Multiple Date Comparison Queries - excel

Is there an efficient way of identifying which date is the maximum date across 12 columns of data which all have different dates? Naturally the easiest approach is MAX(RANGE A: RANGE L) and then pull that value down to get the rest of the rows. However, this isn't what I want.
What I want to do is to create a function where I can compare the dates across rows and if it is the max - highlight that value. This is because each column is responsible for a specific part of a process and I want to identify where is the largest delay.
My initial thoughts were defining 2 variables and having them each hold one value temporarily and performing a check to see if var 1 > var 2. If it is, then move to the next one (FOR EACH) loop - otherwise max value is reached. Highlight that value.
Would anyone be able to assist me?


Auto populate a table based from datas from another table

this is the another version of my first question and I hope I can best explain my problem this time.
From the Table 1, I want to auto populate Table 2 based on this conditions and criteria (below)
From the example, I basically have 3 initial criteria, ON CALL, AVAILABLE, and BREAK
Now for the conditions, I want all Agents from status ON CALL, AVAILABLE, BREAK from Table 1 to be populated on Table 2 (optional: If possible, I wanted only to show agents that HAS a duration of 4 minutes and above from each status). My problem is I always refresh TABLE 1 so I can get an updated data. My goal here is to monitor our agents their current Status and Running Duration, and from that I only need to check on the table 2 so I would see right away who has the highest running duration from each status to be called out.
I only tried MAXIFS function but my problem with it, I can only show 1 result from each status.
What I wanted is to fully populate Table 2 from the data on Table 1. If this is possible with ROW function that would be great, because what I really wanted is a clean Table, and it should only load data if the criteria is met.
Thank you
Something you may be interested in doing is utilizing HSTACK. I am not sure how you are currently obtaining the Agents name in the adjacent column to the results but this would populate both the Agent along with the Duration.
This formula checks Table 1 for any Agent with the status referenced in H2 (Available) that also has a time greater than or equal to 4 mins. It then sorts the results in ascending order and populates the Agent Name that is associated with it. It is dynamic and will produce a table like the following:
Just update the formula to check for "On Call" and "BreaK" as desired for the other two.
As for conditional formatting, this is utilizing the custom formula posted in the comments. If the formatting of the times are of [h]:mm:ss then you would be looking to do something like this. Notice the 2 cells are highlighted for being between 4 mins and 5 mins.
This is an array solution that spill all the results at once. We use a user LAMBDA function GET to avoid repetition of the same calculation using as input parameter the status (s). The formula works for durations in time format or in text format with a minor modification. On cell E2 put the following formula for durations in time format:
* IFERROR(C:C >= TIME(0,4,0), FALSE))),
IFERROR(HSTACK(GET("ON CALL"), GET("Available"), GET("Break")),""))
Here is the output:
For durations as text in hh:mm:ss format just replace: C:C >= TIME(0,4,0) with TIMEVALUE(C:C) >= TIME(0,4,0).
The GET function is reused to generate the result for each status. The last IFERROR call is used to remove #N/A values generated by HSTACK when the column doesn't have the maximum number of rows of the output.
The first IFERROR is used to treat the case when the value is not numeric, such has the header. This is because we are using the entire column as input range. Using entire columns produce more concise formulas with less maintenance effort, but it is less efficient, unless you have a good reason to have an open range. If you want to use a specific range instead for the data of the table, then you can remove it and update the ranges accordingly.

How to find the index of remaining columns if the data is repetitive

I have a data entry like thisData entries
Now, i need to find the smallest 10 values and also get the corresponding person and area and date along with it.
I used SMALL functoin to find the least 10 values. Then I used the index and match functions for getting their corresponding row entries. The problem is since some data entries are being repetitive, these functions are giving the row of the first 2 for all the remaining 2s. How to solve this
In F2 use Rank like this, so you have unique numbers:
in G2 use Small, to pull the smallest of the ranked numbers and copy down 10 rows.
Now you can pull person, date, real hours and area with an index match in H2, copied across and down.

How to find when two goals are achieved and return date?

I have two list of numbers and a date field. I am trying to return the date when a condition for each field is met. I have List A that tracks X and is increasing every week and the goal is 30,868 and then List B tracks Y and is also increasing every week with a goal of 1,688,888. I would like to find a way to return the date that both conditions are satisfied. What is the way to go about doing this? I am able to do it individually for each using Index/Match, but is there a way to use it to return the date that both goals are met? I am using Excel 2010.
Individual Formula/Example
Assuming that whenever one reaches the goal first it doesn't lose any could you not use what you have in terms of index/match and get the address of the corresponding date field and then the value of that.
Then just compare that with the other index/match.
If you post your existing formula then it'd be relatively easy for another user to then help you get the corresponding date.

Excel - find the biggest gap between numbers in rows

I have an excel file with >12500 rows in one column.
It contains such random strings with 20 digits:
I need to know whats the biggest gap between rows where a number hasn't repeated. For example - I search for any number (e.g 59) and I need to know what's the largest gap between two rows where number 59 hasn't repeated.
In this example it's 4 row gap between 59's.
Hope that I make myself clear.
Seems like a fun problem which admits a simple but not quite obvious answer. First -- make sure that the data is in 20 columns (use the text to columns feature under the data tab). Using your example, I came up with a spreadsheet that looks like:
V1 holds the target number. The formulas are in columns U.
In U1 I entered:
This formula uses MATCH to test if the value in V1 lies in the range to the left of it. If it doesn't the match function returns #N/A. The function ISNA checks for this error value. IF it is present, the overall formula returns 1 (since there are now 1 consecutive row without the target number) otherwise it returns 0.
The formula in U2 is similar with a little twist:
The same basic logic -- but rather than returning 1 if the target number isn't present it adds 1 to the number above. The formula is then copied down the rest of the range. It has the effect of keeping a running total of consecutive rows without the target value. This running total is reset to 0 whenever a row with the target value is encountered.
The final ingredient requires no comment. In U14 I just have
which is the number you are looking for (assuming that the maximum number of consecutive rows without the target number is what you are looking for, even if this occurs either at the top or bottom of the data. If you want the largest gap that is literally between two rows where the number occurs, the logic would need to be made more complex).

Using MIN function in excel when using mm:ss.00 fields and ignoring 00:00.00

Does anyone know how I can get excel to look at the following fields, all formatted in mm:ss.00 and return the lowest time. I am using this to calculate PB's - personal best times - in a sports club race sheet.
The formula I am using is
The problem I have at the moment is that it is including 00:00.00 values in the cells and returning a MIN value of 00:00.00.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
many thanks
Use the following:
COUNTIF counts the amounts of 0 (you maybe need to adjust this value based on your formatting, but it should work). SMALL returns the n-smallest number of the given matrix, with n being the counted value + 1.
Therefore if no 0 is in the matrix, you get the 1st-smallest (aka the smallest), with one 0 you get the 2nd-smallest and so on. Maybe you need to add a check if every value is 0, if that could happen, as in that case SMALL would try to retrieve the value on position list_size+1 of the list, which of course isn't present.
