Logstash Simple File Input Configuration - logstash

I am new to Logstash, and I have been trying to make a simple .conf file to read logs from sample Log file. I have tried everything from making sincedb_path to $HOME/.sincedb to setting the start_path to "Beginning", but I can't seem to get the data to be read even to stdout. The following is a sample line from my sample log: - - [06/Aug/2014:22:59:18 +0000] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 220 "-" "Example-Prg/1.0"
www.example.com - - [06/Aug/2014:23:05:15 +0000] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 220 "-" "Example-Prog/1.0"
www.example.com - - [06/Aug/2014:23:10:21 +0000] "GET /File/location-path HTTP/1.1" 404 25493 "http://blog.example.com/link-1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36"
The following is the .conf file that I am using:
# type => "access"
path => ["/home/user/Desktop/path1/www.example.com-access_log_20140806.log"]
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
# if [type] == "access"
# {
break_on_match => false
match => {
"message" => '%{IP:sourceIP} %{DATA:User_Id} %{DATA:User_Auth} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:HTTP_Command} %{DATA:HTTP_Path} %{DATA:HTTP_Version}\" %{NUMBER:HTTP_Code} %{NUMBER:Bytes} \"%{DATA:Host}\" \"%{DATA:Agent}\"'
match => {
"message" => '%{HOST:WebPage} %{IP:sourceIP} %{DATA:User_Id} %{DATA:User_Auth} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:HTTP_Command} %{DATA:HTTP_Path} %{DATA:HTTP_Version}\" %{NUMBER:HTTP_Code} %{NUMBER:Bytes} \"%{DATA:Host}\" \"%{DATA:Agent}\"'
# }
codec => rubydebug
I am running it through stdout to get check whether I am getting an output or not. I am getting the following output:
"message" => "",
"#version" => "1",
"#timestamp" => "2015-07-02T20:48:55.453Z",
"host" => "monil-Inspiron-3543",
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
I have spent a good number of hours trying to figure out what is wrong. Please tell me where I am going wrong.
Thanks in Advance.
EDIT: It was an error in the file name.


Two configs for logstash not working together

I am having a ELK setup for processing haproxy and nginx logs, for this i have used separate config files for logstash, the main data which i want from logs are the "content url" and the "response time", in haproxy the responsetime is in milliseconds like 1345 and in nginx the response time is in seconds like 1.23. In order to bring the response time in same format i changed the haproxy response time to seconds using ruby plugin in logstash. And i m getting the desired results from both when ran individually, in kibana also i changed the response time field to duration on which input is in seconds and output also in seconds. But when i run both configs together the response time for ngnix logs returns 0.000 value and i can see tag of "_grokparsefailure" in json response, but when i run the ngnix config individually to debug it everything works fine, in kibana dashboard i can see proper response time values.
Below is the config for my Nginx logstash Config:
input {
beats {
port => 5045
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{IPORHOST:clientip} - - \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:content} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}\" %{NUMBER:response} %{NUMBER:response_bytes:int} \"-\" \"%{GREEDYDATA:junk}\" %{NUMBER:response_time}"}
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
Below is the config of my Haproxy logstash config:
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:date} %{TIME:time} %{WORD:[source]} %{WORD:[app]}\[%{DATA:[class]}\]: %{IPORHOST:[UE_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[UE_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Source_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Destination_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[WAN_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[WAN_Port]} \[%{HAPROXYDATE:[timestamp]}\] %{NOTSPACE:[frontend_name]}~ %{NOTSPACE:[backend_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[ty_name]}/%{NUMBER:[response_time]} %{NUMBER:[http_status_code]} %{NUMBER:[response_bytes]:int} - - ---- %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{DATA:[cache_status]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{URIPATHPARAM:[content]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http_version]}" }
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
ruby {
code => "event.set('response_time', event.get('response_time').to_f / 1000)"
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
I m suspecting the response_time pattern ie %{NUMBER:[response_time]} in haproxy and nginx is creating problem. Don't know what is causing this issue tried every possible thing.

Grok pattern for creating separate section in Kibana dashboard

I having been trying since long time to extract and mark data from my customized log using logstash, but not getting anywhere, I having a customized haproxy log like below:
Feb 22 21:17:32 ap haproxy[1235]: [22/Feb/2020:21:17:32.006] this_machine~ backend_test-tui/test-tui_32772 40/0/5/1/836 200 701381 - - ---- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 {testtui.net} {cache_hit} "GET /ob/720/output00007.ts HTTP/1.1"
I want to extract and mark specific content in kibana dashboard from log, like:
from "40/0/5/1/836" section i want to mark the only the last section digit (836) as "response_time"
"701381" as "response_bytes"
"/ob/720/output00007.ts" as "content_url"
And want to use the timestamp in the log file and not the default one
I have created a grok filter using https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/ but whenever i apply it i m seeing "_grokparsefailure" message and the kibana dashboard stops getting populated
Below is the logstash debug log
"#version" => "1",
"message" => "Mar 8 13:53:59 ap haproxy[22158]: [08/Mar/2020:13:53:59.827] this_machine~ backend_noida/noida_32771 55/0/1/0/145 200 2146931 - - ---- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 {testalef1.adcontentamtsolutions.} {cache_hit} \"GET /felaapp/virtual_videos/og/1080/output00006.ts HTTP/1.1\"",
"#timestamp" => 2020-03-08T10:24:07.348Z,
"path" => "/home/alef/haproxy.log",
"host" => "com1",
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
Below is the Filter which i have created
%{MONTH:[Month]} %{MONTHDAY:[date]} %{TIME:[time]} %{WORD:[source]} %{WORD:[app]}\[%{DATA:[class]}\]: %{IPORHOST:[UE_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[UE_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Source_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Destination_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[WAN_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[WAN_Port]} \[%{HAPROXYDATE:[accept_date]}\] %{NOTSPACE:[frontend_name]}~ %{NOTSPACE:[backend_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[ty_name]}/%{NUMBER:[response_time]} %{NUMBER:[http_status_code]} %{INT:[response_bytes]} - - ---- %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{DATA:[cache_status]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[content]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http_version]}
Below is my logstash conf file:
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{MONTH:[Month]} %{MONTHDAY:[date]} %{TIME:[time]} %{WORD:[source]} %{WORD:[app]}\[%{DATA:[class]}\]: %{IPORHOST:[UE_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[UE_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Source_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Destination_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[WAN_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[WAN_Port]} \[%{HAPROXYDATE:[accept_date]}\] %{NOTSPACE:[frontend_name]}~ %{NOTSPACE:[backend_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[ty_name]}/%{NUMBER:[response_time]} %{NUMBER:[http_status_code]} %{INT:[response_bytes]} - - ---- %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{DATA:[cache_status]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[content]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http_version]} " }
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
Using the below filter resolved my issue had to do debugging in the logstash itself to get proper filter:
input { beats {
port => 5044 } }
filter { grok {
match => { "message" => "%{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:date} %{TIME:time} %{WORD:[source]} %{WORD:[app]}[%{DATA:[class]}]:
[%{HAPROXYDATE:[accept_date]}] %{NOTSPACE:[frontend_name]}~
%{NUMBER:[http_status_code]} %{NUMBER:[response_bytes]:int} - - ----
%{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{DATA:[domain_name]}
%{DATA:[cache_status]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{URIPATHPARAM:[content]}
HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http_version]}" }
add_tag => [ "response_time", "response_time" ]
} date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ] } }
output { elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
} }

How to parse the custom logs

I am new to logstash , can someone help me on grok filter to parse the data from multiple newline characters in the same log
2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exec-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()
url: GET::/system/data/connect/service
response: 200
elapsed: 10 ms
1.Using Grok
[First Input Box] INPUT
2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exec-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()
response: 200
elapsed: 10 ms
[Second Input Box] Grok Parse ==>%{UPTONEWLINE:Part1}%{UPTONEWLINE:Part2}
Check Add custom patterns and add the following line
UPTONEWLINE (?:(.+?)(\n))
"Part1": [
"2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exec-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()\n"
"Part2": [
"response: 200\n"
2.Without using Grok filter - Logstash configuration file
2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exec-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()\nresponse: 200\nelapsed: 10 ms
Logstash Config File
input {
http {
port => 5043
response_headers => {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*"
"Content-Type" => "text/plain"
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" => "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type,
filter {
mutate {
split => ['message','\n']
add_field => {
"Part1" => "%{[message][0]}"
"Part2" => "%{[message][1]}"
"Part3" => "%{[message][2]}"
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
[0]"2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exe c-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()",
[1]"response: 200",
[2]"elapsed: 10 ms"
"Part1"=>"2018-10-08 13:38:34,280 [https-openssl-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0-8443-exec-424] INFO Rq:144839 ControllerInterceptor - afterCompletion()",
"Part2"=>"response: 200",
"Part3"=>"elapsed: 10 ms",
"#timestamp"=>2018-10-09T05: 27: 41.695Z

Parsing json using logstash (ELK stack)

I have created a simple json like below
"Name": "vishnu",
"ID": 1
"Name": "vishnu",
"ID": 1
I am holding this values in file named simple.txt . Then i used file beat to listen the file and send the new updates to port 5043,on other side i started the log-stash service which listen to this port in order to parse and pass the json to elastic search.
log-stash is not processing the json values,it hangs in the middle.
input {
beats {
port => 5043
host => ""
client_inactivity_timeout => 3600
filter {
json {
source => "message"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
filebeat config:
- input_type: log
- filepath
hosts: ["localhost:5043"]
Logstash output
Sending Logstash's logs to D:/elasticdb/logstash-5.6.3/logstash-5.6.3/logs which is now configured via log4j2.properties
[2017-10-31T19:01:17,574][INFO ][logstash.modules.scaffold] Initializing module {:module_name=>"fb_apache", :directory=>"D:/elasticdb/logstash-5.6.3/logstash-5.6.3/modules/fb_apache/configuration"}
[2017-10-31T19:01:17,578][INFO ][logstash.modules.scaffold] Initializing module {:module_name=>"netflow", :directory=>"D:/elasticdb/logstash-5.6.3/logstash-5.6.3/modules/netflow/configuration"}
[2017-10-31T19:01:18,301][INFO ][logstash.pipeline ] Starting pipeline {"id"=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>2, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.batch.delay"=>5, "pipeline.max_inflight"=>250}
[2017-10-31T19:01:18,388][INFO ][logstash.inputs.beats ] Beats inputs: Starting input listener {:address=>""}
[2017-10-31T19:01:18,573][INFO ][logstash.pipeline ] Pipeline main started
[2017-10-31T19:01:18,591][INFO ][org.logstash.beats.Server] Starting server on port: 5043
[2017-10-31T19:01:18,697][INFO ][logstash.agent ] Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
Every time when i am running log-stash using command
logstash -f logstash.conf
And since there is no processing of json i am stopping that service by pressing ctrl + c .
Please help me in finding the solution.Thanks in advance.
finally i got ended up with config like this.It works for me.
codec => multiline
pattern => '^\{'
negate => true
what => previous
path => "D:\elasticdb\logstash-tutorial.log\Test.txt"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "D:\elasticdb\logstash-tutorial.log\null"
exclude => "*.gz"
filter {
json {
source => "message"
remove_field => ["path","#timestamp","#version","host","message"]
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost"]
index => "logs"
"document_type" => "json_from_logstash_attempt3"
Json format:

Logstash + nginx: Fields wont be added

I'am going to Setup my own ELK Server to centralize logging. So far so good.
I Setup docker-compose.yml to run the ELK stack and another docker-compose.yml to run filebeat, wich will watch logfiles, add env + tags and sent to logstash. The parsing should be made in logstash.
name: xyz
env: xyz
hosts: ["xyz:5044"]
- input_type: log
app_id: default
type: nginx-access
- nginx
- access
- /logs/nginx/access.log*
- input_type: log
app_id: default
type: nginx-error
- nginx
- error
- /logs/nginx/error.log*
and here's the logstash.yml
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
if ["nginx"] in [tags] and ["access"] in [tags] {
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
match => { "message" => "%{NGINXACCESS}" }
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
The nginx-pattern is here
NGUSERNAME [a-zA-Z\.\#\-\+_%]+
NGINXACCESS %{IPORHOST:clientip} %{NGUSER:indent} %{NGUSER:agent} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"(?:%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|)\" %{NUMBER:answer} (?:%{NUMBER:byte}|-) (?:\"(?:%{URI:referrer}|-))\" (?:%{QS:referree}) %{QS:agent}
I tested the Expression on grokconstructor.appspot.com and it hits.
Here's a demo line: - - [11/May/2017:13:49:31 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586" "-"
But no fields where added
I think maybe my "if" is wrong, but I tried several alternatives... nothing helped.
Any idea?
I will start by removing the if, then adding the conditions one by one. That is start with
["nginx"] in [tags]
and if that works, then go in for
["nginx"] in [tags] and ["access"] in [tags]
Alternatively you could try using
"nginx" in [tags] and "access" in [tags]
To used fields.type = nginx-access, try
"nginx-access" in [fields][type]
