How to delete files from master of stash - git-stash

Hi anybody could help me in deleting files from the master of stash?
I am new to stash and git commands and while commiting the initial version to stash all the files from the project folder got committed to the repository but i want that files to be placed inside a folder wheras now it is all scattered over there. Please do help me in deleting those files and again commit the files inside the folder.Is this possible or do I need to delete the repsitory itself?

A stash is a patch and is local.
You could save a stash to a file with git stash show -p > stash1.patch and remove it with git stash drop (apply and remove it with git stash pop), otherwise follow the git-stash documentation and tutorial:; there is almost everything you need to know in the manual...


How to go back to the Working Directory that was not committed

I forgot to commit on the directory where I was working and then I checkout to the previous commit and now I want to back to the directory where I used to work. What can i do ?
If your checkout of the previous version somehow deleted your folder, which was not added/committed, then you would need to rely on a file recovery utility, as detailed in "Can I restore deleted files (undo a git clean -fdx)?", or on your IDE. Some of them keep a local history (IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode through an extension, ...): you might get back some of your files content that way.
In the end, it depends on the exact git checkout command you did, considering this command can update files and/or branches.
That is why it is recommanded to use git switch (branch only) or git restore (files only), instead of git checkout.

How to detach a folder from being tracked without deleting any files from it?

I completed MyProject1 and have uploaded it in git in fine way with commits after adding each new features. And now I'm starting MyProject2 and was trying to add the URL for the remote repository. But then I found out that I had mistakenly added the URL in Documents instead of MyProject1 folder because of which MyProject2 folder is also being tracked in MyProject1. And I'm not being able to add URL to MyProject2 but instead facing merge issues.
Is there any way to detach the track from my Document folder without deleting any of my files from Documents.
Structure is this way(I'm using Linux):
(And inside Documents there is:)
And other folders which are also being tracked.
We can manually do it with below steps
create a file .gitignore in base directory.
If MyProject1 and MyProject2 are already part of git tracking, Please run commands
git rm -r --cached MyProject1/
git rm -r --cached MyProject2/
Open the file in text editor and add below lines in file
Best way:
Create a .gitignore file following #Vinayagam R
Ignore file locally
Those methods won't affect other contributors working on the same remote repository:
Use update-index:
If you want to stop tracking a file at certian point.
git update-index --assume-unchanged yourDirectoryName
--assume-unchanged is the flag which means the files should not change locally. In other words, it is used when ignore files that you do not need to change locally (or should not change).
To revert it use update-index --no-assume-unchanged yourDirectoryName
Using .exclude
In your working directory edit .git/info/exclude

How to get all deleted local files from remote using GIT

I have a local directory with multiple files. These files
are already stored in remote git (BitBucket).
I accidentally deleted these files locally, how can I
get it back from the remote repository?
You don't need to get them from remote if you already had those files locally.
You can use:
git checkout -- <deleted file name>
You can also use file and directory wildcards:
git checkout -- dir1/*
git checkout [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>...
Overwrite paths in the working tree by replacing with the contents in the index or in the <tree-ish> (most often a commit). When a <tree-ish> is given, the paths that match the <pathspec> are updated both in the index and in the working tree.
Did you commit the deletions?
If not, you can use git checkout -- file to recover the files.
If you did, you can git reset to a previous commit where the files still existed.
If you need a more fine-tuned approach, you can git clone your remote repository to a new directory and then use file operations to copy files from the copy to your original repository.
You can reset your local master branch to the remote repo master like so:
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
If you just deleted the file and do not run git add, then
git checkout -- <file>
If you have run git add, then
git reset HEAD <file>
git checkout -- <file>
If you have commit it to local repository, then
git reset --hard <the_commit_before_bad_commit>
Anyway, you'd better backup all the files when you try it.

Moved local git folder and now its asking to stage most of my project files?

I reinstalled my OS (KDE neon) and I thought why not backup my project git folder, before I reinstalled I made sure I commited any code and everything in my git project folder was up-to-date.
So after reinstalling, I moved my project back onto my PC from my backup drive and ran git-status and it wants to stage nearly all of my project?
What do I do? I don't want to commit all these files again when I have not editing any of them? Its nearly 800 files it wants to stage?
You could reset your project using:
git reset --hard branch_name
This would lose any unstaged files.
Or you could stash the changes:
git stash save 'msg'
This works like the previous one, but instead it saves the unstaged files in a separate "memory" (in case you need them later on).
Now, I may assume that the reason you got that situation in the first place is maybe when you restored your data back from the drive, the OS changed some properties on those files, stuff like creation/modification dates, permissions...etc. While the content of the files has not changed but the properties are. Still, git sees them as modified files.

"git add" returning "fatal: outside repository" error

I'm just entering into the wonderful world of git.
I have to submit a bunch of changes that I've made on my program, located in a directory called /var/www/myapp.
I created a new directory /home/mylogin/gitclone. From this directory, I did a git clone against the public repo and I was able to get the latest copy created.
I'm now trying to figure out how to take all the files in my working folder (/var/www/myapp) and "check them in" to the master repository.
From /home/mylogin/gitclone, I tried git add /var/www/myapp but I'm getting an error that the folder I tried to add is outside the repository.
Can you give me a few pointers on what I'm doing wrong? Also, I'd like to add everything, whether it's different from the master or not.
First in the clone folder you can create a Branch (so the master stay untouched)
git branch [branch_name]
After, just copy the files you want from your old folder to the clone folder.
When you are done, just add / commit your change and Merge your branch into the "master" branch. It will look like to something like this:
git add .
git commit -m "Comments"
git checkout master
git merge [new_branch]
Try this tutorial from GitHub.
You'll have to move all the files from /var/www/myapp to /home/mylogin/gitclone and then do a git add . and then git commit -m "Your message".
When upgraded to git version 2.12.2 that error appeared, I nooted the i add the file with a full path like:
git add c:\develop\project\file.text
when removed the full path it start working, like:
git add file.text
To add some files or folder to your repository, they have to be in the folder you created with git clone. So copy/paste your application in your local git folder and then go in it and do git add * and then you'll be able to commit to the server with git commit -m 'message' and finally push the changes to the server with git push
Okay, this error came up for me because I moved the project from one computer to another.
So the git was not able to figure my global git and
I opened the command prompt and specified my old git and from previous computer. Kindly run the following commands and it should be fixed.
cd pathToMyProjectDirectory
git config "myName"
git config "myEmail"
That's because you are versioning stuff inside /home/mylogin/gitclone and git tracks everything inside that folder. You cannot track other folders outside of this repository.
A solution might be create a submodule, or using a symbolic link using ln -s
Git only tracks files and folders within the root folder which includes the .git directory and the subfolders inside root folder. The folder you are trying to add is outside the scope of git.
What would you actually like to do is first git checkout -b myapp which will create and checkout a new branch based on the master branch of the repository you cloned. Then you would actually copy all your files over and commit them with git commit -a -m "Short descriptive name about what you did". The parameter -a you passed to git commit is for including all the changes done to the repository and -m is to include the commit message in the actual command. After that you can either push back to the main repository if you have write access to it or push it to your own public repo or don't push it at all.
What I've described above is pretty much the basics of git. Try reading this book which is pretty descriptive.
Maybe someone comes along having the same trouble like I had:
In my case this error was thrown while using husky (commit hooks)
It was just an error because of encodings. My source was located in a directory that contains a special character ("รถ")
Seems like husky uses "git add" with the absolute path of the source which fails somehow at this point
I renamed the path and it worked fine.
This message can also appear when the file name is listed in the .gitignore file.
My scenario is that the git repository's path has symbolic link and git throw out this error when add file say to "/home/abc/GIT_REPO/my_dir/my_file".
and "/home" is actually a softlink to "/devhome".
code ninja gave me some light when I tried to debug this case.
So I tried get the target directory by using the command readlink -f /home/abc/GIT_REPO before run add command.
And then everything works like a charm !
I encountered the issue at Windows box with maven-release-plugin.
The plugin tries to add files using absolute path and I have noticed that the path in the Git add command starts with uppercase D: while the path in Working directory: log line started with lowercase d:
I have added core.ignorecase = true to the Git settings and the issue was gone.
