How to use command zip in linux that folder have short path? - linux

I used command zip in linux (RedHat), this is my command:
zip -r /home/username/folder/compress/ /home/username/folder/compressed/*
Then, i open file, i see architecture as path folder compress.
I want to in folder zip only consist list file *.txt
Because i used this command in script crontab hence i can't use command cd to path folder before run command zip
Please help me

I skimmed the zip man page and this is what I have found. There is not an option archive files relative to a different directory. The closest I have found is zip -j which removes the entire path and stores the files directly in the zip rather than sub directories. I do not know what happens in the case of file name conflicts such as if /home/username/folder/compressed/a.txt and /home/username/folder/compressed/subdir/a.txt both exist. If this is not a problem for you, you can use this option, but I am concerned because you did specify the -r option indicating that you expect zip to traverse sub folders.
I also thought of the possibility that your script could somehow call zip with a different working directory, but I took a look at this unix stack exchange page and it looks like their options use cd.
I have to admit I do not understand why you cannot use cd and I am very curious about it. You said something about using crontab, but I have never heard of anything wrong with changing directories in a crontab script.

I used option -j in command zip
zip -jr /home/username/folder/compress/ /home/username/folder/compressed/*
and i was yet settled this problem, thanks


is it possible to put comments in a directory about a dir or file?

is it possible to put comments in a directory about a dir or file locally on my own machine, appearing in my terminal. I don't have any kind of GUI, so this would be helpful.
Maybe something like, when I do ls -l I will see:
file.txt #this is that file I made on tuesday
files #this is the directory I made with all those other files
If so, what is the tool to do it?
Is it available for Arch Linux?
Yes, there is a tool for that. It is called GIT or SVN.

How to create a Linux compatible zip archive of a directory on a Mac

I've tried multiple ways of creating a zip or a tar.gz on the mac using GUI or command lines, and I have tried decompressing on the Linux side and gotten various errors, from things like "File.XML" and "File.xml" both appearing in a directory, to all sorts of others about something being truncated, etc.
Without listing all my experiments on the command line on the Mac and Linux (using tcsh), what should 2 bullet proof commands be to:
1) make a zip file of a directory (with no __MACOSX folders)
2) unzip / untar (whatever) the Mac zip on Linux with no errors (and no __MACOSX folders)
IT staff on the Linux side said they "usually use .gz and use gzip and gunzip commands".
After much research and experimentation, I found this works every time:
1) Create a zipped tar file with this command on the Mac in Terminal:
tar -cvzf your_archive_name.tar.gz your_folder_name/
2) When you FTP the file from one server to another, make sure you do so with binary mode turned on
3) Unzip and untar in two steps in your shell on the Linux box (in this case, tcsh):
gunzip your_archive_name.tar.gz
tar -xvf your_archive_name.tar
On my Mac and in ssh bash I use the following simple commands:
Create Zip File (-czf)
tar -czf NAME.tgz FOLDER
Extract Zip File (-xzf)
tar -xzf NAME.tgz
Best, Mike
First off, the File.XML and File.xml cannot both appear in an HFS+ file system. It is possible, but very unusual, for someone to format a case-sensitive HFSX file system that would permit that. Can you really create two such files and see them listed separately?
You can use the -X option with zip to prevent resource forks and extended attributes from being saved. You can also throw in a -x .DS_Store to get rid of those files as well.
For tar, precede it with COPYFILE_DISABLE=true or setenv COPYFILE_DISABLE true, depending on your shell. You can also throw in an --exclude=.DS_Store.
Your "IT Staff" gave you a pretty useless answer, since gzip can only compress one file. gzip has to be used in combination with tar to archive a directory.

keep hard link connection after erasing a file

I try to achieve something that I imagined very simple, but which is finally harder than expected.
I have a folder : source/. I have a second one : target/. I create a file test.jar in my first folder. Then, I want this file to appear and be executable in my second folder. I see 3 options :
manually copy/paste my file. It works but... I don't want to do it each time I update my file.
symbolic link. It works, but if I execute the jar file, the context is source/ and not target/ like I would like.
hard link. That's exactly what I need, but the issue is that test.jar is not modified, but generated. This means that after erasing source/test.jar, target.test.jar still references the old file... Is it possible to force the 2 files to have always the same value ?
Thanks for your help !
EDIT : For now, I solved the problem by adding a line to copy my file from source/ to target/ inside a script that I will execute anyway after generating the jar. I think that what I wanted to do is actually impossible. It would need a new kind of linking which links the content of 2 files given their pathname and not their inode...
Don't create a soft link of the file. Create a soft link of the entire folder.
Something like
ln -s {whatever path}/source/ {whatever path}/target
Then the folder target/ is a folder-link to the first folder and context should be the same.
You can also try using git (locally) and checkout source/ to folder target.
You can try creating an executable shell script named test.jar in the target directory and make it call the path/source/test.jar passing forwarding all the parameters. Something like:
path/source/test.jar "$#"

Command to zip a directory using a specific directory as the root

I'm writing a PHP script that downloads a series of generated files (using wget) into a directory, and then zips then up, using the zip command.
The downloads work perfectly, and the zipping mostly works. I run the command:
zip -r /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/ /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/fcst_20100318_0319
which yields a zip file with all the downloaded files, but it contains the full /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/ directories, before reaching the fcst_20100318_0319/ directory.
I'm probably just missing a flag, or something small, from the zip command, but how do I get it to use fcst_20100318_0319/ as the root directory?
I don't think zip has a flag to do that. I think the only way is something like:
cd /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/ && \
zip -r fcst_20100318_0319
(The backslash is just for clarity, you can remove it and put everything on one line.)
Since PHP is executing the command in a subshell, it won't change your current directory.
I have also get it worked by using this command
exec('cd '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].' && zip -r "./"');
cd /home/public_html/site/upload/ && zip -r sub_upload/
Use the -j or --junk-paths option in your zip command.
From the zip man page:
Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not store
directory names. By default, zip will store the full path (relative
to the current directory).

Can you use tar to apply a patch to an existing web application?

Patches are frequently released for my CMS system. I want to be able to extract the tar file containing the patched files for the latest version directly over the full version on my development system. When I extract a tar file it puts it into a folder with the name of the tar file. That leaves me to manually copy each file over to the main directory. Is there a way to force the tar to extract the files into the current directory and overwrite any files that have the same filenames? Any directories that already exist should not be overwritten, but merged...
Is this possible? If so, what is the command?
Check out the --strip-components (or --strippath) argument to tar, might be what you're looking for.
EDIT: you might want to throw --keep-newer into the mix, so any locally modified files aren't overwritten. And I would suggest testing new releases on a development server, then using rsync or subversion to carry over the changes.
I tried getting --strip-components to work and, while I didn't try that hard, I didn't get it working. It kept flattening the directory structure. In searching, I came across the following command that seems to do exactly what I want:
pax -r -f patch.tar -s'/patch///'
It's not tar, but hey, it works... Replace the words "patch" with whatever your tar file name is.
The option '--strip-components' allows you to trim parts of the embedded filenames. With that it is possible to do what you want.
For more help check out
I have just done:
tar -xzf patch.tar.gz
And it overwrites all the files that the patch contains.
I.e., if the patch was created for the contents of the app folder, I would extract it there. Results would be like this:
tar.gz contains: oldfolder/someoldfile.txt, oldfolder/newfolder/newfile.txt
before app looks like:
Afterwards, app looks like
And the "someoldfile.txt" is actually updated to what was in the tar.gz
Maybe this doesn't work with regular tar, only tar.gz. But I doubt it. I think it should work for everything, as long as user has write permissions.
