TortoiseSVN plugin for Rally? - tortoisesvn

I looking for TortosieSVN plugin which can connect to Rally Software and allow select defects from commit dialog and bound them with revision.

Yes, it exists:
I share it recently for public access.


team foundation server multiple check outs disabled but still possible

I use Team Foundation Server for Source Control and in my Visual Studio I unckeckd the Option: "Multiple Check Out".
But when I check out a file and modify it another user can still check out the same file and also modify it.
What went wrong??
If you have to look at this issue then you are probably not checking in enough. Its a workflow and not tool change that is required.
TFS only supports the single checkout model if all users are using Server Workspaces. The default changed in 2012 to Local Workspaces which does not support this.
Check out the MSDN documentation for how to change workspace modes.

How to create an online repository on a Linux hosting using tortoise SVN?

I want to setup an online repository on my Linux hosting account I have. I want to a combination of Tortoise SVN and Ankh SVN for this, this will be an ASP.NET MVC 4 project for which I will be using Visual Studio 2010.
Firstly, is it even possible to do this ? i.e to setup an online repostiory on a Linux hosting account, I know this question may sound very naive, but I am new to this code hosting.
Also I stricty want to use only Tortoise SVN and Ankh SVN for this. And I dont want to use Git or Hg for this.
Please advise me on the same.
Short answer
No way. Period
Longer answer
You must to use SVN-server administration tools for creating repository (and building RA-access levels), not client-level tools
Long answer
You have to have:
SVN (installed) on server side
Configured and running at least one type of SVN-server on Linux host
Created (by svn admin tools) repository with configured ACL
None of the above tasks can be executed with TSVN
Final Note
SVN Book is your best friend, at least chapters Repository Administration and Server Configuration

How to set global preferences for eclipse in multiuser environment?

We will be using eclipse(Helios or Indigo) for multiuser environment for development. For this we are working on configuring the eclipse. We have installed the plug-ins Rational Clearcase MVFS Support and Rational Clearcase SCM Adapter.
The users must enable the Rational Clearcase MVFS Support option and the Clearcase SCM Adapter auto-connection option once per workspace through preferences.
So my requirement, is there any way to set these preferences(or options) only one time globally so that everyone automatically gets those settings while creating their workspaces ?
If not this, is there any another way to achieve my requirement?
Appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance !!
Check out Workspace Mechanic. It says you can use it to "Create a consistent environment among groups as large as the entire company, your local team, or even among your own many workspaces"

Where can I get P4Win software?

I like P4Win than P4V but it seems P4Win is not available in
Can anybody tell me where can I get P4Win?
Yes Perforce have discontinued P4Win, the replacement being P4V. The last version they released is available from here:
Of course it may not function correctly or some of the newer features of the perforce server such as streams will be unavailable.

How do I submit a bug to Tracker, MantisBT, or Trac programatically?

I've got a program that I've been working on at home for a while, and I decided finally to throw it up on SourceForge. SourceForge offers Tracker, MantisBT, or Trac for bug tracking.
My app already has a "Sorry, an error occurred" dialog, but I'd like to add a "Complain about it" button that will submit a bug to my bug tracker. Has anyone tried to do this with Tracker? Can you submit anonymous bugs via a query string interface, or something along those lines? Or, if Tracker can't do it, how about MantisBT? Or Trac?
Programmatic access:
Mantis has a SOAP interface;
Trac has an XML-RPC interface.
If your application happens to be built on Eclipse, you can use the existing Mylyn plugins - they're both offered with 1-click install since version 3.2 (reference).
Also, Mantis 1.1.x (and perhaps later 1.2.x) has a php script (core/checkin.php) that can be called from a post-commit hook when the repo and mantis live on the same host. You just need to provide the glue for the hook, e.g. bash, and either commit all notes as a user defined 'vcs' userame or make a small modification to the php to determine the user making the commit.
In the later 1.1.x versions there is a checkincurl.php that will address usage when mantis and the repo are not collocated.
