Modelling Conway's game of life in integer linear programming? - modeling

I'm trying to model Conway's game of life rules using integer linear programming, however I'm stuck with one of the rules.
I consider a finite n x n grid. Each cell in the grid is associated with a variable X(i,j) whose value is 0 if the cell is dead and 1 if it is alive.
I'm particularly interested in still lifes, i.e. configurations that, according to the rules, don't change from an instant to the next.
To find them I'm imposing the constraints on the number of neighbours for each cell. So, for an alive cell to remain still it must have 2 or 3 neighbours, and this is easily expressible:
2(1-X(i,j)) + Σ(i,j) >= 2
-5(1 - X(i,j)) + Σ(i,j) <= 3
Where Σ(i, j) is the sum over the neighbours of (i, j) (assume outside of the grid the values are all 0s).
If X(i,j) == 0 then the first addend guarantees that the the constraints are trivially satisfied. When X(i, j) == 1 the constraints guarantee that we have a still life.
The problem is the other rule: for a dead cell to remain dead it must have any number of neighbours different from 3.
However, AFAIK you cannot use != in a constraint.
The closest I've come is:
X(i, j) + |Σ(i, j) - 3| > 0
Which does express what I want, but the problem is that I don't think the absolute value can be used in that way (only absolute values of single variables can be expressed. Or is there a way to express this particular situation?).
I wonder, is there a standard way to express the !=?
I was thinking that maybe I should use multiple inequalities instead of a single one (e.g. for every possible triple/quadruple of neighbours...), but I cannot think of any sensible way to achieve that.
Or maybe there is some way of abusing the optimization function to penalize this situation and thus, obtaining an optimum would yield a correct solution (or state that it's impossible, depending on the value).
Is anyone able to express that constraint using a linear inequality and the variables X(i, j) (plus, eventually, some new variables)?

The standard way to express
is to express it as
by introducing a new binary variable that indicates which inequality holds true.
This is explained here, at section 7.4.
In a nutshell, if we define y such that
then we need to add the constraints
This is the standard way to model this, but in specific applications there might be better ways. Usually, the tighter the bounds on the sum are, the best the solver performance.


How to limit solution domain in modelica

I have a very simple model in OpenModelica.
model doubleSolution
Real x ;
x^2 -4 = 0;
end doubleSolution;
There are two mathematical solutions for this problem x={-2,+2}.
The Openmodelica Solver will provide just one result. In this case +2.
What if I'm intested in the other solution?
Using proper start values e.g. Real x(Start=-7) might help as a workaround, but I'm not sure if this is always a robust solution. I'd prefer if I could directly limit the solution range e.g. by (x < 0). Are such bundary conditions possible?
As you already noticed using a start value is one option. If that is a robust solution depends on how good the start value is. For this example the Newton-Raphson method is used, which highly depends on a good start value.
You can use max and min to give a variable a range where it is valid.
Check for example 4.8.1 Real Type of the Modelcia Language Specification to see what attributes type Real has.
Together with a good start value this should be robust enough and at least give you a warning if the x becomes bigger then 0.0.
model doubleSolution
Real x(max=0, start=-7);
x^2 -4 = 0;
end doubleSolution;
Another option would be to add an assert to the equations:
assert(value >= min and value <= max , "Variable value out of limit");
For the min and max attribute this assert is added automatically.

Bellman Equation definition

I am trying to understand Bellman Equation and facing with some confusing moments.
1) In different sources I met different definitions of Bellman Equation.
Sometimes it is defined as value-state function
v(s) = R + y*V(s')
Sometimes it is defined as action-state function
q(s, a) = r + max(q(s', a'))
Are both of these definitions correct? How Bellman equation was introduced in the original paper?
Bellman equation gives a definite form to dynamic programming solutions and using that we can generalise the solutions to optimisations problems which are recursive in nature and follow the optimal substructure property.
Optimal substructure in simpler terms means that the given problem can be broken down into smaller sub problems which require the same solution with smaller data. If an optimal solution to the smaller problem can be computed then it means the given problem (larger one) can also be computed.
Let's denote the problem solution for given state S by value V(S), S is the state or the subproblem. Let's denote the cost that would incur by choosing action a(i) at state S be R. R will be a function f(S, a(i)), where a is the set of all possible actions that can be performed on state S.
V(S) = max{ f(S, a(i)) + y * V(S') } where max is taken by iterating over all possible i. y is a fixed constant that taxes the subproblem to bigger problem transition, for most problems y = 1, so you can ignore it for now.
So basically at any given sub-problem S, V(S) will give us the most optimal solution by choosing all combinations of actions a(i) that can be performed and the next state that will be created with that action. If you think recursively and are habitual to such stuff then it's easy to see why the above equation is correct.
I would suggest to solve dynamic programming problems and look at some standard problems and their solutions to get an idea how those problems are broken down into smaller similar problems and solved recursively. After that, the above equation will make more sense. Also, you will realise that two equations you have written above are almost the same thing, just they are written in a bit different manner.
Here is a list of more commonly known DP problems and their solutions.

Why would more array accesses perform better?

I'm taking a course on coursera that uses minizinc. In one of the assignments, I was spinning my wheels forever because my model was not performing well enough on a hidden test case. I finally solved it by changing the following types of accesses in my model
constraint sum(neg1,neg2 in party where neg1 < neg2)(joint[neg1,neg2]) >= m;
constraint sum(i,j in 1..u where i < j)(joint[party[i],party[j]]) >= m;
I dont know what I'm missing, but why would these two perform any differently from eachother? It seems like they should perform similarly with the former being maybe slightly faster, but the performance difference was dramatic. I'm guessing there is some sort of optimization that the former misses out on? Or, am I really missing something and do those lines actually result in different behavior? My intention is to sum the strength of every element in raid.
Misc. Details:
party is an array of enum vars
party's index set is 1..real_u
every element in party should be unique except for a dummy variable.
solver was Gecode
verification of my model was done on a coursera server so I don't know what optimization level their compiler used.
edit: Since minizinc(mz) is a declarative language, I'm realizing that "array accesses" in mz don't necessarily have a direct corollary in an imperative language. However, to me, these two lines mean the same thing semantically. So I guess my question is more "Why are the above lines different semantically in mz?"
edit2: I had to change the example in question, I was toting the line of violating coursera's honor code.
The difference stems from the way in which the where-clause "a < b" is evaluated. When "a" and "b" are parameters, then the compiler can already exclude the irrelevant parts of the sum during compilation. If "a" or "b" is a variable, then this can usually not be decided during compile time and the solver will receive a more complex constraint.
In this case the solver would have gotten a sum over "array[int] of var opt int", meaning that some variables in an array might not actually be present. For most solvers this is rewritten to a sum where every variable is multiplied by a boolean variable, which is true iff the variable is present. You can understand how this is less efficient than an normal sum without multiplications.

Coin change,dynamic programming revisited

I am having tough time in understanding the logic behind this problem,
This is classical Dynamic Programming Problem
Coin Change is the problem of finding the number
of ways of making changes for a particular amount of cents, n,
using a given set of denominations d1,d2,;
I know how the recursion works,Like taking the mth coin or not.But I don't understand what does '+' do between the two states.
For eg
Question might be stupid but I still would like to know so that I can have better understanding.Thanks
Well , you haven't written your state right!
Coin Change:
Let C(i,j) represents the number of ways to form j as a sum using only i coins (from i to 1).
Now to get a recursive function you have to define transitions or change in state or may be just expressing the given expression in the terms of lower values!!
There are 2 independent ways in which I can represent this state that are
1) Lets pick up the i th coin , Then what happens ? I need denomination j-Denomination[i] with i-1 coins if repetition is not allowed .
i.e. C(i,j)= C(i-1,j-Denominations[i])
But wait , we are missing some ways i.e. when we do not take the current coin
2) C(i,j)=C(i-1,j)
Now as both of them are independent and exhaustive , These both of these state makes up the total number of ways!!!
I will leave the recurrence when repetition allowed for you!

Optimally iterating in Haskell with termination conditions and differing iteration steps

I am trying to write a simple iterating algorithm in Haskell, but I'm struggling to find the optimal solution in terms of elegance and speed.
I have an algorithm that needs to apply an operation to a state over a number of iterations until some stopping condition is reached, recording the state using some arbitrary function. I already know how to implement a scheme like this by defining a function like iterateM.
But in this case the operation to perform for each step depends on the state, and boils down to checking a 'step type' condition to decide on the next iteration types, and then performing operation A for the next 10 iterations, or performing operation B for the next iteration before checking the condition again.
I could write it in an imperative style as:
while True:
if c>0:
if stepCondition(x)==0:
if stopCondition(x):
and of course this could just be copied in Haskell, but I would rather do something more elegant.
My idea is to have the iteration use a list of functions to pop and apply to the state, and update that list with a new one (based on the 'step type' condition) once it is empty. I'm slightly concerned that this will be inefficient though. Would doing this and using something like
take 10 (repeat iterateByA)
compile away all of the list allocation etc to a tight loop that only uses a counter, like the imperative one above?
Is there another neat and efficient way of doing this?
If it helps this is for an adaptive stochastic simulation algorithm, the iteration steps update the state and the step condition (that decides the best simulation scheme) is a function of the current state. There are infact 3 different iteration schemes but I figured that an example with 2 is easier to explain.
(I'm not sure if it matters but I should probably also point out that in haskell the iterateByX functions are monadic since they use random numbers.)
A direct translation doesn't look too bad.
loop c x
| stopCondition x = observe x
| c > 0 = observe x >> iterateByA x >>= loop (c-1)
| stepCondition x = observe x >> iterateByA x >>= loop 9
| otherwise = observe x >> iterateByB x >>= loop c
The repetition of observe can be removed via various tricks if you don't like it.
You should probably rethink things, though. This is a very imperative approach; probably something much better can be done (but it's hard to say how from the few details you've given here).
