E-shop creation from scratch - web

I want to get familiar with web development, so I decided to create an e-shop website, just for practice. Are there any guidelines on how to get started?

Oh there's a log way to go.
First you'll need to learn some html and css. In my opinion http://www.w3schools.com/ it's a good site to get started but there are many other good tutorials out there.
Then javascript it would be the next step, trying to set some events etc. You can find some help at w3schools or here www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/
Then you surely need to learn php, manage a database and so on. You can also learn that in the sites I already put the link to.
Good luck and have fun.


stripe-react-checkout custom form

I've been working on a charity website with React.js and Node.js in which I've used the React-Stripe-Checkout repository to have simple functionality at the very least.
I am now trying to figure out how to customize the form that appears with , or create my own.
Since I've been using this project as a way to really learn how to use React(only did an online bootcamp so far), there's a lot of functionalities and features that I don't yet understand.
I've searched many times online for a way to create a custom integration of Checkout with React but haven't been able to find anything concrete, and I'm not well-versed enough in React to convert the form from another language or framework.
Essentially asking for a tutorial, I would really like to learn how to do this, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Is is possible to develop website like delivery.com with wordpress?

Hi I am running a delivery shop and using delivery.com for my shop.
I also want to have my own website which user can order service or choose delivery time on the website like delivery.com does.
I wonder if is it better to develop from scratch or can I use wordpress and customize it? or are there plugins or widgets I can use for my website?
Please give me some advice what will be the best way to build my website.
Thank you.
Well technically anything is pretty much possible in Wordpress but it won't happen out of the box, unless you already have a theme in mind which serves this purpose. I won't be surprised if there is a theme out there which you can use to do this.
Personally I would build this from scratch as you would be able to build exactly what you want and you can build it with scalability in mind as well.
Wordpress tends to fall off when the site starts getting A LOT of traffic.
Check out Ruby on Rails, you would be surprised how at how simple it can be to build something like this.
The server will go down (if) when your site will visit 1000+ persons, because one of the problem of universal script that can be used (in opinion of creators) every where is that it make 100 sql queryes to display one simple page.

2 people working on 1 HTML file simultaneously

My freind and I want to setup a collaborative project where we both work on a HTML file (and do PHP) at the same time (bit like Google Docs share feature). I want to be able to work with him to teach him certain things in PHP and HTML while I also code at the same time. Any suggestions? I have a VPS I thought we could use for it so nothings really going to get in our way. Maybe something like GIT or something?
Sounds like what you need is a real-time collaborative text editor. Here's an extensive list from wikipedia.
I use Google Docs personally but Microsoft has added this type of functionality into Office and there are a slew of desktop and online tools on that link. I had looked into Etherpad before but i don't remember enough to suggest one or the other. All of the links are on the wikipedia article so I won't repeat here.

Is there existing functionality in Alfresco Web Quick Start for an advanced search?

I need to create advanced search functionality for my Alfresco website to search by custom metadata.
Does Alfresco provide existing functionality for an advanced search or will I have to code this using a new WQS page with a search form and webscripts?
If anyone knows this it would be a great help, don't want to reinvent the wheel and all that :) Thanks.
Given this information it is hard to tell how much effort it is to implement, but it sounds this could be done in a few hours - assuming you have a skilled developer.
Anyways, I would definitely not recommend to build a website based on quickstart unless you really feel comfortable coding "the Alfresco way" - that is Spring Surf and Alfresco Share. Of course you'll need some knowledge about how to code for the Repo as well. Keep in mind that quickstart as a best practice example is meant for educational purposes. Building on top of it most likely involves forking and starting your customization from there on. Before you decide to go this route, make sure a decent amount of your requirements are covered by quickstart.
I am now developing a workflow search in alfresco. For me, I have to create a new page like alfresco advanced search. Here is Share Advanced Search http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Share_Advanced_Search customizing sample.
Here is explanation about alfresco search. http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Search
I hope this may help you.

JavaScriptMVC (JMVC) Tutorials

I'm interested in learning JavaScriptMVC. I've gone through Getting Started and a bunch of the official docs, but I learn best by looking at other people's code. I'm not finding much else in the way of tutorials or sample/open source apps using it.
Anyone know of good tutorials or open source apps I can look at to see how it's used in a more complex app?
PS: I'm aware of the Srchr tutorial, but the proxy at work is blocking me from getting the code with getjs. Is there someplace to download it from the web? If not, I'll grab it at home this weekend.
There are some small examples in the end of each article in JMVC documentation (read core - Model, Controller, View). Also read this https://gist.github.com/989117
Ask on JMVC forum. My advice - start building your own app - it will the best tutorial.
Good luck.
