WiFi server in NodeJS - node.js

What I want to do is write software in NodeJS to set up a WiFi server similar to those they use at cafeterias (with WPA2 security or something similar) and guests can connect with credentials or for free on my computer. (I am extra curious as to how I can redirect guests to an html page to enter credentials like they do on some places)
Is there a Node plugin(s) that help with something like this? If not, I am looking for advice like this:
Set up a server on port x and use npm package y and z
Check out this project
More info:
I am creating an intranet for academic purposes.
I have written a dns server in my computer in NodeJS that listens on for UDP/TCP and successfully resolves domains in my private network.
My computer is a DHCP client of my Router device which provides access to the internet. Devices at home that use my private DNS server will resolve their dns requests to the internet, only if not found in my private dns.


How to make dynamic private IP address static?

A node js server is running on localhost on my PC. I am connecting this server to a mobile app with some IP( for API requests. I am sharing this IP address by scanning a QR code in my desktop electron app by mobile application. So the first time I am able to get the server's IP by QR.
But when my Desktop boots again. The private IP might change to maybe
Is there any way in node.js to make this private IP static so my mobile device can always know where to send all API requests?. like creating a custom subdomain locally not exposed to the internet?
I know I can just go to the PC's setting and make Ip static. But in production, it might be a big issue to ask users to do so.
While it may be possible to go into the computer's config programatically and make the IP static, it would be better to structure the application not to require such a thing.
Since the client initially connects to the server with a QR code, you could have the server embed its hardware MAC address in the code, instead of (or in addition to) the server's IP. On the client, save the MAC address in the app's permanent storage.
Then, to connect to the server from the client, search through the LAN's ARP table to identify which (if any) IP addresses have that MAC address. If so, you've found it - if not, the server is offline.

Is there a way to host a node.js server without a public IP?

I've made a simple Node.js app that i can host locally and using services like evennode. Now I want to do this on my home PC and it seems like a simple task to do - just port forward and get a domain name.
However, my problem is that i don't have a public IP. My ISP uses private/dynamic IP addresses which makes hosting impossible(?).
Is there a program or service that can fix my problem? I've found some for Apache/SQL servers but nothing for Node.js

How to access remote machine nodeserver url from my system if both the systems are behind proxy

Suppose if my ip address is : In this machine I'm running node server. I can access the webpages by using this url: http://localhost:3000/ in the same machine.
But, if I'm trying to access the node server from a remote machine having the ip It does not work. I used the below url to access the url from the remote machine:
I'm facing network connectivity issues.
Do, I need to change any settings in node.js for remote access.
Then, how can I access the node server from the remote machine.
if you can access localhost:3000, then type in on same machine. and if you are having problems connecting, then no outside computer going to connect. and you need to adjust your nodejs settings.
if you have server at home, and trying to connect from some place else not at home. you are more likely looking for something like "dynamic ip address" example: http://www.noip.com/ it helps getting past ISP (internet server providers) and your own routers, and publishing your ip address.
if you are dealing with 2 computers in your same house or business and passing through your own router, try changing the to DMZ. basically by passing all router safety, if that happens, you are not opening correct ports on the router. or not setting other setting correctly.

How to share web application on linux?

I host a web application on my laptop and I access it using 'localhost:9080/abc.com' and lets assume my IP is ''
Now, I want my colleague to access this web application from his system 'web browser' by typing in ''
As laptop is owned by 'company' I cannot install (or) use any third party softwares
How can I manage this on RHEL 6?
Assuming you're on the same network (LAN) then a client who connects to should have no problems (assuming the web aplication also listens to requests other than localhost).
If abc.com is just an "alias" you set up in your hosts file then no other person than yourself will be able to use abc.com to connect to, unless they have the same alias in their hosts file.
If you purchased a domain abc.com and set up it up to redirect to it should work. But usually there are delays associated with updating a DNS so the time it takes for abc.com to be updated can take even a day.
Now if you have your colleagues on a different network (for example they want to connect from their homes when the laptop is connected to the internet at your place) it won't work with a bit of fiddling. Basically, when they try to connect the router gets a request from the client to connect to port 9080, but the router doesn't know what to do with it so nothing happens. You have to set up port forwarding in your routers settings so that all incoming traffic on port 9080 gets sent to
And when they try to connect that way, they can not use the ip adress, because it always refers to a adress on the local network. They have to use your external ip adress (google what is my ip adress).

What address do I use to access my server from the internet?

I have an FTP server hosted on my computer and I want to make it publicly accessible.
I have forwarded the necessary ports for this specific computer on my router. If I type in my local ip, 192.168.x.x, i can access it. But this is only local. How do I access it publicly?
I tried going to my public ip but nothing comes up. I have searched Google for several hours now and have come up with nothing. What am I missing?
Test your server on https://incloak.com/ports/ or http://www.hackerwatch.org/probe/ sites and check that it detects your open FTP server. If not check you operating system firewall.
