IIS deployemet on WIndows7 - iis

While trying to deploy an ASP.NET MVC3 locally on my IIS7 , I'm facing this exception :
The login failed.
Login failed for user 'AUTORITE NT\IUSR'.
I'm using anonymous authentication for this site since I couldn't find windows integrated authentication on the IIS installed on my PC.
Any Ideas...:)

Change the identity under which the application pool of your site is running to an user of Administrators group.


IIS WIndows authentication not working for other users in the same domainRSS

I have published a website which uses Windows authentication and it is working for the machine on which the site is deployed. When any other users in the same network try to access the website, it will prompt for credentials again and again and not allowing the user to access the site.
In IIS NTLM is used as the provider for Windows authentication.
What is the root cause behind this issue?

Windows Authentication in IIS using Kestrel

My web application needs windows authentication (Kerberos or NTLM) to manage authorization by Active Directory memberships.
I've configured my IIS web site with windows authentication only.
My web.config is configured with forwardWindowsAuthToken="true"
But how can I use my windows account in my C# MVC controllers?

Access denied Running a ASP.Net site from VS2013 on local IIS

Access to the path 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\xxx\xxx\Areas\HostSettings\Views\Home\Index.cshtml' is denied.
I get the following error when I run a my ASP.NET MVC site on local IIS I am not sure why? I am the admin on the machine and am running VS as an administrator
If it is not IIS Express which is launched with Visual Studio Debugger, then it does not matter whether you are running VS as administrator or not. Because IIS does not run in current user context. IIS has its own user -
You should give access to that user (IIS_IUSRS/IUSR/IUSR_MachineName depending on your IIS version) to that path.

Enable IIS to use remote active directory for windows authentication

I have developed a web application in .Net 4 with Windows authentication enabled. I would like to deploy it in a windows server 2008 R2. And I have my Active Directory in another server. How can I authenticate users against the remote Active directory from my application server?
And I need to maintain the authentication mode as Windows authentication
Thanks to all
If the authenticating user already have permission to access the AD, you can simply impersonate as authenticating user:

IIS site not using identity specified in app pool IIS 7 +

I have a web app from visual studio that is using local IIS server to run. It is an MVC 3 application. I setup the application pool in my IIS (win 7 pro) to use a service account for the application identity. When I browse the site I am getting permission errors for a function on the site which I would not get if it was using the service account. This has been tested by using same service account on a development server as the application pool identity. Application executes with no errors. Could there be something in my local security policy preventing the service account from being used?
Service account is also a member of IIS_IUSRS group.
This is a network service.
