How to add multiple checkboxes and radiobuttons in document using docusign REST API - docusignapi

I am trying to send checkboxes and radio buttons in my pdf. when I select one checkbox all the checkboxes are getting checked. how can I add multiple checkboxes
I am using Anchor strings to place the checkbox tab . Also i want checkbox left to the string how can i set Xoffset and Yoffset.

In the <tabs> element, the <tabLabel> tag is used to group the elements together. If you need to have the checkboxes to react separately from one other, the value for the <tabLabel> element needs to be different between multiple checkbox tabs.
The soap API guide for DocuSign says:
Making custom tab’s TabLabel the same will cause the all like fields
to update when the user enters data. When using this option, the
TabLabel must not contain any spaces.


Displaying different values in same DocuSign tab

Is there any way to pre populate a locked text tab with different values for different recipients using docusign-api?
I passed the same tab with different values for different recipients but the values just overlap each other
You can use the document visibility feature for this.
That would require the document to be duplicated for each user and then the tabs for each document would be only visible for the user that can view that document.

DocuSign REST API with radio button group tabs

I am currently generating DocuSign envelopes using DocuSign REST API. I have included a lot of tags and everything seems to be working fine.
I have included radio button group tabs for the same document. For some reason, after I include certain number of radio button group tab, I am getting a strange error. So far, I have added close to 80 radio button groups. Each group have YES/NO - two or more radio buttons. I have setup the value, selected properties of the radio group/radio the same way as other radio button group tab.
Here are the error details:
A custom tab is not complete. A custom tab requires both a name and a tab label. Radio tabs may only have one radio selected in a group.
The properties of all the radio buttons/radio groups are setup the same way.
Please advise,
There is a provision for creating a custom tab. But in the case of a custom tab, both the attributes Name and TabLabel should be specified. If only one of the attribute is specified in the Tab element then an exception
is thrown.

How to pass radio button values and checkbox values through a URL using Powerforms?

I am having trouble pre filling information from a current application onto a PowerForm. I have managed to transfer almost all of the data from the application fields onto specified fields on the PowerForm template so the applicant can just add sensitive information and sign the form.
The issue is I need to pre fill text boxes with the values of check boxes and radio button from the online application.
I am aware you can do this through the URL, but i do not know the recipient's identity in advance. Does that matter?
Someone mentioned to do the following
but what do i set the value for the radio buttons and check boxes.
I do have custom tags on my template and I want the values from the check boxes and radio buttons to pre fill in those custom tags.
if this is confusing i do apologize but I can clarify some more if needed
You can pass parameters on the URL of a Powerform to update various fields in DocuSign.
The complete list of options for these is available here:
For your case, you need to update the value of a tag which is called EnvelopeField in the URL, so if you do this:
EnvelopeField_<EnvelopeFieldName>=<value> as part of the URL, where EnvelopeFieldName is the name of your specific checkbox, you should be able to do that (value will be true/false)

Can I pass a radio button value and checkbox values through a URL using Powerforms in Docusign?

Can I pass a radio button value and checkbox values through a URL using Powerforms in DocuSign?
These values would come directly from an application, and I wish to have them auto populate along with the other information from my website when the user clicks to sign I have everything transferring over except the radio buttons and checkbox values.
I have text fields opened where the value should be displayed, and I read you could have those values passed through the URL and shown in the custom fields...not sure how though.
I am also aware you can use the API, but you cannot combine API with the Powerform.
thanks in advance for the help
General documentation on populating fields through the PowerForm URL is available here:
Checkboxes can be preselected by setting their value to 'true'. For Radio buttons, it's GroupName=ValueName
so if I have a group of radio buttons labeled "Color" my URL might be 1_UserName=Example User&Signer

Rich pick list tab order

I am using rich:picklist. It has to two list boxes as it has and four buttons in between for moving one or all . I need to give tab order to this picklist together with buttons and boxes.
Can anyone help?
I think you can't beacause there isn't tab index on the component.
Looking on the generated html source, boxes are tables and buttons are div : hard to define a tab order without the generated ids on such components...
