realtime stats on the number of connections you currently have open for your app. However, it is something that we're investigating currently.
In terms of why the numbers vary between Pusher and Google Analytics, it's usually down to the fact that Google Analytics uses different methods of tracking whether or not a user is on the site. We're confident that our connection counting is correct, however, that's not to say that there isn't a potentially unexpected reason for your count to be high.
A connection is counted as a WebSocket connection to Pusher. When using the Pusher JavaScript library a new WebSocket connection is created when you create a new Pusher instance.
var pusher = new Pusher('APP_KEY');
Channel subscriptions are created over the existing WebSocket connection (known as multiplexing), and do not count towards your connection quota (there is no limit on the number allowed per connection).
var channel1 = pusher.subscribe('ch1');
var channel2 = pusher.subscribe('ch2');
// All done over as single connection
// more subscriptions
// ...
var channel 100 = pusher.subscribe('ch100');
// Still just a 1 connection
Common reasons why connections are higher than expected
Users open multiple tabs
If a user has multiple tabs open to the same application, multiple instances of Pusher will be created and therefore multiple connections will be used e.g. 2 tabs open will mean 2 connections are established.
Incorrectly coded applications
As mentioned above, a new connection is created every time a new Pusher object is instantiated. It is therefore possible to create many connections in the same page.
Using an older version of one our libraries
Our connection strategies have improved over time, and we recommend that you keep up to date with the latest versions.
Specifically, in newer versions of our JS library, we carry out ping-pong requests between server and client to verify that the client is still around.
Other remedies
While our efforts are always to keep a connection going indefinitely to an application, it is possible to disconnect manually if you feel this works in your scenario. It can be achieved by making a call to Pusher.disconnect(). Below is some example code:
var pusher = new Pusher("APP_KEY");
var timeoutId = null;
function startInactivityCheck() {
timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function(){
}, 5 * 60 * 1000); // called after 5 minutes
// called by something that detects user activity
function userActivityDetected(){
if(timeoutId !== null) {
How this disconnection is transmitted to the user is up to you but you may consider prompting them to let them know that they will not receive any further real-time updates due to a long period of inactivity. If they wish to start receiving real-time updates again they should click a button.


How should one properly handle opening and closing of Azure Service Bus/Topic Clients in an Azure Function?

I'm not sure of the proper way to manage the lifespans of the various clients necessary to interact with the Azure Service Bus. From my understanding there are three different but similar clients to manage: ServiceBusClient, a Topic/Queue/Subscription Service, and then a Sender of some sort. In my case, its TopicService and a Sender. Should I close the sender after every message? After a certain amount of downtime? And same with all the others? I feel like I should keep the ServiceBusClient open until the function is entirely complete, so that probably carries over to the Topic Client as well. There's just so many ways to skin this one, I'm not sure where to start to draw the line. I'm pretty sure it's not this extreme:
function sendMessage(message: SendableMessageInfo) {
let client=createServiceBusClientFromConnectionString(connectionString)
let tClient = createTopicClient(client);
const sender = tClient.createSender();
But leaving everything open all the time seems like a memory leak waiting to happen. Should I handle this all through error handling? Try-catch, then close everything in a finally block?
I could also just use the Azure Function binding, correct me if I'm wrong:
const productChanges: AzureFunction = async function (context: Context, products: product[]): Promise<void> {
context.bindings.product_changes = []
for (let product of product) {
if(product.updated) {
let message = this.createMessage(product)
I can't work out from the docs or source which would be better (both in terms of performance and finances) for an extremely high throughput Topic (at surge, ~100,000 requests/sec).
Any advice would be appreciated!
In my opinion, we'd better use Azure binding or set the client static but not create the client every time. If use Azure binding, we will not consider the problem about close the sender, if set the client static, it's ok too. Both of the solutions have good performance and there is no difference in cost (you can refer to this tutorial for servicebus price: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/service-bus/) between these twos. Hope it would be helpful to your question.
I know this is a late reply, but I'll try to explain the concepts behind the clients below in case someone lands here looking for answers.
Version 1
_ ServiceBusClient (maintains the connection)
|_ TopicClient
|_ Sender (sender link)
Version 7
_ ServiceBusClient (maintains the connection)
|_ ServiceBusSender (sender link)
In both version 1 and version 7 of #azure/service-bus SDK, when you use the sendMessages method or the equivalent send method for the first time, a connection is created on the ServiceBusClient if there was none and the new sender link is created.
The sender link remains active for a while and is cleared on its own(by the SDK) if there is no activity. Even if it is closed by inactivity, the subsequent send call even after waiting for a long duration would work just fine since it creates a new sender link.
Once you're done using the ServiceBusClient, you can close the client and all the internal senders, receivers are also closed with this if they are not already closed individually.
The latest version 7.0.0 of #azure/service-bus has been released recently.
#azure/service-bus - 7.0.0
Samples for 7.0.0
Guide to migrate from #azure/service-bus v1 to v7

Syncing app state with clients using socketio

I'm running a node server with SocketIO which keeps a large object (app state) that is updated regularly.
All clients receive the object after connecting to the server and should keep it updated in real-time using the socket (read-only).
Here's what I have considered:
Emit a delta of changes to the clients using diff after updates
(requires dealing with the reability of delivery and lost updates)
Use the diffsync package (however it allows clients to push changes to the server, but I need updates to be unidirectional, i.e. server-->clients)
I'm confident there should be a readily available solution to deal with this but I was not able to find a definitive answer.
The solution is very easy. You must modify the server so that it accepts updates only from trusted clients.
let Server = require('diffsync').Server;
let receiveEdit = Server.prototype.receiveEdit
Server.receiveEdit = function(connection, editMessage, sendToClient){
receiveEdit.call(this, connection, editMessage, sendToClient)
// TODO: implement backup workflow
// has a low priority since `packets are not lost` - but don't quote me on that :P
console.log('error', 'patch rejected!!', edit.serverVersion, '->',
clientDoc.shadow.serverVersion, ':',
edit.localVersion, '->', clientDoc.shadow.localVersion);
Second option is try find another solution based on jsondiffpatch

Meteor MongoDB subscription delivering data in 10 second intervals instead of live

I believe this is more of a MongoDB question than a Meteor question, so don't get scared if you know a lot about mongo but nothing about meteor.
Running Meteor in development mode, but connecting it to an external Mongo instance instead of using Meteor's bundled one, results in the same problem. This leads me to believe this is a Mongo problem, not a Meteor problem.
The actual problem
I have a meteor project which continuosly gets data added to the database, and displays them live in the application. It works perfectly in development mode, but has strange behaviour when built and deployed to production. It works as follows:
A tiny script running separately collects broadcast UDP packages and shoves them into a mongo collection
The Meteor application then publishes a subset of this collection so the client can use it
The client subscribes and live-updates its view
The problem here is that the subscription appears to only get data about every 10 seconds, while these UDP packages arrive and gets shoved into the database several times per second. This makes the application behave weird
It is most noticeable on the collection of UDP messages, but not limited to it. It happens with every collection which is subscribed to, even those not populated by the external script
Querying the database directly, either through the mongo shell or through the application, shows that the documents are indeed added and updated as they are supposed to. The publication just fails to notice and appears to default to querying on a 10 second interval
Meteor uses oplog tailing on the MongoDB to find out when documents are added/updated/removed and update the publications based on this
Anyone with a bit more Mongo experience than me who might have a clue about what the problem is?
For reference, this is the dead simple publication function
* Publishes a custom part of the collection. See {#link https://docs.meteor.com/api/collections.html#Mongo-Collection-find} for args
* #returns {Mongo.Cursor} A cursor to the collection
* #private
function custom(selector = {}, options = {}) {
return udps.find(selector, options);
and the code subscribing to it:
Tracker.autorun(() => {
// Params for the subscription
const selector = {
"receivedOn.port": port
const options = {
sort: {"receivedOn.date": -1},
fields: {
"receivedOn.port": 1,
"receivedOn.date": 1
// Make the subscription
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe("udps", selector, options);
// Get the messages
const messages = udps.find(selector, options).fetch();
doStuffWith(messages); // Not actual code. Just for demonstration
node 8.9.3
mongo 3.2.15
node 8.6.0
mongo 3.4.10
Meteor use two modes of operation to provide real time on top of mongodb that doesn’t have any built-in real time features. poll-and-diff and oplog-tailing
1 - Oplog-tailing
It works by reading the mongo database’s replication log that it uses to synchronize secondary databases (the ‘oplog’). This allows Meteor to deliver realtime updates across multiple hosts and scale horizontally.
It's more complicated, and provides real-time updates across multiple servers.
2 - Poll and diff
The poll-and-diff driver works by repeatedly running your query (polling) and computing the difference between new and old results (diffing). The server will re-run the query every time another client on the same server does a write that could affect the results. It will also re-run periodically to pick up changes from other servers or external processes modifying the database. Thus poll-and-diff can deliver realtime results for clients connected to the same server, but it introduces noticeable lag for external writes.
(the default is 10 seconds, and this is what you are experiencing , see attached image also ).
This may or may not be detrimental to the application UX, depending on the application (eg, bad for chat, fine for todos).
This approach is simple and and delivers easy to understand scaling characteristics. However, it does not scale well with lots of users and lots of data. Because each change causes all results to be refetched, CPU time and network bandwidth scale O(N²) with users. Meteor automatically de-duplicates identical queries, though, so if each user does the same query the results can be shared.
You can tune poll-and-diff by changing values of pollingIntervalMs and pollingThrottleMs.
You have to use disableOplog: true option to opt-out of oplog tailing on a per query basis.
Meteor.publish("udpsPub", function (selector) {
return udps.find(selector, {
disableOplog: true,
pollingThrottleMs: 10000,
pollingIntervalMs: 10000
Additional links:
How to use pollingThrottle and pollingInterval?
It's a DDP (Websocket ) heartbeat configuration.
Meteor real time communication and live updates is performed using DDP ( JSON based protocol which Meteor had implemented on top of SockJS ).
Client and server where it can change data and react to its changes.
DDP (Websocket) protocol implements so called PING/PONG messages (Heartbeats) to keep Websockets alive. The server sends a PING message to the client through the Websocket, which then replies with PONG.
By default heartbeatInterval is configure at little more than 17 seconds (17500 milliseconds).
Check here: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/blob/d6f0fdfb35989462dcc66b607aa00579fba387f6/packages/ddp-client/common/livedata_connection.js#L54
You can configure heartbeat time in milliseconds on server by using:
Meteor.server.options.heartbeatInterval = 30000;
Meteor.server.options.heartbeatTimeout = 30000;
Other Link:

Limiting the number of concurrent jobs on Azure Functions queue

I have a Function app in Azure that is triggered when an item is put on a queue. It looks something like this (greatly simplified):
public static async Task Run(string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUri);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(myQueueItem, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("/api/devices/data", httpContent);
string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
ApiResponse apiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiResponse>(json);
log.Info($"Activity data successfully sent to platform in {apiResponse.elapsed}ms. Tracking number: {apiResponse.tracking}");
This all works great and runs pretty well. Every time an item is put on the queue, we send the data to some API on our side and log the response. Cool.
The problem happens when there's a big spike in "the thing that generates queue messages" and a lot of items are put on the queue at once. This tends to happen around 1,000 - 1,500 items in a minute. The error log will have something like this:
2017-02-14T01:45:31.692 mscorlib: Exception while executing function:
Functions.SendToLimeade. f-SendToLimeade__-1078179529: An error
occurred while sending the request. System: Unable to connect to the
remote server. System: Only one usage of each socket address
(protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
At first, I thought this was an issue with the Azure Function app running out of local sockets, as illustrated here. However, then I noticed the IP address. The IP address (of course changed for this example) is our IP address, the one that the HttpClient is posting to. So, now I'm wondering if it is our servers running out of sockets to handle these requests.
Either way, we have a scaling issue going on here. I'm trying to figure out the best way to solve it.
Some ideas:
If it's a local socket limitation, the article above has an example of increasing the local port range using Req.ServicePoint.BindIPEndPointDelegate. This seems promising, but what do you do when you truly need to scale? I don't want this problem coming back in 2 years.
If it's a remote limitation, it looks like I can control how many messages the Functions runtime will process at once. There's an interesting article here that says you can set serviceBus.maxConcurrentCalls to 1 and only a single message will be processed at once. Maybe I could set this to a relatively low number. Now, at some point our queue will be filling up faster than we can process them, but at that point the answer is adding more servers on our end.
Multiple Azure Functions apps? What happens if I have more than one Azure Functions app and they all trigger on the same queue? Is Azure smart enough to divvy up the work among the Function apps and I could have an army of machines processing my queue, which could be scaled up or down as needed?
I've also come across keep-alives. It seems to me if I could somehow keep my socket open as queue messages were flooding in, it could perhaps help greatly. Is this possible, and any tips on how I'd go about doing this?
Any insight on a recommended (scalable!) design for this sort of system would be greatly appreciated!
I think the code error is because of: using (var client = new HttpClient())
Quoted from Improper instantiation antipattern:
this technique is not scalable. A new HttpClient object is created for
each user request. Under heavy load, the web server may exhaust the
number of available sockets.
I think I've figured out a solution for this. I've been running these changes for the past 3 hours 6 hours, and I've had zero socket errors. Before I would get these errors in large batches every 30 minutes or so.
First, I added a new class to manage the HttpClient.
public static class Connection
public static HttpClient Client { get; private set; }
static Connection()
Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUri);
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Keep-Alive", "timeout=600");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Now, we have a static instance of HttpClient that we use for every call to the function. From my research, keeping HttpClient instances around for as long as possible is highly recommended, everything is thread safe, and HttpClient will queue up requests and optimize requests to the same host. Notice I also set the Keep-Alive headers (I think this is the default, but I figured I'll be implicit).
In my function, I just grab the static HttpClient instance like:
var client = Connection.Client;
StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(myQueueItem, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("/api/devices/data", httpContent);
I haven't really done any in-depth analysis of what's happening at the socket level (I'll have to ask our IT guys if they're able to see this traffic on the load balancer), but I'm hoping it just keeps a single socket open to our server and makes a bunch of HTTP calls as the queue items are processed. Anyway, whatever it's doing seems to be working. Maybe someone has some thoughts on how to improve.
If you use consumption plan instead of Functions on a dedicated web app, #3 more or less occurs out of the box. Functions will detect that you have a large queue of messages and will add instances until queue length stabilizes.
maxConcurrentCalls only applies per instance, allowing you to limit per-instance concurrency. Basically, your processing rate is maxConcurrentCalls * instanceCount.
The only way to control global throughput would be to use Functions on dedicated web apps of the size you choose. Each app will poll the queue and grab work as necessary.
The best scaling solution would improve the load balancing on so that it can handle any number of requests from Functions scaling up/down to meet queue pressure.
Keep alive afaik is useful for persistent connections, but function executions aren't viewed as a persistent connection. In the future we are trying to add 'bring your own binding' to Functions, which would allow you to implement connection pooling if you liked.
I know the question was answered long ago, but in the mean time Microsoft have documented the anti-pattern that you were using.
Improper Instantiation antipattern

Socket.io and Load Balancer

I'm using Socket.io and Node.js and have two instances behind a Stingray load balancer.
The load balancer is setup using Generic Streaming and for the most part, seems to be working fine. However, I am noticing some sporadic behavior.
Basically, there are two instances that an individual may be connected to, if one instance emits to all sockets, the other instance won't see or get those emits.
Does that sound accurate? Would anyone know how to ensure that emits done by either server are sent to clients connected to any server?
I came across a similar problem when developing Mote.io and decided to go with a hosted solution instead of building a load balancer. Dealing with this problem is pretty difficult as you need to sync data across servers or load balance your clients to the same instance to make sure they get all the same messages.
Socket.io won't help much specifically. You would need to implement redis, some other data sync or load balancing app.
PubNub will take care of this as well. The backend is responsible for syncing messages, load balancing, etc at an abstract level so all you do is supply a channel name and PubNub will ensure that all clients in that channel get the message.
Real-time Chat Apps in 10 Lines of Code
Enter Chat and press enter
<div><input id=input placeholder=you-chat-here /></div>
Chat Output
<div id=box></div>
<script src=http://cdn.pubnub.com/pubnub.min.js></script>
var box = PUBNUB.$('box'), input = PUBNUB.$('input'), channel = 'chat';
channel : channel,
callback : function(text) { box.innerHTML = (''+text).replace( /[<>]/g, '' ) + '<br>' + box.innerHTML }
PUBNUB.bind( 'keyup', input, function(e) {
(e.keyCode || e.charCode) === 13 && PUBNUB.publish({
channel : channel, message : input.value, x : (input.value='')
} )
