how to get object batchwise(pagination) in ZODB - pagination

my zodb having some objects of user class. user objects are indexed using location attribute. all user obj are indexed with his location. if i searched user with some location will get near about 50 users. want to apply pagination. for first time want 10 users, second time want next 10 users.

You need to have "pagination" or "batching" mechanism in place.
Usually writing such mechanism involves doing templates and front end work to have a page selector. For inspiration you can check various Python pagination implementations including this one:
Also note that the question lacks examples of source code and views where the pagination would be performed so giving out a detailed answer is not possible.


Cloudant/Couch db pagination in search API - How to skip n number of records

I am building a typical pagination that allows the user to click on a particular page number and view the results (similar to the google search result view). I am using the cloudant search API for this. The cloudant search API provides the limit option but no skip option. How can I skip n number of results if the user is on page 1 and clicks on page 4 ?
I can see that the pagination is implemented using bookmarks. Does it mean that I need to first get the bookmark for page 4 by sending 3 additional requests one after another to the search api ?
There are a couple of different ways of handling this - one is the one you already suggested, which is just to fetch the pages as needed to get the bookmarks. I'm not sure there are many alternatives for search results where we can't pre-calculate the results.
Another alternative, and this depends a bit on the details of what you are trying to do, is to create a view containing the data and use the keys to narrow down the view to the results you need. View outputs support use of limit and skip which would enable you to implement pagination.
There's also a good example of pagination in the docs:

Kentico Event Calendars in multiple locations

I've been asked if the internal sales site i built can support multiple event calendars. What they would like is a calendar for each group and a global. So the global calendar will shows global and events from each group. The Group Calendars would only show their relevant events.
So i added folders to my Event node, and added some test pages. They show in the global event since it's path is ./%. Great.
For a group (Compliance), it's path is /events/compliance/%. This works, and the Compliance calendar only shows events in within the specified folder.
Each event node's url is based on the global path so /event/compliance/event-1.aspx. This takes the user out of the group section and breaks the user flow. I'd like the group specific events to still apear with their URL stucture. So like this, /Our-Company/Compliance/Calendar-of-Events/event-1.aspx.
I could have the group specific events with their node, but then i loose all the vents on the global calendar. So is there a way for a single calendar to pull events from multiple locations within the tree?
You have a couple options:
Use linked pages. This would allow you to have a global location and simply have a "copy" in a different location (for navigation purposes really). Nice part is if update one of those linked pages, it updates them all so no worries about outdated content.
Categorize your events. Little more effort involved with this one but will work the same.
Set the WHERE statement to filter on the NodeAliasPath. You'd do something like this
Path = /%
Where = "NodeAliasPath LIKE '/GlobalEvents/%' OR NodeAliasPath LIKE '/Groups/Compliance/Events/%'"
3 is probably your best bet and if you want to make it more dynamic you can use macros in your where condition.
I agree with Brenden especially #2. #2 is going to give you the most flexibility and control over querying global items into multiple areas, but also gives you a single management location. We use that method on almost all of our projects and is both easy to manage but also easy to teach your content contributors how to use it the best.
The only other recommendation I would give is also include some kind of flag field where you can prioritize those items on a calendar list view. We often have a requirement that things do not only show up by date order, but also that certain calendar events take priority in sorting. Where you might not use that upfront, having that available down the road is some good forward thinking.

MVC 5 Save Drafts While Ignoring Missing Required Fields

I have searched for current solutions, but can't find a set of guidelines or examples as to how to achieve the following:
The original requirements involved models with required fields, so we included annotations to those fields. As usual, there is a last-minute change and we are being asked to allow the users to save drafts. These drafts must allow the user to save the forms without any of the required fields.
I would like to know what the best practices for this problem are.
Solutions I am considering, but I accept they might be a hack (and that's why I am asking the experts)
If the user clicks "Save as Draft" I can capture the fields that have information in another ActionResult and run basic validation on those fields. Since there is a chance that required fields are missing, I am thinking in storing the captured info in a temporal model (without any required annotations). If the user decides to edit such form, I can populate fields in the view with the temp. model until the user clicks on "Submit"
Another option is to remove all required annotations and run client-side validations... but am wondering on the amount of work required to do so.
Any thoughts are very much appreciated.
Just have 2 save methods. 1 which is called from the autosave and 1 that is used to submit the process. In the autosave method do not check if(ModelState.IsValid).
Whether you choose to save the incomplete objects to the same table or a different table is your choice. In a relational world I would likely use a separate table, in a non-relational world I would use a singular object collection.
This will allow you to keep the same set of original models. There is a very high cost to duplicating your models, there are certainly times that warrants pass by value/copy but make sure the cost of mapping is there. In this situtation I do not believe there is value in mapping, except perhaps at the persistence level if you need to map to a different object because of an ORM's constraints.
There is deep value in these partial forms. Recording this on the server will allow you to apply analytics to learn why your users abandon your processes. It also gives you the ability to follow up on users who leave incomplete forms such as sending a reminder (nag) email.
You don't want to save anything to your database until it is complete. Having a duplicate table where everything is nullable is cludgy as hell. Before HTML5, the typical path was to save the information to the session, which you could then pull from to refill the fields, but that's requires having a session with a relatively high expiry to be useful.
Thankfully, HTML5 has local storage, which is really the best way to handle this now. You just watch for onchange events on your fields and then insert that value into local storage. If the user submits the form successfully, you destroy the local storage values. Otherwise, you attempt to read those values from local storage when the page loads and refill the fields.
There's pretty broad support, so unless you need to worry about IE6 or IE7, you won't have any issues.
Another option (depending on your data obviously) would be to comply with the database but not the model. By this I mean ignore Model.isValid and disable Javascript validation on the front end but then satisfy the database table. In a form, you mostly have:
textboxes - default to "" or " "
checkboxes - easy true/false default
radio buttons - one is probably already selected
dates - default to DateTime.MinValue (or DateTimeUTC)
enums - default to 0 (usually for 'unspecified')
Hopefully you are also saving a flag designating that it is in Draft state so that you know you need to interpret the 'null codes' you have set when it comes to displaying the semi-populated form again.

get document by id in modx

Very simply I want to have multiple content regions on a single page. Note this is my first Modx site.
So far I have the home page and created child documents for the sub regions on the home page. All I want is to call them in the template.
For example there is a document with an id of 2, and I want the long title on the home page (id of 1).
Something like :
Unfortunately the above just returns the url to that sub document and not the longtitle of that document itself.
So far I've found no documentation on doing so. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
You have 2 options, the hard way ~ the route you have chosen ;) and the easy way... which I will outline as well.
For what you are trying to do you are going to want to use either getResources which will allow you to loop over a collection of resources & extract the fields you need [in this case 'content'] or getresourceField which will allow you to specify a single resource & the field to extract, just call it multiple times in your template.
You might try:
[[getResources? &parents='[[*id]]' &tpl='myTpl' &includeContent='1']]
Should get all the child resources [up to default ~ 10] of the current resource, then you would create a template for get resources to loop over:
notice the use of + instead of * for the resource fields
the easy way, create template variables for your extra content areas, you can set them up as rich text areas as well. that way all your content for any given page is within the one resource ~ no need for you to create child resources to hold content for your header/footer/sidebar/etc
Either way will work, the TV method may use less overhead though.
you can use fastfield
or in a call
You can also grab all TVs of that resource, like
see also:

Sharepoint custom user and document library specific properties

Is there a standard way to associate custom properties with a user? I need to store the number of items per page a user selected in a grid of a document library separately for each user and document library.
Sorry about this vagueness, I wanted to do it programmatically. It seems like I've found the solution, it is UserProfileManager class, though I'm now looking into whether there is a limitation on the number of properties you can save this way for a user, because the easiest way of saving page sizes on per user+document library basis seems to be using GUIDs of Views as property names and numbers of pages as values. Though I don't know if it is more efficient or not, depends on how sharepoint stores these properties.
No, you would need to create custom code to store the data.
Given the potential amount of data created, it may be wise to store it in a separate database.
This would give greater flexibility in the way the data can be manipulated and retrieved.
Your question is a bit vague. Are you looking to do any custom code? You could do this many ways so it is difficult without knowing more of what you want.
Using custom code you could set up a workflow or event handler to respond to item events and record the information and store it using the User's Profile or as an SPPersistedObject.
If you want a less developer centric way to do it you can use auditing and simply do reporting on your audit results.
You could set up a list to store the selection data, then use events/AJAX on the document list to push tick/untick items into the selection list (store user, library and document as a minimum.
If you don't want a separate list, you could create a field in your document library that stores which users have a given document tagged... You'll still need some kind of event/AJAX to update the list when a user ticks/unticks the box. Crude :)
