Why does this haskell code not terminate - haskell

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
type Queue a = [a]
push :: a -> State (Queue a) ()
push x = state (\xs -> ((),xs++[x]))
pop :: State (Queue a) a
pop = state (\(x:xs) -> (x,xs))
queueManip :: State (Queue Int) Int
queueManip =
mapM_ push [1..]
a <- pop
return a
main :: IO()
main = do
let (a,_) = runState queueManip []
print a
Shouldn't the mapM_ be lazy ? Besides for implementing a queue shouldn't the complexity be O(1)?
Because the append (++) itself is lazy ...

What if I'm evil and use
push' :: Int -> State (Queue Int) ()
push' 1052602983 = state $ \_ -> ((), []) -- "Muarhar!"
push' x = state $ \xs -> ((),xs++[x])
Then mapM push' [1..] should clearly render the state as [1052602983, 1052602984 ..]. It would be wrong for pop to yield 1. But mapM can't possibly know this, without first evaluating a billion other numbers. Actually pushing them to the state is irrelevant here, and it also doesn't matter that push could be completely lazy: mapM at least has to give it a chance to check any given number, before handing on the monadic program flow.

Note that do mapM_ push [1..3]; something is the same as:
do push 1; push 2; push 3; something
so that should explain why
do mapM_ push [1..]; something
never gets around to executing something.
If you look at the definition of the State monad:
type State s a = s -> (a, s)
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = \s -> (a,s)
m >>= g = wpAB
wpAB = \s1 -> let (v2, s2) = m s1
(v3, s3) = g v2 s2
in (v3, s3)
-- (newtypes and such have been removed to declutter the code)
you see that the value of m >>= g always depends on g. Contrast that with the definition of Maybe monad:
instance Monad Maybe where
return x = Just x
(>>=) m g = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> g x
where m >>= g can be independent of g which explains how the Maybe monad can short-circuit a do-chain.


Lazy list wrapped in IO

Suppose the code
f :: IO [Int]
f = f >>= return . (0 :)
g :: IO [Int]
g = f >>= return . take 3
When I run g in ghci, it cause stackoverflow. But I was thinking maybe it could be evaluated lazily and produce [0, 0, 0] wrapped in IO. I suspect IO is to blame here, but I really have no idea. Obviously the following works:
f' :: [Int]
f' = 0 : f'
g' :: [Int]
g' = take 3 f'
Edit: In fact I am not interested in having such a simple function f, original code looked more along the lines:
h :: a -> IO [Either b c]
h a = do
(r, a') <- h' a
case r of
x#(Left _) -> h a' >>= return . (x :)
y#(Right _) -> return [y]
h' :: IO (Either b c, a)
-- something non trivial
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ print . take 3 =<< h a
h does some IO computations and stores invalid (Left) responses in a list until a valid response (Right) is produced. The attempt is to construct the list lazily even though we are in the IO monad. So that someone reading the result of h can start consuming the list even before it is complete (because it may even be infinite). And if the one reading the results cares only for the first 3 entries no matter what, the rest of the list does not even have to be constructed. And I am getting the feeling that this will not be possible :/.
Yes, IO is to blame here. >>= for IO is strict in the "state of the world". If you write m >>= h, you'll get an action that first performs the action m, then applies h to the result, and finally performs the action h yields. It doesn't matter that your f action doesn't "do anything"; it has to be performed anyway. Thus you end up in an infinite loop starting the f action over and over.
Thankfully, there is a way around this, because IO is an instance of MonadFix. You can "magically" access the result of an IO action from within that action. Critically, that access must be sufficiently lazy, or you'll throw yourself into an infinite loop.
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
f :: IO [Int]
f = mfix (\xs -> return (0 : xs))
-- This `g` is just like yours, but prettier IMO
g :: IO [Int]
g = take 3 <$> f
There's even a bit of syntactic sugar in GHC for this letting you use do notation with the rec keyword or mdo notation.
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
f' :: IO [Int]
f' = do
rec res <- (0:) <$> (return res :: IO [Int])
return res
f'' :: IO [Int]
f'' = mdo
res <- f'
return (0 : res)
For more interesting examples of ways to use MonadFix, see the Haskell Wiki.
It sounds like you want a monad that mixes the capabilities of lists and IO. Luckily, that's just what ListT is for. Here's your example in that form, with an h' that computes the Collatz sequence and asks the user how they feel about each element in the sequence (I couldn't really think of anything convincing that fit the shape of your outline).
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified ListT as L
h :: Int -> L.ListT IO (Either String ())
h a = do
(r, a') <- liftIO (h' a)
case r of
x#(Left _) -> L.cons x (h a')
y#(Right _) -> return y
h' :: Int -> IO (Either String (), Int)
h' 1 = return (Right (), 1)
h' n = do
putStrLn $ "Say something about " ++ show n
s <- getLine
return (Left s, if even n then n `div` 2 else 3*n + 1)
main = readLn >>= L.traverse_ print . L.take 3 . h
Here's how it looks in ghci:
> main
Say something about 2
Left "small"
Right ()
> main
Say something about 3
Left "prime"
Say something about 10
not prime
Left "not prime"
Say something about 5
Left "fiver"
I suppose modern approaches would use pipes or conduits or iteratees or something, but I don't know enough about them to talk about the tradeoffs compared to ListT.
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate usage, but unsafeInterleaveIO would get you the behavior you're asking for, by deferring the IO actions of f until the value inside of f is asked for:
module Tmp where
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
f :: IO [Int]
f = unsafeInterleaveIO f >>= return . (0 :)
g :: IO [Int]
g = f >>= return . take 3
*Tmp> g

Scope of State Monad

I'm trying to understand what happens in the following code, the code behaves properly, but I'm trying to understand why.
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
import System.Environment
echoArgs :: [String] -> State Int [String]
echoArgs x = loopArgs x >> return x
where loopArgs [] = return ()
loopArgs s#(x':xs') = modify (+1) >> loopArgs xs'
main :: IO ()
main = do
argv <- getArgs
let s = echoArgs argv
mapM_ putStr' (evalState s 0)
putStrLn $ "\nNum Args = " ++ show (execState s 0)
where putStr' x = putStr $ x ++ " "
What I'm not understanding is why the state of the State monad does not get 'reset' with each successive call to loopArgs. Does the state get passed as a variable, with each >> and if so could someone show me how?
Does the state get passed as a variable, with each >> and if so could someone show me how?
It does indeed. It's helpful to look at a toy implementation of the State monad.
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a,s) }
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)
State act >>= k = State $ \s ->
let (a, s') = act s
in runState (k a) s'
get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s)
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify f = get >>= \x -> put (f x)
When you bind using >>= or >> the accumulated state is threaded through as an argument to the function on the right hand side.
When you run execState or evalState it then just extracts either the resulting value or the state from the resulting tuple.
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
execState act = snd . runState act
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
evalState act = fst . runState act

String concatenation with haskell state monad

I need to wrap my head around the state monad in haskell and I have some problems with that.
The task is to implement a function countConcat which concatenates string with the state monad and a function extractCC which gets the result of this function.
So extractCC ((return 0) >>= countConcat "a" >>= countConcat "b" >>= countConcat "c") would yield (3,"abc")
As far as I understand countConcat would be kind of a manipulator function and extractCC should contain some kind of runState, right?
Any tipps or ressources getting me into the right direction are highly appreciated.
(I´ve been through the wiki and the learnyouahaskell section, but still feeling quite stupid with this)
Try this first
concat' :: String -> State (Int,String) ()
concat' s = do
(c,st) <- get
put (c+1, st ++ s)
You can run this by
> runState ( concat' "A" >> concat' "B" >> concat' "C" ) (0,"")
I think if you understand state monad you can modify the above example for your need.
Thanks to Satvik I was able to solve the Problem. Here is my final solution:
newtype State s a = State {runState :: s -> (a,s)}
instance Monad (State s) where
return x = State (\s -> (x,s))
(State h) >>= f = State (\s -> let (a, newState) = h s
(State g) = f a
in g newState)
-- Save new state
countConcat :: String -> Int -> State String Int
countConcat s i =do
st <- get -- get current string
put ((st ++ s)) -- put conc. string
return (i+1) -- return new counter
extractCC f =(runState f ("")) --run the function, staring with an empty string
-- Helper from the wiki
put newState = State $ \_ -> ((), newState)
get = State $ \st -> (st, st)
-- extractCC ((return 0) >>= countConcat "a" >>= countConcat "b" >>= countConcat "c")
-- (3,"abc")
If you use the first combinator from Control.Arrow, then:
countConcat :: String -> State (String,Int) ()
countConcat s = modify ((<> s) *** (+1))

Haskell — Monad binding evaluation order

I'm having some trouble figuring out /how/ the bind operator would actually bind together the following State monads:
pop :: State [Int] Int
pop = do
(x:xs) <- get
put xs
return x
push :: Int -> State [Int] ()
push x = do
xs <- get
put (x:xs)
doStuff :: State [Int] ()
doStuff = do
x <- pop
push 5
push x
Take doStuff, which can be desugared to the following:
pop >>= (\_ -> pop >>= (\x -> push 5 >>= (\_ -> push x)))
When this line is evaluated, in what order does the binding actually happen? Since, to actually bind, Haskell needs to get a State monad out of the function on the right of the >>= operator (i.e. the function right operands need to be fully evaluated first), I would've thought that the following would happen:
s1 = push 5 >>= (\_ -> push x)
s2 = pop >>= (\x -> s1)
s3 = pop >>= (\_ -> s2)
Is this the right way to think about it? I feel that I understand monads well, but my biggest problem is in actually visualising what's happening "behind the scenes" and how the data is flowing, so to speak. The do notation gives the illusion that I'm dealing with a bunch of sequential operations, when in fact, there's a whole bunch of nesting and closures.
I feel somewhat like I'm over-thinking things here and further confusing myself as a result.
Starting from
pop >>= (\_ -> pop >>= (\x -> push 5 >>= (\_ -> push x)))
a few functions can be inlined (to show what is happening better). I will start with (>>=), pretending that State is not defined as a transformer or newtype, to keep things simple.
type State s a = s -> (a, s)
m >>= k = \ s -> let (a, s') = m s in k a s'
\ s -> let (a, s') = pop s in
(\ _ -> pop >>= (\ x -> push 5 >>= (\ _ -> push x))) a s'
\ s -> let (_, s') = pop s in
(pop >>= (\ x -> push 5 >>= (\ _ -> push x))) s'
\ s -> let (_, s') = pop s in
let (a, s'') = pop s' in
(\ x -> push 5 >>= (\ _ -> push x)) a s''
\ s -> let (_, s') = pop s in
let (a, s'') = pop s' in
(push 5 >>= (\ _ -> push a)) s''
\ s -> let (_, s') = pop s in
let (a, s'') = pop s' in
let (b, s''') = push 5 s'' in
(\ _ -> push a)) b s'''
\ s -> let (_, s') = pop s in
let (a, s'') = pop s' in
let (_, s''') = push 5 s'' in
push a s'''
Is this the right way to think about it?
First of all: while it is obviously correct to think of "first this happens, than that, then we evaluate this keyboard input..." in the IO monad, this isn't true for all monads. For instance, in the list monad this doesn't really make any sense. In general, it's not possible to assign a particular order to calculations in Haskell at all, it's not defined behaviour.
Yet, it is always possible, and very often helpful, to think of an order of computations in a monad, and this order is in fact the one suggested by the do notation. So, most of the time it isn't actually insightful to think about the desugared expression. But if you wish to make that step, here's how I'd do it:
pop >>= \_ -> THUNK1
THUNK1 ≡> pop >>= \x -> THUNK2
{Closure{x}} THUNK2 ≡> push 5 >>= \_ -> THUNK3
{Closure{x}} THUNK3 ≡> push x
Which is of course grotesquely more ugly, but says pretty much the same as the sugared do expression.
When this line is evaluated, in what order does the binding actually happen?
There's nothing special about "binding" here. The desugared expression is evaluated in exactly the same (lazy) way any other expression would be, and the specifics depend on the implementation of (>>=) for the particular monad you're working with.
If we're talking about using something like runState, given an expression like foo >>= (\x -> bar), the outermost expression is the application of (>>=) but we're trying to unwrap a newtype and then apply the function inside, so the (>>=) gets forced, as does the function.
If we consider instead the list monad, (>>=) is concatMap. Given an expression like [foo1, foo2] >>= (\x -> [bar1, bar2, x] >>= (\y -> [baz, y])), using take 5 on the result is clearly not going to fully compute all the binds.
That said, there is one important rule here: To whatever extent evaluating x >>= f forces the evaluation of x, in a large expression like a desugared do block the forcing will occur in the apparent "sequential" order, for the same reason that the "sequential illusion" is possible.

List Iterator using ContT

I have a simple list that I would like to iterate over "yield"ing between each element and printing that element to the output. I am trying to use the ContT monad to do this but running into issues. Here's what I have so far:
data K a = Nil | K (a,() -> K a)
listIterator :: (Monad m) => [r] -> m (K r)
listIterator [] = return Nil
listIterator (x:xs) = return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
runIterator :: IO ()
runIterator = do
a <- listIterator ([1,2,3] :: [Int])
let loop Nil = liftIO $ print "nil"
loop (K (curr,newI)) =
liftIO $ print curr
loop (newI ())
loop a
The expected output is:
What I get is:
Any help is appreciated!
listIterator (x:xs) = return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
does not do what you expect, equational reasoning
listIterator (x:xs)
= return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
= (return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k)))) >>= \_ -> listIterator xs
= (\_ -> listIterator xs) (ContT (\k -> K (x,k)))
= listIterator xs
I'm not sure exactly why you want to use an iterator. Haskell is already lazy, so iteration patterns like this are mostly used only when you have resource management issues that need to interact well with a demand driven usage pattern. And, you don't need the continuation monad at all:
Instead of writing the K constructor to take a tuple it is more idiomatic to
data K a = Nil | K a (() -> K a)
intuitively, the type for the listIterator does not use its monadic structure: it just constructs a value, so
listIterator ::[r] -> K r
listIterator [] = Nil
listIterator (x:xs) = K x (\_ -> listIterator xs)
now life is trivial
runIterator :: IO ()
runIterator = do
let a = listIterator ([1,2,3] :: [Int])
loop Nil = liftIO $ print "nil"
loop (K curr newI) =
liftIO $ print curr
loop (newI ())
loop a
which would probably be best to write without the use of do notation.
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but if you are interested in this style of programming, you should look into pipes and similar libraries. (conduit is the rising star in the "real world", but pipes provides a simpler tool for teaching which is why I use it here.)
$ cabal update && cabal install pipes
Pipes are like iterators, except they come in three flavors: those that can acquire input (Consumers), those that produce output (Producers), and those that do both (Pipes). If you connect pipes such that the input and output ends are all satisfied, then it is called a "Pipeline", and it is a self-contained unit that can be run without any additional input.
Pipe provides a monad instance for convenience in creating pipes. The >+> operator connects two pipes together.
import Control.Pipe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- annoyingly, Pipe does not provide a MonadIO instance
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (Pipe a b m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
listIterator :: Monad m => [a] -> Producer (Maybe a) m ()
listIterator (x:xs) = yield (Just x) >> listIterator xs
listIterator [] = yield Nothing
printer :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Consumer (Maybe a) m ()
printer = do
mx <- await
case mx of
Just x -> liftIO (print x) >> printer
Nothing -> liftIO (putStrLn "nil")
main = runPipe $ listIterator [1, 2, 3] >+> printer
The source for Control.Pipe is delightfully simple, especially if you have been reading Gabriel's recent blog posts about Free monads, particularly Why free monads matter and Purify code using free monads.
