PyQt/PySide qfiledialog icon size - pyqt

Is there a way to have larger icons in the qFileDialog? This is for use in an image filedialog.
Anything more simple than writing my own using qlistwidget?

You can set an icon provider on the QFileDialog.
The icon provider must be a subclass of QFileIconProvider, which reimplements the icon() method in order to return custom icons for the requested file-types.


Can't able to apply Bounds Control in Prefab

I'm using prefab instead of objects. I'm able to apply bounds control's handle style (Hololens 2 style) in Objects But not in prefab which I've created.
Is there any solutions, How can I apply Hololens2's Handle style in prefab ?
enter image description here
You need to save the Configuration in BoundsControl/Visuals as an .asset file for reuse in the prefab. You can also drag the .asset file from Packages/Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation/SDK/StandardAssets/Profile/BoundsControl/HoloLens2Style_Slate to the Assets folder, modify it to the style you want, and then add it to the BoundsControl component of the prefab.

Adding paintcode stylekit images to storyboard not showing preview

I'm following the instructions for adding stylekit images to storyboards by adding an object, setting it's class to stylekit and then right click dragging to the UIImage from the stylekit object - however I'm not seeing the images show up in UIImageView preview in the storyboard. The image is there when I run the code however.
Is there a different series of steps I need to take? I'm using ios9 xcode 7.
Interface Builder doesn’t allow previewing this kind of connections. To see the image in IB, you will need to subclass the view, mark it as #IBDesignable and override drawRect method, where you call the StyleKit drawing method.

Can I create a custom DialogPreference based on a pre-existing custom Dialog?

In my Android project I've already created a custom dialog: A class named SelectColorDialog, extending Dialog, that allows the user to view a large matrix of color cells in order to select a particular color. The dialog returns the selected color value (as Integer) to the dialog initiator – typically an Activity – via a callback function.
I've a similar custom dialog, SelectTypefaceDialog, to allow easy font selection. A list of available typefaces are shown, as ListView rows, each identified by name and with an associated short sample text rendered in that typeface. The available typefaces include usual droid fonts, such as NORMAL, MONOSPACE, etc. as well as any externally sourced TTF font files that the user cares to load into a particular subdirectory on the SDCard.
These custom dialogs were not initially designed to be used directly in conjunction with SharedPreferences, preferences definition XML files or with any PreferenceActivity. Instead of, each dialog can be popped up from any activity, via the user pressing a button or via a menu item. The activity classes that create these dialogs also have internal callback classes, selection event listeners, to detect when the user selects a color or font.
These two dialogs do not have OK and Cancel buttons. Instead, the user just clicks on an item - a view of some kind - in the dialog to select the corresponding color or typeface value (implicit OK) or else presses the device’s back button to dismiss the dialog with no action taken (implicit Cancel).
I would now like to go further and incorporate these two custom dialogs into the shared preferences framework via a preferences.XML and an associated PreferenceActivity.
I would prefer to base two DialogPreference subclasses directly on these existing dialogs if possible, but I cannot see how to do so. I suspect that I cannot, and that I'll need to start all over again, and copy or adapt all the java code that is presently in the custom dialog classes – for color or font display and selection – directly into the custom DialogPreference classes instead, perhaps by overriding onCreateDialogView() and/or other methods?
This question may be a bit old, but I hope to help those, looking at the same problem in future: just extend Preference instead of DialogPreference. DialogPreference is designed badly and expected "official" way to use custom Dialog - overriding protected showDialog method does not work, because this single method contains half of class logic.

OrchardCMS - Can't find correct alternative to render widget

I'm trying to add a image carousel to my CMS site and in the process learn about Alternatives.
I've go the following content types
BannerImage (TextField and a MediaPicker field)
ImageGallery (Container)
I've created a bunch of images, added them as 'Containables' to a new ImageGallery and
I then create a widget, put it in BeforeContent and it renders as an ugly list (default rendering)
I have been able to customize the images by using the alternative Content-BannerImage.Summary.cshtml, sweet.. so far so good.
BUT I'm not able to customize the rendering of the ImageGallery at all. The alternative
Content-ImageGallery.Summary.cshtml or .Detail or even Widget-Container.cshtml do not work at all.
The alternative that IS being used is Widget.Wrapper.cshtml which came with the theme I'm using. I'm not able to find the correct alternative so I can prevent the ImageGallery from rendering it's name/title (which it does by default from the Widget.Wrapper.cshtml alternative.
Any help is greatly appreciated and before it's mentioned... I've read which is a great doco, but I'm too dumb to figure it out :)
To create an alternate (not alternative) for a widget, you first have to activate the Widget Alternates module.
Once you have done so, create your widget, and activate the Shape Tracing module. Go to the page where the widget appears, click on the shape tracing button on the bottom right corner to show the shape tracing and select your widget.
You should now see a list of possible alternates for your widget. Select one and click the link to create it. Now you just have to edit it to your taste.
Depending on how the image gallery module you're using is working, the shape that you need to override to render the list of images. It is probably the List shape that you need to change. This article should give you a good starting point:

How can a graphic be placed in the OneUI .lotusBanner area using the Application Layout Control

I am using the Extension Libraries Application Layout Control and need to have a banner graphic placed in the .lotusBanner div on the right. How can this be done as it seems that the Application Layout Control can't be modified.
You could use the utilityLinksFacet on the extended control that Steve Pridemore did.
or you could use onload javascript to add it.
I was able to place a graphic in the upper right of the Application Layout Control in the Banner area by doing the following:
In the control under the Banner > Utility links I added a Basic node. For the node I specified the href and image. This worked and placed the image n the correct spot.
Artifacts of this were the location of the Banner Application links. To remedy this I used some CSS for the .lotusBanner ul.lotusLinks {margin-top: 45px;position:absolute;}
The margin-top was to push the links down so I could enlarge the logo that is used by the Application Layout Control.
The applicationLayout control in ExtLib is, as you have found out, locked down to only allow certain aspects of the configuration to be changed by the developer. You can add links to different sections of the applicationLayout but nothing beyond that.
One possible alternative is to NOT use the applictionLayout control itself but create your own approximation of it in a custom control, You would need to add all the necessary panels/divs with the special oneUI2 classes in all the correct places and then add editable areas and callbacks within these panels for the parts that you would want to customize throughout the application. All of the other sections in the applicationLayout control, like the bannerUtilityLinks are created using the ListofLinks control that is also found in the Extension Library.
