Optimally iterating in Haskell with termination conditions and differing iteration steps - haskell

I am trying to write a simple iterating algorithm in Haskell, but I'm struggling to find the optimal solution in terms of elegance and speed.
I have an algorithm that needs to apply an operation to a state over a number of iterations until some stopping condition is reached, recording the state using some arbitrary function. I already know how to implement a scheme like this by defining a function like iterateM.
But in this case the operation to perform for each step depends on the state, and boils down to checking a 'step type' condition to decide on the next iteration types, and then performing operation A for the next 10 iterations, or performing operation B for the next iteration before checking the condition again.
I could write it in an imperative style as:
while True:
if c>0:
if stepCondition(x)==0:
if stopCondition(x):
and of course this could just be copied in Haskell, but I would rather do something more elegant.
My idea is to have the iteration use a list of functions to pop and apply to the state, and update that list with a new one (based on the 'step type' condition) once it is empty. I'm slightly concerned that this will be inefficient though. Would doing this and using something like
take 10 (repeat iterateByA)
compile away all of the list allocation etc to a tight loop that only uses a counter, like the imperative one above?
Is there another neat and efficient way of doing this?
If it helps this is for an adaptive stochastic simulation algorithm, the iteration steps update the state and the step condition (that decides the best simulation scheme) is a function of the current state. There are infact 3 different iteration schemes but I figured that an example with 2 is easier to explain.
(I'm not sure if it matters but I should probably also point out that in haskell the iterateByX functions are monadic since they use random numbers.)

A direct translation doesn't look too bad.
loop c x
| stopCondition x = observe x
| c > 0 = observe x >> iterateByA x >>= loop (c-1)
| stepCondition x = observe x >> iterateByA x >>= loop 9
| otherwise = observe x >> iterateByB x >>= loop c
The repetition of observe can be removed via various tricks if you don't like it.
You should probably rethink things, though. This is a very imperative approach; probably something much better can be done (but it's hard to say how from the few details you've given here).


partial functions vs input verification

I really love using total functions. That said, sometimes I'm not sure what the best approach is for guaranteeing that. Lets say that I'm writing a function similar to chunksOf from the split package, where I want to split up a list into sublists of a given size. Now I'd really rather say that the input for sublist size needs to be a positive int (so excluding 0). As I see it I have several options:
1) all-out: make a newtype for PositiveInt, hide the constructor, and only expose safe functions for creating a PositiveInt (perhaps returning a Maybe or some union of Positive | Negative | Zero or what have you). This seems like it could be a huge hassle.
2) what the split package does: just return an infinite list of size-0 sublists if the size <= 0. This seems like you risk bugs not getting caught, and worse: those bugs just infinitely hanging your program with no indication of what went wrong.
3) what most other languages do: error when the input is <= 0. I really prefer total functions though...
4) return an Either or Maybe to cover the case that the input might have been <= 0. Similar to #1, it seems like using this could just be a hassle.
This seems similar to this post, but this has more to do with error conditions than just being as precise about types as possible. I'm looking for thoughts on how to decide what the best approach for a case like this is. I'm probably most inclined towards doing #1, and just dealing with the added overhead, but I'm concerned that I'll be kicking myself down the road. Is this a decision that needs to be made on a case-by-case basis, or is there a general strategy that consistently works best?

Is there a fast way of going from a symbol to a function call in Julia? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Julia: invoke a function by a given string
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I know that you can call functions using their name as follows
f = x -> println(x)
y = :f
but this is slow since it is using eval is it possible to do this in a different way? I know it's easy to go the other direction by just doing symbol(f).
What are you trying to accomplish? Needing to eval a symbol sounds like a solution in search of a problem. In particular, you can just pass around the original function, thereby avoiding issues with needing to track the scope of f (or, since f is just an ordinary variable in your example, the possibility that it would get reassigned), and with fewer characters to type:
f = x -> println(x)
g = f
I know it's easy to go the other direction by just doing symbol(f).
This is misleading, since it's not actually going to give you back f (that transform would be non-unique). But it instead gives you the string representation for the function (which might happen to be f, sometimes). It is simply equivalent to calling Symbol(string(f)), since the combination is common enough to be useful for other purposes.
Actually I have found use for the above scenario. I am working on a simple form compiler allowing for the convenient definition of variational problems as encountered in e.g. finite element analysis.
I am relying on the Julia parser to do an initial analysis of the syntax. The equations entered are valid Julia syntax, but will trigger errors on execution because some of the symbols or methods are not available at the point of the problem definition.
So what I do is roughly this:
I have a type that can hold my problem description:
type Cmd f; a; b; end
I have defined a macro so that I have access to the problem description AST. I travers this expression and create a Cmd object from its elements (this is not completely unlike the strategy behind the #mat macro in MATLAB.jl):
macro m(xp)
c = Cmd(xp.args[1], xp.args[3], xp.args[2])
At a later step, I run the Cmd. Evaluation of the symbols happens only at this stage (yes, I need to be careful of the evaluation context):
function run(c::Cmd)
xp = Expr(:call, c.f, c.a, c.b)
Usage example:
c = #m a^b
a, b = 2, 3
which returns 9. So in short, the question is relevant in at least some meta-programming scenarios. In my case I have to admit I couldn't care less about performance as all of this is mere preprocessing and syntactic sugar.

Time Complexity for index and drop of first item in Data.Sequence

I was recently working on an implementation of calculating moving average from a stream of input, using Data.Sequence. I figured I could get the whole operation to be O(n) by using a deque.
My first attempt was (in my opinion) a bit more straightforward to read, but not a true a deque. It looked like:
let newsequence = (|>) sequence n
let dropFrontTotal = fromIntegral (newtotal - index newsequence 0)
let newsequence' = drop 1 newsequence.
According to the hackage docs for Data.Sequence, index should take O(log(min(i,n-i))) while drop should also take O(log(min(i,n-i))).
Here's my question:
If I do drop 1 someSequence, doesn't this mean a time complexity of O(log(min(1, (length someSequence)))), which in this case means: O(log(1))?
If so, isn't O(log(1)) effectively constant?
I had the same question for index someSequence 0: shouldn't that operation end up being O(log(0))?
Ultimately, I had enough doubts about my understanding that I resorted to using Criterion to benchmark the two implementations to prove that the index/drop version is slower (and the amount it's slower by grows with the input). The informal results on my machine can be seen at the linked gist.
I still don't really understand how to calculate time complexity for these operations, though, and I would appreciate any clarification anyone can provide.
What you suggest looks correct to me.
As a minor caveat remember that these are amortized complexity bounds, so a single operation could require more than constant time, but a long chain of operations will only require a constant times the number of the chain.
If you use criterion to benchmark and "reset" the state at every computation, you might see non-constant time costs, because the "reset" is preventing the amortization. It really depends on how you perform the test. If you start from a sequence an perform a long chain of operations on that, it should be OK. If you repeat many times a single operation using the same operands, then it could be not OK.
Further, I guess bounds such as O(log(...)) should actually be read as O(log(1 + ...)) -- you can't realistically have O(log(1)) = O(0) or, worse O(log(0))= O(-inf) as a complexity bound.

ListComprehension but different order

I would like to know if there is a difference between these to definitions.
[(x,y)| x<-[1..10000], x=2000,y<-[1..100], odd y]
[(x,y)| x<-[1..10000],y<-[1..100], x=2000, odd y]
Both will generate same list of tuples.
But if our compiler doesn't do any optimization.
How can i find out which one is faster.
In both case x<-[1..10000] will give us a list from [1,2.. 20000] since x==2000.
In what order will the y value be evaluated?
Things are executed left-to-right. Think of it as nested loops. So in the first one the test of x is executed 10000 times, and in the second it's executed 1000000 times.
Moving the condition outwards to speed up the execution is called "filter promotion"; a term coined by David Turner (ca 1980).

How does ArrowLoop work? Also, mfix?

I'm fairly comfortable now with the rest of the arrow machinery, but I don't get how loop works. It seems magical to me, and that's bad for my understanding. I also have trouble understanding mfix. When I look at a piece of code that uses rec in a proc or do block, I get confused. With regular monadic or arrow code, I can step through the computation and keep an operational picture of what's going on in my head. When I get to rec, I don't know what picture to keep! I get stuck, and I can't reason about such code.
The example I'm trying to grok is from Ross Paterson's paper on arrows, the one about circuits.
counter :: ArrowCircuit a => a Bool Int
counter = proc reset -> do
rec output <- returnA -< if reset then 0 else next
next <- delay 0 -< output+1
returnA -< output
I assume that if I understand this example, I'll be able to understand loop in general, and it'll go a great way towards understanding mfix. They feel essentially the same to me, but perhaps there is a subtlety I'm missing? Anyway, what I would really prize is an operational picture of such pieces of code, so I can step through them in my head like 'regular' code.
Edit: Thanks to Pigworker's answer, I have started thinking about rec and such as demands being fulfilled. Taking the counter example, the first line of the rec block demands a value called output. I imagine this operationally as creating a box, labelling it output, and asking the rec block to fill that box. In order to fill that box, we feed in a value to returnA, but that value itself demands another value, called next. In order to use this value, it must be demanded of another line in the rec block but it doesn't matter where in the rec block it is demanded, for now.
So we go to the next line, and we find the box labelled next, and we demand that another computation fill it. Now, this computation demands our first box! So we give it the box, but it has no value inside it, so if this computation demands the contents of output, we hit an infinite loop. Fortunately, delay takes the box, but produces a value without looking inside the box. This fills next, which then allows us to fill output. Now that output is filled, when the next input of this circuit is processed, the previous output box will have its value, ready to be demanded in order to produce the next next, and thus the next output.
How does that sound?
In this code, they key piece is the delay 0 arrow in the rec block. To see how it works, it helps to think of values as varying over time and time as chopped into slices. I think of the slices as ‘days’. The rec block explains how each day's computation works. It's organised by value, rather than by causal order, but we can still track causality if we're careful. Crucially, we must make sure (without any help from the types) that each day's work relies on the past but not the future. The one-day delay 0 buys us time in that respect: it shifts its input signal one day later, taking care of the first day by giving the value 0. The delay's input signal is ‘tomorrow's next’.
rec output <- returnA -< if reset then 0 else next
next <- delay 0 -< output+1
So, looking at the arrows and their outputs, we're delivering today's output but tomorrow's next. Looking at the inputs, we're relying on today's reset and next values. It's clear that we can deliver those outputs from those inputs without time travel. The output is today's next number unless we reset to 0; tomorrow, the next number is the successor of today's output. Today's next value thus comes from yesterday, unless there was no yesterday, in which case it's 0.
At a lower level, this whole setup works because of Haskell's laziness. Haskell computes by a demand-driven strategy, so if there is a sequential order of tasks which respects causality, Haskell will find it. Here, the delay establishes such an order.
Be aware, though, that Haskell's type system gives you very little help in ensuring that such an order exists. You're free to use loops for utter nonsense! So your question is far from trivial. Each time you read or write such a program, you do need to think ‘how can this possibly work?’. You need to check that delay (or similar) is used appropriately to ensure that information is demanded only when it can be computed. Note that constructors, especially (:) can act like delays, too: it's not unusual to compute the tail of a list, apparently given the whole list (but being careful only to inspect the head). Unlike imperative programming, the lazy functional style allows you to organize your code around concepts other than the sequence of events, but it's a freedom that demands a more subtle awareness of time.
