Why my gdb prompt shows wrong after I change its color - linux

I change my gdb prompt's color by writing set prompt \033[1;33m(gdb) \033[0m into .gdbinitfile. And I change my gdb prompt's color sucessfully.
But I find that my long command with my parameters will overwrite my prompt after I input a long command without going to newline. Why?

Edit: if your gdb has python scripting enabled, look at #matt's answer to see how to do this using the set extended-prompt command - it's a better solution.
Gdb manages command input by using the readline package. The way to tell readline that a character sequence in a prompt string doesn't actually move the cursor when output to the screen is to surround it with the markers RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE (currently '\001' in readline's C header file) and RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE (currently '\002').
Bash has a portable way of expressing this: when it sees "\[" and "\]" in the prompt variable, it will convert them to RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE and RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE. Bash does this while it's processing various other escape sequences such as \w to include the current working directory.
Gdb's set prompt command doesn't support "\[" and "\]", but you can put the octal escapes \001 and \002 in your set prompt string (subject to change if readline's authors ever choose to use a different set of markers).
set prompt \001\033[1;33m\002(gdb) \001\033[0m\002

gdb has a command: set extended-prompt that accepts escape sequences described in the gdb.prompt python module. which includes the \[ and \] bashism's for wrapping characters that do not contribute to the prompts length. This of course requires a python enabled gdb to work though.


Where and How Bash convert strings to colors

I am working on Bash 5.0 from GNU repository. I wanted to find the place where Bash reads a string with ASCII colors and convert it to colors, like in the following case where it convert "Hello" to red:
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# ./bash
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# echo $BASH_VERSION
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# ./bash -c 'echo -e "\033[31mHello\e[0m World"'
Hello World
I searched inside the source code and found two files that seems to be related:
bash-5.0/lib/readline/colors.c - link
bash-5.0/lib/readline/parse-colors.c - link
But they are not, they work only on the first time I load Bash and you need to write the following rows in the file ~/.inputrc for it to work:
set colored-completion-prefix on
set colored-stats on
Any idea where in the code Bash takes string like that "\033[31mHello" and convert it to red?
It's not the shell that's converting anything to colors, it is your terminal. The shell only outputs ANSI escape codes which are then picked up by the terminal.
Depending on your point of view and philosophical interpretations, \033[31mHello already is a colored string (for the shell, at least, it is)

What does this PROMPT_COMMAND do?

I have this in /etc/bash.bashrc on my Linux system:
PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033]0;%s#%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/\~}"'
From man bash I understand that it sets a command to be executed prior to issuing each prompt, but I'm wondering what exactly it's doing.
Basically, it updates the title of the terminal after every command you issue to reflect the current values of the envariables, using XTerm escape sequences.
Some of the escape sequences recognized by XTerm-compatible terminal emulators:
ESC]0;stringBEL — Set icon name and window title to string
ESC]1;stringBEL — Set icon name to string
ESC]2;stringBEL — Set window title to string
where ESC is the escape character (\033), and BEL is the bell character (\007).
Sets your prompt to be whatever is being executed now in addition to a printf that will show your username # your hostname with your present working directory. You'll have to look up the \033]0; terminal code yourself.

What does "cat -A" command option mean in Unix

I'm currently working on a Unix box and came across this post which I found helpful, in order to learn about cat command in Unix. At the bottom of the page found this line saying: -A = Equivalent to -vET
As I'm new into Unix, I'm unaware of what does this mean actually? For example lets say I've created a file called new using cat and then apply this command to the file:
cat -A new, I tried this command but an error message comes up saying it's and illegal option.
To cut short, wanted to know what does cat -A really mean and how does it effect when I apply it to a file. Any help would be appreciated.
It means show ALL.
Basically its a combination of -vET
E : It will display '$' at the end of every line.
T : It will display tab character as ^I
v : It will use ^ and M-notation
^ and M-notation:
(Display control characters except for LFD(LineFeed or NewLine) and TAB using '^' notation and precede characters that have the high bit set with
'M-') M- notation is a way to display high-bit characters as low bit ones by preceding them with M-
You should read about little-endian and big-endian if you like to know more about M notation.
For example:
Check your manual page as below and it will list all options avaialable with your command and check is there -A present, if it is not present it is an illegal option.
man cat
It displays non-printing characters
In Mac OS you need to use -e flag and
-e Display non-printing characters (see the -v option), and display a dollar sign (`$') at the end of each line.

Colorizing the output of :make, :grep, etc., in Vim

When building my application using the :make command in Vim, the output is not colorized. I have configured the makefile to use clang as the C compiler, and when running make outside of Vim or when running :!make, clang's output is colorized. :set makeprg returns makeprg=make, just for reference.
I have the same issue with grep: when running :grep, the output is not colorized; when running :!grep, it is. I have tried using the --color option with :grep, to no avail. :set grepprg returns grepprg=grep -n $* /dev/null.
I've read through VIM Unix commands printed in color and also How to color my vimgrep result patterns. The former seems to have the opposite problem (i.e. :!command output not colorized); the latter doesn't have any alternative to dropping down to the shell, which I don't feel is a "correct" fix for the issue.
The problem is that when Vim runs other commands via :make or :grep, those commands don't get a terminal for their standard output -- in the sense that for them isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) is false -- because Vim is capturing the output on its way to being displayed on the terminal. On the other hand, when you use :!make or :!grep, standard output is just going to the terminal.
Clang by default and grep --color=auto (which is probably how you have it aliased) use the terminalness of stdout to decide whether to colourise their output. This is convenient in that you get colourful output on your terminal but capture just the text when you redirect output to a file -- all without needing to add extra command line options.
So what you want to do is override these commands' usual smarts so that they always colourise their output.
For grep, you can use --color=always when it is run via :grep within Vim:
:set grepprg=grep\ --color=always\ -n\ $*\ /dev/null
and depending on your colour settings and version of grep this will work well enough.
For clang, you can change your Makefile to use clang -fcolor-diagnostics so as to force colourisation or more flexibly add an extra variable to $(CC) that will be overridden when run via :make within Vim:
:set makeprg=make\ EXTRA_CFLAGS=-fcolor-diagnostic
However (at least with clang 3.0 and vim 7.3) you will find that clang's style of colourisation prevents Vim from picking out filenames and line numbers from the diagnostics, so doing this wrecks the advantage of using :make rather than :!make.
You may be able to teach Vim to pick out the filenames etc from the surrounding ANSI escape sequences that do the colourisation by adding more entries to Vim's errorformat option to match the colourised clang-style diagnostics. (And similarly with grepformat if your grep colourisation colours the filenames or linenumbers.)
When you run :grep or :make (as opposed to :!grep or :!make),
the output is not only shown in the terminal,
but also sent to the quick-fix window, from which it is processed.
You can access the quick fix windo using the vim-command :copen.
The quick fix window is essentially a text file that is opened in read-only mode.
Like in any other text file, colors are not supported in the quick fix file.
Instead, they are represented with escape characters like [01;34m.
Therefore, producing colorized output from make (or grep) will
mess up the output as it is shown in the quick-fix window, even if you can get vim to process it,
and send the cursor to the selected error/warning/find message.
The question whether the output is colorized now becomes a little subtle: I suggest that the
terminal output should remain uncolored, but that the quick-fix output should be colorized.
The color scheme in the quick fix window is not defined by any color-indications in the file itself, but in the syntax highlighting
of the quick fix window, defined in the file qf.vim (/usr/share/vim/vim81/syntax/qf.vim on my computer).
The color scheme defined in qf.vim does not add much color to the quick fix window, but the syntax hightlighting
scheme may be extended by creating the file ~/.vim/syntax/after/qf.vim. I use cmake in combination with the
gnu and/or the intel compilers, and get nice-looking results with the following contents for ~/.vim/syntax/after/qf.vim:
syn match qBuilt "Built target *" nextgroup=qTarget
syn match qTarget ".*$" contained
syn match qEnteringLeaving ": \(Entering\|Leaving\) directory *" nextgroup=qdSeparator
syn match qdSeparator "'" nextgroup=qdName contained
syn match qdName "[^']*" contained
syn match qbProgress "\[ *[0-9]*%\]"
syn match qBuild "Building .* object"
syn match qWarn "warning\( *#[0-9]*\|\):"
syn match qError "error\( *#[0-9]*\|\):"
syn match qRemark "remark\( *#[0-9]*\|\):"
hi def link qTarget Constant
hi def link qError Error
hi def link qWarn Error
hi def link qRemark WarningMsg
hi def link qEnteringLeaving Keyword
hi def link qBuild Keyword
hi def link qBuilt Keyword
hi def link qdName Include
hi def link qbProgress Special

vim expanded makeprg variable

I use the :set makeprg functionality to set different make behaviour depending on files. One feature of this is that I can use % and %< in order to refer to the file in the active buffer, as well as $ for environment variables.
I'd like to echo the expanded makeprg variable, but I can't seem to achieve this.
For example, suppose I have :set makeprg=build\ %, and I'm working on file Foo.txt.
I would expect the output of echoing an expanded makeprg to be:
build Foo.txt
However, we have the following result when echoing the &makeprg variable:
build\ %
The solution probably involves using expand(), except that this would involve parsing the &makeprg for escaped symbols and dealing with $ appropriately for environment variables. Is there a solution to this that I'm missing?
Why would you need this? For troubleshooting, I would probably just append echo to 'makeprg' (that's a trailing space after \):
:setl makeprg^=echo\
But the following should do what you had in mind. The trick is to split the 'makeprg' string on spaces, and process each word individually:
:echo join(map(split(&makeprg), 'expand(v:val)'))
A bit closer to the truth:
join(map(split(mystring, '\ze[<%#]'), 'expand(v:val)'), '').
