Creating command links dynamically from a managed bean - jsf

I have a need to create command links dynamically based on content coming from elsewhere.
When a user clicks on a link it should call a method in a managed bean, and the method needs to know which link was clicked.
I can create the command links using the following code:
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.dynamicLinks}" escape="false" />
public String getDynamicLinks(){
// Return an html string that contains a set of <a> elements, based on the dynamic content
This works fine, but what I can't work out is how my <a> elements can call back into the bean.

This is not the right way to "dynamically" create markup. For that you should be using XHTML, and absolutely not Java and for sure not massage some plain HTML in the model and present it with escape="false". That's plain nonsense. You're basically mingling the view into the model. You need to make the model itself dynamic, not the view. The view must be static and dumb. The view must just present the model to the world. The model itself can be dynamic. You normally achieve that by using a flexible collection, such as List<String>, List<SomeEntity>, etc which you then present using an iterator in the view such as <ui:repeat> or <h:dataTable>.
<ui:repeat value="#{bean.links}" var="link">
<h:commandLink value="link" action="#{bean.action(link)}" />
public void action(Link link) {
// ...
You see, the action method can know about the pressed link by just inspecting the method argument.
See also:
How to create dynamic JSF form fields
How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable?


create links dynamically

I have a user-defined text, such as
public class MyBean {
private String text = "Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and
then is heard no more.";
public String getText() {
return text;
Of course the text is not static, but will be loaded from somewhere else. I want the text to be displayed one the page, as in
<h:form id="myForm">
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.text}" />
Now have a logic in the bean which marks certain words, e.g. every noun, in the text. These words should be rendered as links, as if they were commandLinks.
That is, the form should be submitted and I should be able to find out which link was clicked.
Something similar was already asked here, here and here, but I am not sure if the solutions given there suit my case.
My best guess right now is to split the text at the marked words into a list of snippets in the bean, e.g.
List<TextSnippet> textSnippets;
class TextSnippet {
private String precedingText;
private String markedWord;
such that each text snippet ends with a marked word. Then I would be able to iterate over the list in the xhtml, e.g.
<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:repeat var="snippet" value="#{myBean.textSnippets}">
<h:outputText value="#{snippet.precedingText}" />
<h:commandLink action="#{myBean.clickedOn(snippet.markedWord)}">
<h:outputText value="#{snippet.markedWord}">
However, I feel that this tightly couples the bean (logic of splitting) to the view. Any better ideas?
What I would personally do is try to keep the jsf tree small and implement something like the lines below that I think is more performant (disclamer: no full code coming )
Prepare the text serverside in a bean as This is a <div class="linkedWord">specific</div> word that needs a link and so is <div="linkedWord">this</div>
Output this in plain html via an <h:outputText value="#{myBean.text}"> (for escaping!)
Add a jquery dynamic eventhandler on the class="linkedWord" (so it works for each link) and call a javascript function
In that javascript function read the content of the div (or maybe add the text as a data- attribute aas well (like <div class="linkedWord" data-word="specific">specific</div>
and call a <h:commandScript> (JSF 2.3 and up) or a o:commandScript for previous JSF versions (or the `p:remoteCommand) and pass the content of the div (or the value of the attribute) as a parameter to a serverside method.
Keep in mind that there is no explicit reason to do everything in a 'JSF' way. Using client-side features and some small integration with JSF is very valid usage. People not doing this often 'blame' JSF but they themselves are effectively the cause of the less optimal behaviour)
See also:
Event binding on dynamically created elements?
You seem to go the right way, but I think I can suggest you some improvements. Don't know your exact requirements, but your current structure limits the marked word (which I guess acts as a mere link) to be at the end of the paragraph. What would happen if you have text after it? What about having two marked words? This class might suit better:
class TextSnippet {
private String text;
private String linkUrl;
You'll need to build the List<TextSnippet> the way you do, but evaluate the links before, so ui:repeat can access them.
Then, iterate over it. Instead of performing a POST to evaluate where to go, you've got it already, so you can use a h:link if you want to point to somewhere in your application or h:outputLink if it's outside it:
<ui:repeat var="snippet" value="#{myBean.textSnippets}">
<h:outputText value="#{snippet.text}" rendered="#{empty snippet.linkUrl}" />
<h:link outcome="#{snippet.linkUrl}" rendered="#{not empty snippet.linkUrl}">
<h:outputText value="#{snippet.text}">

Data in <h:inputText readonly="true"> disappears when command button is clicked

I am using JSF 1.1. I have a JSF page with a request scoped bean and a readonly input field.
<h:inputText id="dt" value="#{bean.sdate}" readonly="#{bean.disable}" />
<a onclick="cal('dt');"><img src="fr.gif" border="0"></a>
When I set the input value using JavaScript and click on command button, then the data in input field disappears.
How is this caused and how can I solve it.
That's because the property is set to readonly. If this evaluates true, then JSF won't process the submitted value and hence the model won't be updated. If you want to set it to readonly on rendering the view and have JSF to process the submitted value, then you'd need to make it to evaluate true on render response phase only. You can use FacesContext#getRenderResponse() for this. You'd need to do this in your isDisable() method.
public boolean isDisable() { // TODO: rename to isReadonly().
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse();
Note: in JSF2 you could access FacesContext#getCurrentInstance() by #{facesContext} in the view as well, this saves some boilerplate in the model:
<h:inputText ... readonly="#{facesContext.renderResponse}" />
Also note that when you're using JSF2 <f:viewParam>, then this approach won't work on GET requests anymore. See also Make a p:calendar readonly for the explanation and workaround.

JSF Required=Yes not working inside a datatable?

I searched everywhere but could not find a solution to this. I am trying to used
required=yes to validate whether a value is present or not. I am using it inside inputtext.
The problem is it does not work inside a datatable. If I put the text box outside the datatable it works. I am using JSF 1.7 so I don't have the validateRequired tag from JSF 2.0.
I even used a validator class but it is still not working. Does anyone know why does required=yes or validator='validationClass' inside a inputtext inside a datatable is not working.
I appreciate the help.
First of all, the proper attribute values of the required attribute are the boolean values true or false, not a string value of Yes. It's an attribute which accepts a boolean expression.
The following are proper usage examples:
<h:inputText required="true" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.booleanValue}" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.stringValue == 'Yes'}" />
As to the problem that it doesn't work inside a <h:dataTable>, that can happen when the datamodel is not been preserved properly (the datamodel is whatever the table retrieves in its value attribute). That can in turn happen when the managed bean is request scoped and doesn't prepare the datamodel during its (post)construction which causes that the datamodel is null or empty while JSF is about to gather, convert and validate the submitted values.
You need to ensure that the datamodel is exactly the same during the apply request values phase of the form submit request as it was during the render response phase of the initial request to display the form with the table. An easy quick test is to put the bean in the session scope. If that fixes the problem, then you definitely need to rewrite the datamodel preserving logic. You could also use Tomahawk's <t:saveState> or <t:dataTable preserveDataModel="true"> to store the datamodel in the view scope (like as JSF2's new view scope is doing).
Finally, JSF 1.7 doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean JSF 1.2?

JSF 2.0: Preserving component state across multiple views

The web application I am developing using MyFaces 2.0.3 / PrimeFaces 2.2RC2 is divided into a content and a navigation area. In the navigation area, which is included into multiple pages using templating (i.e. <ui:define>), there are some widgets (e.g. a navigation tree, collapsible panels etc.) of which I want to preserve the component state across views.
For example, let's say I am on the home page. When I navigate to a product details page by clicking on a product in the navigation tree, my Java code triggers a redirect using
navigationHandler.handleNavigation(context, null,
Another way of getting to that details page would be by directly clicking on a product teaser that is shown on the home page. The corresponding <h:link> would lead us to the details page.
In both cases, the expansion state of my navigation tree (a PrimeFaces tree component) and my collapsible panels is lost. I understand this is because the redirect / h:link results in the creation of a new view.
What is the best way of dealing with this? I am already using MyFaces Orchestra in my project along with its conversation scope, but I am not sure if this is of any help here (since I'd have to bind the expansion/collapsed state of the widgets to a backing bean... but as far as I know, this is not possible). Is there a way of telling JSF which component states to propagate to the next view, assuming that the same component exists in that view?
I guess I could need a pointer into the right direction here. Thanks!
Update 1: I just tried binding the panels and the tree to a session-scoped bean, but this seems to have no effect. Also, I guess I would have to bind all child components (if any) manually, so this doesn't seem like the way to go.
Update 2: Binding UI components to non-request scoped beans is not a good idea (see link I posted in a comment below). If there is no easier approach, I might have to proceed as follows:
When a panel is collapsed or the tree is expanded, save the current state in a session-scoped backing bean (!= the UI component itself)
The components' states are stored in a map. The map key is the component's (hopefully) unique, relative ID. I cannot use the whole absolute component path here, since the IDs of the parent naming containers might change if the view changes, assuming these IDs are generated programmatically.
As soon as a new view gets constructed, retrieve the components' states from the map and apply them to the components. For example, in case of the panels, I can set the collapsed attribute to a value retrieved from my session-scoped backing bean.
Update 3: I got it working as described above. To sum it up, the solution is to store the relevant properties in a session-scoped bean instead of making the entire UIComponent session-scoped. Then, when the component is re-constructed after navigation has occurred, set the attribute values by retrieving the saved properties (using EL), e.g.
<p:panel collapsed="#{backingBean.collapsedState}" ... />
(This is a simplified example. Since I am using multiple panels, I am using a map to store these properties, as described above).
One solution would be to use session-scoped beans.
What do you mean by collapsible panels? I ask because there is a component that is closable as well as a component. I am using in the navigation pane in my project. The accordianPanel has an attribute named "activeIndex". Here's what I did in my sessionBean to maintain the state of my accordion tabs:
private int tabIndex; //declared a private variable
public SessionBean() {
tabIndex = 100; //set the initial tab index to 100 so all tabs are closed when page loads.
public int getTabIndex(){
return tabIndex;
public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex){
in my navigation pane:
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="#{sessionBean.tabIndex}" collapsible="true" autoHeight="false">
<p:tab title="#{tab1_title}">
<h:commandLink value="link here" action="target_page?faces-redirect=true" /><br/>
<p:tab title="#{tab2_title}">
<h:commandLink value="link here" action="target_page?faces-redirect=true" />
<p:tab title="#{tab3_title}">
<h:commandLink value="link here" action="target_page?faces-redirect=true" />
I'm not using the tree component for navigation as that presented my project with some difficulties that were easily overcome by using the accordionPanel, so I can't speak to that part of your navigation.

Adding JSF 2 composite component at runtime from backing bean

Edited question...
I would like to load a .xhtml file of my composite component from a backing bean, and add it to the page dynamically. The name of the .xhtml file comes form a variable.
public MyBean (){
String componentFile = "myCompositeComponent.xhtml"
public String addComponentToPage(){
//how do that?...
return null;
Thank you!
That's not possible. A composite component is template-based and can only be used in views. Your best bet is to repeat exactly the JSF code which you've originally written in the composite component in the model. Better would be to create a full worthy #FacesComponent class which extends UIComponent, complete with a #FacesRenderer. True, it's a tedious and opaque job, but this way you'll end up with a component which is reuseable in both the view and the model by a single code line.
An -ugly- alternative is to place all possible components in the view and use the rendered attribute.
<my:component1 rendered="#{bean.myComponentType == 'component1'}" />
<my:component2 rendered="#{bean.myComponentType == 'component2'}" />
<my:component3 rendered="#{bean.myComponentType == 'component3'}" />
Wrap this if necessary in a Facelets tag file so that it can be hidden away and reused in several places.
I don't understand why do you want to add a composite component from a backing bean. I guess you want to make it visible dynamically in case of an event, but for that there is AJAX reRender.
For example you can do the following:
<h:panelGroup id="composite" rendered="#{myBean.renderComponent}">
The renderComponent property stores a boolean value. You can switch that value and reRender composite with for e.g. Richfaces's <a4j:commandLink>.
Hope that helps, Daniel
