Subsequences whose sum of digits is divisible by 6 - string

Say I have a string whose characters are nothing but digits in [0 - 9] range. E.g: "2486". Now I want to find out all the subsequences whose sum of digits is divisible by 6. E.g: in "2486", the subsequences are - "6", "246" ( 2+ 4 + 6 = 12 is divisible by 6 ), "486" (4 + 8 + 6 = 18 is divisible by 6 ) etc. I know generating all 2^n combinations we can do this. But that's very costly. What is the most efficient way to do this?
I found the following solution somewhere in quora.
int len,ar[MAXLEN],dp[MAXLEN][MAXN];
int fun(int idx,int m)
return (m==0);
return dp[idx][m];
int ans=fun(idx+1,m);
return dp[idx][m]=ans;
int main()
// input len , n , array
return 0;
Can someone please explain what is the logic behind the code - 'm*10+ar[idx])%n' ? Why is m multiplied by 10 here?

Say you have a sequence of 16 digits You could generate all 216 subsequences and test them, which is 65536 operations.
Or you could take the first 8 digits and generate the 28 possible subsequences, and sort them based on the result of their sum modulo 6, and do the same for the last 8 digits. This is only 512 operations.
Then you can generate all subsequences of the original 16 digit string that are divisible by 6 by taking each subsequence of the first list with a modulo value equal to 0 (including the empty subsquence) and concatenating it with each subsequence of the last list with a modulo value equal to 0.
Then take each subsequence of the first list with a modulo value equal to 1 and concatenate it with each subsequence of the last list with a modulo value equal to 5. Then 2 with 4, 3 with 3, 4 with 2 and 5 with 1.
So after an initial cost of 512 operations you can generate just those subsequences whose sum is divisible by 6. You can apply this algorithm recursively for larger sequences.

Create an array with a 6-bit bitmap for each position in the string. Work from right to left and set the array of bitmaps so that bitmaps have bits set in the array when there is some subsequence starting from just after the array which sums up to that position in the bitmap. You can do this from right to left using the bitmap just after the current position. If you see a 3 and the bitmap just after the current position is 010001 then sums 1 and 5 are already accessible by just skipping the 3. Using the 3 sums 4 and 2 are now available, so the new bitmap is 011011.
Now do a depth first search for subsequences from left to right, with the choice at each character being either to take that character or not. As you do this keep track of the mod 6 sum of the characters taken so far. Use the bitmaps to work out whether there is a subsequence to the right of that position that, added to the sum so far, yields zero. Carry on as long as you can see that the current sum leads to a subsequence of sum zero, otherwise stop and recurse.
The first stage has cost linear in the size of the input (for fixed values of 6). The second stage has cost linear in the number of subsequences produced. In fact, if you have to actually write out the subsequences visited (E.g. by maintaining an explicit stack and writing out the contents of the stack) THAT will be the most expensive part of the program.
The worst case is of course input 000000...0000 when all 2^n subsequences are valid.

I'm pretty sure a user named, amit, recently answered a similar question for combinations rather than subsequences where the divisor is 4, although I can't find it right now. His answer was to create, in this case, five arrays (call them Array_i) in O(n) where each array contains the array elements with a modular relationship i with 6. With subsequences we also need a way to record element order. For example, in your case of 2486, our arrays could be:
Array_0 = [null,null,null,6]
Array_1 = []
Array_2 = [null,4,null,null]
Array_3 = []
Array_4 = [2,null,8,null]
Array_5 = []
Now just cross-combine the appropriate arrays, maintaining element order: Array_0, Array_2 & Array_4, Array_0 & any other combination of arrays:
6, 24, 48, 246, 486


what will be the dp and transitions in this problem

Vasya has a string s of length n consisting only of digits 0 and 1. Also he has an array a of length n.
Vasya performs the following operation until the string becomes empty: choose some consecutive substring of equal characters, erase it from the string and glue together the remaining parts (any of them can be empty). For example, if he erases substring 111 from string 111110 he will get the string 110. Vasya gets ax points for erasing substring of length x.
Vasya wants to maximize his total points, so help him with this!
i was trying to get my head around the editorial,but couldn't understand it... can anyone tell an easy way to do it?
3 4 9 100 1 2 3
the optimal sequence of erasings is: 1101001 → 111001 → 11101 → 1111 → ∅.
Here, we consider removing prefixes instead of substrings. Why?
We try to remove a consecutive prefix of a particular state which is actually a substring in the main string. So, our DP states will be start index, end index, prefix length.
Let's consider an example str = "1010110". Here, initially start=0, end=7, and prefix=1(the first '1' will be the only prefix now). we iterate over all the indices in the current state except the starting index and check if str[i]==str[start]. Here, for example, str[4]==str[0]. Now we divide the string into "010" with prefix=1(010) && "110" with prefix=2(1010110). These two are now two individual subproblems. So, when there remains a string with length 1, we return aprefix.
Here is my code.

Subset sum approach for natural numbers

There is an array of n elements where any element is a natural number. To find a sum if present in the array without duplication while adding
Remove all elements greater than the sum
Sort the array in descending order
Setting currentsum to 0
Loop i where i = first element of array through last
If currentsum + i <= sum then currentsum += i
If currentsum == sum then print true
Else print false
Is there any issues in this approach or is there test case that can give wrong answers.
The algorithm presented in the question does not alyways yield the correct result. Consider an instance consisting of the values
7, 5, 3
which are already sorted in a decreasing manner. Let
be the target value for the sum. The algorithm in the question would select 7 as it is not larger that 8, however adding 5 and 3 is not possible as the target value 8 would be exceeded. Finally, the algorithm would output false. On the other hand, selection of 5 and 3 would yield a sum value of 8, which means that the output of the algorithm is wrong.

Delete as few as possible digits to make number divisible by 3

I was solving this question, namely we have given number N, which can be very big, it can have up to 100000 digits.
Now I want to know what is the most efficient way to find those digits, and I think that in big numbers I will need to delete at most 3 digits to make the number divisible by 3.
I know that number is divisible by three if the sum of its digits is divisible by three, but I can't think of how can we use this.
My idea is to brute force over the string and to check if we delete that digit is the number going to be divisible by 3, but my solution fails at complex examples. Please give me some hints.
Thanks in advance.
If the sum of the digits modulo 3 is equal to 1, you want to delete a single 1, 4, or 7. If the sum of the digits is 2, you want to delete a single 2, 5, or 8.
If that can't be done, then you have to delete two digits.
To avoid scanning the list twice, you could remember the indices of up to two digits congruent to 1, and the indices of up to two digits congruent to 2, so when you compute the final modulus you know where to look.
The number 3 has some special properties relative to a base-10 number system that you can leverage.
10 is 1 more than 9, and 9 is evenly divisible by 3, so the "1" in "10" acts as a sort of remainder from adding 1 to 9. As a result, if the sum of all digits in the number is evenly divisible by 3 then that number is also divisible by 3.
So if you begin by figuring out what the modulo is after adding all the digits, then you'll know whether the number is divisible by zero (i.e. results in a modulo zero) or not. If not, then you can subtract one digit at a time, recalculating the modulo of the resulting number until you end up with a modulo of zero.
You should check what makes a number divisible by 3. If you find it you should divide the problem into smaller problems

Binary search - worst/avg case

I'm finding it difficult to understand why/how the worst and average case for searching for a key in an array/list using binary search is O(log(n)).
log(1,000,000) is only 6. log(1,000,000,000) is only 9 - I get that, but I don't understand the explanation. If one did not test it, how do we know that the avg/worst case is actually log(n)?
I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. If not, please let me know and I'll try to explain it differently.
Worst case
Every time the binary search code makes a decision, it eliminates half of the remaining elements from consideration. So you're dividing the number of elements by 2 with each decision.
How many times can you divide by 2 before you are down to only a single element? If n is the starting number of elements and x is the number of times you divide by 2, we can write this as:
n / (2 * 2 * 2 * ... * 2) = 1 [the '2' is repeated x times]
or, equivalently,
n / 2^x = 1
or, equivalently,
n = 2^x
So log base 2 of n gives you x, which is the number of decisions being made.
Finally, you might ask, if I used log base 2, why is it also OK to write it as log base 10, as you have done? The base does not matter because the difference is only a constant factor which is "ignored" by Big O notation.
Average case
I see that you also asked about the average case. Consider:
There is only one element in the array that can be found on the first try.
There are only two elements that can be found on the second try. (Because after the first try, we chose either the right half or the left half.)
There are only four elements that can be found on the third try.
You can see the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, ... , n/2. To express the same pattern going in the other direction:
Half the elements take the maximum number of decisions to find.
A quarter of the elements take one fewer decision to find.
Since half of the elements take the maximum amount of time, it doesn't matter how much less time the other elements take. We could assume that all elements take the maximum amount of time, and even if half of them actually take 0 time, our assumption would not be more than double whatever the true average is. We can ignore "double" since it is a constant factor. So the average case is the same as the worst case, as far as Big O notation is concerned.
For binary search, the array should be arranged in ascending or descending order.
In each step, the algorithm compares the search key value with the key value of the middle element of the array.
If the keys match, then a matching element has been found and its index, or position, is returned.
Otherwise, if the search key is less than the middle element's key, then the algorithm repeats its action on the sub-array to the left of the middle element.
Or, if the search key is greater,then the algorithm repeats its action on the sub-array to the right.
If the remaining array to be searched is empty, then the key cannot be found in the array and a special "not found" indication is returned.
So, a binary search is a dichotomic divide and conquer search algorithm. Thereby it takes logarithmic time for performing the search operation as the elements are reduced by half in each of the iteration.
For sorted lists which we can do a binary search, each "decision" made by the binary search compares your key to the middle element, if greater it takes the right half of the list, if less it will take the left half of the list (if it's a match it will return the element at that position) you effectively reduce your list by half for every decision yielding O(logn).
Binary search however, only works for sorted lists. For un-sorted lists you can do a straight search starting with the first element yielding a complexity of O(n).
O(logn) < O(n)
Although it entirely depends on how many searches you'll be doing, your inputs, etc what your best approach would be.
For Binary search the prerequisite is a sorted array as input.
• As the list is sorted:
• Certainly we don't have to check every word in the dictionary to look up a word.
• A basic strategy is to repeatedly halve our search range until we find the value.
• For example, look for 5 in the list of 9 #s below.v = 1 1 3 5 8 10 18 33 42
• We would first start in the middle: 8
• Since 5<8, we know we can look at just the first half: 1 1 3 5
• Looking at the middle # again, narrow down to 3 5
• Then we stop when we're down to one #: 5
How many comparison is needed: 4 =log(base 2)(9-1)=O(log(base2)n)
int binary_search (vector<int> v, int val) {
int from = 0;
int to = v.size()-1;
int mid;
while (from <= to) {
mid = (from+to)/2;
if (val == v[mid])
return mid;
else if (val > v[mid])
from = mid+1;
to = mid-1;
return -1;

Generating all n-bit strings whose hamming distance is n/2

I'm playing with some variant of Hadamard matrices. I want to generate all n-bit binary strings which satisfy these requirements:
You can assume that n is a multiple of 4.
The first string is 0n.→ a string of all 0s.
The remaining strings are sorted in alphabetic order.→ 0 comes before 1.
Every two distinct n-bit strings have Hamming distance n/2.→ Two distinct n-bit strings agree in exactly n/2 positions and disagree in exactly n/2 positions.
Due to the above condition, every string except for the first string must have the same number of 0s and 1s. → Every string other than the first string must have n/2 ones and n/2 zeros.
(Updated) All the n-bit strings begin with 0.
For example, this is the list that I want for when n=4.
You can easily see that every two distinct rows have hamming distance n/2 = 4/2 = 2 and the list satisfies all the other requirements as well.
Note that I want to generate all such strings. My algorithm may just output three strings 0000, 0011, and 0101 before terminating. This list satisfies all the requirements above but it misses 0110.
What would be a good way to generate such sets? A python pseudo-code is preferred but any high-level description will do.
What is the maximum number of such strings for a given n?For example, when n=4, the max number of such strings happen to be 4. I'm wondering whether there can be any closed form solution for this upper bound.
To answer question 1,
Starting with a string of n zeros (let's call it s0) and a string of n/2 zeros followed by n/2 1's (call it s1), generate the next permutation (call it p):
scan string from right to left
replace first occurrence of "01" with "10"
(unless the first occurrence is at the string start)
move all "1"'s that are on the right of the "01" to the string end
return replaced string
Use the permutation generation order to keep a record of permutations added to sets. If the number of bits set in xoring p with each number currently in the set is n/2, add p to the list; otherwise, if the number of bits set in xoring p with s1 is n/2 and p has not been recorded, start a new set search with s0, s1; and p only as an additional condition for the xor test (since the primary search will review all permutations, this set need not generate additional sets). Use p to generate the next permutation.
