Updating document found in iNotes calendar view - xpages

How do I edit a document displayed in a iNotes Calendar View.
I have set up a REST Service using "calendarJsonLegacyService" towards a notes view.
I have also created a iNotes Calendar and connected this to the service.
And the calendar entries are displayed alright.
But how do I manipulate this entry in the iNotes calendar events (onOpenEntry, onRescheduleEntry)?
I have named the "var" in the REST service to 'entry'.
Please keep in mind that I'm new to the whole xPage-framework.
Feeling a bit lost here :)

Take a look of TeamRoom teamplate from openNTF or from latest version of Extension Library; there you can find logic to manipulate different evets on calendar entries.


Xpage to show resource calendar

I would like to create a small Xpages application that can show the calendar of our conference room. My idea is to have a web browser open on the Conference Room TVs so when somebody wants to get in the conference room they will see really quick that there is a meeting scheduled in 10 min.
I have tried using this template from OpenNTF - Link but I couldn't figure out how to pull the data from my Conference room resource into the calendar.
Any other idea how I can accomplish this?
Note: Having the user check the conference room schedule on LN is not an option. They already don't like LN.
Extension Library has a calendar control. It's basically the (8.5) iNotes calendar control, so data is loaded via a REST service. There are two methods of getting the data into a REST service, depending on whether or not the view you're picking up has columns with the programmatic names that are found in a Notes Mail calendar. The documentation in the XPages Extension Library book should cover the basics but, if you need clarification on any of the content, I wrote it.
Modifying the look and feel is not likely to be easy, because it's an XPage version of an IBM-specific Dojo-based control, which is possibly also why no version has been released to use the R9 look and feel.
Alternatively, it would be feasible to build a repeat control layout. Creating a ViewEntryCollection based on a DateRange is key to getting all entries between dates.

ibm business card integration for xpages using OpenNTF project Business Card

Using http://www.openntf.org/internal/home.nsf/project.xsp?action=openDocument&name=Business%20Card I can implement this no problem when it is rendered in a static context, for example, hard coded with display name and username.
The problem:
When using this custom control within a repeat control where the repeat is populated from an xml feed. Using XPath we can get the email and display name.
The xpage will render the list with the url based on the display name. However it takes a page refresh for the javascript to rebuild the link to actually do the tiptext and the popup.
Has anybody implemented this in a dynamic context eg a search bar for people in connections?
This project is very old. Take a look at the business card control (Java/lib control) in XPagesSBT.nsf in the extlib project (exlibx package).

Can't view any calendar view

Has anyone seen it where a user cannot view any calendar views across site collections? He can see all the events in standard list view format, but any calendar-type view only shows the month and no events.
Could this be an IE issue?
This one took a little bit of thought. The user could access calendar views on other machines, so I had the user repair his MS Office Profile and reboot. That did the trick, as he was then able to see any calendar view across any site collection.

Sharepoint 2007: Pop up message on new announcements

Is it possible to display on a page a javascript popup message if there are new unseen items in an announcements list?
If you want the pop-up to jump out even when the user does not refresh a page, you will need to develop a polling mechanism (using JS) and call a web service to find out if there are new items.
Otherwise, you just need to add a web part to the page that will do the check on page load.
We did something similar, showing the users how many documents there are in a document library that each user has not read. we used the SPAudit object to find our what items have been seen by which user. Of course it has to be optimized for performance, so we just check a few of the latest items, not all of them. We even added this to the quick links menu, so that next to each document library appears a number of document the current user has not read yet, it is really cool, very similar to what you need.
You could store the last time the user viewed the announcements in a cookie and read that out to compare against the newest item. You can also store that the user has closed the pop-up.
Have a look at the following resources. You can make it work with minimum alteration
Using Jquery In Sharepoint To Display Notifications For Open Tasks
SharePoint Tasks Popup using JavaScript API
jQuery Ticker for SharePoint Announcement List

Sharepoint - Showing calendar events in multiple calendars in diff't sub-sites

I am trying to show events from a calendar in the main site to a calendar in a sub-site of the main site (or vice-versa)...I can't alter any server files or use custom-built web parts...is there anyway to do this w/ OOTB moss 2007?
Altering Server files is a big no-no anyway, so that's good :-D. YOu could try using SharePoint designer to create a so-called aggregation webpart, pulling data from all sites in the site collection (which of course get security trimmed by sharepoint, so people see only what they are allowed to see).
YOu can create use a DataFormWebPart in SharePoint designer to build an aggregation webpart. This is still ootb, but allows you to configure the datasource: i.e. have the datasource query the entire site collection for calendar items, then display them in a list. Disdplay them in a "new" calendar will be a lot of work though.
There is no way to "copy" or deisgnate specific calendar items to be visible in specific other calendars, this will take custom code.
Not strictly OOTB MOSS 2007, but I recenlty wrote an article about syncing any list using a simple workflow. As a Calendar is just a list it works for that as well and it maintains the Calendar look and feel.
Check it out here, it works great and deals with attachments as well. As it is part of a workflow you can add your own logic easily, e.g. Only sync calendar events that have field 'x' set to 'y'.
I wanted to point out that RSSBus Web Part can handle a task like this with minimal code. This, although not ootb is quite simple and does not require use of SharePoint Designer.
<rsb:import lib="RSSBus.SpsOps"/>
<rsb:set attr="url" value="http://mysharepointsite/subSite/"/>
<rsb:set attr="list" value="Calendar"/>
<rsb:set attr="user" value="someuser"/>
<rsb:set attr="password" value="theirpassword"/>
<rsb:call op="spsListItems">
The code above can be placed within the RSSBus Web Part on the main site and through the use of "SpsOps" have access to all lists/items on all sites/subsites.
