Makefile: missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?) - linux

My generated makefile doesn't execute, instead it throws the following error:
vbsp_linux32.mak:34: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
I've read like 30 pages, which all come to the same conclusion (spaces in front of commands) which I am not able to find/solve in this makefile:
OS: Debian Jessie
Make version: 4.0

Line 34 is a command.
call ..\..\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd ..\..\..\game\bin\$(TargetFileName) ..\..
According to GNU make manual (you can go over the whole page):
Makefiles contain five kinds of things: explicit rules, implicit rules, variable definitions, directives, and comments. Rules, variables, and directives are described at length in later chapters.
In other words you can have commands in a Makefile but (most common case) in rules.
However this is only one of many errors the Makefile contains. Looking at it i see that it was translated from Windows:
backslashes as path separators
copy "$(TargetDir)"$(TargetFileName) ..\..\..\game\bin\$(TargetFileName)
call ..\..\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd ..\..\..\game\bin\$(TargetFileName) ..\..
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BuildEventFailed
and others
So there is some work to do til it will work on Linux.


How to address some of many files that include one of a few sequences in their name, in Linux file-name system?

I have some files in my directory named as:
I need to list the files that have "-19-" OR "-20-" in the middle part of their name (e.g. lines 2-7 above), at the same time. I know if only one character was variable I could use [seq] syntax. I tried
ls *#["-19-"|"-20-"]*
but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
If using bash with the extglob option turned on, or ksh93, or zsh with the KSH_GLOB option turned on:
ls *-#(19|20)-*.csv

What does it mean to invoke `make -f` with a target that appears to be setting a variable? (And why isn't it working for me?)

I am trying to understand a complicated chain of Makefiles, in order to get a build to succeed. I narrowed down my problem to this bit in our build script:
$INF_RL is being set to an empty string (or not being set). If I replace the first line with
in order to hardcode what I know $INF_RL is supposed to be, then the build goes smoothly. But I want to know how to fix this the proper way.
What I've Tried / Thought
My first thought was that make -f is failing. So I tried it in my shell:
% setenv | grep BUILD_ROOT
Indeed, it returned an empty string. But what conclusion could I draw from this? I wasn't sure if the shell was the same thing as the environment / scope in which Make was chaining together its Makefiles. I abandoned this investigation.
Next, I looked into show__BUILD_INF_RL, which seemed to be defined in $BUILD_ROOT/Makefile:
CASE_KITS = tpsIn tpsOut
## These next 3 rules allows any variable set in this makefile (and therefore
## the included makefile.include to have it's value echoed from the command
## "make show_<variableName>"
## NOTE: the "disp" target is vital as it allows the show_% implicit rule to be
## recognised as such - implicit rules *must* have a target.
show_% := DISPLAY_MACRO = $(#:show_%=%)
show_% : disp
# echo $($(DISPLAY_MACRO))
include $(BUILD_ROOT)/makefile.include
Here, I faced more questions:
What is BUILD_ROOT_MAKEFILE for? Why is it set to 1, then seemingly something else in the make -f command?
In the make -f command, is BUILD_ROOT_MAKEFILE= its own argument? If so, what kind of target or rule is that? Otherwise, why is it being set to the macro?
In $BUILD_ROOT, there is another file, makefile.LINUX_X86.include:
BUILD_INF_RL = /foo_rel_linx86/infrastructure_release/v$(INF_VS)
$(warning $(BUILD_INF_RL))
Though a completely ignorant guess, I think BUILD_INF_RL is being set here, and intended to be extracted into the build script's variable INF_RL when the macro show__BUILD_INF_RL is invoked. I added the middle line to see if it was indeed being set, and indeed, I get this output when running the build script:
/userhome/andrew.cheong/TPS/makefile.LINUX_X86.include:3: /foo_rel_linx86/infrastructure_release/v8.0.14
i.e. Looks like what I've hardcoded way above! But why doesn't it make it into INF_RL? There is yet another file, makefile.include, also in $BUILD_ROOT:
# makefile.include - use this file to define global build settings
# e.g. infrastructure version and location, or third-party
# supported macros in addition to build-utils-makefile.include
# BUILD_INF_RL : optional, specification of infrastructure release location
# defaults to vdev_build area
include $(BUILD_ROOT)/../../makefile.include.$(BUILD_ARCH).Versions
#include $(BUILD_UTILS)/makefile.archdef.include
include $(BUILD_ROOT)/makefile.$(BUILD_ARCH).include
$(warning $(BUILD_INF_RL))
# place the results at the root of the infdemo tree
# libraries required for a typical fidessa app, including OA and DB access
FIDEVMAPP_LIBS = FidApp FidInf FidCore Fidevm
include $(BUILD_UTILS)/makefile.include
That $(warning ...) is again mine, and when running the build script, I get:
/userhome/andrew.cheong/TPS/makefile.include:18: /foo_rel_linx86/infrastructure_release/v8.0.14
The Question
The fact that both $(warning ...)s show up when I run the build script that's calling the make -f ... show__BUILD_INF_RL, tells me that those Makefiles are being included. Then what is causing the macro to fail and return an empty string instead of the correct INF_RL path?
Historical Notes
These build scripts were written at a time when we were only compiling for Solaris. (The scripts were based on templates written by an infrastructure team that loosely accounted for both Solaris and Linux, but we never ran the Linux branch, as it was unnecessary.) We are now fully migrating to Linux, and hitting this issue. The reason I'm skeptical of it being a Linux versus Solaris issue is that we have at least four other products that use a similar Makefile chain and have been migrated with no issues. Not sure why this one in particular is behaving different.
Your question got very long and complex so I didn't read it all... for SO it's often better if you just ask a specific targeted question that you want to know the answer to, with a simple repro case.
I can't say why different makefiles behave differently, but this line:
show_% := DISPLAY_MACRO = $(#:show_%=%)
seems really wrong to me. This is (a) setting the variable show_%, which don't actually use anywhere, (b) to the simply expanded string DISPLAY_MACRO = because at this point in the makefile the variable $# is not set to any value.
Maybe you wanted this line to be this instead:
show_% : DISPLAY_MACRO = $(#:show_%=%)
(note : not :=) so that it's a pattern-specific variable assignment, not a simple variable assignment?

Makefile rule with percent symbol is not evaluated

I'm trying to port linux kernel's kconfig util to my product
while compiling I got next error:
make[6]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `'. Stop.
I found next rule in Makefile.lib for this file
$(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped
$(call cmd,shipped)
It looks ok for me and it just works in kernel but not in my product.
Then I added another rule right after previous one.
$(obj)/%c: $(src)/%c_shipped
$(call cmd,shipped)
And now it works just fine.
Can someone explain me what's wrong with original rule?
In my case obj=. and src=. (both = dot). Current dir contains appropriate *_shipped file.
My guess is that $(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped qualifies as a match-anything pattern rule. (The manual doesn't mention how targets and prerequisites with with directory components are handled, but it would make sense.)
Note the following in the manual:
A non-terminal match-anything rule cannot apply to a file name that indicates a specific type of data. A file name indicates a specific type of data if some non-match-anything implicit rule target matches it.
Since there are already built-in implicit rules for creating .c files (using parser generators for example), the match-anything rule is never considered.
The reason the error doesn't happen for the kernel makefiles is that they run make with -r, which eliminates built-in implicit rules. It's done in the top-level makefile by setting the MAKEFLAGS variable:
# Do not use make's built-in rules and variables
# (this increases performance and avoids hard-to-debug behaviour);
As a simple experiment, I created a file test.c_foo and the following makefile:
%: %_foo
#echo building
make test.c without the first line gives
make: *** No rule to make target 'test.c'. Stop.
With the first line, it prints "building" instead.

Error running make: missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)

I'm trying to get PHP phar command line tool installed on my Debian VM, how here described:
(1) download the php-src, I assume it's in /tmp/php/src
(2) make the dir /tmp/phar
(3) Save this as /tmp/php-src/ext/phar/Makefile.
(4) cd /tmp/php-src/ext/phar
(5) run sudo make
Now after step 5 I get an error:
:/tmp/php-src/ext/phar# make
Makefile:11: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
As I know, there can be two possible causes for this error message:
Tabs in the make file. I've tested the file with od -t c Makefile. The file contains no tabs (\t).
It could be a bug of make v3.81 and need a patch or an upgrade to (yet instable: "Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution.") v3.82. I've downloaded and istalled (dpkg -i make_3.82-1_amd64.deb) it, but the error is still occuring.
What causes the error? How can it be avoided?
(Answered in a comment: See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat))
#Beta wrote:
The line should begin with a tab, not a bunch of spaces.
The OP wrote:
I've replaced all 8-spaces sequences with tabs and can execute the make script now.
I used:
cat Makefile|sed "s/ /\t/" > Makefile

Windres syntax error

I am working in MinGW environment (downloaded with their installer on 12/12/2011). I am attempting to compile a resource (.rc) file using Windres. The specific command I use is
Windres -O coff About1.rc -o About1.res
Windres generates at least 100 lines of warning messages reading: "warning: null characters ignored". Following this Windres emits: "Abouty1.rc:1:syntax error".
As a matter of fact, there are no null characters in the About1.rc file. In addtition, the first line of the file is an include statement: #include "dlgresource.h". I played around and eliminated this statement and it turns out that it doesn't matter what I put there, I get the same flurry of messages and the syntax error notification.
To make things more confusing, this same .rc file compiles without any problem using MSFT's rc.exe. The resulting .res file links smoothly with the program .obj file and runs perfectly.
I have no idea what is going on. Any ideas?
Mark Allyn
Your .rc file is probably encoded as UTF-16.
That's what's required in general by Microsoft's [rc.exe], in order to be able to deal with international characters, but GNU [windres.exe] can only deal with ANSI encoding.
One workaround is to convert the file to ANSI on the spot (possibly losing e.g. Russian or Greek characters):
> chcp 1252
Active code page: 1252
> type my.rc | windres --output-format=COFF -o my.res
> _
You probably used VS or a similar tool to generate the file. There are some parts of the character encodings that you cannot see resulting in null characters and etc.
Generate a new .res file with the same content, don't copy/paste the content, type it in yourself.
windres About1.rc -o About1.o
and then just use the resulting .o file instead of the originally intended .res file.
I've had the same troubles than you today. I know it has passed a lot of time from your question, but I'm writting this on the hope that it can be useful for someone.
First, I obtained an object file .o compiled using Cygwin, writting:
windres -o resource.o resource.rc
By doing that, you dont need to use the .res file, but the .o one, and you can then link this object with all the others, when you compile yout program, using GNU resources:
g++ Header_files CPP_files flags ... -o program.exe recource.o -lm
For instance.
