How to read/write data from/to Azure Table using Hadoop? - azure

I'd like to have a hadoop job which read data from Azure table storage and write data back into it. How can I do that?
I'm mostly interested in writing data into Azure tables from HDInsight.


Is it possible to access Databricks DBFS from Azure Data Factory?

I am trying to use the Copy Data Activity to copy data from Databricks DBFS to another place on the DBFS, but I am not sure if this is possible.
When I select Azure Delta Storage as a dataset source or sink, I am able to access the tables in the cluster and preview the data, but when validating it says that the tables are not delta tables (which they aren't, but I don't seem to acsess the persistent data on DBFS)
Furthermore, what I want to access is the DBFS, not the cluster tables. Is there an option for this?

How good is Azure Data Lake for storing an SQL database used for Power BI visualizations?

We have an Azure SQL database where we collect a large amount of sensor data and we regularly extract the data from it and transform it a bit with a python script. The end result is a pandas DataFrame file. We would like to store the transformed data in an Azure database and use it as a source of a power BI dashboard.
On the one hand, we want to show the "almost" real-time data on a dashboard (the latency due to the transformation etc. is acceptable, but the dashboard needs to refresh very frequently, let's say once a minute), but we also want to store the transformed data and query it later e.g. to visualize the data only for a given day.
Is it possible to convert the pandas DataFrame into SQL and store it on Data Lake and stream the data from there? I read that it is possible to store structured data on Data Lake and even query it, but I am unsure if this would be the best solution.
(My current task is to choose the best database for storing the transformed data to enable both streaming and querying it later. I am very new in Azure products and I don't have a sandbox account yet to even try around and identify possible pitfalls. I've just figured out that PowerBI does not support DirectQuery for DataLake and I feel like this can be an issue - meaning we would have to query the data on DataLake at first and store it somewhere if we wanted to visualize a subset, is that correct?)
Azure Datalake is not a database, just a store for the data both structured and unstructured, so as mentioned you can't direct query it unless you have some compute capacity (Databricks, Azure Synapse, Azure DataLake Analytics, Power BI Premium with enhanced compute)
Depending on your approach, it may be best to move from Azure SQL Database and Pandas, to Azure Databricks, that can ingest the streaming data, transform, and provide an outputted table that is stored in the data lake. You will then connect Power BI to the Databricks instance and query that. The data will only be available while the cluster is running.
Moving to Databricks, will involve rewriting your Panda code to Koalas, or preferably Pyspark.
You do have the option of using Databricks to write the items back to a Azure SQL Database table. Depending on what transformations you are doing you could keep it all in Azure SQL, or if it is sensor data streaming, take the data through Azure Event Hubs, to Azure Streaming Analytics (does transformations), to Azure SQL Database (store Realtime and historical).

Is possible to read an Azure Databricks table from Azure Data Factory?

I have a table into an Azure Databricks Cluster, i would like to replicate this data into an Azure SQL Database, to let another users analyze this data from Metabase.
Is it possible to acess databricks tables through Azure Data factory?
No, unfortunately not. Databricks tables are typically temporary and last as long as your job/session is running. See here.
You would need to persist your databricks table to some storage in order to access it. Change your databricks job to dump the table to Blob storage as it's final action. In the next step of your data factory job, you can then read the dumped data from the storage account and process further.
Another option may be databricks delta although I have not tried this yet...
If you register the table in the Databricks hive metastore then ADF could read from it using the ODBC source in ADF. Though this would require an IR.
Alternatively you could write the table to external storage such as blob or lake. ADF can then read that file and push it to your sql database.

Hadoop on Azure using IaaS

I am looking at having a Hadoop cluster setup for Big Data analytics using the virtualized environment in Azure. As the data volume is very high, I am looking at having data stored in secondary storage like Azure Data Lake Store and Hadoop cluster storage will act as the primary storage.
I would like to know, how can this be configured so that when i create a Hive table and partition, part of the data can reside in Primary storage and the rest in the secondary storage?
You can't mix file systems with a Hive table by default. The Hive metastore only consists of one filesystem location for a database / table definition.
You might try to use Waggle Dance to setup a federated Hive solution, but it's probably too much work than simply allowing Hive data to exist in Azure
I don't know about Hadoop and Hive but you could combine Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) and Azure SQL Data Warehouse (ADW), ie use Polybase in ADW to create an external table on the 'cold' data in ADLS and an internal table for your 'warm' data. ADW has the advantage that you can pause it.
Optionally create a view over the top to combine the external and internal table.

Azure Data Lake - HDInsight vs Data Warehouse

I'm in a position where we're reading from our Azure Data Lake using external tables in Azure Data Warehouse.
This enables us to read from the data lake, using well known SQL.
However, another option is using Data Lake Analytics, or some variation of HDInsight.
Performance wise, I'm not seeing much difference. I assume Data Warehouse is running some form of distributed query in the background, converting to U-SQL(?), and so why would we use Data Lake Analytics with the slightly different syntax of U-SQL?
With python script also available in SQL, I feel I'm missing a key purpose of Data Lake Analytics, other than the cost (pay per batch job, rather than constant up time of a database).
If your main purpose is to query data stored in the Azure Data Warehouse (ADW) then there is not real benefit to using Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA). But as soon as you have other (un)structured data stored in ADLS, like json documents or csv files for example, the benefit of ADLA becomes clear as U-Sql allows you to join your relational data stored in ADW with the (un)structured / nosql data stored in ADLS.
Also, it enables you to use U-Sql to prepare this other data for direct import in ADW, so Azure Data Factory is not longer required to get the data into you data warehouse. See this blogpost for more information:
A common use case for ADLS and SQL DW is the following. Raw data is ingested into ADLS from a variety of sources. Then ADL Analytics is used to clean and process the data into a loading ready format. From there, the high value data can be imported into Azure SQL DW via PolyBase.
You can import data stored in ORC, RC, Parquet, or Delimited Text file formats directly into SQL DW using the Create Table As Select (CTAS) statement over an external table.
Please note that the SQL statement in SQL Data Warehouse is currently NOT generating U-SQL behind the scenes. Also, the use cases between ADLA/U-SQL and SDW are different.
ADLA is giving you an processing engine to do batch data preparation/cooking to generate your data to build a data mart/warehouse that you then can read interactively with SQL DW. In your example above, you seem to be mainly doing the second part. Adding "Views" on top on these EXTERNAL tables to do transformations in SQL DW will quickly run into scalability limits if you operating on big data (and not just a few 100k rows).
