Migration from a BPEL Engine to a BPMN Engine - bpel

I'm looking for a some kind of generic guide about the steps to perform during the migration from a BPEL engine to a BPMN engine. Maybe there is some kind of documentation regarding this topic from someone who already did it. Maybe somebody could sketch the necessary steps here. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything appropriate about this topic on the web.
Thanks in advance.

This is not a trivial task.
Do you need to generate "code" (From Bpel to Bpmn) or a transparent migration?
Please take a look on these articles, they show some differences between Bpel and BPMN.


Developing a custom partitioner in Cassandra

I would like to develop a custom partitioning strategy in Cassandra for research purposes. I couldn't find a decent tutorial in that regard. As far as I am concerned, I am supposed to provide an implementation for the IPartitioner interface. I am not quite sure whether I know the expected semantics of all methods or perhaps I need to implement other classes too.
Is this process documented somewhere? Is there any forum or existing discussion that I can read through? Or an informative blog post?

Spring-Statemachine configuration

I am not sure this is the correct place to ask this question but I could not see a forum link in spring-statemachine project(http://projects.spring.io/spring-statemachine/) to ask a question to the developers, I hope this is the correct way to do it.
For a while I wrote a blog,
Extremely Axajified Web Application
concerning about extremely asynchronous web applications, using Spring Webflow with those and the limitations of Spring Webflow for these sort of projects.
In my proposed solution, I used extensively state machine principles. At the timeframe that I wrote this blog there wasn't an out of the box State Machine that I can use, so I implemented my own version of it.
Now to my surprise, I just saw Spring Statemachine project and I considering to convert my sample application to use the Spring Statemachine framework.
I have two questions to ask before really starting investing effort to the subject. I checked the samples of the Spring Statemachine, it seems that the configuration of the State Machine is done via Java Code.
Is this only possible method, in my sample application, I am reading an UML Model (XMI) and create via Eclipse M2T a Spring configuration file to startup the application.
I find it is for practical uses to complex for the end user to configure a complex State Machine via Java code. For this purpose I used graphical user interfaces to create UML model of the State Machine and convert this to Spring application context, so it will be easier to understand for the end user.
Which you can see here.
UML Model (unfortunately Stack Overflow is not letting me post extra link so please use "#sm_model" at the end of the previous link)
Eclipse M2T UML Model conversion (see above "#m2t")
So is it possible to provide an XML file and configure Spring Statemachine with it? I can naturally create Java classes via M2T but I have a feeling end result will be nearly unreadable for end user for complex projects.
Second question I like to ask, can Spring Statemachine support "Nested Statemachines", I found in the project web site a hint about the possibility but in the existing sample project I could not find a concrete implementation.
Biggest hurdle for the usage of a State Machine in a practical web application is the "State Explosion" and best way to deal with it, is the "Nested Statemachines".
Does Spring Statemachine support this concept.
You can find more details about what I mean with "State Explosion" and "Nested StateMachines" in the following links.
State Explosion (see above "#stateexplosion")
Nested Statemachines (see above "#nested_sm")
I hope this was the correct place to ask these questions.
Thx for the answers
Sorry for late answer, I just noticed this tagged question.
We don't yet have any functionality to define machine config outside of annotation based config model(javaconfig). Xml config is in our roadmap and you can track its status in ticket https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-statemachine/issues/78.
For your second question, yes we support nested states and even orthogonal regions. Showcase example shows relatively complex scenarios how nested states and transitions between those can be used http://docs.spring.io/spring-statemachine/docs/1.0.0.RC1/reference/htmlsingle/#statemachine-examples-showcase.

Exasol and ESRI's ArcGIS - anyone managed to link them up?

I'm looking to utilise the speed of Exasolution with the mapping capabilities of ArcGIS.
Exasolution is an extremely fast database. It has spatial support, but I'd like to be able to render spatial features inside a map. So it could be via some kind of API from Esri, or maybe a third party mapping engine and use WMS/WFS etc.
Anyone had any joy with these products?
You will likely have some joy with EXASolution's JDBC driver - EXASolution's Geospatial libraries are built on OpenGIS using the libGEOS libraries, so everything you can do with Postgres should be possible on EXASolution.
I did an introductory Geospatial-on-EXASOL video a while back which may be of interest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6Erp1WWLHw
I would say that your question would get a better response in EXASOL's community section where EXASOL customers and techies can answer specific EXASOL questions. Go to exasol.com/community for more details.
Good luck - and do let me know how you get on
Graham Mossman
Solution Engineer
I just finished a short knowledge base article which shows you how to connect to ESRI's ArcGIS from within an EXASolution database:
The approach is different from what Graham suggested, as it uses Esri's REST API in combination with Python scripts called from SQL. So, the database connects directly and in parallel to the REST API service, not involving the client at all when it comes to data enrichment.
Hope that helps,

How to Create and Deploy a BPEL process with Human Tasks using wso2 BPEL

I have not found any documentation regarding creation of BPEL process with Human Task using WSO2 BPEL. There is just once example called Claims Approval existing which is ready to deploy process. The documentation of creating that example process was also not there.
Please help me out. Have found a similar question existing but unfortunately there was no answer for that question. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Please fing documentation on at Claims Approval [1].
Regarding human task process creating , from [2] you can find about implementing a human task event listener.
And sample BPEL process on Apache ODE( Which is underlying BPEl engine on wso2 BPS) can be found at[3].
[1]. http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/BPS300/Claims+Approval+Task+Sample
[2]. http://tryitnw.blogspot.com/2013/05/humantask-event-listeners-wso2-bps.htm
[3]. http://wso2.com/library/articles/writing-simple-ws-bpel-process-wso2-bps-apache-ode

Apache ODE, BPEL, Invoke RESTful API

Apache ODE documentation seems to support this i.e. invoking/orchestrating RESTFul APIs.
No examples sources available on their site and even after trying hard on Google couldn't find anything useful.
Can someone help me to find a direction?
I'm using latest Apache ODE distribution with Eclipse BPEL designer.
We have a large SET of RESTFul APIs that provides the core interface to our business processes entirely. BPEL seems to be good Orchestration/Workflow programming solution but without the RESTFul API support out of the box I'm almost giving up on it.
I must be missing something here. Please suggest.
This sample is compliant with ws-BPEL 2.0 standard, we have tested only on wso2 bps, you'll be able to run it on ODE with minimal changes to the process. https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/4.0.0/products/bps/3.0.0/modules/samples/product/src/main/resources/bpel/2.0/TestRESTProcess
