Data in <h:inputText readonly="true"> disappears when command button is clicked - jsf

I am using JSF 1.1. I have a JSF page with a request scoped bean and a readonly input field.
<h:inputText id="dt" value="#{bean.sdate}" readonly="#{bean.disable}" />
<a onclick="cal('dt');"><img src="fr.gif" border="0"></a>
When I set the input value using JavaScript and click on command button, then the data in input field disappears.
How is this caused and how can I solve it.

That's because the property is set to readonly. If this evaluates true, then JSF won't process the submitted value and hence the model won't be updated. If you want to set it to readonly on rendering the view and have JSF to process the submitted value, then you'd need to make it to evaluate true on render response phase only. You can use FacesContext#getRenderResponse() for this. You'd need to do this in your isDisable() method.
public boolean isDisable() { // TODO: rename to isReadonly().
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse();
Note: in JSF2 you could access FacesContext#getCurrentInstance() by #{facesContext} in the view as well, this saves some boilerplate in the model:
<h:inputText ... readonly="#{facesContext.renderResponse}" />
Also note that when you're using JSF2 <f:viewParam>, then this approach won't work on GET requests anymore. See also Make a p:calendar readonly for the explanation and workaround.


Set bean value on click of selectbooleancheckbox

I have a bean class and a selectBooleanCheckbox in xhtml page. I want that on the click of the box the value should be set in the backing bean.
Here is code:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="provisioningTargetCollector"
Bean Class:
public boolean isProvisioningTargetCollector() {
return _provisioningTargetCollector;
public void setProvisioningTargetCollector(boolean provisioningTargetCollector) {
_provisioningTargetCollector = provisioningTargetCollector;
But the getter and setter are called only on page load. How can I set the value in bean method on click of checkbox.
The model with be filled with form data only when submit button will be pressed. If you want to do partial update to the server you need to send an AJAX request. Luckily, starting from JSF 2 it has been quite simple with the introduction of <f:ajax> tag. It adds ajax capabilities to UIComponent instances that implement the ClientBehaviorHolder interface, i.e. components that are capable of triggering ajax requests.
To do partial update of compenets you need to specify their client ids in execute attribute of <f:ajax> tag. As the default value of execute attribute evaluates to #this, or the component to which the tag is attached it. As soon as you want to update only the given <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> you can do it as simple as nesting a pure <f:ajax /> tag within you checkbox, i.e.:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="provisioningTargetCollector" value="#{targetSource.provisioningTargetCollector}">
<f:ajax />

Setting Managed Bean attribute's value from JSF page and using it in bean's methods

I have a ViewScoped Managed Bean. In my .xhtml page I want to set bean's attribute's value and use it in methods in the same bean.
I managed to set the value from jsf page, but when i want to use it in some method the value of an attribute is not the value i have set before.
Description (xhtml):
In this form there is a command link which sets the value of an attribute. And it is working fine. Also, as command link is clicked, second form is being showed.
<h:commandLink value="Set" >
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.attribute}" value="true" />
<f:ajax execute="#this" />
This form executes method that uses attribute's value set before, but the value is not true, its false.
<h:commandButton id="submit" value="Execute" action="#{bean.execute}" />
public void execute(){
---do something---
The question is: Why execute() is not reading attribute's value right?
When I use one form, it's working fine. But I need them to be in separated forms.
The scope of your bean is incorrect. ViewScoped means that the minute the view is changed, the bean is discarded and re-created for the next view. So, in your case, the original data you had for the first view is lost.
I'm going to refer you to BalusC's blog:
which states:
A #ViewScoped bean will live as long as you're submitting the form to the same view again and again. In other words, as long as when the action method(s) returns null or even void, the bean will be there in the next request. Once you navigate to a different view, then the bean will be trashed
I can't determine of you stay on the same page with both requests. If you do, viewScope should work even in two different forms. If you are navigating from 1 view to another, another viewScope will be created and you will loose the current one.
You could set the value in the sessionScope with java or by annotating the backingNean. But then everything in your backingBean becomes sessionScoped and that might not be needed.
You could also use a spring-like flow scope.
Example to do it with java:
public void callThisAfterFirstClick() {
Faces.setSessionAttribute(attribute, true)
public void callThisAfterSecondClick() {

Cancel button jsf not resetting entity

I'm trying to implement a cancel button to clear the fields from my entity.
Though, when I'm setting the entity to null my fields still keep their value.
The EntityBB's cancel method (note that the debugger can reach the cancel method):
public void cancelAddStandardLetter() {
this method really sets all the values from the entity back to null and the standardLetterInit method sets some default values that are needed (tried the same method without the standardLetterInit -> same result).
The xhtml page (other inputfields are left out):
<o:form includeRequestParams="true" id="addStandardLetterForm">
<h:inputTextvalue="#{entityBB.entity.fileName}" styleClass="rInput"/>
<h:commandButton value="Cancel" immediate="true"
action="#{entityBB.cancelAddStandardLetter()}" />
After pressing the "cancel" button, the values being typed in the "fileName" field are still there. How can that be?
Make sure that the bean is view scoped and use a plain GET button.
<h:button value="Cancel" />
This basically refreshes the page. It'll recreate the view scoped bean instance. No need to submit the whole form. If the input values still appear, then it's either the browser cache or autocomplete/autofill which you in turn can control with respectively a servlet filter and autocomplete="off".

How can I change a bean property with a button

I'm trying to create a button that once clicked will change a property in a bean.
<h:commandButton type="button" action="#{loginBean.withdraw}" id="thousand" class="buttons" style="top:180px;left:570px;">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}" value="1000" />
public class LoginBean {
int withdrawAmount;
This method only works when I omit the type="button" from the commandButton, but with the type="button" it doesn't work and I'm not sure why.
I need the type="button" to be there , is there any way to keep it and still make it work ?
There is an error in your facelet snippet:
There is no such attribute as class for <h:commandButton>. Possibly you meant styleClass.
As for the problem you have, you have to:
Either provide a setter method for the withdrawAmount property
public void setWithdrawAmount(int withdrawAmount) {
this.withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount;
and your facelet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}"
value="1000" />
Or, you can get rid of the <f:setPropertyActionListener> and add a statement the changes the value of the withdrawAmount as a first line of the #{loginBean.withdraw} method.
In this case your facelet snippet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
style="top:180px;left:570px;" />
and your LoginBean#withdraw() method should start with the statement, that changes the withdrawAmount value:
public String withdraw() {
this.withdrawAmount = 1000;
//the remaining logic.
Personally, I would prefer the first option.
More info:
< h:commandButton > tag reference
JSF Core Tag :setPropertyActionListener vs attribute vs param
The type is the entire reason why you're having this issue. I'm posting this answer because the accepted answer doesn't explain why you're experiencing the issue.
<h:commandButton/> is designed to work in 3 modes:
submit: This is the default mode that the button is set to. This mode sends an HTTP POST request to the server that triggers the JSF request processing lifecycle. It's only this mode that enables you to trigger backing bean methods(using the action or actionListener attributes).
button: This mode triggers a GET request in the application. As GET requests go, this mode is mostly suited for navigation, i.e. requesting another view or page. In this mode, there's no easy/straightforward way to execute backing bean code, or trigger the JSF request processing lifecycle. This is your current issue
reset: This mode simply resets the value of all input components within its enclosing <h:form/>
JSF2 Command Button VDL
JSF redirect via commandButton
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

JSF Required=Yes not working inside a datatable?

I searched everywhere but could not find a solution to this. I am trying to used
required=yes to validate whether a value is present or not. I am using it inside inputtext.
The problem is it does not work inside a datatable. If I put the text box outside the datatable it works. I am using JSF 1.7 so I don't have the validateRequired tag from JSF 2.0.
I even used a validator class but it is still not working. Does anyone know why does required=yes or validator='validationClass' inside a inputtext inside a datatable is not working.
I appreciate the help.
First of all, the proper attribute values of the required attribute are the boolean values true or false, not a string value of Yes. It's an attribute which accepts a boolean expression.
The following are proper usage examples:
<h:inputText required="true" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.booleanValue}" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.stringValue == 'Yes'}" />
As to the problem that it doesn't work inside a <h:dataTable>, that can happen when the datamodel is not been preserved properly (the datamodel is whatever the table retrieves in its value attribute). That can in turn happen when the managed bean is request scoped and doesn't prepare the datamodel during its (post)construction which causes that the datamodel is null or empty while JSF is about to gather, convert and validate the submitted values.
You need to ensure that the datamodel is exactly the same during the apply request values phase of the form submit request as it was during the render response phase of the initial request to display the form with the table. An easy quick test is to put the bean in the session scope. If that fixes the problem, then you definitely need to rewrite the datamodel preserving logic. You could also use Tomahawk's <t:saveState> or <t:dataTable preserveDataModel="true"> to store the datamodel in the view scope (like as JSF2's new view scope is doing).
Finally, JSF 1.7 doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean JSF 1.2?
