Access denied Running a ASP.Net site from VS2013 on local IIS - iis

Access to the path 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\xxx\xxx\Areas\HostSettings\Views\Home\Index.cshtml' is denied.
I get the following error when I run a my ASP.NET MVC site on local IIS I am not sure why? I am the admin on the machine and am running VS as an administrator

If it is not IIS Express which is launched with Visual Studio Debugger, then it does not matter whether you are running VS as administrator or not. Because IIS does not run in current user context. IIS has its own user -
You should give access to that user (IIS_IUSRS/IUSR/IUSR_MachineName depending on your IIS version) to that path.


IIS 401.1 error

We have a .net web application running on iis 8 using windows authentication.
Everything was working fine until we installed a new version of our application without any changes to the iis settings or in the apps web.config file.
The problem is that ever since when we try to open up the app in a browser and fill out the windows authentication popup with valid user user information, it just wont authenticate and after the third try we get a 401.1 error message. This happens when we try to access the website from any pc even the pc that hosts iis and even when we try to launch the site through iis.
Any ideas on what could cause such a thing?

ASP.NET MVC 5 hosted on windows 7 local iis listing directory but not diplaying application

I have an MVC5 application deployed to my windows 7 local IIS. I have enabled directory browsing and also created an AppPool for the application. I have linked the application to it's AppPool and also tweaked the advanced settings to reflect localService.
When I visit the application, it only displays the directory listing without showing the application.
Would be waiting to read from you.
Re-installing the iis via the command prompt:
Lunch the command prompt on windows
Navigate to where you have the .net framework v4.0
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe /I
Verify the appPool pipeline mode is set to integrated
Check your application, you should be fine.

Unable to access the IIS in VS 2013?

I'm getting the below error message when trying to load a website in VS 2013.
Unable to access the IIS metabase.You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS websites on your machine.
I have Admin rights for my machine. I tried running VS 2013 as administrator and also tried changing the IIS configuration in the control panel and restarting the machine.
However, I am still getting same error message. What can I do to fix the above error?

IIS7.5 / Win7 64-bit DefaultAppPool has insufficient security rights 503 Error

I have a simple web page I'm trying to publish with IIS 7.5 using the DefaultAppPool. I add the site using the IIS Services Manager and select the DefaultAppPool. When I access the page using "Browse Web site" I get a 503 Error "Service Unavailable". Re-visiting the application Pools I see that the DefaultAppPool has stopped. Looking at the Windows Event log I see the warning:
Windows cannot copy file \?\C:\Users\Default\ to location
\?\C:\Users\TEMP. This error may be caused by network problems or
insufficient security rights.
Troubleshooting this issue I discovered that if I change from ApplicationPoolIdentity to LocalSystem the page then displays correctly. I'd prefer to use the applicationPoolIdentity if possible.
Searching the internet hasn't yielded any definite answers but there was an interesting comment asking if Win7 64-bit was used. I set up a Win7 32-bit VM with IIS configured the same way as on my Win7 64-bit machine and the web site worked with ApplicationPoolIdentity. I'd prefer to deploy my app on 64-bit if possible.
So the question finally is: How do I get my IIS 7.5 web site to work with ApplicationPoolIdentity while using Win7 64-bit?

IIS deployemet on WIndows7

While trying to deploy an ASP.NET MVC3 locally on my IIS7 , I'm facing this exception :
The login failed.
Login failed for user 'AUTORITE NT\IUSR'.
I'm using anonymous authentication for this site since I couldn't find windows integrated authentication on the IIS installed on my PC.
Any Ideas...:)
Change the identity under which the application pool of your site is running to an user of Administrators group.
