INDEX MATCH obtaining values for duplicate names - excel

I have one example table with the following data in Sheet1 with the following random data
------A ----------------- B ----------------------C ------------------------D
1 --First--------------Last-----------------Start Date--------------End Date
2 --John--------------Smith--------------08/08/2014------------01/01/2015
Then I have another table in Sheet2
------A ----------------- B ----------------------C ------------------------D
1 --First--------------Last-----------------Start Date--------------End Date
2 --John--------------Smith---------------------------------------------------
I am using INDEX MATCH to transfer the data between the two sheets.
To populate column C with the start dates from Sheet1.
and this to populate column D with the end dates.
The problem is, when I perform this INDEX MATCH function, for a duplicate name, it will only copy over the first value. So this formula will paste 08/08/2014 into all 'John Smith' Start dates in column C of Sheet2.
How do I obtain all values so that C2 should be 08/08/2014, C3 should be 08/11/2014, C4 should be 06/06/2014 etc.

One solution would be to insert a column in both sheets with a "running count" of instances of the same name. For example, insert col C and in C2 enter =IF(A2&B2 = A1&B1, C1+1, 1). This starts the count at 1 if the concatenated first and last name is new, and increases the previous count by 1 if not. So you would have
First Last Count by Person
John Smith 1
John Smith 2
John Smith 3
Abel Jones 1
Abel Jones 2
George Washington 1
Thomas Jefferson 1
Thomas Jefferson 2
You can then add this column to your MATCH() function (and change the lookup column as necessary).
Edit: It is worth noting that this requires your raw data is sorted by name.

You can narrow the $A:$A refferances to something like $Ax+1:$Ay where y = last row of your excel sheet and x is position of previous occurance of this name/surname (you could store this in some dummy column).


Ranking Duplicate String Values in Excel

I have a spreadsheet with string values and need to create a column with the rank (without using the rank function) of the duplicate values from another column.
Please see below for example of the desired outcome where Dupe_Rank is the created column.
let's say "Name" starts from column 'A' and row 2 as in below figure:
then add this formula:
to cells below Dupe_Rank and then drag(or copy-paste) this formula to all the cells

How to compare two excel sheets list?

I have two sheets list both has the same data which is first name and last name. I want to know if list A has the same last name, and the first 3 character from first name from list B. I tried to use Vlookup function but I did not work. I want to match exact last name and exact three character from first name.
An example:
Worksheet 1
1 John Smith
2 Jane Jones
3 Robert West
Worksheet 2
1 John Smith MATCH
2 Jane Jones MATCH
3 Bob West NO MATCH
In cell C1 on Worksheet 2 enter this formula as an array formula:
Drag your formula down to include cells C2 and C3.
To enter as an array formula use CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
Update the Left formula to match different numbers of characters in first name

Return row number from Excel sheet based on filters

I have the following excel file with two sheets namely Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet1 contains few names with repetitions like below.
Column E
-------- ----------
Row 3 tom
Row 4 jerry
Row 5 mick
Row 6 tom
Row 7 john
Row 8 mike
Row 9 mick
Row 10 eric
Row 11 matt
Row 12 mike
I want to be able to determine the row in which, for example, the second occurrence of the name "Pete" occurs. For this I have to set up a new worksheet (Sheet2) that will allow me to enter a person's name and a positive integer (such as n), and returns the row in which the name occurs for the nth time.**
Enter Name : tom (cell B1)
Enter Integer :
Result : `2`
For the result cell I have applied the below formula which is returning the no. of times the name occurs.
But I am not been able to find the desired answer.
Can it be done to with Countif, Countifs, Count, CountA, and CountBlank Functions?
Can anyone please help?
myRng=B1 match each entry in myRng with the name in B1 giving an array of TRUE;FALSE
1/… changes that to an array of {DIV/0,1,... depending on whether it matches
*ROW(myRng) converts that to an array of {DIV/0, row_num}
AGGREGATE(15,6,resultant_array,B2) returns the nth smallest value from that array, ignoring the errors

Excel Find Nth Instance of Multiple Criteria

I have 3 columns of data. Col A contains Names, Col B contains a client ID, Col C contains a date.
I'm trying to figure out how to write a formula that will find the top 2 and top 3 instances of a specific Name in Col A and client ID in Col B and return the value in Col C.
Trying to avoid using VBA, but not sure if this is doable.
So for example data looks like this and I would want to return that Sam dealt with Client ABC the 2nd time around on 12/16.
Sam ABC 12/3
Adam XYZ 12/5
John DEF 12/9
Sam ABC 12/16
Adam HIJ 12/18
your headers are in A1:C1
your data starts from A3 (yes, not A2)
You enter the name in G2 & Client ID in G3 & you want the list of
dates starting from G5
Enter these formula/values:
A2: =G2
B2: =G3
C2: =0
(Formula in G5 is an array formula; confirm this with Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
Drag the formula in G5 down until you see 'End'
Value in cell G5 will always be 0 or '1/0' based on your formatting.
The list of dates corresponding to the name & client ID combination will start from G6.
Let me see if I understood your need. Correct me if I'm wrong.
You want to be able to inform a Name and a Client ID and have Excel tell you the last 3 occurrences of that combination?
By "top 2 and top 3 instances of a specific name" I'm assuming you mean the top 2 and 3 dates found for that specific name and ID.
If so, try this:
Supposing you have your example data table starting at Cell A1 and ending at Cell C6 (including column headers) and that you'll enter the name in F1 and Client ID on F2
1 Name Client ID Date
2 Sam ABC 12/3
3 Adam XYZ 12/5
4 John DEF 12/9
5 Sam ABC 12/16
6 Adam HIJ 12/18
Type this formula where you want to return the date of the last occurrence:
This should be entered as an Array Formula, so don't forget to press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER or it'll not work.
To bring the 2nd last occurrence on another cell, just copy and paste the formula and change the number 1 to 2 (as indicated below):
If you typed 'Sam' on F1 and 'ABC' on F2, this formula would return '12/16' as the last occurrence, '12/3' as the 2nd last occurrence and a dash (-) as the 3rd last occurrence, since there isn't one.
Of course, you'll have to adjust the ranges and other cell references accordingly in your real data set.
Hope this helps.

Match name and copy row from sheet 1 to sheet 2 on corresponding column

I asked a very similar question to this one here, but I am trying to identify if a cell's numerical value is contained in a list of cells on a different sheet. If the cell from sheet A matches a cell in sheet B, mark a different column in B with a corresponding row in sheet A, otherwise leave it blank. An example is below:
Sheet A
Column A | Column B
1 John
2 Sue
4 Bob
I would like the corresponding Sheet B to populate Column B like this:
Sheet B
Column A | Column B
2 Sue
4 Bob
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(I2, 'SALT, WOD, Champion Members'!A:A, 0)), "Y", "N")
I have been using the above answer to populate a different column in the same workbook, and I'm thinking I can maybe use this formula, but instead of "Y" or "N", somehow preserve the row.
You need to use VLOOKUP as already mentioned. But you will need to use another function to check for existence of the value, else you will get #N/A against ID 3
Use the VLOOKUP function:
Where A1 is the value you want to look up, Sheet1!A:B is the original sheet with the data.
