String concatenation with haskell state monad - string

I need to wrap my head around the state monad in haskell and I have some problems with that.
The task is to implement a function countConcat which concatenates string with the state monad and a function extractCC which gets the result of this function.
So extractCC ((return 0) >>= countConcat "a" >>= countConcat "b" >>= countConcat "c") would yield (3,"abc")
As far as I understand countConcat would be kind of a manipulator function and extractCC should contain some kind of runState, right?
Any tipps or ressources getting me into the right direction are highly appreciated.
(I´ve been through the wiki and the learnyouahaskell section, but still feeling quite stupid with this)

Try this first
concat' :: String -> State (Int,String) ()
concat' s = do
(c,st) <- get
put (c+1, st ++ s)
You can run this by
> runState ( concat' "A" >> concat' "B" >> concat' "C" ) (0,"")
I think if you understand state monad you can modify the above example for your need.

Thanks to Satvik I was able to solve the Problem. Here is my final solution:
newtype State s a = State {runState :: s -> (a,s)}
instance Monad (State s) where
return x = State (\s -> (x,s))
(State h) >>= f = State (\s -> let (a, newState) = h s
(State g) = f a
in g newState)
-- Save new state
countConcat :: String -> Int -> State String Int
countConcat s i =do
st <- get -- get current string
put ((st ++ s)) -- put conc. string
return (i+1) -- return new counter
extractCC f =(runState f ("")) --run the function, staring with an empty string
-- Helper from the wiki
put newState = State $ \_ -> ((), newState)
get = State $ \st -> (st, st)
-- extractCC ((return 0) >>= countConcat "a" >>= countConcat "b" >>= countConcat "c")
-- (3,"abc")

If you use the first combinator from Control.Arrow, then:
countConcat :: String -> State (String,Int) ()
countConcat s = modify ((<> s) *** (+1))


Getting Access to 'a' in StateT

I'm trying to write a function with StateT only to learn more about it.
In f, I'd like to access to the Int in the last type argument of StateT [Int] IO Int:
f :: StateT [Int] IO Int
f = state $ \xs -> update (error "I want a") xs
update :: Int -> [Int] -> (Int, [Int])
update x [] = (x, [])
update x (y:ys) = (x+y, ys)
Here's how I'd like to call it:
let x = return 55 :: StateT [Int] IO Int
Referencing runStateT:
*Main> :t runStateT
runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
I'd expect to run it:
runStateT (f x) [1,2,3]
to get the following from GHCI, i.e. the IO (Int, [Int]) gets printed:
(56, [2,3])
since the inner a, i.e. 55, + 1, i.e. from [1,2,3], returns (56, [2,3]).
How can I write the above function, getting access to the a?
Ok, here's what say you want:
>>> let x = return 55 :: StateT [Int] IO Int
>>> runStateT (f x) [1,2,3]
(56, [2,3])
So let's work backwards from that.
From the use of f, we can infer its type -
f :: StateT [Int] IO Int -> StateT [Int] IO Int
Note the difference from your given type for f in the question - namely f is a function between values of type StateT [Int] IO Int, not a value of that type.
To define f, we need (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. This will allow us to take our input of type StateT [Int] IO Int and run some computation on the Int the input computes.
f x = x >>= \i -> state (splitAt 1) >>= \[j] -> return (i + j)
or, using do-notation:
f x = do
i <- x
[j] <- state (splitAt 1)
return (i + j)
Which gives us exactly the result we want.
While this works, it's highly non-idiomatic. Rather than passing monadic values in as inputs to functions and binding them inside the function, it's far more common to define functions that take regular values and return monadic ones, using the bind operator (>>=) outside.
So it'd be far more normal to define
shiftAdd :: Int -> StateT [Int] IO Int
shiftAdd i = do
[j] <- state (splitAt 1)
return (i + j)
So now we can run not only
>>> runStateT (shiftAdd 55) [1,2,3]
but also
>>> runStateT (shiftAdd 55 >>= shiftAdd >>= shiftAdd)
It's still not as idiomatic as it could be as:
I made it unnecessarily partial by using splitAt (it'll throw an exception if the state list is empty)
it's unnecessarily specific (doesn't use IO at all, but we can't use it with other base monads)
Fixing that up gives us:
shiftAdd' :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> StateT [a] m a
shiftAdd' i = state $ \js -> case js of
[] -> (i, [])
j : js -> (i + j, js)
Which works just fine:
>>> runStateT (return 55 >>= shiftAdd') [1,2,3]
>>> runStateT (return 55 >>= shiftAdd' >>= shiftAdd' >>= shiftAdd') [1,2,3]
>>> runStateT (return 55 >>= shiftAdd' >>= shiftAdd' >>= shiftAdd') []

Haskell - put function on pair

I have a following State monad:
type S = (M.Map String Integer, [String])
Now, I have a function:
rTD :: [String] -> ReaderT Env (StateT S (ErrorT String IO))
rTD (s, _) <- get
-- (1) how to here use put function to modify one element of pair my Store ?
(1) how to here use put function to modify one element of pair my Store ?
Thanks in advance.
The general case:
rTD xs = do
(m, ys) <- get
let m' = ...
let ys' = ...
put (m', ys')
The gets/modify case:
rTD xs = do
m <- gets fst
let m' = ...
modify (\s -> (m', snd s))
With lens:
rTD xs = do
_1 %= Map.insert "key" 777
_2 %= ("foo":)

Why does this haskell code not terminate

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
type Queue a = [a]
push :: a -> State (Queue a) ()
push x = state (\xs -> ((),xs++[x]))
pop :: State (Queue a) a
pop = state (\(x:xs) -> (x,xs))
queueManip :: State (Queue Int) Int
queueManip =
mapM_ push [1..]
a <- pop
return a
main :: IO()
main = do
let (a,_) = runState queueManip []
print a
Shouldn't the mapM_ be lazy ? Besides for implementing a queue shouldn't the complexity be O(1)?
Because the append (++) itself is lazy ...
What if I'm evil and use
push' :: Int -> State (Queue Int) ()
push' 1052602983 = state $ \_ -> ((), []) -- "Muarhar!"
push' x = state $ \xs -> ((),xs++[x])
Then mapM push' [1..] should clearly render the state as [1052602983, 1052602984 ..]. It would be wrong for pop to yield 1. But mapM can't possibly know this, without first evaluating a billion other numbers. Actually pushing them to the state is irrelevant here, and it also doesn't matter that push could be completely lazy: mapM at least has to give it a chance to check any given number, before handing on the monadic program flow.
Note that do mapM_ push [1..3]; something is the same as:
do push 1; push 2; push 3; something
so that should explain why
do mapM_ push [1..]; something
never gets around to executing something.
If you look at the definition of the State monad:
type State s a = s -> (a, s)
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = \s -> (a,s)
m >>= g = wpAB
wpAB = \s1 -> let (v2, s2) = m s1
(v3, s3) = g v2 s2
in (v3, s3)
-- (newtypes and such have been removed to declutter the code)
you see that the value of m >>= g always depends on g. Contrast that with the definition of Maybe monad:
instance Monad Maybe where
return x = Just x
(>>=) m g = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> g x
where m >>= g can be independent of g which explains how the Maybe monad can short-circuit a do-chain.

Generating sequence from Markov chain in Haskell

I would like to generate random sequences from a Markov chain. To generate the Markov chain I use the following code.
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
type TransitionMap = M.Map (String, String) Int
type MarkovChain = M.Map String [(String, Int)]
addTransition :: (String, String) -> TransitionMap -> TransitionMap
addTransition k = M.insertWith (+) k 1
fromTransitionMap :: TransitionMap -> MarkovChain
fromTransitionMap m =
M.fromList [(k, frequencies k) | k <- ks]
where ks = L.nub $ map fst $ M.keys m
frequencies a = map reduce $ filter (outboundFor a) $ M.toList m
outboundFor a k = fst (fst k) == a
reduce e = (snd (fst e), snd e)
After collecting the statistics and generating a Markov Chain object I would like to generate random sequences. I could imagine this method could look something like that (pseudo-code)
generateSequence mc s
| s == "." = s
| otherwise = s ++ " " ++ generateSequence mc s'
where s' = drawRandomlyFrom $ R.fromList $ mc ! s
I would greatly appreciate if someone could explain to me, how I should implement this function.
If anyone's interested it wasn't as difficult as I thought.
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
type TransitionMap = M.Map (String, String) Rational
type MarkovChain = M.Map String [(String, Rational)]
addTransition :: TransitionMap -> (String, String) -> TransitionMap
addTransition m k = M.insertWith (+) k 1 m
fromTransitionMap :: TransitionMap -> MarkovChain
fromTransitionMap m =
M.fromList [(k, frequencies k) | k <- ks]
where ks = L.nub $ map fst $ M.keys m
frequencies a = map reduce $ filter (outboundFor a) $ M.toList m
outboundFor a k = fst (fst k) == a
reduce e = (snd (fst e), snd e)
generateSequence :: (R.MonadRandom m) => MarkovChain -> String -> m String
generateSequence m s
| not (null s) && last s == '.' = return s
| otherwise = do
s' <- R.fromList $ m M.! s
ss <- generateSequence m s'
return $ if null s then ss else s ++ " " ++ ss
fromSample :: [String] -> MarkovChain
fromSample ss = fromTransitionMap $ foldl addTransition M.empty $ concatMap pairs ss
where pairs s = let ws = words s in zipWith (,) ("":ws) ws
sample :: [String]
sample = [ "I am a monster."
, "I am a rock star."
, "I want to go to Hawaii."
, "I want to eat a hamburger."
, "I have a really big headache."
, "Haskell is a fun language."
, "Go eat a big hamburger."
, "Markov chains are fun to use."
main = do
s <- generateSequence (fromSample sample) ""
print s
The only tiny annoyance is the fake "" starting node.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for. This compiles though:
generateSequence :: (R.MonadRandom m) => MarkovChain -> String -> m String
generateSequence mc s | s == "." = return s
| otherwise = do
s' <- R.fromList $ rationalize (mc M.! s)
s'' <- generateSequence mc s'
return $ s ++ " " ++ s''
rationalize :: [(String,Int)] -> [(String,Rational)]
rationalize = map (\(x,i) -> (x, toRational i))
All random number generation needs to happen in either the Random monad or the IO monad. For your purpose, it's probably easiest to understand how to do that in the IO monad, using evalRandIO. In the example below, getRandom is the function we want to use. Now getRandom operates in the Random monad, but we can use evalRandIO to lift it to the IO monad, like this:
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- evalRandIO getRandom :: IO Double
putStrLn $ "Your random number is " ++ show x
Note: The reason we have to add the type signature to the line that binds x is because in this particular example there are no other hints to tell the compiler what type we want x to be. However, if we used x in some way that makes it clear that we want it to be a Double (e.g., multiplying by another Double), then the type signature wouldn't be necessary.
Using your MarkovChain type, for a current state you can trivially get the available transitions in the form [(nextState,probability)]. (I'm using the word "probability" loosely, it doesn't need to be a true probability; any numeric weight is fine). This is what fromList in Control.Monad.Random is designed for. Again, it operates in the Random monad, but we can use evalRandIO to lift it to the IO monad. Suppose transitions is your list of transitions, having the type [(nextState,probability)]. Then, in the IO monad you can call:
nextState <- evalRandIO $ fromList transitions
You might instead want to create your own function that operates in the Random monad, like this:
getRandomTransition :: RandomGen g => MarkovChain -> String -> Rand g String
getRandomTransition currState chain = do
let transitions = lookup currState chain
fromList transitions
Then you can call this function in the IO monad using evalRandIO, e.g.
nextState <- evalRandIO $ getRandomTransition chain

Scope of State Monad

I'm trying to understand what happens in the following code, the code behaves properly, but I'm trying to understand why.
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
import System.Environment
echoArgs :: [String] -> State Int [String]
echoArgs x = loopArgs x >> return x
where loopArgs [] = return ()
loopArgs s#(x':xs') = modify (+1) >> loopArgs xs'
main :: IO ()
main = do
argv <- getArgs
let s = echoArgs argv
mapM_ putStr' (evalState s 0)
putStrLn $ "\nNum Args = " ++ show (execState s 0)
where putStr' x = putStr $ x ++ " "
What I'm not understanding is why the state of the State monad does not get 'reset' with each successive call to loopArgs. Does the state get passed as a variable, with each >> and if so could someone show me how?
Does the state get passed as a variable, with each >> and if so could someone show me how?
It does indeed. It's helpful to look at a toy implementation of the State monad.
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a,s) }
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)
State act >>= k = State $ \s ->
let (a, s') = act s
in runState (k a) s'
get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s)
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify f = get >>= \x -> put (f x)
When you bind using >>= or >> the accumulated state is threaded through as an argument to the function on the right hand side.
When you run execState or evalState it then just extracts either the resulting value or the state from the resulting tuple.
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
execState act = snd . runState act
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
evalState act = fst . runState act
