Approach to building an image scaling tool using Pixi.js 3.x - pixi.js

I'm building an authoring tools which needs to allow users to input images and later position and scale those images. What's the best way to implement image/sprite scaling using Pixi.js 3.x?


does fabric JS supports magnetic effects on canvas ? [fabricjs]

I want to implement magnetic effects in my web application, I am fabric js canvas to add items on the canvas.
I have gone through the documentation but didn't find anything relevant.

VMSS Custom image pros/cons

I need to install .net framework 4.7 on my VMSS. I tried using script extension but since I need to reboot the machine after the installation, it was a bit complex.
I decided to go with custom image. I created a VM, installed the .net framework and then captured it to image. Was painless process.
My question is, it seems that if my VMSS is using custom image, I cannot update it to use a marketplace image. Are there any other things I lose by using custom images?
George! Long time no see :).
This is a great question, but I don't think it's documented anywhere. I threw together a quick blog post describing the pros and cons: Here's the summary:
Platform images tend to allow for greater scale
Some features only support platform images
When using custom images, you control the image lifecycle, so you don't need to worry about the image being removed unexpectedly
Deployment speed can differ between the two (either way can be faster depending on the scenario)
With custom images, you can actually capture data disks along with the OS disk, allowing you to easily initialize each VM in the scale set with data
Hope this helps! :)

How to draw vector icons on node.js for openlayers' layer?

I would like to draw 100-200k features/icons/markers to be used with openlayers v3.
Based on readings, the approach would be either to dp clustering, or let the server handle the drawings, in other words, use layer for that. This applies for google maps api.
So, i plan to use node.js (or php) for this task, but did not manage to find a proper module for node.js to do this.
Please recommend a module for this.
Or at least, how can i draw a png on node.
Specifically, I would like to create a layer where a request to my server, e.g: would draw the markers on server (or predrawn), and not draw them on client side.

Using visualization tools similar to neo4j web interface in my own nodejs app

I am developing a simple web app to help visualize the relationship between different terms.
neo4j is a great tool for managing the database but I need some tools to help me visualize the relationships for the users.
I looked at popular choices like sigmajs and three.js. However, they are not good at showing the types of relationships.
I realized that the web interface provided by neo4j itself is a good tool for visualization except for the small font size. But I don't know any way to use it in my own app(looks like it uses SVG which is okay for me).
Any good suggestions on good tools for visualizing the relationships or ways to "grab" the neo4j web interface for my own project?
I believe your man is Max de Marzi, he's the one working on visualizing neo4j data. In his tutorials he used vivagraph.js, d3.js, processing.js, sigma.js ...
Check out his website and his github's
You could also have a look at the question Big data visualization using "search, show context, and expand on demand" concept.

how to create different zoom levels for a world map

we are developing an application similar to google maps. We are able to sucessfully transfer images from server to clent. we want to provide zooming capability to the images transferred to the clients. we are using Ubuntu for our application.
You might look at OpenStreetMap's Slippery Map where they did basically what you want for the OSM project.
