Rich pick list tab order - jsf

I am using rich:picklist. It has to two list boxes as it has and four buttons in between for moving one or all . I need to give tab order to this picklist together with buttons and boxes.
Can anyone help?

I think you can't beacause there isn't tab index on the component.
Looking on the generated html source, boxes are tables and buttons are div : hard to define a tab order without the generated ids on such components...


Keyboard accessibility ( WCAG) in panels with list of elements that has assigned button role

Hi :) I would like to ask you about how to treat elements that compose a list, but whom have assiged a button role and are put in side panel ( so it is not a menu or dropdown). My main problem is how to decide is to where ARROWS should works and where TAB.
Moreover I have a differ types of list items that consist of:
checkbox/ radiobutton only
checkbox/ radiobutton with a link to another panel
two icons/ buttons that has defined an activities etc.
Please look at pictures and help me please :)
PINK - "arrows"
BLUE - "TAB"key
You should hardly decide which component will use TAB key or Arrow Keys. Keyboard accessibility for a large number of components is already defined in WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Adding a different behavior could create issues to both sighted, and non-sighted users because they'll already be knowing which key to use based on the component or they'll know intuitively because of standard roles or they'll know as they use keyboard more to browse.
Offer List
Listbox will work. Arrow Keys to navigate and Enter key to perform the action.
List of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
I would recommend to keep Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to their default keyboard behavior. Since your cases are more of a list, you can convert the list of checkboxes and radio buttons to Single Select and Multi Select Listboxes and use Checkbox and Radio Button as a font icon or graphic to show the selection, similar to how tick is shown in this Listbox example. When you convert to a Listbox, you'll meet the Arrow Keys requirement.
Selected Fruits List
There are some issues in the required keyboard behavior: How will user know if Arrow-Left or Arrow-Right need to be presed, think about non-sighted users.
Fruit Name and i icon button
In your need, you want both Fruit Name and i icon button to open a panel, suggest to NOT use Arrow-Right to i icon button and only use the Enter key to open the panel. May be you don't need i icon button at all.
Delete icon button
Suggest to use DEL key to delete the item
Remove i icon button. If you can't just keep it as graphic element without any events
Use Enter key to open the panel
Use DEL key to delete the item
I think the whole list will then become a listbox, navigable using Arrow Keys and Enter to invoke an operation
Vegetables List
Neither Accordion nor Nested List works here because you have two actions to do: Make a selection, and Expand and Collapse. I haven't tried TreeView but you can check.

How to add multiple checkboxes and radiobuttons in document using docusign REST API

I am trying to send checkboxes and radio buttons in my pdf. when I select one checkbox all the checkboxes are getting checked. how can I add multiple checkboxes
I am using Anchor strings to place the checkbox tab . Also i want checkbox left to the string how can i set Xoffset and Yoffset.
In the <tabs> element, the <tabLabel> tag is used to group the elements together. If you need to have the checkboxes to react separately from one other, the value for the <tabLabel> element needs to be different between multiple checkbox tabs.
The soap API guide for DocuSign says:
Making custom tab’s TabLabel the same will cause the all like fields
to update when the user enters data. When using this option, the
TabLabel must not contain any spaces.

Lotus xpages: xpage containing multiple views

I have a xpage which contains one big table with 1 row and 2 columns. I created this table to separate the xpage into 2 parts: the left one where I have some buttons and the right one where I want to display some views.
From the container controls I drag a View on the right column, but is there any chance to do this in such a way that 1st button clicked => 1st view is shown, 2nd button clicked => 2nd view is shown and so on.
Or every xpage should contain one view?
I raise this question considering the fact that in Lotus Notes if you had one frameset with 2 frames, you could easily create an outline in one frame, and some views that will be open by every outline entry in the 2nd frame. What I want to do is quite the same thing.
I appreciate your time. If you think this question isn't 'good' enough, I will just delete it. I'm new in XPages development.
Use simple table with one row and two columns. Place your buttons inside the left cell. Put the switch control (mentioned by Tim) to the right one.
More about the control in extlib demo DB... online demo here
Create separate custom control for each view and drag and drop "Include Page" from container control to the right column of your table and compute the page name instead of selecting an XPage. You can compute like this sessionScope.CCName + ".xsp". And onclick of the button set appropriate custom control(which contains the view) name as the value to the sessionScope variable and reload the page. This will do what you want. I hope this too helps.
You could do this on a single XPage using a xe:navigator control in the left column and an xe:dynamicViewPanel control in the right. These controls are available in the Extension Library if you are running 8.5.3 and natively available in release 9.
The Dynamic View Panel control is the dynamic content control for displaying one of several Domino views. Only the component for the displayed view is loaded in the component tree so it is highly efficient compared to alternative designs (like an xp:viewPanel control in each facet of an xe:switchFacet control as each viewPanel is loaded in the component tree on the server, not just the one that is rendered).
See this online demo
put each content on a seperate panel in a custom control.
Have those custom controls in seperate divs and show/hide divs based on button click.
If you are using different xpages, you can use IncludePage(from container controls), which will act like a computed subform.

Sharepoint Custom List Preview Pane not displaying information past Title and Date

My preview pane has all the items down the left side as it should, and it has all of my column selections as rows down the right side.
However, when hovering over the titles, only Date and Title are being filled out on the right side.
If I change the view style to boxed or anything then it displays all the information.
It just appears that preview pane is having some weird difficulty correlating the hovered over item to the information on the right, Any suggestions?
Using Sharepoint 2013. I don't have Sharepoint Designer though. There's roughly 15 columns of information that needs to be displayed in rows because there's not enough room along the columns bar otherwise. Boxed style worked for a moment but then I realized there was no way to make it 1 box wide instead of default 2 boxes wide.
EDIT: I created a calendar view to add onto my page and chose to display Title. This might be where the problem is coming from. It says the title of all of my items are (no title).
I figured out that in InfoPath in the Fields pane on the right, you have to go to 'Show Advanced View'. Then there is a group called queryFields. The title inside queryFields was never being injected with same information as dataField. I saw later in the view option that my sort by setting was [Title]. I don't know if it's relevant, but putting it out there for future readers.
Solution: If you have an email user/group field that is not completed, it will not display any details beyond that field for each record. Either remove that email column, or ensure they are filled out.

How to add Listpicker to textbox in LiveCode

I want to add a list picker in Live code.When a user click on the Textbox the list picker should open with list of items.How can do that?
Be aware that your text field must be locked in order to send a "mouseUp" message, if that is how you want to show the combo box that Monte suggested. There are other ways around this, if you still want to be able to type into that field. Write back with your exact needs.
The combo box is useful because you can type right into it. If you only want options that will load data into an existing field, a popup or pulldown might be something to look into.
On the left side of the tool palette about the middle is a style of button called a combo box. I think that's what you want.
