cocos2d-x for android, crash with string concatenation - string

On Cocos2d-x v3 this code:
string _nameImgBase="pedina";
string nameImg=_nameImgBase+"B.png";
auto img=Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(nameImg);
compiles without errors, but on Android crash the application.
The strange thing is that if I compile the same code on XCode for iPhone ... then there are no problems, everything is working.

It's probably not present in the "SpriteFrameCache",but if you want to add a simple sprite from your resources folder you simply use
auto img=Sprite::create(nameImg);


Android studio problem with configuration: type mismatach problem

I wrote a code like that:
var btn: Button = view.findViewById(
view.findViewById( is red underlined.
It's working fine but Android studio tolds me that it is mismatch type (Compiler expected View!). It had been working fine until i changed a profile from debug to release. Since that it show me errors.
And one more error which i recived is with:
TextView is red underlined.
No type args expected for fun.
I belive that error s only becouse of android studio config. I can compile my code witout any problem, but android studio doesn't suggest me things like that.
Have you maybe any suggests ?
Have you tried to rebuild and clean your code? #Young_User
Might be an issue with what you are inheriting in your class.
Care to share the error code and full class too?

Android Studio Kotlin databinding: Unresolved reference on BR

I have some code that is generating a "red squiggly" error in Android Studio:
var title: String = ""
set(value) {
field = value
It complains that "title" is an unresolved reference on BR.title. Building and running works fine though, and this is the only error I can see. I debug there and see that it's gotten the value for BR.title correctly.
Still, I can't figure out how to make it go away. I verified that the generated BR class has the "title" field, but Android Studio refuses to recognize this. I've looked up people having this issue and have tried the following: (unsuccessfully)
Closing Android Studio, deleting the .gradle, .idea and build folders and restarting
Build -> Clean Project, Rebuild Project
File -> Invalidate Caches and restart
Disabling and enabling the Kotlin plugin
Closing and reopening the project
I have also checked and I have apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' in build.gradle.
Anyone know what's going on? I assume it must be holding onto some cache files somewhere but I don't know where.
What fixed the problem for me was adding the following import to my files:
import androidx.databinding.library.baseAdapters.BR
I'm not entirely certain why this works, but it got rid of all the analysis problems and the application still compiles and works fine, so I'm personally happy.

"Module openfl.display.Shader does not define type Shader" when trying to do a release for neko or windows [Flash Develop/Haxe]

this is somenthing I was trying to solve for HOURS, but I don't get why this is not working.
First of all, I'm trying to do a release for neko or windows in Flash Develop. My project is a OpenFl one, and the language is Haxe 3.
What I have installed:
actuate: [1.8.6]
flixel-addons: [2.3.0]
flixel: [4.2.1]
hxcpp: [3.4.64]
lime: [2.9.1]
nape: [2.0.20]
openfl: [3.6.1]
And yes; I'm using haxeFlixel.
When I try to do a release in windows or neko, these errors appear:
-E:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/openfl/3,6,1/openfl/_internal/renderer/opengl/utils/SpriteBatch.hx:12: characters 7-28 : Module openfl.display.Shader does not define type Shader
-E:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/openfl/3,6,1/openfl/_internal/renderer/opengl/utils/SpriteBatch.hx:12: characters 7-28 : For function argument 'ax'
-src/skill/SkillLogicProjectil.hx:13: lines 13-54 : Defined in this class
-E:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/openfl/3,6,1/openfl/_internal/renderer/opengl/shaders2/Shader.hx:11: characters 7-28 : Module openfl.display.Shader does not define type Shader
The most funny thing is: I'm not even using Shader in SkillLogicProjectil. That class only creates a sprite that follows a Player and has a var with the sprite that represents the skill.
If I comment this class, the error is in another class, and finally ends in my GameState.
This error doesn't appear when I do a release in html5. In html5 there are no problems with the release, but I canĀ“t make the game load without Flash Develop running the process in http://localhost:2000/. I need to make a release that can be opened with a computer, without using Flash Develop to open it.
What can I do?.
The new version of Flixel supports Haxe 3.4.3 and OpenFL 8, have you given these versions a try?

Program Not Responding after clean compile?

I've had to move my stuff from a failing hard drive, so I've had to set up and reinstall everything again. And I've run into a couple problems.
So I've got two errors here. The first error that I get is when I open flashdevelop to begin working. I get the error of:
Can't Find Haxelib.exe
And of course, I've installed haxe and haxelib and everything else that's needed pre-setup. However, when I run, the flash and html5 targets work fine regardless. I don't know why that error shows up. Any ideas?
My second problem is that I've installed the necessary stuff for the windows runtime. However, when I try to run the exe in or outside of flashdevelop, the program freezes and gives me the:
This program is not responding.
error that you sometimes see when you crash a program. However, I have my neko stuff set up and it compiles fine, it just crashes on start. I have the background set to neko. I have just a sample hello world FlxText object like this:
hello = new FlxText(0, 0, 100, "Hello World!");
#if neko
hello.color = 0xffffff;
hello.color = 0xffffffff;
Any idea what could be causing the start crashes? It also has me wondering if the two aren't related some how.
Thanks in advance!
Using windows 8, haxe, haxeflixel, windows & neko runtimes.
I had this posted on another forum. The not responding error is fixed easily by adding:
<window allow-shaders="false"/>
In the projects xml file. The haxelib error still shows but it may be a non issue.
Things to try:
Make sure you use Haxe 3 and OpenFL (I think there is no sense of using Haxe 2 or NME).
Check if Haxe on PATH is Haxe 3 and check that OpenFL work fine. (Just open "cmd" and type "haxe" there to see version of Haxe available and type "openfl" there to test if it works, also check "haxelib")
Check FlashDevelop Haxe SDK
Trace your haxelibs here(use haxelib list in cmd)
This program is not responding.
This may mean, that you don't have some .dll in bin folder.(Depending on what you use in your project).
Or this may be connected somehow with your GPU drivers. Or it can be anything other. To get more info about that crash, try compiling to neko, and print output here.
Make sure you have latest haxelibs installed (haxelib upgrade and haxelib selfupdate)
To help you I need more info, print FlashDevelop output here.

NME Compile HTML 5 Error

I've been working on a NME application and when I compile it I receive the following error:
"C:\Program Files\Haxe\haxe/lib\nme/3,5,5/nme/errors/EOFError.hx:25: characters 0-18 : Class not found : browser.errors.EOFError
Build halted with errors (haxelib.exe)."
I check and the corresponding class does not appear to exist. I've tried reinstalling NME, however the problem remains.
I'm using Flash Develop, NME 3.5.5 and Haxe 2.10.
I verified that a hello world program would compile properly in both flash and html 5, before starting this project and it still does.
If you haven't gotten too far along in your project, I would recommend switching to the latest Haxe 3 and NME (or OpenFL, which is still very new).
I know that's not a specific solution to that issue, but the issue may go away, and it's worth upgrading. There is a Windows binary available:
