Need recommendation on appropriate primary key structure - cassandra

I have a lot of time series data that I would like to store in a Cassandra database. Since I can only do WHERE clauses on fields in the primary key, I need some recommendations on how to lay this out based on the way that I will need to query it.
My data is in this format:
Each serial number has multiple devices, and I will have thousands of timestamps for every device, so my primary key to uniquely identify each set of data has to include all three.
There are basically two types of queries I will do on this data.
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE system_serial_number = 'X' and device_id = 'x' and timestamp (is in a range)
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE system_serial_number = 'X' and timestamp (is in a range)
The second one is the more likely query, because I am typically going to input a time range in the application and I want to see data from every single device for a given serial number. But I can't leave the device name out of the key because you need serial/device/timestamp to be able to uniquely identify an entire row.
I've tried to create my tables as follows:
CREATE TABLE devices (
system_serial_number text,
device_id int,
time_stamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number,device_id),time_stamp)
And also as:
CREATE TABLE devices (
system_serial_number text,
device_id int,
time_stamp timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (system_serial_number,device_id,time_stamp)
The first one I think would keep me from hitting column limitations, but it always requires me to enter a Device ID along with the Serial every time I query. The second one is less column efficient (based on my understanding), and it allows me to search by serial only. Neither one of them lets me search by just serial/timestamp, which is actually the most common search that I am going to do, but isn't unique enough to be a primary key.
The only way I've even been able to get a query to work is by using the first one with the compound key and then adding a secondary index for just serial number, which then allows me to search by serial/timestamp, but I have to use the inefficient ALLOW FILTERING.
Any suggestions on the best way to get what I need?

The simplest answer is:
PRIMARY KEY (system_serial_number, time_stamp, device_id)
system_serial_number will be the partition key that identifies which replicas (nodes) will contain the data. All data for a single serial number will need to fit in the same partition. For efficient access, all queries will be required to specify a serial number. If partition size is a concern, there may be ways to further subdivide if the use case allows.
time_stamp will be the clustering key used to sort the rows within the partition. That is, all logical rows for the same serial number will be ordered by the timestamp, irrespective of the device. The first PK column that is not a part of the partition key determines the sort order.
device_id is an additional PK column to distinguish your logical rows, but does not help you sort or do other range scans.
Since you mentioned that each device would generate thousands of timestamps, and each serial number will have many devices, you may also need to be concerned about the size of your partitions if you take the above approach. A common approach is to break the data for a single serial number across multiple partitions, but that can make querying your data either more efficient or more troublesome, depending on how you decide to subdivide the data.
You will have to use some imagination and knowledge of your specific use cases to decide on the proper partitioning layout. Off the top of my head, I can think of some ideas:
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number, device_hash_modulus), time_stamp, device_id)
Idea: hash your device IDs and apply a modulus to split the data across a fixed number of "buckets"
Advantage: with an even hash distribution, spreads data evenly across a known number of nodes
Disadvantage: querying across "all devices" for a given serial number requires making N queries, one for each "bucket" based on the number chosen for the modulo operation
Disadvantage: may need to adjust bucketing scheme (and migrate data) if initial choice is too small for eventual data size
PRIMARY KEY ((system_serial_number, coarse_time_stamp), time_stamp, device_id)
Idea: split the data over time into different partitions, size determined by how coarse you make the partitioning timestamp (year? year+month?, year+day?, etc.). The decision should be made based on how many unique records are expected within a given time period.
Advantage: assuming the cluster is configured with a random partitioner, the data will be evenly distributed around the cluster as time moves forward.
Disadvantage: querying for records across a range of time may involve making separate queries to different partitions, making the program logic more complex. If the partition timestamp isn't coarse enough, or the timestamp range to be searched is too wide, performance will be impacted.
There may be other options available to you, but it will all depend on how well you understand your current use cases (and how well you can predict the future behavior of your data set).


Querying one record from tens of millions of records in Azure Table Storage

I have a typical scenario where a consumer is calling a Azure Function (EP1) (synchronously) which then queries Azure Table storage (having 5 million records), based upon the input parameters of the Azure Function API.
Azure Table Storage has following columns:
Order Number (incremental number)
IsConfirmed (can have value Y or N)
Type of Order (can be of 6 types maximum)
Order Date
Order Details
Now when consumer queries, it generally searches with the Order Number and expects the Order Date and Order Details in response, along with Order Number.
For this, we had chosen:
Partition Key: IsConfirmed + Type of Order
Row Key: UUID
Now for 5 million records search, because of the partition key type, the search partition often runs into more than 3 million records (maximum orders have IsConfirmed as Y and Type of Order a specific one among the six types) and the Table query takes more than 5 minutes.
As a result, the consumer generally times out as the wait configured on consumer side is 60 secs.
So looking for recommendation on how to do this efficiently.
Can we choose partition key as Order Number (but that will create 5 million partitions) or a combination of Order NUmber+IsConfirmed+TypeofOrder?
Ours is a write heavy Java application and READ happens much less.
+++++++++++ UPDATE +++++++++++++++
As suggested by Gaurav in the answer, after making orderid as partition key, the query is working as expected.
Now that brings to the next problem - we do have other API queries where the order data and type are only used as input search criteria.
Since this doesn't match with the partition key, so in this 2nd type of query, its basically making a whole scan and the consumer is again timed out again.
So what should be the design to handle these types of queries.. Azure doc says creating a separate table where order type + order date becomes partition key. However that will mean that whenever we are writing to the table, we will have to write on both tables (one with orderid as part key and other as order date + type as part key).
Can we choose partition key as Order Number (but that will create 5
million partitions) or a combination of Order
You can certainly choose partition key as order number as there is nothing wrong in having large number of partitions. However, please keep in mind that partition key value is of string type. What you may want to do is pad your order number with some character (say 0) so that all of your orders are of the same length.
In this case, I would actually recommend that you keep the row key as empty.
You may also want to think about storing multiple copies of the same data with different partition key/row key combination depending on your querying requirements. For example, if you were to query by order date, you may want to make another copy of the data with order date as the partition key.
Generally speaking it is recommended that you do point queries (query including both partition key and row key). Next best option would be to query by partition key (you would want to keep data in partition key small so that you're not doing partition scans). All other options would result in full table scan which is not at all recommended.
You may find this link useful:

Is it a bad practice to have a Cassandra table with partitions of a single row?

Let's say I have a table like this
transaction_id text,
request_date timestamp,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)
The transaction_id is unique, so as far as I understand each partition in this table would have one row only and I'm not sure if this situation causes a performance issue in the OS, maybe because Cassandra creates a file for each partition causing lots of files to manage for its hosting OS, as a note I'm not sure how Cassandra creates its files for its tables.
In this scenario I can find a request by its transaction_id like
select data from request where transaction_id = 'abc';
If the previous assumption is correct, a different approach could be the next one?
the_date date,
transaction_id text,
request_date timestamp,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY ((the_date), transaction_id)
The field the_date would change every next day, so the partitions in the table would be created for each day.
In this scenario I would have to have the_date data always available to the client so I can find a request using the next query
select data from request where the_date = '2020-09-23' and transaction_id = 'abc';
Thank you in advance for your kind help!
Cassandra doesn't create a separate file for each partition. One SSTable file may contain multiple partitions. Partitions that consist only of one row are often called "skinny rows" - they aren't very bad, but may cause some performance issues:
to access such partitions you still need to read a block with compressed data (by default it's 64Kb) that needs to be decompressed to read that data. If you're doing really random access, such blocks would be discarded from file cache and needs to be re-read from disk. In this case, it's maybe useful to decrease the block size
if you have a lot of such partitions per table per node - this may heavily increase the size of the bloom filter, because each partition has a separate entry in it. I saw some customers that had tens of gigabytes of memory allocated for bloom filter only because of the skinny partitions
so it's really depends on the amount of data, access patterns, etc. It could be good or bad, depends on that factors.
If you have date available, and want to use it as part partition key - that may also not advisable because if you're writing and reading a lot of data on that day, then only some nodes will handle that load - this is so-called "hot partitions".
You may implement so-called bucketing, when you infer partition key from the data. But this will depend on the data available. For example, if you have date + transaction ID as a string, you may create partition key as date + 1st character of that string - in this case you'll have N partition keys per day, that are distributed between nodes, eliminating the hot partition problem.
See the corresponding best practices doc from DataStax about that topic.
Let me not get into the different types of keys, but let me mention and shortly explain the two keys you use in your question.
A row MUST have a unique primary key (which identifies the row as what it is regarding equality). The primary key can be a collection of columns (as in your second example with (the_date), transaction_id) or just a single column (as in your first example with transaction_id). Nevertheless, as mentioned the important part is that for a row the primary key must be unique to identify the row.
The partition key is actually determined based on the primary key. You can have composite partition key (you used the syntax for that in your second example, to enforce the (the_date) to be the partition key, this is actually not necessary since it would be by default the first column of the primary key).
Cassandra uses the hashed value of the (combined) partition key(s') values to determine on which node(s) the data is stored (or retrieved from when requesting data).
So the answer to your question is, it's totally ok to use the transaction_id as primary and partition key. And that is not bad practice, it's more or less pretty common practice if you have a unique identifier in your data which can be stored in one row and fulfills your needs regarding requests.
More Infos:
Hashing Explained: Consistent hashing
Defining a basic primary key
Defining a multi-column partition key

Trying to visual how wide and skinny rows are layed out

Can someone give and show me how the data is layed out when you design your tables for wide vs. skinny rows.
I'm not sure I fully grasp how the data is spread out with a "wide" row.
Is there a difference in how you can fetch the data or will it be the same i.e. if it is ordered it doesn't matter if the data is vertical (skinny) or horizontally (wide) organized.
Is a table considered with if the primary key consists of more than one column?
Or table will have wide rows only if the partition key is a composite partition key?
Wide... Skinny... Terms that make your head explode... I prefer to oversimplify the thing as such:
All the tables have wide rows
You simply need to take care of how wide the rows gets
This allows me to think this as follow (mangling a bit the C* terminology):
Number of RECORDS in a partition
1 <--------------------------------------- ... 2Billion
^ ^
Skinny rows wide rows
The lesser records in a partition, the skinner is the "partition", and vice-versa.
When designing for C* I always keep in mind a couple of things:
I want to use "skinny partitions" when my data can be fetched with one query and it is fully contained in one record of one partition. Typical example is something along SELECT * FROM table WHERE username = 'xmas79'; where the table has a primary key in the form of PRIMARY KEY (username)that let me get all the data belonging to a particular username.
I want to use "wide rows" when my data can be fetched with one query and it is fully contained on multiple records of one partition. Typical examples are range queries like SELECT * FROM table WHERE sensor = 'pressure' AND time >= '2016-09-22';, where the table has a primary key in the form of PRIMARY KEY (sensor, time).
So, first approach for one shot queries, second approach for range queries. Beware that this second approach have the (major) drawback that you can keep adding data to the partition, and it will get wider and wider, hurting performances.
In order to control how wide your partitions are, you need to add something to the partition key. In the sensor example above, if your don't violate your requirements of course, you can "group" some measurements by date, eg you split the measures in a day-by-day groups, making the primary key like PRIMARY KEY ((sensor, day), time), where the partition key was transformed to (sensor, day). By this approach, you have full (well, let's say good at least) control on the wideness of your partitions.
You only need to find a good compromise between your query capabilities and the desired performance.
I suggest these three readings for further investigation on the details:
Wide Rows in Cassandra CQL
Does CQL support dynamic columns / wide rows?
CQL3 for Cassandra experts
Beware that in the 1. there's a mistake in the second to last picture: the primary key should be
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, tweet_id))
with double parenthesis around the columns instead of one.

Data modelling of raw data for further transformation in cassandra

I am working on a system for storing and processing time series data from a couple of plants. Every plant has a different number of raw measurement values, each of them represented as a key-value pair.
The raw data needs to be preprocessed to obtain semantics. I also need to save the raw data, because the transformation process should be configurable. While I am new to No-Sql databases and Cassandra I searched for resources on the web and found the weather station example (similar described on other resources, too).
My requirements are similar to this example, but as extension I need a way to store a variable number of measurement values (key-pair) per plant. I also know, that my table model highly depends on the queries I want to run against it. The most common queries will be:
Get all values per key for a specific time (range) and plant.
Get all values per multiple keys for a specific time (range) and plant.
My question now is, how would a table structure look like that best fit theses requirements?
I thought about something like that, but don't know if it contains some drawbacks:
CREATE TABLE values_per_day (
plant_id text,
date text,
event_time timestamp,
key text,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY ((plant_id, date), event_time, address)
The recommendation for Cassandra is to start with the queries you want to perform. For each query, consider the inputs to the query, which indicate what data you want it to return. For each query you should have a table that has the inputs to the query as its primary key. If you want to query for a rangeof values, that value should be the cluster key (not the partition key) of a primary key, with the other inputs the partition key. If you want to query for very long value ranges, consider slicing that value into buckets.

how to avoid sorting on clustering key columns in cassandra

I am a bit new to cassandra.
I have created a table like below
create table events(day text, hour text, sip text, dip text, count, counter,
primary key((day,hour), sip,dip));
our use case is, application receives many events per second. we would like to have a seprate partition per hour of a day and we need to update the counter if the same event is received again. and also we would like to have unique entries for the combination of dip and sip columns hence I have included those as part of the primary key.
Here as dip, sip columns are forming a clustering key, sorting is taking place while inserting the records into the table. In our case sorting is not required for these columns, sorting is a overhead while we include millions of rows in a table. How to avoid this sorting overhead, Can any one help me?
Ordering by clustering columns is needed for Cassandra to function correctly. It needs to store the data that way to keep the row keys unique and to support things like range queries on clustering columns. As Arun says, this allows your subsequent updates to run quickly.
You could reduce the amount of sorting by inserting rows in sorted order, for example by having the first clustering column be a time stamp. But then you'd lose the benefit of being able to increment your counter since you wouldn't know the time stamp key of the earlier event. To get the final counts you'd need to do a roll up operation after each hour to aggregate matching events.
Another way would be to make sip and/or dip part of your partition key. Each event would then hash to a different partition bucket and no sorting would be required. But then you'd lose the grouping of events into one hour partitions. This could be good or bad depending on your needs. If you have a very high rate of events, grouping them all into the same one hour partition could create hot spots since all events will hash to the same node, so making events separate partitions would spread out the write load. If reading the events later as a one hour chunk is more important to you, then having them grouped into one partition will make reading them more efficient at the cost of more expensive writes due to the sorting.
So in general, if you keep your partitions to a reasonable size, the sorting overhead should not be too large since it is done in memory. If your partitions are so large that they are causing performance problems, decrease their size by adding another field to the partition key to break the partitions into smaller chunks to spread out the load on more nodes.
