I made a JavaFX app and packaged it as a .exe. When I installed it on another pc and tried to run it I get a screen with:> Error invoking method
After that I get a screen with:
Failed to launch JVM
I added my libraries to the compile & run sections. But probably there is still something wrong with them (not being packaged or something).
When I try to run the jar I get:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.persistence.Persistence
Make sure you bundled the jar containing that class... looking at this similar thread you can get the jar from here: http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/bundle/version/detail?name=com.springsource.javax.persistence&version=2.0.0
I am facing similar issue like this mentioned in the post:
Triying to run VLC for unity plugin demo
Build platform is WIN 10 x64 (build 2004).
I am using LibVLC from the nightly build: https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc/nightly-win64-llvm/20200914-0434/
LibVLCSharp gets built successfully (https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp/-/tree/master/).
I was trying to build "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" but failing (have installed https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw/tree/20200325 (LLVM MinGW)), using MSYS64 to run ./build.sh and it was coming up with this error:
MSYS error while building VLCUnity plugin dll
I thought maybe since "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" is NOT present, Unity x64 (v 2019.4.8f1) keeps on complaining with the following errors:
UNITY errors
But after, I hacked "common" make file as shown below:
make file changes to build VLCUnityPlugin.dll
I successfully built VLCUnityPlugin.dll and my plugin file structure looks like this now:
Plugin directory structure
Still, I do see UNITY Errors:
"Assets\VLCUnity\Demos\Scripts\MinimalPlayback.cs(99,39): error CS1061: 'MediaPlayer' does not contain a definition for 'GetTexture' and no accessible extension method 'GetTexture' accepting a first argument of type 'MediaPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
The free trial version is available for download here https://videolabs.io/vlc-unity/vlc-unity-windows-trial.unitypackage.
That being said, if you want to build it yourself, you should follow what the CI does https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-unity/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml
The libvlcsharp build is a special one, you need to define UNITY when you build it. It has the added GetTexture method.
For VLCPlugin.dll, you should crosscompile from Linux, where you install llvm-mingw and run it from bash (for example). MSYS not needed.
I am following these easy steps https://www.broadleafcommerce.com/docs/core/current/getting-started/running-locally
but I am stuck at step 2 already ´mvn spring-boot:run´ gives me the following error:
Failed to execute goal on project boot-community-demo-admin: Could not resolve dependencies for project com-mycompany-community:boot-community-demo-admin:jar1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
feels like the pom.xml is not correct.
I believe it's looking for mycompany-community which doesn't exist http://nexus.broadleafcommerce.org/nexus/content/groups/community-snapshots/com/
thank you
You Can run using the eclipse it will run successfully with out giving any errors. here is the link to run using eclipse
Link: https://www.broadleafcommerce.com/docs/core/current/getting-started/ide-setup/eclipse-setup
It Will Work Fine While Running Using Eclipse. I Also checked in my System it is working fine with eclipseIDE.
It looks like you need to follow step 1c in the docs to mvn install from the root of the project. Did you do that part?
I generate app thanks to jhipster but when I run it I have the following error:
.m2\repository\org\liquibase\liquibase-core\3.5.3\liquibase-core-3.5.3.jar referenced one or more files that do not exist: .m2\repository\org\liquibase\liquibase-core\3.5.3\lib\snakeyaml-1.13.jar
The error happens in my IDE and when I run mvnw.
I can't find any solutions or workarounds.
Ok it seems that in fact my application failed to start cause my application-dev.yml was malformatted. But the error message what really not explicite and believed that the error come from the liquibase classpath.
I am trying to run ./gradlew in jhipster project and getting next error with ':bower' task:
:bower FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':bower'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'bower''
Caused by: net.rubygrapefruit.platform.NativeException: Could not start 'bower'
at net.rubygrapefruit.platform.internal.DefaultProcessLauncher.start(DefaultProcessLauncher.java:27)
at net.rubygrapefruit.platform.internal.WrapperProcessLauncher.start(WrapperProcessLauncher.java:36)
at org.gradle.process.internal.ExecHandleRunner.run(ExecHandleRunner.java:68)
... 2 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "bower" (in directory "/Users/vovkvlad/coding/learning/Java/jHipProj"): error=2, No such file or directory
at net.rubygrapefruit.platform.internal.DefaultProcessLauncher.start(DefaultProcessLauncher.java:25)
... 4 more
I have seen similar problems on stackoverflow:
Running JHipster Gradle task from Intellij IDEA
jhipster - error executing task :bower
But first link complains only about failure in IntelliJ (and in my case the same error occurs in the terminal)
And second link gives pretty strange answer with removing node which seems strange to me, and may be not applicable since 2 years have past.
So, do anyone have a key to what am I doing wrong?
I will be grateful for any kind of help/hint.
Thanks in advance for help!
EDIT: I have bower installed globally, so that it can be found under one of the paths in $PATH. And bower is recognized from the terminal.
I was having this same issue. I was able to fix it by stopping the gradle daemon using ./gradlew --stop. Here is a link to a post where I found the solution.
i got the same issue, and fixed it with command below.
gradle --stop
In my case, i use Eclipse with Buildship plugin, it starts a Grade Daemon to build project by itself, and the classpath of NodeJS & Bower is difference when running application in terminal.
Some time my project in MyEclipse show me the following error on compilation. Sometime by restarting MyEclipse the error message disappear.
Can you please tell me why this error occurs ?
Error message :
The container 'Struts 1.1 Libraries' references non existing library 'C:\MyEclipse\.......\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\16\1\.cp\data\1.1\lib\commons-beanutils.jar' ROMO_ETD Build path Build Path Problem
Thanks a lot.
Looks like you might be using an old unsupported release of MyEclipse, so one option would be to upgrade to the latest release. Another would be to run MyEclipse with the -clean argument, once. The argument is mentioned here (for the eclipse Juno release, but it's similar for earlier releases): http://help.eclipse.org/juno/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm?cp=0_3_0
Basically, the argument is added to the command line or to the top of the myeclipse.ini file, in the folder containing the myeclipse.exe file. The argument can be removed after the first launch, as it slows down the launch.