Whats the proper way to link Boost with CMake and Visual Studio in Windows? - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to generate some Boost 1.58 libraries that I need (chrono, regex and thread) for Visual Studio 2012 and link the libraries with CMake. I have real problems for CMake and Visual Studio to find or link the libs, depending on the configuration I set.
I am finally using the following configuration:
bjam.exe --link=static --threading multi --variant=debug stage
But this doesn't seem to generate static libs.
How should I generate the libs and search them with CMake in order for Visual Studio to link them properly?

I finally came up with the solution and I think it is detailed enough to become a generic answer.
Visual Studio searches for dynamic libraries so we need to compile Boost libraries as shared, multithreaded, debug and release, and runtime-link shared. In windows using bjam.exe all commands have the prefix "--" except link, so the right way to build the libraries is:
bjam.exe link=shared --threading=multi --variant=debug --variant=release --with-chrono --with-regex --with-thread stage
This will generate the libs and DLLs in the folder Boost/stage/lib, so we need to set an environment variable Boost_LIBRARY_DIR C:/Boost/stage/lib, for example.
There are more options that may come in hand:
runtime-link = shared/static
toolset= msvc-11.0
The libraries will have a name like this for release:
And for debug:
In order for CMake to link them properly we need to write the following in the CMakeLists.txt:
add_definitions( -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ) //If not VS will give linking errors of redefinitions
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread chrono regex REQUIRED )

bjam.exe --link=static --threading multi --variant=debug stage
But this doesn't seem to generate static libs.
Building the special stage target places Boost library binaries in the stage\lib\ subdirectory of the Boost tree.
More about building Boost on Windows here
SET (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) # in order to link with boost debug libs you may need to set that to build your program in debug mode (or do that from command line)
FIND_PACKAGE (Boost 1.58 COMPONENTS "chrono" "regex" "thread" REQUIRED)
#ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) # make sure you don't have this as it will try to link with boost .dll's


msvc & cmake fully link static library with other static libraries (bundle) [duplicate]

I want to bundle five static libraries into one library in CMake. How can I proceed for this?
Like library a, b, c, d, and e should bundle into alpha_lib.
If you are using Visual Studio, you can take advantage of the Microsoft Library Manager (LIB.exe) to combine your static libraries into one. Your CMake could follow these steps:
Use find_program() to have CMake locate the MSVC lib.exe tool on your system. If you run cmake from the Visual Studio Command Prompt, find_program can locate lib.exe automatically, without using the optional PATHS argument to tell it where to look.
Use CMake's add_custom_target() command to call lib.exe using the syntax for merging libraries:
lib.exe /OUT:alpha_lib.lib a.lib b.lib c.lib d.lib e.lib
You can use target-dependent generator expressions in the custom target command to have CMake resolve the locations of your built libraries. The custom target will create a Project in your Visual Studio solution that can be run separately to merge all of the built static libraries into one library.
Your CMake could look something like this:
# Create the static libraries (a, b, c, d, and e)
add_library(a STATIC ${a_SOURCES})
add_library(e STATIC ${e_SOURCES})
# Tell CMake to locate the lib.exe tool.
find_program(MSVC_LIB_TOOL lib.exe)
# If the tool was found, create the custom target.

"undefined reference" error from static lib of external parquet project

I want to link expernal 'parquet' project ( https://github.com/apache/arrow/tree/master/cpp ) as part of my current project on Linux.
For this purposes I ran cmake of parquet with such parameters
cd build_parquet
cmake --build . --config Release
// There are a lot of dependencies except boost, but only boost required to be installed on system, since other could be downloaded and installed by cmake script
Project successfully compiled. I got executable which could launch, generated static libs libarrow.a, libparquet.a, shared libraries libarrow.so, libparquet.so
In my main project I want to use such libraries and I use such commands in cmake to find them
find_library(PARQUET_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES parquet.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_library(ARROW_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES arrow.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_package_handle_standard_args(Parquet DEFAULT_MSG PARQUET_INCLUDE_DIR
That's work okay, libraries and includes are found.
Then I link this libraries to my project
target_link_libraries(${myExe} ${PARQUET_LIBRARIES_RELEASE} ${mySomeOtherLibraries} )
after this I got enormous amount of linker errors such that
libparquet.a(column_writer.cc.o): In function `apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer::~TMemoryBuffer()':
column_writer.cc:(.text._ZN6apache6thrift9transport13TMemoryBufferD0Ev[_ZN6apache6thrift9transport13TMemoryBufferD5Ev]+0x3): undefined reference to `vtable for apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer'
so that's what I don't understand much, why lib compiled well in parquet project itself but has a lot of unresolved now, when I use it to link in my own project? Moreover I compiled project for windows and when I did the same things, but with arrow.lib and parquet.lib (instead of libparquet.a and libarrow.a ) things worked fine! I was needed only to put arrow.dll, parquet.dll to executables to run project. But in Linux I've already crashed my head
So, why it doesn't work, what I should do to finally link the project with library ?
I found the problem, I had to link libraries with adding .so files (not only .a files) like this
find_library(PARQUET_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES parquet.so parquet.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_library(ARROW_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES arrow.so arrow.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
Project is builded. So now the question is, why I need to add .so files to linker (in Windows only static .lib are enough), is it always a case when I build project in Linux ? Is order of linkage important ( .so files first and .a files next ? )
As Uwe wrote in a comment, the https://github.com/apache/parquet-cpp repository is deprecated, and the Parquet C++ library is being developed as part of the Apache Arrow C++ codebase https://github.com/apache/arrow/tree/master/cpp. Can you try building based on that, and if you have trouble can you post on the dev#arrow.apache.org mailing list?
You have succeed to build the project when link with the shared (.so) libraries instead of the static (.a) ones.
(The command find_library actually looks for one library, which name is listed in NAMES option. In your case it found .so library because its name comes before the .a one).
Actually, both shared and static parquet libraries contain the same set of symbols, and both sets are insufficient for link. The difference is that the shared library contains information, where to find remaining symbols (in the thrift library in your case), but the static library doesn't.
For correctly link with the static libraries, you need to list dependent libraries manually.
On Windows .lib file may mean either a static library, or a import file for the shared (.dll) one. It seems that you link with the dynamic one (it has no lib prefix), which succeed like on Linux.

Android NDK, CMake with other libraries

So I am trying to build and test out a CMake with the Android NDK on Android Studio. I can get my library to compile, but it doesn't seem to want to pull any third-party dependencies over. I've been reading through the toolchain and looking for better documentations, with no luck. Can someone tell me if I am missing?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
set(SFML_PATH ${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/sfml)
set(SFML_LIB_SYSTEM ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-system.so)
set(SFML_LIB_AUDIO ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-audio.so)
set(SFML_LIB_GRAPHICS ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-graphics.so)
set(SFML_LIB_NETWORK ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-network.so)
set(SFML_LIB_WINDOW ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-window.so)
set(SFML_LIB_ACTIVITY ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-activity.so)
set(SFML_LIB_MAIN ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-main.a)
add_library(native-lib SHARED
target_link_libraries(native-lib log ${SFML_LIBS})
#file(COPY ${SFML_LIBS} DESTINATION ${__android_install_path})
execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${SFML_LIB}" "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/${SFML_LIB}" RESULT_VARIABLE __fileCopyProcess )
Above is my CMakeLists.txt. I have done a little hacking to get it to compile with SFML with the paths, as I have not found good documentation with CMake and Android yet.
May you add more info for:
"but it doesn't seem to want to pull any third-party dependencies over."?
this one:
has static and shared 3rd party libs, you may try it.
For the shared dependent lib, you will need to pack them into APK, that is done inside gradle, cmake will not do it.
The above example shows that, basically they need to be copied into your app/src/main/jniLibs too so they will be packed into apk, and pushed to your android phone/tablet. At runtime they could be loaded.
I have tried to put a group of libraries into one directory, and use
then just put the lib names directly into
also works. Make sure you have the right libs for the ABIs you intend to support for your app [looks like you are just building for one ABI].
The process could be little long it will depend on your android skills.
An example could be similar to this process:
Crosscompile sfml.
Create your jni bridge
Generate with cmake the project and compile
Copy your files to android studio. create java loading library code.
I guess that you have crosscompiled sfml and you know how works crosscompiling process, if I am wrong check these link below:
Source code:
Changes on your cmake:
add this file
In cmake put your SFML build directory and cmake will fills your VARIABLES
automatically for instance this variables:
set(SFML_PATH ${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/sfml)
set(SFML_LIB_SYSTEM ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-system.so)
set(SFML_LIB_AUDIO ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-audio.so)
set(SFML_LIB_GRAPHICS ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-graphics.so)
set(SFML_LIB_NETWORK ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-network.so)
set(SFML_LIB_WINDOW ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-window.so)
set(SFML_LIB_ACTIVITY ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-activity.so)
set(SFML_LIB_MAIN ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-main.a)
There are two ways to make android studio native apps:
Easy way:
Create JNI bridge:
Crosscompile your cmake script and copy your lib to app/src/main/jniLibs
add library in execution time
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "adding your library");
catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError e)
More complete way (it allows to debug library)
Create your ndk module in gradle
android.ndk {
moduleName = "your_library"
cppFlags.add("-I" + file("src/main/jni").absolutePath)
stl = "gnustl_shared" // Which STL library to use: gnustl or stlport
ldLibs.addAll(["android", "EGL", "GLESv2", "dl", "log", "z"])
String libsDir = curDir.absolutePath + "/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/"
ldLibs.add(libsDir + "your_native_lib.so")

Undefined "___divmodsi4" linking Monotouch project with static library in release mode

I have a Monotouch project linked to a static library containing C++ modules.
Monotouch version:
XCode version: 4.4.1
C/C++ Compiler: Apple LLVM 4.0
When building the project in debug mode for iOS simulator and iOS device everything is OK -
application is linked and runs.
However when building the release configuration for iOS device the following error appears:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "___divmodsi4"
The following line from the static library code somehow causes the trouble:
int number_of_buckets = num_samples / window_samples_step;
If this line is modified as follows the problem disappears:
int number_of_buckets = (int)((float)num_samples / (float)window_samples_step);
Do you have any ideas how to fix the problem without the above modification?
This occurs near the end of the build and generally depends on it's original parameters. Try to compare your options between your Release and Debug builds and check that:
you are using the same Additional mtouch arguments on both configuration;
you are using the same compiler, Mono AOT versus LLVM compilers, on both configuration;
you are using the same architecture, ARMv6 versus ARMv7, on both configuration.
Otherwise attach (e.g. preferable to a bug report or pastebin) the full build log (from the Build Output of MonoDevelop's Error Pad) for both Debug and Release builds.
To be more helpful add "-v -v -v" to the Additional mtouch arguments before re-building. This will augment the verbosity (details) about each steps.
You need to set the app's Deployment Target (in the project's options, Build / iPhone Application page) to at least 5.0.

Build boost.thread - lib file not found

I am trying to build the boost.thread library for Visual Studio 9.0. I used bjam to build the lib-files:
bjam toolset=msvc-9.0 variant=release threading=multi link=shared
The compilation succeeded and I got plenty of .lib and .dll files under boost/stage/lib.
Then I added include path and the above lib path to Visual Studio 9.0.
But when I try to compile some program, I always get the following error:
libboost_thread-vc90-mt-s-1_49.lib cannot be opened.
The lib file created by the build has slightly another name:
I tried to rename my file to match the expected name, but Visual Studio still cannot find the file.
It seems that the filename beeing seaarched depends on the project option "C/C++ / Code generation / runtime library". I need the option "Multithreaded /MT".
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
You're trying to link statically with CRT, but dynamically - with Boost. This is not a good idea, but if you insist, you should define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK macro.
Better option would be to select /MD in your project options, or to set "link=static" when building boost.
