Hiding folders in XAP file - security

As we know, we can see the contents of a XAP file by renaming it to .zip and opening it by any zip tool.
I would like to know if there is anyway to make the files/folders in the XAP file hidden?
i.e. If a person renames the XAP file to .zip and uncompresses the zip file to see the contents, that particular file/folder needs to stay "hidden." This is a requirement in my project.
Yes, the user may see the file/folder if he/she has selected "Show hidden folders, files, and drives" in Folder Options.

Unzip the archive into a folder
Hide several of the files/folders using the methodology your OS provides
Zip the folder back into an archive
Rename back to XAP
Be aware that this is an extremely weak protection for your contents.


Extracting data from depot files generated by Perfroce

Many years ago I had a Perforce server hosting an Unreal Engine 4 project, but it's no longer active and I unfortunately don't have access to it. All I have left are some depot folders. There's a specific folder with a bunch of FBX files that I need access to, but the file shows as a folder named something like this: file.uasset,d and file.fbx,d and within them are zip files.
Is there anyway for me to convert these folders into actual FBX files? Any tools or anything out there? Or do I need a server to upload these onto a depot for perfroce to understand what to do with them? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've tried opening them in Perforce without a workspace or server and there wasn't much I could do with them.
If you have the server root folder (the one with the db.* files), you may be able to start up P4D and just access the depot normally. If you have a checkpoint file, you can use that to reconstruct the db.* files.
If all you have are the depot archives, you can unzip the files inside them (using regular old gzip or similar) to retrieve the original content. E.g. if you have file.fbx,d/1.1234.gz, you can unzip that and you'll have the content of file.fbx as of change 1234. Each gzip file is a complete revision on its own; you don't need to glue them together or anything like that.
Note that without the database (the db.* files), you may not be able to put together the exact original structure of the depot; the back-end archive files don't exactly correspond to the depot layout since archive files may be "lazy copied" to multiple locations in the depot.

uploading laravel-8 project in 000webhost error

I am trying to upload my laravel-8 project in 000webhost.com but my Public folder and resources and storage and routes and tests and vendor folder not uploading. I make my whole project in a zip folder and upload it public_html and extract my project than those folders not showing. but in my zip file, those folders and files are present what can I do?
i have this issue recently. Try to do this.
1st, open your laravel-8 project file and select all files except "node_modules".
2nd, right click and zip (make sure that the archiving method is .zip because 000webhost can't extract RAR archives.
for better understanding, open this link below:

Perforce messes up symlinks

When I download source code from perforce, the symlinks gets downloaded as files and the project, of course, doesn't build. This happens on certain computers and virtual machines but the same symlinks download fine on other computers.
The download file is often a short file which just contains path of the linked file instead of being zero byte symlink file.
This actually had to do with user permissions on windows, not so much with perforce. The problem is that the user doesn't have permission to create symlinks so perforce ends up creating a file (In my opinion, it should generate an error message instead of converting the symlink to file).
The simple solution in most cases should be to start P4V as administrator and then download the source code. You may have to force it to download everything since it will not re-download wrong symlinks because those objects already exist on disk.
You can check if you have permissions with the following command. More here.
mklink <linkFile> <ExistingFile>
Note: you may well be able to create symlinks (=shortcuts) using File Explorer but it's the command line (above) that will determine if you have the privileges or not.

mounting an .iso file into a directory and replacing all of its content

I was trying to install matlab on my linux (mint) computer, using some of the .iso files. I was trying to mount one of them using the command
mount R2017a_glnxa64_dvd1.iso /home/.../Documents/
which seems to have mounted the .iso file into my Documents directory and replaced everything there. When I try and open up the Documents directory, it just contains the contents of the .iso file and none of the files which I know were in there previously.
If I go to, say libre office, and click 'open recent file', any of my recent files which were in my documents now don't exist. This is quite worrying as I have a lot of work in there which isn't backed up.
I don't really know anything about what mount does. Will it have permanently deleted all the files from my Documents directory? I can 'unmount' the Documents directory now, but am worried it might be a bad idea and permanently delete the stuff that used to be there. Can anyone help me try and recover my Documents directory?

Linux Folder/Package Management

I'm looking for a way to store all my applications files within a single folder. However, when someone clicks on the folder I want the application inside the folder to open up as opposed to open the folder itself. I want to keep all dependancies and files inside this folder at all times.
I'm doing this because I'm going to be deploying a couple applications on a common framework and want to ensure that they are together and independent of the distribution have all requirements.
Folders are directories, and directories are distinct from files. There's no way to redirect a directory to an executable file. However, you can make a hidden directory (begin name with ".") and use an executable file to provide access to that directory. The directory will then not appear in window manager folders, just the application. However, window managers will not misrepresent the executable file as a directory.
