Xpage to show resource calendar - xpages

I would like to create a small Xpages application that can show the calendar of our conference room. My idea is to have a web browser open on the Conference Room TVs so when somebody wants to get in the conference room they will see really quick that there is a meeting scheduled in 10 min.
I have tried using this template from OpenNTF - Link but I couldn't figure out how to pull the data from my Conference room resource into the calendar.
Any other idea how I can accomplish this?
Note: Having the user check the conference room schedule on LN is not an option. They already don't like LN.

Extension Library has a calendar control. It's basically the (8.5) iNotes calendar control, so data is loaded via a REST service. There are two methods of getting the data into a REST service, depending on whether or not the view you're picking up has columns with the programmatic names that are found in a Notes Mail calendar. The documentation in the XPages Extension Library book should cover the basics but, if you need clarification on any of the content, I wrote it.
Modifying the look and feel is not likely to be easy, because it's an XPage version of an IBM-specific Dojo-based control, which is possibly also why no version has been released to use the R9 look and feel.
Alternatively, it would be feasible to build a repeat control layout. Creating a ViewEntryCollection based on a DateRange is key to getting all entries between dates.


Create Mail-In Database using Standard Notes Mail Template

I am trying to create a Mail-In database for a new workflow application,
internal and external mail to arrive into a view which can be accessed by any member of the team, assigned reassigned, etc etc.
Attempt 1
I started with a blank canvas created a memo form, view, frame with preview etc, embedded another team calendar in the frame etc no problem until I started to try to implement basic functionality like forward and reply - with history. Forwarding my memo/mail with the history results in a copy of what becomes the ugly header in the new form. I needed it to be formatted like it is in a reply or forward of a Notes email ie like this.
Many hours later I could not figure out how the above has been achieved in Notes.
Attempt 2
Use the standard Notes 11 mail template and using the Notes message/memo form, add my bespoke view and frameset with preview etc. Nearly works, I get the neat history on Forward, however, on previewing the mail in my frameset the preview is pushed outside of my frame covering half of the other frames, it is unuseable. It seems like there is one form on top of another, ie this is apparent when opening the mail, adding a green background to the form is only visible on Edit. Again after hours and hours of searching through code and subforms, I cannot find the cause of it. I have established though if I open my client in basic mode, ie. nlnotes then it works perfectly.
So several questions all related, am I going about it the right way. I would like to use the mail template as a lot of what I need is built in, but I need to view that database in basic mode whilst in a standard eclipse notes client, ie stop it trying to open whatever it is trying to open in the eclipse version.
Or is there a better way, ie to generate the neat From: To: history in Forwarded and Replied to emails.
I will also want any replies to be from the group email address rather then the individual user, I haven't got to that yet so I am not sure if it is a problem.
I have seen the Open NTF Team Mail project, but that is 10 years out of date, so I felt there would be more advantage in trying to use the existing mail template.
Hope that makes sense.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest to create a new mail-in database and give it the right mail-template. Sometimes an application gets a hick-up and the application can't implement the template correctly. Or because of your previous tries there are design parts which shouldn't be there.
Is this the first time you create a mail-in database? Are all template elements signed correctly? Did you check the ACL, too?

Xpages: Track changes when user updates document from Xpage

A business owner of my ticket tracking app in Xpages wants to track every change to the document. If a user opens the doc in edit mode but doesn't change anything, then no tracking. If, however, they open up a document and change one field, I have to capture that.
Here is my solution. When a user edits a doc, I create a "shadow document", which is a "before" vision. When the user saves I am comparing field for field for changes, and then acting appropriately.
Is there a better way to do this?
This is another good use case for Java beans. If you create a bean which sits between XPages-UI and Domino back-end document then you can easily track field changes.
Karsten Lehmann wrote a blog about it some time ago.
... and you could use the OpenNTF Domino API that has functions for exactly this. As far as I remember there is an example of this in the demo database. Not sure if it is also in the new version of the demo database - but then you may just need to find an older version (e.g. for milestone 4.5 where I saw this).

How to copy Notes and Activities while converting Contact to Lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

I have a requirement to copy all Notes and Activities while converting Lead to Contact and vice versa.
When I Qualifying Lead to Contact I use my custom plugin which is triggered by QualifyLead event. There is no out of the box solution to convert Contact to Lead so I use my custom on-demand dialog. But this dialog unable to run my custom plugin (which will copy Notes and Activities from Contact to Lead).
Please help me to find a way to copy all this stuff from Contact to Lead.
You can create a Custom Workflow Activity with the code of your custom plugin and uses as step inside your on-demand dialog.
You can start from here:
Another way that you can do this is to simply reference the notes from the Lead in the Contact, Account, or Opportunity entities using an IFrame and some JavaScript as described in http://030bacf.netsolhost.com/WordPress/?cat=69 . Depending on how many records you have, potentially this could even be a better solution since you are only keeping one copy of the notes which will help keep the size of the database more manageable and performance better. Or you could use this solution for the notes and the solution recommended by Guido for the Activity records. I had to make a change to the URL used for CRM 2013 and have copied that part below.
// change to this for CRM 2013

ibm business card integration for xpages using OpenNTF project Business Card

Using http://www.openntf.org/internal/home.nsf/project.xsp?action=openDocument&name=Business%20Card I can implement this no problem when it is rendered in a static context, for example, hard coded with display name and username.
The problem:
When using this custom control within a repeat control where the repeat is populated from an xml feed. Using XPath we can get the email and display name.
The xpage will render the list with the url based on the display name. However it takes a page refresh for the javascript to rebuild the link to actually do the tiptext and the popup.
Has anybody implemented this in a dynamic context eg a search bar for people in connections?
This project is very old. Take a look at the business card control (Java/lib control) in XPagesSBT.nsf in the extlib project (exlibx package).

Updating document found in iNotes calendar view

How do I edit a document displayed in a iNotes Calendar View.
I have set up a REST Service using "calendarJsonLegacyService" towards a notes view.
I have also created a iNotes Calendar and connected this to the service.
And the calendar entries are displayed alright.
But how do I manipulate this entry in the iNotes calendar events (onOpenEntry, onRescheduleEntry)?
I have named the "var" in the REST service to 'entry'.
Please keep in mind that I'm new to the whole xPage-framework.
Feeling a bit lost here :)
Take a look of TeamRoom teamplate from openNTF or from latest version of Extension Library; there you can find logic to manipulate different evets on calendar entries.
