how to create different zoom levels for a world map - linux

we are developing an application similar to google maps. We are able to sucessfully transfer images from server to clent. we want to provide zooming capability to the images transferred to the clients. we are using Ubuntu for our application.

You might look at OpenStreetMap's Slippery Map where they did basically what you want for the OSM project.


Offline NodeJS Based Site

I am trying to create a digital vehicle gauge cluster. I am using a RasPi to gather speed, RPM, and engine temperature and am currently using NodeJS to pull sensor data from the GPIO pins.
My initial plan was to take advantage of my preexisting HTML/CSS skills to then display this data to the driver and update that local HTML site using getElementById() tags in my JS and write over the data values. However, when I launched my site I realized that Node wasn't being used since I hadn't actually asked Node to start interpreting anything.
Given that I already have this website GUI built and the JS done to write to it, is there a way for me to actually connect these two scripts? Is there a way for me to use Node to launch the website and initialize Node at the same time?
Hope this isn't a duplicate question or covered in documentation somewhere.
Thanks in advance for any tips.

#mrtk Accessing Hololens Spatial Map MRTK v2

I have been having trouble trying to understand how to use the Spatial Awareness user guide for the latest MRTK release to get access to the spatial mapping meshes to use in a multi-user app. I cannot find a way to serialize the meshes to be able to send them to a remote device as was previously possible in the older toolkit. I have tried to add the meshes to a list and used the old simplemeshserializer but that did not seem to work at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated in trying to understand the current capabilities in current MRTK and how the same functionality can be replicated.
I have been facing problems with mrtk v2 spatial awareness too. Have you tried using surface types? I couldn't make it work yet.
You mean that you want to transfer the mesh between multiple devices, but when you use the simplemeshserializer to serialize the mesh in MRTKv2 and transfer it, the remote device becomes unresponsive?
According to some previous cares of transferring mesh between multiple clients, we hope that you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot:
Is data received correctly when transferring data using WebRTC?
Is the data still reliable after deserialization? You can try to save it locally and verify it.
After receiving the data and deserializing it, how did you handle these deserialized meshes? Can you provide the small sample to reproduce the problem?

Using visualization tools similar to neo4j web interface in my own nodejs app

I am developing a simple web app to help visualize the relationship between different terms.
neo4j is a great tool for managing the database but I need some tools to help me visualize the relationships for the users.
I looked at popular choices like sigmajs and three.js. However, they are not good at showing the types of relationships.
I realized that the web interface provided by neo4j itself is a good tool for visualization except for the small font size. But I don't know any way to use it in my own app(looks like it uses SVG which is okay for me).
Any good suggestions on good tools for visualizing the relationships or ways to "grab" the neo4j web interface for my own project?
I believe your man is Max de Marzi, he's the one working on visualizing neo4j data. In his tutorials he used vivagraph.js, d3.js, processing.js, sigma.js ...
Check out his website and his github's
You could also have a look at the question Big data visualization using "search, show context, and expand on demand" concept.

Managing image workflow with Node.js webapp?

I'm new to Node, and was hoping to use Node.js for a a small internal webapp for managing workflow for product photos.
The image files are RAW camera files, and stored on a local NAS device.
The webapp should:
Have a concept of workflow, and be able to jump back/forth between states, and handle error states.
Watch certain directories for image files, and react to new files being added, or existing files being moved/removed.
Send out emails in response to events.
Scan photos for QR barcodes, and generate events based on these.
Rename photos based on user-defined batch patterns in response to events.
Is Node.js a suitable tool for something like this? Why or why not?
Any libraries to help manage the workflow? I could only find node-workflow ( - curious for anybody's experiences with this? Alternatives?
Likewise for file watching? I saw many wrappers for (e.g., as well as some alternatives (e.g. - any advice for somebody new to Node?
Apart from using a NAS with a network filesystem, are there any other alternatives stores I can use for the image files?
I'm open to other alternatives here. I'm worried that the system will get confused or lose track of files.
The Node.js docs also mention that watching files on network file systems might be unreliable ( Are there more robust solutions?
Any other tips/suggestions for this project?
Node.js is a fine platform for building an application like the one you describe. The key question is file storage. You might find this post very interesting:
Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?
This other post enumerates a few interesting options for writing workflows:
Workflow engine in Javascript
Shameless add: I have been working on an event coordination library that you might find useful and interesting.

Neo4j - Where to start, displaying on web?

I've created a neo4j graph using Java, and it's sitting in an embedded database. What I want to do is write a web page which accepts user input, creates the graph using Java, and then returns the result to the web page, where it is traversed and displayed in a chart fashion.
I'm not sure where to start with this in terms of framework and how to query from root to all nodes in the graph. I was thinking of using play-framework.
What should I be looking for in terms of documentation to work out querying the graph using play, for example?
You also can use Spring Data Neo4j, probably the most convenient and most stable Java solutoin right now, see
