CassUI server not starting - cassandra

I am trying to get my hands-on cassui. Given Cassandra server URL and port number as mycassandraserver:9160
When I try to see whether server is running or not browser is giving error as -
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Any idea? What should I do?

Downloaded CassUI, deployed to my local webserver and got this to work:
Port 9160 is the RPC port for Cassandra, so you won't be able to navigate to that port from a web browser. Make sure that you navigate to the server:port of your webserver, and then you should be able to add your Cassandra server.
Rather first step of creating a new server under CassUI is already
I assume that you are referring to the steps listed here:
I'll try to keep that in mind with my answers below.
Now next step is to run it by typing :9160
(mycassandraserver:9160) in browser. This is where I am getting
This is the step that you are mis-interpreting. You are getting an error because you are NEVER going to be able to browse to your Cassandra server from a web browser on port 9160.
3- Add Cassandra server's IP address (and port if not 9160 with the
separator being a colon) for example or or
This is describing how you have to define your Cassandra server to CassUI when you click "New Server." Based on what you have said, you should have already done this.
4- Start browsing through the keyspaces and individual column family.
"Browsing" in this case means that you click on the name of your server in the CassUI server list, and it shows you something similar to my screenshot below:
Notice that the URL in my browser is not my Cassandra server and port number.


How do I get the exact IP address of my mongodb database?

I am trying to deploy my node app to my Cpanel however the page times out with an error
503 Service unavailable
The website works on Heroku, ngrok and localhost however on my hosting service, it doesn't.
I found out that the issue was due to port 27017 not being open.
On discussing with my hosting providers, they said
"We can open the ports for you but our policy is to open non-standard ports to specific IP's for better security of the server. Is it possible to get the exact IP addresses of the database server you are trying to connect to."
So I'm not familiar with mongodb database having a specific IP address. What could they mean?
To connect to your db, your node app needs a URL something like this.
const url = 'mongodb://'
Your database's hostname is the stuff after mongodb:// and before :27017.
Open up a shell (a command window) and type
ping -n 1
or maybe
ping -c 1
It should show you the IP address associated with your mongo server.
(Obvs, put your actual db hostname into the command, not my example.)
It's a little strange that your hosting provider didn't ask for the hostname when you didn't know the IP address. If they were my hosting provider, my confidence in the competence of their support would go down a notch because of that.
And please be aware that running a db in one data center and a node app (or indeed any app that uses the db) in another data center is a formula for poor performance and unreliability. The app and the db work best with a short and private network connecting them. With respect, it doesn't seem likely you have the network engineering chops to make that sort of thing stable and reliable.
Not to mention the security problems with exposing mongodb to the public network. Your hosting service is reluctant to open a port for a very good reason. Read this. Because cybercreeps

IIS Apache and Node.JS HTTP all on the same server

I have one windows server already running sharepoint on 80/443 and the site works correctly.
We're trying to add more functionality by installing NodeJS and Apache
I've set apache to listen on 8080 and the default website comes up.
Node is running on 3000 and I can access the explorer that way as well.
My questions come from this. The server has a complete certificate chain installed on it and https://:8080 comes up correctly, but I can't get the node stuff to work on https: Secondly it appears while I have proxy pass set up correctly within my httpd.conf, either something is wrong within that as if I goto the https://:8080 /api/and anything beyond that, I get 503 errors and the page can't be displayed.
I'm unsure what I'm doing incorrectly here as from reading the documentation on proxy module, it seems that everything is setup and configured correctly.
Netstat shows listening on 3000 and 8080 and 80/443 for my SharePoint farm.
I had to configure the ssl settings for the proxypass to use the IP address of the local machine. After doing that I was able to connect correctly.
This allowed for connecting on :3000 via telnet to the localmachine and allowed for explorer to be viewed with https://:8080 the correct way enforcing our certificates.

Accessing NodeJS server from remote machine on local network shows a blank page

I wanted to test my ReactJS + NodeJS website on another machine on my LAN, so I changed the server host ip from localhost to as described in this answer. I noticed that although I could access the server from a remote machine, all I could see was the title and favicon (the rest was a blank page). I tried another approach of using the ngrok module as described here (which happens to be the answer to the same question as the previous link). I still got the same blank page.
The GET requests to the server are shown below (as shown by ngrok).
/landing is a page I was trying to access. Can someone explain whats happening?
PS: The server is running on a Mac and I'm trying to access the page on an Ubuntu machine. Also, I'm using this react-redux boilerplate. Webpack is also being used along with hot reloading.
Did you try changing port settings in firewall?
Go to firewall settings and allow the respective port for inbound

cant hit ghost blog on remote server (Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

I've installed ghost as per the instructions on the official documentation:
When I run ghost in development or prod mode, I get this output:
Ghost is running in development...
Listening on
Url configured as: http://localhost:2368
Which is exactly what I expect. Now my remote server has an ip of something, lets say 123.456.68.1. I should be able to hit the running ghost server by going to http://123.456.68.1:2368 right? Well when I try doing that I get this error:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
What am I doing wrong? Please help!
If I run a node server on port 80 I can hit it by going to 123.456.68.1. For somereason I cant hit the ghost server.
Without some more details on where your server is ect this is a bit hard to answer.
First check to ensure that your server socket is bound to the correct interface. The fact that it is saying it is on may mean that it is bound to the loopback interface and this means that you can't connect to it from another machine. Run the following to check:sudo netstat -ntlp. If this shows your process bound to then this is likely the problem. You can fix it by passing in the listen call: connect().use(connect.static('public')).listen(3000, "");
If that isn't the problem then it is likely that you network setup is the problem. There are many places here it could be. Firewalls, routers, port forwarding configurations ect. If the above doesn't work then we will need to know a little bit more about your setup to help further.

I can't connect to CouchDB UI in other computer

After I loaded the couch database and confirmed connecting localhost with port 5984. I want to access this web console in other computer. But It doesn't work. I changed every other ports and checked the firewall. But those didn't have any problems. Is there anybody got same experience?
Thanks in advanced.
Another question,
For changing the web port in local.ini and killed the previous loading application, but why does the previous one alive? Is there any command to unload/stop the application? I can't find the command in bin directory.
Change the parameter bind_address in the config from (accessible from localhost only) to
