Declare test dependency using Npm.depends - node.js

I would like to know how to declare a dependency on an Npm module in Meteor only in test.
While testing a package, I can easily declare a Npm dependency in package.js like this:
'sinon': '1.15.3'
But I am only using sinon in test, and I want to make it explicit.
I tried the following with no success.
Package.onTest(function(api) {
// # 1
// can't do this because it is not a meteor module
// # 2
// can't because I have other production Npm dependencies
// and Meteor only allows one `Npm.depends` call per `package.js`.
// Also, not sure if nesting Npm.depends() is allowed at all.
'sinon': '1.15.3'
Any suggestions?

The only way to do this is to wrap sinon into a package and api.use it. You can do the following:
$ meteor create --package sinon
Replace the contents of packages/sinon with the following:
summary: 'Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.'
Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.export('sinon', 'server');
sinon = this.sinon;
Download the latest version from here.
Finally in the package you are testing, you can add api.use('sinon'); in your Package.onTest.
As an alternative to making your own package, you can just use one of the community versions available here.


Mocha - Running test ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined

I am trying to run tests with async/await using mocha. The project architecture was setup before I started working on it and I have been trying to update it's node version to 8.9.4. The project is an isomorphic application and uses babel, gulp and webpack to run.
To run the tests we run a gulp task. There are two .bablerc files in the project. One in the root folder of the project and another in the test fodler.
Both have the same configuration:
"presets": [
["env", {"exclude": ["transform-regenerator"]}],
"plugins": [
When I run the app locally there is no error returned anymore. However when I run the tests with gulp test:api I constantly get the error: ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
This is my gulp file in the test folder:
var gulp = require('gulp')
var gutil = require('gulp-util')
var gulpLoadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')
var plugins = gulpLoadPlugins()
var babel = require('gulp-babel')
presets:["es2015", "react", "stage-1"]
// This is a cheap way of getting 'test:browser' to run fully before 'test:api' kicks in.
gulp.task('test', ['test:browser'], function(){
return gulp.start('test:api')
gulp.task('test:api', function () {
global.env = 'test'
gulp.src(['test/unit-tests/server/**/*.spec.js'], {read: false})
.pipe(plugins.mocha({reporter: 'spec'}))
.once('error', function (error) {
.once('end', function () {
gulp.task('default', ['test']);
Any help on why this is happening wouldd be much appreciated.
Node version 8 already has support for async/await so you do not need Babel to transform it; indeed, your root .babelrc includes this preset to exclude the regenerator that would transform async/await (and introduce a dependency on regeneratorRuntime):
["env", {"exclude": ["transform-regenerator"]}]
However, in your test file, the configuration does not specify this preset. Instead, it specifies the preset "es2015", which does include the unwanted transform-regenerator (as you can see at If you change this to match the presets in the root .babelrc, you'll get more consistent results.
Strangely i ran into this issue after i upgraded to Node v8.10.0 from v8.6.x . I had used babel-require like so in my test-setup.js
and the testing tools are Mocha,chai,enzyme + JSDOM . I was getting the same issue when i was making a async call to a API, also while using generator functions via sagas. Adding babel-polyfill seemed to have solved the issue.
i guess even babel docs themselves advocate using polyfill for generators and such
Polyfill not included
You must include a polyfill separately when using features that require it, like generators.
Ran into the same issue when running mocha tests from within Visual Studio Code.
The solution was to add the necessary babel plugins in the Visual Studio Code settings.json :
"mocha.requires": [
I've run into this error before myself when using async/await, mocha, nyc, and when attempting to run coverage. There's never an issue when leveraging mocha for running tests, just with mocha tests while leveraging nyc for running coverage.
11) Filesystem:removeDirectory
Should delete the directory "./tmp".:
ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
at Context.<anonymous> (build/tests/filesystem.js:153:67)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)
You can fix the issue a couple of different ways.
Method 1 - NPM's package.json:
"nyc": {
"require": [
It really depends which polyfill package you're using. It's recommended to use the scoped (#babel) variant: #babel/pollyfill. However, if you're using babel-polyfill then ensure that's what you reference.
Method 2 - Direct Import
your-test-file.js (es6/7):
import '#babel/polyfill';
your-test-file.js (CommonJS):
Don't assign it to a variable, just import or require the package. Again, using the package name for the variant you've sourced. It includes the polyfill and resolves the error.

mock module which does not exist?

When i run my mocha tests in my meteor app by:
node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register //..opts
i get a problem when my module under test wants to import:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
So i tried to mock it with mockery:
moduleUnderTest = '../moduleUnderTest';
meteorMock = {};
mockery.registerMock('Meteor', meteorMock);
Unfortunately the module cannot be found
Error: Cannot find module 'meteor/meteor'
So the mocking of Meteor cannot be done.
Is there a way how i can fake the location meteor/meteor?
(Alternate Solution: If i can get access to the Meteor Environment in my mocha test)
If you look at the documentation, you'll see that .registerAllowable takes a string, not a module. You also need to give the exact module name that you are mocking, and provide a fake module with the values you want.
var mockery = require("mockery");
// We want Meteor to have the value "foo". You probably want something
// different.
var meteorMock = { Meteor: "foo" };
// We mock 'meteor/meteor' because that's what's imported.
mockery.registerMock('meteor/meteor', meteorMock);
If you think about it, what you were doing cannot work. You were requiring the module before Mockery is configured for mocking 'Meteor', so Node loads your module, and then tries to load Meteor before the mock is available, and you get a failure.
Moreover, Meteor mocks modules so when you register a mock, you have to give a module name, not the name of a variable.

Build production on SystemJS with systemjs-builder

I have my project that use SystemJS (i use a template that comes on this way).
I need to build the final project to production env. I read that i can use systemjs-builder for this. I read the official page:
Sorry, i'm so new on Angular 2! I don't understand how to start.
For example, this part:
Basic Use
Ensure that the transpiler is installed separately (npm install babel-core here).
var path = require("path");
var Builder = require('systemjs-builder');
// optional constructor options
// sets the baseURL and loads the configuration file
var builder = new Builder('path/to/baseURL', 'path/to/system/config-file.js');
.bundle('local/module.js', 'outfile.js')
.then(function() {
console.log('Build complete');
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Build error');
What i should to do here? I must to install this package called babel? And after this? I need to create a file with that code? Where? what name must have this file? How i can execute?
Thanks for your help. Please, be patient with a new angular developer!

access all files in folder in nodejs

is library versioning is supported in nodeJS?
i have folder like package/version/1.0/
and files under this path
//access the folder package of version 1.1
var lib = require('require-all')(__dirname + '/package/version/1.0');
function sum()
{ a+b ;}
exports.sum = sum;
function sub()
{ a-b ;}
exports.sub = sub;
in script.js file, can require the package/version/1.1 folder. but how can i access the function sum() and sub() in my script file? and is library versioning supported in nodeJS? is the above code is a sort of library versioning ?
First of all, i haven't seen versions of libraries in one package, most common way is to release new versions of packages and upload them online, defining the required version in a package.json dependencies , npm will take care of download & install
If you want to deprecate a certain version of your library online there is npm deprecate which is the right command for that job.
When you create new npm package you can define a main script which will handle the loading of all files inside the package.
Usually its called index.js or main.js and it will be used when someone calls require('<library>');
So you can try the following to achieve the "versioning"
var fs=require('fs');
var path=require('path');
var _packageJSON=require(__dirname+'/package.json');
var defaultVersion=_packageJSON.version;
throw new Error('Unable to load version : '+whichVersion+' : ';
// require , 1.0/index.js
and any script that has that package as dependency it can load it by simply calling
require("<library name>")(<version>) ex.
under each version inside the package, you can have index.js which loads/exports variables and functions properly.
The final structure should look like
my npm package main module
index.js file
versions directory
1.0/index.js file
2.0/index.js file
Hope it helps.

'Cannot find module' error using karma-browserify on Windows

I'm attempting to set up unit testing on an Angular/Browserify project using Karma, Karma-Jasmine, and Karma-Browserify. I'm on a Windows machine, for reference. karma-cli is on my global npm path, and karma, karma-jasmine, karma-browserify, and browserify are all local npm installs, using -D.
I'm trying to pull in a single spec file, which looks like:
var PhoneListCtrl = require('../../../public/js/app/controllers/phone-list');
describe('PhoneListCtrl', function() {
var scope,
beforeEach(function() {
scope = {};
ctrl = new PhoneListCtrl(scope);
it('should create "phones" model with 3 phones', function() {
And I get the following error every time:
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'Cc/gGH'
I get this exact same error after cloning the following repos, installing karma and all plugins, and attempting to run their example test suites:
What on earth am I doing wrong? The test spec module is found correctly, and karma seems to be finding all necessary plugins/preprocessors, but it appears that karma-browserify is tripping on the require statement in a spec every time, for reasons I cannot fathom.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled karma and all related plugins numerous times now, to no avail.
I managed to find a solution. The issue was caused by karma-browserify's own module name hashing function, which is incompatible with newer versions of browserify. There's a fork that deals with it by using browserify's hashing function:
There's a pull request pending but in the meantime you can use the fork by placing
"karma-browserify": ""
in your package.json (dev)dependencies section.
