Azure Redis Cache data loss? - node.js

I have a Node.js application that receives data via a Websocket connection and pushes each message to an Azure Redis cache. It stores a persistent array of messages in a variable for downstream use, and at regular intervals syncs that array from the cache. Bit convoluted, but at a later point I want to separate out the half of the application that writes to the cache from the half of it that reads from it..
At around 02:00 GMT, based on the Azure portal stats, I appear to have started getting "cache misses" on that sync, which last for a couple of hours before I started getting "cache hits" again sometime around 05:00.
The cache misses correspond to a sudden increase in CPU usage, which peaks at around 05:00. And when I say peaks, I mean it hits 81%, vs a previous max of about 6%.
So sometime around 05:00, the CPU peaks, then drops back to normal, the "cache misses" go away, but looking at the cache memory usage, I drop from about 37.4mb used to about 3.85mb used (which I suspect is the "empty" state), and the list that's being used by this application was emptied.
The only functions that the application is running against the cache are LPUSH and LRANGE, there's nothing that has any capability to remove data, and in case anybody was wondering, when the CPU ramped up the memory usage did not so there's nothing to suggest that rogue additions of data cropped up.
It's only on the Basic plan, so I'm not expecting it to be invulnerable or anything, but even without the replication features of the Standard plan I had expected that it wouldn't be in a position to completely wipe itself - I was under the impression that Redis periodically writes itself to disk and restores from that when it recovers from an error.
All of which is my way of asking:
Does anybody have any idea what might have happened here?
If this is something that others have been able to accidentally trigger themselves, are there any gotchas I should be looking out for that I might have in other applications using the same cache that could have caused it to fail so catastrophically?
I would welcome a chorus of people telling me that the Standard plan won't suffer from this sort of issue, because I've already forked out for it and it would be nice to feel like that was the right call.
Many thanks in advance..

Here my thoughts:
Azure Redis Cache stores information in memory. By default, it won't save a "backup" on disk, so, you had information in memory, for some reason the server got restarted and you lost your data.
PS: See this feedback, there is no option to persist information on disk using azure-redis cache yet

Make sure you don't use Basic plan. Basic plan doesn't suppose SLA and from my expirience it lost data quite often
Standard plan provides SLA and utilize 2 instances of Redis Cache. It's quite stable and it didn't lose our data, although such case still possible.
Now, if you're going to use Azure Redis as database, but not as a cache you need to utilize data persistance feature, which is already available in Azure Redis Cache Premium Tier: (see Redis data persistence)

James, using the Standards instance should give you much improved availability.
With the Basic tier any Azure Fabric update to the Master Node (or hardware failure), will cause you to loose all data.
Azure Redis Cache does not support persistence (writing to disk/blob) yet, even in Standard Tier. But the Standard tier does give you a replicated slave node, that can take over if you Master goes down.


Auto suggest, Azure Webapp & .Net core WebAPI iMemoryCache

Tech Stack
Azure WebApp
.Net core 2.1 WebApi
We have around 4k reference data which is used during auto suggest lookup, so in this i was wondering whether i should cache this data on WebApp or should always get it from database / 3rd party API.
I know i can use RedisCache to solve this issue, but i would like to know how Azure WebApp works when it comes to caching, it will have memory pressure? When? Yes then scale-up is the only solution?
We are using IMemoryCache in .net Core to store reference data and it expires on daily basis or when Azure WebApp is restarted (So 1st user will get delay till it gets all data in cache).
Data size is in range of 500KB - 1MB & sometimes goes till 3MB+.
What is the best approach?
iMemoryCache is not suggested when using WebApps because it is tightly bound to your application instance, so if you try to scale out your app (in case of load surges during the day) your caching mechanism will be broken.
RedisCache is pretty much a dictionary, key-value pairs.
It is very fast on look-ups but it could be very slow in some other operations like a GetAllKeys when it has to run through the whole cache. That will bring your cache server to its knees, so it needs to be handled carefully.
It will not put any significant pressure in the memory consumption of your app, you only need to have a static client. The rest is handled by the redis server.
If you plan to scale up your application (give more RAM and CPU resources to your one running instance) the iMemory cache is probably fine.
If you plan to scale out (create multiple instances of your application), that is strongly suggested for all stateless applications, then RedisCache (or any other distributed cache) is an one way for you if you need a caching mechanism.
Value and key max size is 512MB so you are on the safe side regarding value data size.
Be sure to use the Connection multiplexer as it is suggested in the official documentation because it automatically re-establishes the connection in case it is lost. That was a bug earlier, when redis cache server was going into maintenance your calls where redirected to the fail over instance but the connection was failing, so you needed to restart your application.

100% Memory usage on Azure App Service Plan with two Apps - working set used 10gb+

I've got an app service plan with 14gb of memory - it should be plenty for my application's needs. There are two application services running on it, each identical - the private memory consumption of these hovers around 1gb but can spike to 4gb during periods of high usage. One app has a heavier usage pattern than the other.
Lately, during periods of high usage, I've noticed that the heavily used service can become unresponsive, and memory usage stays at 100% in the App Service Plan.
The high traffic service is using 4gb of private memory and starting to massively slow down. When I head over to the /scm.../ProcessExplorer/ page, I can see that the low traffic service has 1gb private memory used and 10gb of 'Working Set'.
As I understand it, on a single machine at least, the working set should be freed up when that memory is needed on another process. Does this happen naturally when two App Services share a single Plan?
It looks to me like the working set on the low-traffic instance is not being freed up to supply the needs of the high-traffic App Service.
If this is indeed the case, the simple fix is to move them to separate App Service Plans, each with 7gb of memory. However this seems like it might potentially be just shifting the problem around - has anyone else noticed similar issues with multiple Apps on a single App Service Plan? As far as I understand it, these shouldn't interfere with one another to the extent that they all need to be separated. Or have I got the wrong diagnosis?
In some high memory-consumption scenarios, your app might truly require more computing resources. In that case, consider scaling to a higher service tier so the application gets all the resources it needs. Other times, a bug in the code might cause a memory leak. A coding practice also might increase memory consumption. Getting insight into what's triggering high memory consumption is a two-part process. First, create a process dump, and then analyze the process dump. Crash Diagnoser from the Azure Site Extension Gallery can efficiently perform both these steps. For more information.
refer Capture and analyze a dump file for intermittent high memory for Web Apps.
In the end we solved this one via mitigation, rather than getting to the root cause.
We found a mitigation strategy to our previous memory issues several months ago, which was just to restart the server each night using a powershell script. This seems to prevent the memory just building up over time, and only costs us a few seconds of downtime. Our system doesn't have much overnight traffic as our users are all based in the same geographic location.
However we recently found that the overnight restart was reporting 'success' but actually failing each night due to expired credentials. Which meant that the memory issues we were having in the question I posted were actually exacerbated by server uptimes of several weeks. Restoring the overnight restart resolved the memory issues we were seeing, and we certainly don't see our system ever using 10gb+ again.
We'll investigate the memory issues if they rear their heads again. KetanChawda-MSFT's suggestion of using memory dumps to analyse the memory usage will be employed for this investigation when it's needed.

Redis cache in Azure was cleared unexpectadly

Recently, January 3rd, we observed interesting behavior with Redis Cache in Azure. It happened just once, and I'm trying to make sense of it.
We got alert that CPU went above 80% on Redis Cache service. Looking closely we discovered that used memory was dropped from typical 100MB to almost 0. Then it was quickly populated back to normal, I assume by normal usage of the application. While it was being populated, there was this CPU spike.
It looked like if cache was reset. However, this is production environment with very limited people having access to it, and we sure 100% that nobody reset it. There were no any deployment around that time. I couldn't find anything in diagnostic logs.
1. Any ideas what could happen?
2. Where can I look, what to look for?
Update: We are on standard (C1) tier
No customers reported any problems, I just hate when I don't understand what is going on.
It depends on which cache tier you are using.
The basic tier only has one node with the cache data stored in memory. Any loss of memory in that node will cause the cache data to be lost.
If you are using the Standard tier then there are 2 nodes, a primary and secondary, with cached data being asynchronously replicated from primary to secondary. If the primary is offline then client requests are sent to the secondary. In this scenario the chance of cache data loss is low since it basically requires both nodes to be offline at the same time, which should only happen during scenarios of hardware failure (Azure ensures that normal updates maintenance such as OS updates are not done at the same time).
If you are using the premium tier then the cache data is backed by persistent storage so you should not experience cache data loss. has some more information about this.

How to share Azure Redis Cache between environments?

We want to save a few bucks and share our 1GB dedicated Azure Redis Cache between Development, Test, QA and maybe even production.
Is there a better way than prefixing all keys with an environment string like "Dev_[key]", "Test_[key]" etc.
We are using the StackExchange Redis client for .NET.
PS: We tried using the cheap 250GB (Shared infrastructure), but had very slow performance. Read operations were consistent between 600-800ms... without any load (for a ~300KB object). Upgrading to dedicated 1GB services changed that to 30-40ms. See more here: StackExchange.Redis with Azure Redis is unusably slow or throws timeout errors
One approach is to use multiple Redis databases. I'm assuming this is available in your environment :)
Some advantages over prefixing your keys might be:
data is kept separate, you can flushdb in test and not touch the production data
keys are smaller and consume less memory
The main disadvantage would be not taking advantage of multiple cores, like you could do if you ran multiple instances of Redis on the same server. Obviously not an issue in this case. Also note that this feature is not deprecated, like one of the answers suggests.
Another thing I've seen people complain about is that databases are numbered, they don't have meaningful names. Some people create a hash in database 0 that maps each number to a name.
Here is another idea to save some bucks: use separate Redis cache machines for each environment - so no problems with the keys, but stop them when you don't use them, like in the weekend and during nights. Probably more than 50% of the time you are not using them. I think it would be easy to start and stop them with some PowerShell script, we are using AWS and here it is possible.
Now from what I see the Redis persistence in Azure is not enabled, but they started working on it - it would be nice to do a RDB snapshot before stopping and then on start to load it. So if you need to save some values and reload them on start you should do it manually (with your own service).

Deleting items from Azure queue painfully slow

My application relies heavily on a queue in in Windows Azure Storage (not Service Bus). Until two days ago, it worked like a charm, but all of a sudden my worker role is no longer able to process all the items in the queue. I've added several counters and from that data deduced that deleting items from the queue is the bottleneck. For example, deleting a single item from the queue can take up to 1 second!
On a SO post How to achive more 10 inserts per second with azure storage tables and on the MSDN blog I found some info on how to speed up the communication with the queue, but those posts only look at insertion of new items. So far, I haven't been able to find anything on why deletion of queue items should be slow. So the questions are:
(1) Does anyone have a general idea why deletion suddenly may be slow?
(2) On Azure's status pages ( there is no mentioning of any service disruption in West Europe (which is where my stuff is situated); can I rely on the service pages?
(3) In the same storage, I have a lot of data in blobs and tables. Could that amount of data interfere with the ability to delete items from the queue? Also, does anyone know what happens if you're pushing the data limit of 2TB?
1) Sorry, no. Not a general one.
2) Can you rely on the service pages? They certainly will give you information, but there is always a lag from the time an issue occurs and when it shows up on the status board. They are getting better at automating the updates and in the management portal you are starting to see where they will notify you if your particular deployments might be affected. With that said, it is not unheard of that small issues crop up from time to time that may never be shown on the board as they don't break SLA or are resolved extremely quickly. It's good you checked this though, it's usually a good first step.
3) In general, no the amount of data you have within a storage account should NOT affect your throughput; however, there is a limit to the amount of throughput you'll get on a storage account (regardless of the data amount stored). You can read about the Storage Scalability and Performance targets, but the throughput target is up to 20,000 entities or messages a second for all access of a storage account. If you have a LOT of applications or systems attempting to access data out of this same storage account you might see some throttling or failures if you are approaching that limit. Note that as you saw with the posts on improving throughput for inserts these are the performance targets and how your code is written and configurations you use have a drastic affect on this. The data limit for a storage account (everything in it) is 500 TB, not 2TB. I believe once you hit the actual storage limit all writes will simply fail until more space is available (I've never even got close to it, so I'm not 100% sure on that).
Throughput is also limited at the partition level, and for a queue that's a target of Up to 2000 messages per second, which you clearly aren't getting at all. Since you have only a single worker role I'll take a guess that you don't have that many producers of the messages either, at least not enough to get near the 2,000 msgs per second.
I'd turn on storage analytics to see if you are getting throttled as well as check out the AverageE2ELatency and AverageServerLatency values (as Thomas also suggested in his answer) being recorded in the $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionQueue table that the analytics turns on. This will help give you an idea of trends over time as well as possibly help determine if it is a latency issue between the worker roles and the storage system.
The reason I asked about the size of the VM for the worker role is that there is a (unpublished) amount of throughput per VM based on it's size. An XS VM gets much less of the total throughput on the NIC than larger sizes. You can sometimes get more than you expect across the NIC, but only if the other deployments on the physical machine aren't using their portion of that bandwidth at the time. This can often lead to varying performance issues for network bound work when testing. I'd still expect much better throughput than what you are seeing though.
There is a network in between you and the Azure storage, which might degrade the latency.
Sudden peaks (e.g. from 20ms to 2s) can happen often, so you need to deal with this in your code.
To pinpoint this problem further down the road (e.g. client issues, network errors etc.) You can turn on storage analytics to see where the problem exists. There you can also see if the end2end latency is too big or just the server latency is the limiting factor. The former usually tells about network issues, the latter about something beeing wrong on the Queue itself.
Usually those latency issues a transient (just temporary) and there is no need to announce that as a service disruption, because it isn't one. If it has constantly bad performance, you should open a support ticket.
