I'm looking into the National Weather Service's API and trying to get the temperature per hour for the certain location in the next 24 hours.
I'm using the test client to generate the requests:
From: 2015-06-29T15:00:00
To: 2015-06-30T15:00:00
Product: Time series
Variables: Hourly temperatures, Dewpoint temperature, Apparent temperature
Unit: US standard
<time-layout time-coordinate="local" summarization="none">
<parameters applicable-location="point1">
<temperature type="hourly" units="Fahrenheit" time-layout="k-p3h-n9-1">
<temperature type="dew point" units="Fahrenheit" time-layout="k-p3h-n9-1">
<name>Dew Point Temperature</name>
<temperature type="apparent" units="Fahrenheit" time-layout="k-p3h-n9-1">
<name>Apparent Temperature</name>
The temperatures displayed are in 3hour periods. I figured to change the period parameter to 'Weather at a glance'. Indeed I got a time period of 24 hours, but the only parameter displayed in that period was 'Hazards'.
Obviously, each parameter is tied to a time period, but is it possible to get temperature in a 1hour time period instead of 3hour somehow?
If you are open for json then there are plenty of ways to do it.
I would recommend one service named apixu.com. They offer hour by hour weather and they also have a libraries in different programming languages.
Indeed there is a NWS web service that displays data per hour. Just took some time to find it.
Use-Case : I am having an Integration in place that creates multiple Vendor Bills in Netsuite for every 5 minutes. I want to export the vendor bills created in those time to FTP. For that I need to create a saved search that can preview vendor bills created in past five minutes. Do we have any criteria in Netsuite Save Search to accomplish that ?
Please advise.
A Netsuite inconsistency.
I keep a snippet for this.
function toNSLegalDatetime(date){
var formatted = <string>format.format({value:date, type:format.Type.DATETIMETZ});
return formatted.replace(/(:\d{2}):\d{2}/, '$1');
Then you can do:
const lastDT = new Date(Date.now() - 5*60000)); // 5 minutes ago
search.createFilter({name:'datecreated', operator:search.Operator.ONORAFTER, values:toNSLegalDatetime(lastDT)}),
timing like this is very tricky because small delays in timing could cause you to miss transactions. If you can keep track of the last internalid reported your next search could just use that and it wouldn't matter what the lag was.
search.createFilter({name:'internalidnumber', operator:search.Operator.GREATERTHAN, values:lastIdReported})
EDIT: Some users noted that this is a duplicate of ADO.NET question at
How can I get DateTime data from SQL Server ignoring time zone issues?
Please DO READ my tags, and my codes. This is nodejs question,
that has nothing to do with ADO library whatsoever. It doesn't
even run on Windows. The option noted at the link provided doesn't even exists at mssql-npm
I am creating a database for company attendance, which spans for 3 timezones.
The problem with SQL Server is that I read the working hour differently from each timezone. It registered like 1969-12-31T23:00:00.000Z, and registers as 06:00 for one timeline, and 08:00 for another. I need it to be exactly at 08:00 regardless of timezone. It means, 08:00 at western part of my country, and also 08:00 at eastern part of my country.
When I try to disable UseUTC, nodejs translated my timezone twice. For example, this is when I sent masuk field as 08:00
Sent to server:
Query sent to SQL Server:
UPDATE shift SET name = 'Shift 1', masuk = '2019-10-28T01:00:00.000Z', keluar = '2019-10-28T10:00:00.000Z', tolerance = 15 WHERE id = 1
Received the result back
And shown to the user as:
My country sits at GMT+7 to GMT+9. I don't mind if I have to flatten the timezone. But how to do that? Is there a way to read the time completely ignoring the time zone? It makes my work unnecesarily complicated.
I am using:
SQL Server 2012
Material UI
Nodejs 12
mssql module
and this is my code to get the time from user input
<MuiPickersUtilsProvider utils={DateFnsUtils}>
Thank you for help.
THe database uses time(7) to store the time
My model will optionally take a time in many utterances.
So examples...
add wet diaper. <-------- assumes current time
add wet diaper at 4:00 PM
add bottle at noon
What would be the best way to model 4 PM/AM so that in my actions I can collect the time?
You'll want to define an action that accepts an optional input, and make sure the type is 'DateTimeExpression'. In your NL training, you can say things like 'do this thing at 4PM' or 'do this thing'. Both are valid because you made the date optional. In your javascript, check to see if the user said a date. If they did, use it. If not, you can default to now. Refer to this link for grabbing the time from javascript. The date api will parse dates to the device's local time by default (can be overridden).
In your action
input (searchDate) {
type (time.DateTimeExpression)
min(Optional) max (One)
In your javascript
var currentTime = dates.ZonedDateTime.now().getDateTime();
if (searchDate)
currentTime = //Grab the date from searchDate.
Use this for reference.
There is no primitive type DateTime, but there is a viv.time library you can use, and in fact there is viv.time.DateTimeExpression concept you can use.
viv.time.DateTimeExpression not only handles "4 AM" but also "tomorrow 4 AM", you can read more here. I would say it is one of the most commonly used library concepts.
Is there a way to obtain the local timezone from the system (eg:- ubuntu) using nodejs?
I used moment.js to extract the date and time values. But couldn't find a way to extract the timezone as well.
The existing answers will tell you the current timezone offset, but you will have issues if you are comparing historic/future points in time as this will not cater for daylight saving changes.
In many timezones, the offset varies throughout the year and these changes occur at different dates or not at all depending on the latitude. If you only have UTC time and an offset, you can never be sure what the offset will be in that location at various other times during the year.
For example, a UTC+2:00 offset could refer to Barcelona in the summer or Ivory Coast all year round. The 2hr offset will always display the correct time in Ivory Coast but will be 1hr out for half the year in Barcelona.
Check out this great article covering the above.
How do we cater for all these time zone issues? Well, it's pretty simple:
Save all times in UTC
Store the time zone string for where this event occurred
In modern browsers or node.js, you can get the local IANA time zone string like this:
Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone // eg. 'America/Chicago'
You can then use this timezone string in a library like Luxon to help offset your captured UTC times.
DateTime.fromISO("2017-05-15T09:10:23", { zone: "Europe/Paris" });
It is very simple.
var x = new Date();
var offset= -x.getTimezoneOffset();
console.log((offset>=0?"+":"")+parseInt(offset/60)+":"+String(offset%60).padStart(2, "0"))
And there is nothing else or you can see if momentJS can help you or not.
Note: This answer is outdated, you can suggest to add in it.
It is this easy, no libraries needed:
console.log("test ...")
let d = new Date()
console.log("UTC time " + d)
let ank = d.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'America/Anchorage' });
console.log("your time zone " + ank)
How to see the exact time zone names on most servers:
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo
Works flawlessly:
You'll get the correct time-text regardless of daylight savings issues, etc etc.
Handy related mysql tip:
On almost all servers, mysql also needs to know the tz info.
Basically the solution is, on the shell
sudo mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql mysql
.. google more about it.
I solved this using moment.js (http://momentjs.com/docs/)
var moment = require('moment');
var offset = moment().utcOffset();
console.log(''.concat(offset < 0 ? "-" : "+",moment(''.concat(Math.abs(offset/60),Math.abs(offset%60) < 10 ? "0" : "",Math.abs(offset%60)),"hmm").format("HH:mm")));
I found a better solution using moment.js. Just use moment().format('Z')
which gives the output :
Have been working on a two-player turn based game that uses a custom UI for match management. Considering restricting the app to iOS 6+ in order to use player timeouts. I would like to show the user the remaining amount of time to move, but the participant.timeoutDate is always null? Per the WWDC 2012 video (that says the timeout won't apply to the last participant in nextParticipants), I pass an array with two entries (opponent at index 0 and local player at index 1) when calling endTurnWithNextParticipants:turnTimeout:matchData:completionHandler: to take a turn. I've tried both GKTurnTimeoutDefault and various integer literals ... no luck ... always seems to be null. The player's last turn date works fine.
On the subject of player timeouts ... after I get them working, how is this delivered? I see GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeTimeExpired ... does this come in a turn event?
From Apple's developer forum
Elian Gidoni -
The doc should be:
The date and time when the participant’s turn timed out. (read-only)