Is there a Windows Service Bus 1.1 SDK for Node.js? [closed] - node.js

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm using which works fine with Azure.
However it doesn't work with on-prem Windows Service Bus 1.1
How do I connect to local Service Bus 1.1 from Node.js?


Windows service restart automation with webhooks [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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We are starting to use Dynatrace monitoring. We want to automate Windows server services restart using webhooks (since Dynatrace only uses webhooks). What implemetation would you recommend?
(preferably with least installation of additional software)

Which Node.js/NPM versions are currently supported on Azure IaaS/PaaS? [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Which Node.js/NPM versions are currently supported on Azure IaaS/PaaS? Is there any documentation available around this?

RDP client for Amazon Linux 2 [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I'm looking for a RDP client that I can install and run on Amazon Linux 2 to connect to other EC2 instances through xrdp. I've tried remmina with no luck.
Does anyone know of an RDP client that will work on Amazon Linux 2?
I finally found FreeRDP. It works well on Amazon Linux 2.

Want bluetooth sniffer tool for Windows [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on a bluetooth project and require some software that could capture the bluetooth packets and then can view (using same or different software) or analysis the packets captured.
Can any one help me to give names of softwares that could solved the issue in windows operating system.

RTMP(S) client library for Node.js [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any working RTMP(S) client library/api for Node? I found some RTMP(S) apis on Github but they only have server implement, but I want the client one...
