I can't connect to CouchDB UI in other computer - couchdb

After I loaded the couch database and confirmed connecting localhost with port 5984. I want to access this web console in other computer. But It doesn't work. I changed every other ports and checked the firewall. But those didn't have any problems. Is there anybody got same experience?
Thanks in advanced.
Another question,
For changing the web port in local.ini and killed the previous loading application, but why does the previous one alive? Is there any command to unload/stop the application? I can't find the command in bin directory.

Change the parameter bind_address in the config from (accessible from localhost only) to


IIS Manager Error - Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80.The process cannot access the file because

I know that this question has been asked in multiple forums and have several versions of the answers.. Unfortunately, none of those answers helped me out to resolve my issue.
I stood up an AWS EC2 instance of Windows Server 2016 and installed IIS, MSMQ, Windows Process Activation Service and few other things.. When I cracked open my IIS Manager, I noticed that the "Default Web Site" is stopped and when I tried to start it I get an error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (Exception from HRESULT:0x80070020)". Tried to dig a little more and found these two exceptions in my Event Viewer:
Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number.
The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix http://:80/SmsHandler for site 1. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.*
Researching more online I found more than 2 dozen articles on this issue and more than 95% of them saying that the potential application that might be conflicting with IIS and using port 80 and 443 could be Skype.. But I DON'T HAVE SKYPE installed on my server..
I ran the "netstat -aon" command and found this:
C:\Windows\system32>netstat -aon | findstr :80
Going by what's mentioned in other articles online.. I tried to trace down the PID - 1164 in my Task Manager and found that its the "Service Host - Local System" process having 15 System services running into it.. There's no way I can kill that process to make my IIS work..
I then tried to change the Bindings in my IIS to listen on a different port than 80 and was able to get it up and running.. But I don't want IIS to run on any other port than 80 since I don't want the user to specify the port in the URL every time when they hit the website..
I'm now running short of ideas here.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I ran into a similar issue, but not with port 80. In my case it was because the ip address [::] wasn't allowed to listen on any port. Adding it to the ListenOnly list in the registry fixed the issue.
From an admin command prompt:
netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=::
From this thread.
Found the culprit.. It apparently wasn't skype for me (as it is in most of the cases), it was this service called IP Helper which was running on port 80 and was conflicting with IIS. The way I found that out was, I checked all the services running under the PID for Service Host - Local System (which in my case as 1164) and started stopping them one at a time and saw if IIS starts working.. Just wanted to close this thread.. Hope this helps if someone else get stuck with the same issue.
I had VMware Workstation installed, the solution is: "VMware -> Edit -> Preferences -> Shared VMs -> "Disable Sharing".

Confluence in Docker can't see PostgreSQL in Docker

I'm trying to set up both Confluence and PostgreSQL in Docker. I've got them both up and running on my fully up to date CentOS 6 machine, with volume-mapping to the host file system so I can back them up easily. I can connect to PostgreSQL using pgAdmin from another machine just fine, and I can get into Confluence from a browser from that same machine. So, basically, both apps seem to be running as expected inside their respective containers and are accessible to the outside world, which of course eliminates a whole bunch of possibilities for my issue.
And that issue is that Confluence can't talk to PostgreSQL during initial setup, which is necessary for it to function. I'm getting connection failed errors (to be specific: "Can't reach database server or port : SQLState - 08001 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed").
PostgreSQL is using the default 5432 port, which of course is exposed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to connect to it via pgAdmin, and of course I know the ID/password I'm trying is correct for the same reason (and besides, if it was an auth problem I wouldn't expect to see this error message). When I try to configure the database connection during Confluence's initial setup, I specify the IP address of the host machine, just like from pgAdmin on the other machine, but that doesn't work. I also tried some things that I basically knew wouldn't work (, and localhost).
I'm not sure what I need to do to make this work. Is there maybe some special method to specify the IP to a container from the same host machine, some nomenclature I'm not aware of?
At this point, I'm "okay" with Docker in terms of basic operations, but I'm far from an expert, so I'm a bit lost. I'm also not a big-time *nix user generally, though I can usually fumble my way through most things... but any hints would be greatly appreciated because I'm at a loss right now otherwise.
EDIT 1: As requested by someone below, here's my pg_hba.conf file, minus comments:
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
local replication all trust
host replication all trust
host replication all ::1/128 trust
host all all all md5
try changing the second line of the pg_hba.conf file to the following:
host all all trust
this will cause PostgreSQL to start accepting calls from any source address. Since a docker container is technically not operating on localhost but on its own ip, the current configuration causes PostgreSQL to block any connections to it.
Also check if confluence is searching for the database on localhost. If that is the case change that to the ip of the hostmachine within the docker network.
Success! The solution was to create a custom network and then use the image name in the connection string to PostreSQL container from Confluence container. In other words, I ran this:
docker network create -d bridge docker-net
Then, on both of the docker run commands for the PostgreSQL and Confluence containers, I added:
That way, when I ran through the Confluence configuration wizard, when it asked for the hostname for the PostgreSQL server, I used postgres (the name I gave the container) rather than an IP address or actual hostname. Docker makes that work thanks to the custom network. This also leaves the containers available via the IP of the host machine, so for example I can still connect to PostgreSQL via, and of course I can launch Confluence in the browser via
FYI, I didn't even have to alter the pg_hba.conf file, I just used the official PostgreSQL image (latest) as it was, which is ideal.
Thanks very much to RSloeserwij for the suggestions... while none of them proved to be the solution I needed, they did put me on the right track in the Docker docs, which, after some reading, led me to understand a few things I didn't before and figure out the config magic I needed.

How to access CouchDB installed on another machine?

We have CouchDB installed on a separate machine.
When it was installed on my machine, it was accessible through Fauxton via link http://localhost:5984/_utils/index.html
Also, I am using Divan, a C# library to interact with CouchDB. It uses host as localhost and port as 5984 - default host and port names to connect with database.
But now I have CouchDB installed on another machine, how can I access it in this case?
Please suggest.
Thank you.
You need to allow exterior access in the new machine (which I'll just call the server). Your computer is the client. First, make sure the server is accessible from your network and get its IP address using ipconfig or ifconfig in the command line.
First, in the server, open the CouchDB configuration file, which is
/usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini in Linux
C:\Program Files\CouchDB\etc\couchdb\local.ini in Windows
and change
bind_address =
bind_address =
If there is no bind_address already in the file, just add it.
Then save the file.
Now, from the client, you can access futon from your machine using {SERVER_IP}:5984/_utils.
In Divan, set host to {SERVER_IP}. Unless you configure it otherwise, the port remains 5984.
http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/config/intro.html *
http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/config/http.html *
(*) I'm assuming you're using CouchDB 2.0, but in my experience with 1.6.1 this instructions also work.
Connect to your server locally:
then simply from the setting section, change the bind_address to

grunt-connect not working when host is

I'm trying to externally access my local node.js development server that's created using the grunt-contrib-connect plugin. The server works (locally) when I use localhost or as the hostname parameter. However, when I change the parameter to * or in order to allow external access (as specified in the documentation), I cannot access the server either locally or externally; this is the error I get in Chrome:
I've tried disabling my firewall and I can see packets coming in from my phone on the correct port (which I'm using to attempt to access my local server externally).
Any ideas why it doesn't work to use * or as the hostname?
Figured it out - when I specified * or as the hostname parameter, I was able to connect externally - I just hadn't tried since I wasn't able to access it locally and assumed it wasn't working at all. Changing the address in the browser to localhost:9000 (instead of, which it defaults to) when Grunt first opens the page allowed me to access my server locally.
You can set your own ip address instead of the
With this grunt launch the server on your ip. You can use your mobile to.
The livereload will work on your desktop and on your mobile.
It's not the best way if your work by team because each one have his ip address but it's good enough if you work alone.

CassUI server not starting

I am trying to get my hands-on cassui. Given Cassandra server URL and port number as mycassandraserver:9160
When I try to see whether server is running or not browser is giving error as -
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to mycassandraserver.com:9160
Any idea? What should I do?
Downloaded CassUI, deployed to my local webserver and got this to work:
Port 9160 is the RPC port for Cassandra, so you won't be able to navigate to that port from a web browser. Make sure that you navigate to the server:port of your webserver, and then you should be able to add your Cassandra server.
Rather first step of creating a new server under CassUI is already
I assume that you are referring to the steps listed here: https://code.google.com/p/cassui/
I'll try to keep that in mind with my answers below.
Now next step is to run it by typing :9160
(mycassandraserver:9160) in browser. This is where I am getting
This is the step that you are mis-interpreting. You are getting an error because you are NEVER going to be able to browse to your Cassandra server from a web browser on port 9160.
3- Add Cassandra server's IP address (and port if not 9160 with the
separator being a colon) for example or or
This is describing how you have to define your Cassandra server to CassUI when you click "New Server." Based on what you have said, you should have already done this.
4- Start browsing through the keyspaces and individual column family.
"Browsing" in this case means that you click on the name of your server in the CassUI server list, and it shows you something similar to my screenshot below:
Notice that the URL in my browser is not my Cassandra server and port number.
