how to avoid sorting on clustering key columns in cassandra - cassandra

I am a bit new to cassandra.
I have created a table like below
create table events(day text, hour text, sip text, dip text, count, counter,
primary key((day,hour), sip,dip));
our use case is, application receives many events per second. we would like to have a seprate partition per hour of a day and we need to update the counter if the same event is received again. and also we would like to have unique entries for the combination of dip and sip columns hence I have included those as part of the primary key.
Here as dip, sip columns are forming a clustering key, sorting is taking place while inserting the records into the table. In our case sorting is not required for these columns, sorting is a overhead while we include millions of rows in a table. How to avoid this sorting overhead, Can any one help me?

Ordering by clustering columns is needed for Cassandra to function correctly. It needs to store the data that way to keep the row keys unique and to support things like range queries on clustering columns. As Arun says, this allows your subsequent updates to run quickly.
You could reduce the amount of sorting by inserting rows in sorted order, for example by having the first clustering column be a time stamp. But then you'd lose the benefit of being able to increment your counter since you wouldn't know the time stamp key of the earlier event. To get the final counts you'd need to do a roll up operation after each hour to aggregate matching events.
Another way would be to make sip and/or dip part of your partition key. Each event would then hash to a different partition bucket and no sorting would be required. But then you'd lose the grouping of events into one hour partitions. This could be good or bad depending on your needs. If you have a very high rate of events, grouping them all into the same one hour partition could create hot spots since all events will hash to the same node, so making events separate partitions would spread out the write load. If reading the events later as a one hour chunk is more important to you, then having them grouped into one partition will make reading them more efficient at the cost of more expensive writes due to the sorting.
So in general, if you keep your partitions to a reasonable size, the sorting overhead should not be too large since it is done in memory. If your partitions are so large that they are causing performance problems, decrease their size by adding another field to the partition key to break the partitions into smaller chunks to spread out the load on more nodes.


What is the cardinality of a partition key?

If I use a randomly generated unique Id , is it correct that
the cardinality would be rather large ?
If I have a key with a low cardinality like 5 category values that the partition key can take, and I want to distribute it, the recommended approach seems to be to make partition key into composite key.
But this requires that I have to specify all the parts of a composite key in my query to retrieve all records of that key.
Even then the generated token might end up being for the same node.
Is there any way to decide on a the additional column for composite key to that would guarantee that the data would be distributed ?
The thing is that with cassandra you actually want to have partitioning keys "known" so that you can access the data when you need it. I'm not sure what you mean when you say large cardinality on partitioning key. You would get a lot of partitions in the cluster. This is usually o.k.
If you want to distribute the data around the cluster. You can use artificial columns. And this approach is sometimes also called bucketing. Basically if you want to keep 100k+ or in never version 1 million+ columns it's o.k. to split this data into partitions.
Some people simply use a trick and when they insert the data they add some artificial bucket column to partition ... let's say random(1-10) and then when they are reading the data out they simply issue 10 queries or use an in operator and then fetch the data and merge it on the client side. This approach has many benefits in that it prevents appearance of "hot rows" in the cluster.
Chances for every key are more or less 1/NUM_NODES that it will end on the same node. So I would say most of the time this is not something you should worry about too much. Unless you have number of partitions that is smaller then the number of nodes in the cluster.
Basically there are two choices for additional column random (already described) or some function based on some input data i.e. when using time series data and you decide to bucket based on the month you can always calculate the month based on the data that you are going to insert and then you just put it in bucket. When you are retrieving the data then you know ... o.k. I'm looking something in May 2016 and then you know how to select the appropriate bucket.

Querying split partitions on Cassandra in a single request

I am in the process of learning Cassandra as an alternative to SQL databases for one of the projects I am working for, that involves Big Data.
For the purpose of learning, I've been watching the videos offered by DataStax, more specifically DS220 which covers modeling data in Cassandra.
While watching one of the videos in the course series I was introduced to the concept of splitting partitions to manage partition size.
My current understanding is that Cassandra has a max logical capacity of 2B entries per partition, but a suggested max of a couple 100s MB per partition.
I'm currently dealing with large amounts of real-time financial data that I must store (time series), meaning I can easily fill out GBs worth of data in a day.
The video course talks about introducing an additional partition key in order to split a partition with the purpose or reducing the size per partition requirement.
The video pointed out to using either a time based key or an arbitrary "bucket" key that gets incremented when the number of manageable rows has been reached.
With that in mind, this led me to the following problem: given that partition keys are only used as equality criteria (ie. point to the partition to find records), how do I find all the records that end up being spread across multiple partitions without having to specify either the bucket or timestamp key?
For example, I may receive 1M records in a single day, which would likely go over the 100-500Mb partition limit, so I wouldn't be able to set a partition on a per date basis, that means that my daily data would be broken down into hourly partitions, or alternatively, into "bucketed" partitions (for balanced partition sizes). This means that all my daily data would be spread across multiple partitions splits.
Given this scenario, how do I go about querying for all records for a given day? (additional clustering keys could include a symbol for which I want to have the results for, or I want all the records for that specific day)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Basically this goes down to choosing right resolution for your data. I would say first step for you would be to determinate what is best fit for your data. Lets for sake of example take 1 hour as something that is good and question is how to fetch all records for particular date.
Your application logic will be slightly more complicated since you are trading simplicity for ability to store large amounts of data in distributed fashion. You take date which you need and issue 24 queries in a loop and glue data on application level. However when you glue that in can be huge (I do not know your presentation or export requirements so this can pull 1M to memory).
Other idea can be having one table as simple lookup table which has key of date and values of partition keys having financial data for that date. Than when you read you go first to lookup table to get keys and then to partitions having results. You can also store counter of values per partition key so you know what amount of data you expect.
All in all it is best to figure out some natural bucket in your data set and add it to date (organization, zip code etc.) and you can use trick with additional lookup table. This approach can be used for symbol you mentioned. You can have symbols as partition keys, clustering per date and values of partitions having results for that date as values. Than you query for symbol # on 29-10-2015 and you see partitions A, D and Z have results so you go to those partitions and get financial data from them and glue it together on application level.

There's no better way to Count Keys In Cassandra?

I have a log table in cassandra, and now I want to search the rows count of the table.
First, I use the select count(*) from log,but it's very, very slow.
Then I want to use the counter type, and then the problem is coming. My table is a TTL table, all rows keep an hour, use the counter type become very difficult.
Cassandra isn't efficient for doing table scan operations. It is good at ingesting high volumes of data and then accessing small slices of that data rather than the whole table.
So if you want to count keys without using a counter, you need to break the table into chunks of data that are small enough to be processed quickly. For example if you want to use count(*), you should only use it on a single partition, and keep the partition size below about 100,000 rows.
In your case you might want to partition your data by hour (or something small like 5 minute intervals if you insert a lot of log lines per second).
Be careful with using a TTL of an hour if you are inserting a lot of data continuously since it could cause a lot of tombstones. To avoid building up tombstones you should delete each hour partition after the hour has passed.

Cassandra - Data Modeling Time Series - Avoiding "Hot Spots"?

I'm working on a Cassandra data model to store records uploaded by users.
The potential problem is, some users may upload 50-100k rows in a 5 minute period, which can result in a "hot spot" for the partiton key (user_id). (Datastax recommendation is to rethink data model if more than 10k rows per partition).
How can I avoid having too many records on a partition key in a short amount of time?
I've tried using the Time Series suggestions from Datastax, but even if I had year, month, day, hour columns, a hot spot may still occur.
CREATE TABLE uploads (
user_id text
,rec_id timeuuid
,rec_key text
,rec_value text
,PRIMARY KEY (user_id, rec_id)
The use cases are:
Get all upload records by user_id
Search for upload records by date range
A few possible ideas:
Use a compound partition key instead of just user_id. The second part of the partition key could be a random number from 1 to n. For example if n were 5, then your uploads would be spread out over five partitions per user instead of just one. The downside is when you do reads, you have to repeat them n times to read all the partitions.
Have a separate table to handle incoming uploads using the rec_id as the partition key. This would spread the load of uploads equally across all the available nodes. Then to get that data into the table with user_id as the partition key, periodically run a spark job to extract new uploads and add them to the user_id based table at a rate the the single partitions can handle.
Modify your front end to throttle the rate at which an individual user can upload records. If only a few users are uploading at a high enough rate to cause a problem, it may be easier to limit them rather than modify your whole architecture.

Need recommendation on appropriate primary key structure

I have a lot of time series data that I would like to store in a Cassandra database. Since I can only do WHERE clauses on fields in the primary key, I need some recommendations on how to lay this out based on the way that I will need to query it.
My data is in this format:
Each serial number has multiple devices, and I will have thousands of timestamps for every device, so my primary key to uniquely identify each set of data has to include all three.
There are basically two types of queries I will do on this data.
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE system_serial_number = 'X' and device_id = 'x' and timestamp (is in a range)
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE system_serial_number = 'X' and timestamp (is in a range)
The second one is the more likely query, because I am typically going to input a time range in the application and I want to see data from every single device for a given serial number. But I can't leave the device name out of the key because you need serial/device/timestamp to be able to uniquely identify an entire row.
I've tried to create my tables as follows:
CREATE TABLE devices (
system_serial_number text,
device_id int,
time_stamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number,device_id),time_stamp)
And also as:
CREATE TABLE devices (
system_serial_number text,
device_id int,
time_stamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (system_serial_number,device_id,time_stamp)
The first one I think would keep me from hitting column limitations, but it always requires me to enter a Device ID along with the Serial every time I query. The second one is less column efficient (based on my understanding), and it allows me to search by serial only. Neither one of them lets me search by just serial/timestamp, which is actually the most common search that I am going to do, but isn't unique enough to be a primary key.
The only way I've even been able to get a query to work is by using the first one with the compound key and then adding a secondary index for just serial number, which then allows me to search by serial/timestamp, but I have to use the inefficient ALLOW FILTERING.
Any suggestions on the best way to get what I need?
The simplest answer is:
PRIMARY KEY (system_serial_number, time_stamp, device_id)
system_serial_number will be the partition key that identifies which replicas (nodes) will contain the data. All data for a single serial number will need to fit in the same partition. For efficient access, all queries will be required to specify a serial number. If partition size is a concern, there may be ways to further subdivide if the use case allows.
time_stamp will be the clustering key used to sort the rows within the partition. That is, all logical rows for the same serial number will be ordered by the timestamp, irrespective of the device. The first PK column that is not a part of the partition key determines the sort order.
device_id is an additional PK column to distinguish your logical rows, but does not help you sort or do other range scans.
Since you mentioned that each device would generate thousands of timestamps, and each serial number will have many devices, you may also need to be concerned about the size of your partitions if you take the above approach. A common approach is to break the data for a single serial number across multiple partitions, but that can make querying your data either more efficient or more troublesome, depending on how you decide to subdivide the data.
You will have to use some imagination and knowledge of your specific use cases to decide on the proper partitioning layout. Off the top of my head, I can think of some ideas:
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number, device_hash_modulus), time_stamp, device_id)
Idea: hash your device IDs and apply a modulus to split the data across a fixed number of "buckets"
Advantage: with an even hash distribution, spreads data evenly across a known number of nodes
Disadvantage: querying across "all devices" for a given serial number requires making N queries, one for each "bucket" based on the number chosen for the modulo operation
Disadvantage: may need to adjust bucketing scheme (and migrate data) if initial choice is too small for eventual data size
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number, coarse_time_stamp), time_stamp, device_id)
Idea: split the data over time into different partitions, size determined by how coarse you make the partitioning timestamp (year? year+month?, year+day?, etc.). The decision should be made based on how many unique records are expected within a given time period.
Advantage: assuming the cluster is configured with a random partitioner, the data will be evenly distributed around the cluster as time moves forward.
Disadvantage: querying for records across a range of time may involve making separate queries to different partitions, making the program logic more complex. If the partition timestamp isn't coarse enough, or the timestamp range to be searched is too wide, performance will be impacted.
There may be other options available to you, but it will all depend on how well you understand your current use cases (and how well you can predict the future behavior of your data set).
